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PlayStation 4 hits 20.2 million units sold worldwide (high sodium content warning)


Junior Member
The wonderful salt and drive by trolling in this thread is amazing!



I don't think it's necessarily a purely economic decision over whether to pitch PCs over consoles. PC people need to remember some things before wondering why so many people still buy consoles. Namely:

"Will putting together a PC be easier than going to a store and buying a console?"

"Will my PC be able to plug into a TV easier than a console will, so I can play it on my big TV while lying on my couch?"

"Will I be able to easily get a controller working on said PC, as opposed to having one work at literally at a press of a button for my console?"

"Will buying, patching and installing games for my PC be easier than on consoles?"

"Will my PC setup guarantee that any game I buy will run well with little to no effort once installed?"

I imagine that some informed gamers (including me) are aware that PCs can be powerful machines, but don't necessarily want the hassle to deal with it, even if it's gotten tons easier over the years and could result in higher framerates/resolution etc, it's still not as easy as consoles.

Or, as Kagari expertly put it~

It's called convenience. Same reason why people are buying tablets instead of laptops or new desktops.

I am a little salty... I'll admit it. I bought PS4 and got dealt bullshit like Watchdogs and Unity lol. I've still had a lot of fun with it and I've already clocked up 20 hours on DBZ Xenoverse, but that said I was hoping for a little more, I reckon it'll come good this year though... Fingers crossed
I imagine that some informed gamers (including me) are aware that PCs can be powerful machines, but don't necessarily want the hassle to deal with it, even if it's gotten tons easier over the years and could result in higher framerates/resolution etc, it's still not as easy as consoles.

This is kind of it for me. My laptop is perfectly capable of playing a lot of games but I never feel like it's worth the effort. I play 2D games on it a lot, I have Steam and Origin, but it's not my primary game system. It has very specfic uses, mostly anything like RTS or Rollercoaster Tycoon and the like. I literally cannot use a keyboard and mouse for FPS, it just feels weird but not all games support controllers.

PC gaming isn't for me and the same would be true of a lot of people.

The enthusiast market will always talk of 4k at 120fps or whatever, but that's not the entire PC market, the larger market playing games on PC are probably running at sub-console resolutions and framerates or playing the "casual" games. PC is a wide term and not everyone buys into the enthusiast rhetoric.
Yikes. Why so angry? I didnt try to offend anyone. No need to be defensive or seeing agendas or illuminati around every corner. Yikes.

I know you're not trying to offend anyone. But you're still being pretty ridiculous and I just find it pretty fascinating at how bitter you sound over the success of this system, which is a good thing for the industry. Xbox One is doing okay, Wii U has cratered, and handhelds are on their way out. PS4 doing well is a good thing, regardless of whether or not you like Drive Club and The Order lol It means there's still hope in this industry.


It makes me kinda sad you actually believe in this.

Phenom X4 965 BE
Radeon R9 270x
8 GB Ram

Cheap, mediocre stuff.
Still runs circles around a PS4.

Have fun playing Bloodborne at 0fps.

I don't care how cheap you built your PC, Bloodborne & UC4 can only be played on PS4, your point is moot to me & millions of others.
I am a little salty... I'll admit it. I bought PS4 and got dealt bullshit like Watchdogs and Unity lol. I've still had a lot of fun with it and I've already clocked up 20 hours on DBZ Xenoverse, but that said I was hoping for a little more, I reckon it'll come good this year though... Fingers crossed
The lesson here is don't buy AAA Ubisoft games. Or at least until they're like below 20 bucks.
In the case that I quoted, yah I'm pretty sure it is there. I don't get why every console sales thread has to turn into PC gamers showing up and saying: I don't get why people buy these consoles, why are they so popular, who's buying this stuff, don't they know they can get a PC, lul peasant.

I don't think anyone was implying peasantry, and I think this is the wrong thread to advertise PC gaming, but I do think that the mass market carries many misconceptions about PC gaming which drive them towards consoles. My GF was legit surprised when I told her you could play PC games on the TV, with a controller. Even the Resident Evil: Revelations "co-op gate" thread here on GAF evoked similar responses.

I suppose a lot of PC gamers, myself included, are bitter about the PC platform being treated as the red-headed stepchild, despite its user base eclipsing the current gen consoles - and rightfully so. I mean, we still haven't gotten GTA V, for instance. PS4/XBO weren't even on the market when the game originally released, yet GTA V launched on those systems within a year. Very few publishers put sufficient amount of care into the products they do launch on PC, often leaving it to the community to bring their games up to par. It's not a reasonable situation.


It doesn't represent all PC gamers no, but there is a very vocal section of the PC gaming community that acts like this every time console gaming is brought up. It was played out last generation, now it is just childish and toxic behavior from a community that should be more inclusive. Why do they care? Shouldn't you just be happy that someone got into gaming and is having a good time, it doesn't matter if they bought into your preferred platform.
Well said. Its so easy to avoid a platform if someone doesnt have much interest in it. Would be so much better for the gaming community in general if people were happy with more choices rather than being angry with it, in my opinion.

EDIT: I think it can be fine to make a joke about a system now and then if its just lighthearted humor though =)

why is this making people so mad?
I think its somehow a common feeling. Something that someone likes ends up not selling well, and then something that they dont like end up selling better. Then they can end up getting angry at that. It depends on what one get angry at though. I can think its pity if a game that i like doesnt sell well, and maybe even feel that it can be a bit unfair (simply from my perspective), but i dont think that i ever been mad because a game sells well. I dont see any reason to get angry because its simply a matter of taste, and everyone doesnt enjoy the same games that i do.

It's the same for Sony, Xbox and Nintendo fanboys.

It's nothing new. PC gamers get attacked by console gamers constantly to.
It definitelly applies to everyone, indeed.
I suppose a lot of PC gamers, myself included, are bitter about the PC platform being treated as the red-headed stepchild, despite its user base eclipsing the current gen consoles - and rightfully so. I mean, we still haven't gotten GTA V, for instance. PS4/XBO weren't even on the market when the game originally released, yet GTA V launched on those systems within a year. Very few publishers put sufficient amount of care into the products they do launch on PC, often leaving it to the community to bring their games up to par. It's not a reasonable situation.

Well, you got resolution and fps going for you, which is nice.


Its not hilarious. It was laziness. Yes. I bought those too. Yes, i reused the OS and the keyboard. That's how this stuff works.

No, it's hilarious. You say you built a computer for under a certain amount and then only list three components. Surely you spend something for those other parts.

I think what you meant to say was that for nearly the cost of a PS4, you bought three things and combined them with ~$250 worth of other items.

I'm still waiting for the day that someone says they spent the same price on a PC as a PS4 costs, with similar performance, and actually list everything it takes to build a computer (case, power supply, processor, graphics card, storage, memory, operating system and keyboard/mouse... I won't even bother with making them include a BD drive or WiFi, and in the case of most AMD CPU's, an aftermarket cooler for all that heat they create).

It would make for a fantastic challenge. You go to his house, take out all the parts he didn't list and see who can play the best version of a multiplatformgame. The hacked up PC or the PS4.

The idea of someone sitting at a desk with three items just sitting around, not plugged into anything, is pretty funny. And true story, even if he was spotted the $250 to barely finish the build, the outcome would be the same if they tried playing a number of games (Bloodborne, The Order, Last of Us, Uncharted 4 and until one day in the distant future, GTA:V).
I know you're not trying to offend anyone. But you're still being pretty ridiculous and I just find it pretty fascinating at how bitter you sound over the success of this system, which is a good thing for the industry. Xbox One is doing okay, Wii U has cratered, and handhelds are on their way out. PS4 doing well is a good thing, regardless of whether or not you like Drive Club and The Order lol It means there's still hope in this industry.

Its all in your head. ^^
If you feel better to think everyone who has a hard time trying to understand this phenomenon is "bitter" or "elitist" because he prefers his games cheap his online free.. that's fine.
Whatever makes you happy.

Funny how i get called out on pc specs i didnt even want to post in the first place but no one counts a more or less mandatory 5+ years of PSPlus into their pricetag for a playstation. ^^


Phone reception is more important to me than human rights
I don't think it's necessarily a purely economic decision over whether to pitch PCs over consoles. PC people need to remember some things before wondering why so many people still buy consoles. Namely:

"Will putting together a PC be easier than going to a store and buying a console?"

"Will my PC be able to plug into a TV easier than a console will, so I can play it on my big TV while lying on my couch?"

"Will I be able to easily get a controller working on said PC, as opposed to having one work at literally at a press of a button for my console?"

"Will buying, patching and installing games for my PC be easier than on consoles?"

"Will my PC setup guarantee that any game I buy will run well with little to no effort once installed?"

I imagine that some informed gamers (including me) are aware that PCs can be powerful machines, but don't necessarily want the hassle to deal with it, even if it's gotten tons easier over the years and could result in higher framerates/resolution etc, it's still not as easy as consoles.

I actually went thru a very similar check list when seeing the GTA 5 PC shots. That would be the first game that make me seriously consider PC gaming. I did hook up my current PC, old as dirt by todays standards, to my TV just fine. So thats not a problem. With current mobo's having HDMI, current video cards having HDMI, some TV's having VGA ports....the tv connection part isnt as bad as it used to be.

My only hurdle would be wireless keyboard and mouse use and how do I use said PC for non gaming stuff comfortably. Maybe it would just be a gaming PC (with a controller) and have another for just PC stuff.

At this rate the PS4 might hit PS3, 360 sale levels easily.


And PS4 still has no games.

More seriously, that's an impressive number to reach before games like Gran Tourismo, Final Fantasy, Metal gear Solid, Uncharted or God of War are released.

2015 should be a stellar year for PS4, with all the games coming on the platform. Starting with Bloodborne, which should move some consoles if it is half as good as I expect it to be.
Its all in your head. ^^
If you feel better to think everyone who has a hard time trying to understand this phenomenon is "bitter" or "elitist" because he prefers his games cheap his online free.. that's fine.
Whatever makes you happy.

Funny how i get called out on pc specs i didnt even want to post in the first place but no one counts a more or less mandatory 5+ years of PSPlus into their pricetag for a playstation. ^^

It isn't all in anyone's head, you rolled in here with a passive-aggressive attitude about console sales. Why?

More or less mandatory, which is it? Newsflash, not everyone plays multiplayer (shocker!). The three most recent games that I bought were GTAV, Last of Us, DA 3. Haven't played MP on any of them, hell I really don't do much MP gaming anymore other than WoW/D3 on PC.

Furthermore, that PSPlus price does net you games every month on all three of the Sony platforms.


Phone reception is more important to me than human rights
It isn't all in anyone's head, you rolled in here with a passive-aggressive attitude about console sales. Why?

More or less mandatory, which is it? Newsflash, not everyone plays multiplayer (shocker!). The three most recent games that I bought were GTAV, Last of Us, DA 3. Haven't played MP on any of them, hell I really don't do much MP gaming anymore other than WoW/D3 on PC.

Furthermore, that PSPlus price does net you games every month on all three of my Sony platforms.

But hey, lets not factor that lil tidbit of info in either....Or that you get discounts on some games.


I don't think anyone was implying peasantry, and I think this is the wrong thread to advertise PC gaming, but I do think that the mass market carries many misconceptions about PC gaming which drive them towards consoles. My GF was legit surprised when I told her you could play PC games on the TV, with a controller. Even the Resident Evil: Revelations "co-op gate" thread here on GAF evoked similar responses.

I suppose a lot of PC gamers, myself included, are bitter about the PC platform being treated as the red-headed stepchild, despite its user base eclipsing the current gen consoles - and rightfully so. I mean, we still haven't gotten GTA V, for instance. PS4/XBO weren't even on the market when the game originally released, yet GTA V launched on those systems within a year. Very few publishers put sufficient amount of care into the products they do launch on PC, often leaving it to the community to bring their games up to par. It's not a reasonable situation.

Publishers aren't doing it out of spite, they do it because most of their sales come on consoles, the PC market is vastly bigger right now than it was a decade ago, but its still a very "hardcore" platform, the mainstream market wants ease of use: insert the disc & play your games, that's why mainstream games sell better on consoles, while more core games perform very well on PC.

Even a study a few months ago showed that the platform & NOT the games OR specs affect a platform's demographics, 50% of mobile gamers are women, 40% on console, & 30% on PC, ease of use is very important to the mainstream market, the same can be said about "dudebro gamers", dudebro games like CoD will always sell better on consoles, VASTLY better.

Big publishers want the mainstream market, it's more important for the big budget games than the "core" market. A game like Grand Theft Auto will never even come close to selling 45 million copies on PC.
So when do you guys think a price-drop is happening?

Everyone assumes $50 announcement at E3, dropping the price to $349. But I think Sony is going to ride the $399 train all the way until holiday season, then cut $100 off to $299, to absolutely mercy kill the competition off.
People overestimate how important exclusives are when choosing a gaming console.

- MS reveal focused on Kinect, TV features, "power of cloud", DRM, etc. Games were a secondary feature of this "entertainment center" as MS called it. XBox One is not a gaming console, it's a TV box with gaming features. Or, that's the reputation Xbox One has.
- Xbox One mandatory kinect came around at the NSA reveals, very bad for Xbox image outside US.
- Then there was the DRM issues, "check in once a day"
- A ton of Xbox One content is US exclusive (TV features), thus it seems like MS doesn't care about rest of the world. I'm from EU, so..yeah.
- And finally, XBox One games seem to be so-called "dudebro games". Flashy shooters, sports, etc. The whole console screams "dudebro gamer". This is unappealing for anyone who isn't a dudebro gamer.

It doesn't matter that MS backedpedalled on most of these controversial features. MS wanted to include these features, but only caved in on public pressure. It shows the attitude MS has towards gamers, because mandatory kinect, once-in-a-day-online-checkin etc. provide ZERO VALUE to gamers. They are attempts at implementing tighter control.

Microsoft talks to shareholders, analysts and press. Sony talks to gamers. Xbox One feels like a console for US gamers, designed to make profit for Microsoft. PS4 feels like a console for gamers, designed so that you can play games on it.

In face of all this, it matters very little what exclusives what console has. Most games are multiplatform anyway.


Idk if PC parts are cheaper in NA, but what i know for sure is that they were more expensive compared to the console price.
You could get more pc stuff for 400€ in 2013 that you could get for $400, cause of the strong €.
PC prices in europe actually rised in the last few months by ~10% cause of the euro falling.
So yes you could build a pc (wo a Blu-Ray-drive) that beat the consoles in power in dec. 2013 for ~400€.

Just looking at the prices, that people in NA have paid for a larger HDD for their PS4 makes me envious. I can't get the same as cheap here in Europe. Hell, 2TB laptop HDDs seem like a rarity over here.

If his build, well the three parts listed, are from 13 months ago, they've been bought in January/February 2014. Whereas Gamespot's 494-508€ builds, both of which had less RAM, were from April 2014. That's not a huge difference.


Gold Member
It isn't all in anyone's head, you rolled in here with a passive-aggressive attitude about console sales. Why?

More or less mandatory, which is it? Newsflash, not everyone plays multiplayer (shocker!). The three most recent games that I bought were GTAV, Last of Us, DA 3. Haven't played MP on any of them, hell I really don't do much MP gaming anymore other than WoW/D3 on PC.

Furthermore, that PSPlus price does net you games every month on all three of the Sony platforms.

I would save your energy, best is to just report Interceptor to mods as it's obvious that he added nothing worthwhile in this thread. Some gaffer just want to watch the world burn.
Demon's Souls wasn't on PC so you must have miscounted.

You live in a black&white country where there is only pc or console. Sad place. But i guess everyone who doesn't own a ps4 with years of ps+ must be a narcissistic pc gamer who hates consoles.. right?

The world is so easy.
I don't think anyone was implying peasantry, and I think this is the wrong thread to advertise PC gaming, but I do think that the mass market carries many misconceptions about PC gaming which drive them towards consoles. My GF was legit surprised when I told her you could play PC games on the TV, with a controller. Even the Resident Evil: Revelations "co-op gate" thread here on GAF evoked similar responses.

I suppose a lot of PC gamers, myself included, are bitter about the PC platform being treated as the red-headed stepchild, despite its user base eclipsing the current gen consoles - and rightfully so. I mean, we still haven't gotten GTA V, for instance. PS4/XBO weren't even on the market when the game originally released, yet GTA V launched on those systems within a year. Very few publishers put sufficient amount of care into the products they do launch on PC, often leaving it to the community to bring their games up to par. It's not a reasonable situation.

The answer to this: Piracy and steep discounts.

Even if everyone is buying, do I want to sell to 10 million people at $49.99,$39.99,

Or do I want to reach 3 million people at $59.99?

(totally ficticious numbers, of course, but it's to demonstrate the steep divide of software's value between platforms)

Like any business, the effort they put in comes down to their return on investment, and they simply see greater software profits (generally) on console platforms, rather than pc.
So when do you guys think a price-drop is happening?

Everyone assumes $50 announcement at E3, dropping the price to $349. But I think Sony is going to ride the $399 train all the way until holiday season, then cut $100 off to $299, to absolutely mercy kill the competition off.
When did they launch the PS3 Slim With the price drop? Right before Uncharted 2? I can see them doing something similar except for Uncharted 4 and the model staying the same.


Funny how i get called out on pc specs i didnt even want to post in the first place but no one counts a more or less mandatory 5+ years of PSPlus into their pricetag for a playstation. ^^

Mandatory would mean you can't play anything without a Plus membership, which obviously is false.

The thing is, many people don't mind the $50 a year fee (cheaper if you shop around or purchase during a sale), because you're getting A LOT of games in return. That's never brought up though.


I still laugh at the notion "consoles are dead" means they are dropping from 260 million to 10 million units just like that. Let's wait & see for the long game. With the last gen going for so long, the first year, presumably consisted of many frontload-purchases. This is obviously just a theory, but discussions about "XY being dead" (Although this is a hyperbole statement on its own and should be more specified aka. "Console audience is shrinking rapidly or some such) shouldn't be discouraged just yet.

Great numbers though.


It isn't all in anyone's head, you rolled in here with a passive-aggressive attitude about console sales. Why?

More or less mandatory, which is it? Newsflash, not everyone plays multiplayer (shocker!). The three most recent games that I bought were GTAV, Last of Us, DA 3. Haven't played MP on any of them, hell I really don't do much MP gaming anymore other than WoW/D3 on PC.

Furthermore, that PSPlus price does net you games every month on all three of the Sony platforms.

Correct. My PS+ subscription is going to run out at the end of the month and I don't intend to buy back in. I just don't play games online and since I've gotten a PS4 in recent months, I no longer care about the access to old PS3 PS+ games.

And I'm fairly certain that it's not mandatory and come April, I'll be able to boot up the system and play any of the games I own without having to subscribe to the service. But who knows, maybe I'm just completely clueless about how PS+ works.
I would save your energy, best is to just report Interceptor to mods as it's obvious that he added nothing worthwhile in this thread. Some gaffer just want to watch the world burn.

:D Begging for bans now? Glorious. He doesn't own a ps4 and refuses to see the value?
Ban him!



Its all in your head. ^^
If you feel better to think everyone who has a hard time trying to understand this phenomenon is "bitter" or "elitist" because he prefers his games cheap his online free.. that's fine.
Whatever makes you happy.
To be fair, he didnt say that you were bitter, only that you sounded bitter. It might sound like the same thing, but i think there is a different, in my opinion.

Funny how i get called out on pc specs i didnt even want to post in the first place but no one counts a more or less mandatory 5+ years of PSPlus into their pricetag for a playstation. ^^
To be fair again, you made the claim about €400 PC, while no one denied (at least from what i've read) that PS+ can add to the total cost of the PS4. You also get games with a PS+ subscription, but how much people will value these things is of course a subjective thing. If someone only wants to play online and dont care about the games at all, its a worse value. But for those who care about the games that are being offered, it could be seen as a good or great value. For people who dont care about either online play or getting the games, they dont need to subscribe to PS+. It is something that will variate from person to person.

PC has a lot of great things going for it. Price is fair/good, you can customize it a lot, you can run basically every program that you want on it, a lot more powerful hardware is available, it has a lot of exclusive games etc.. Many people will still see a console as a great piece of gaming equipment and find much value in it =)


That's a lot of PS4s! I really wish all the console makers could sell this many consoles too though. More games for more people!
Its all in your head. ^^
If you feel better to think everyone who has a hard time trying to understand this phenomenon is "bitter" or "elitist" because he prefers his games cheap his online free.. that's fine.
Whatever makes you happy.

Funny how i get called out on pc specs i didnt even want to post in the first place but no one counts a more or less mandatory 5+ years of PSPlus into their pricetag for a playstation. ^^

I don't think you're being elitist. In fact I haven't seen a single thing from your posts in this thread that suggest you are being elitist. However, you're sound quite bitter from your posts, no matter how much you try to hide behind snarky comments like the one I'm replying to now.
So when do you guys think a price-drop is happening?

Everyone assumes $50 announcement at E3, dropping the price to $349. But I think Sony is going to ride the $399 train all the way until holiday season, then cut $100 off to $299, to absolutely mercy kill the competition off.

who is everyone? i see no reason for a price drop.
It's crazy when you think that in a month or two the PS4 will outsell the lifetime units of the Gamecube and OG Xbox. In 18 months the PS4 will probably sell more than what two consoles did in 5 years!
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