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Metal Gear Solid V Spoiler Free Impressions Thread

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It's not that the tapes are required to understand the story more so connecting past characters / game plots to where they stand now in mgsv. I'm about 15 hours in and story is perfectly clear even without ever listening to a tape.
played for about 4 hours
- prologue was very good, great atmosphere, raises a lot of questions, makes me 10 times more mad that pt ain't happening
- Graphically a lot better than GZ, performance is rock solid, LOD pop in is improved from GZ but there is still large land draw distance pop ins
-Side ops feel very important to mother base progression
- Level design of bases is really varied and creates different situations to deal with,even how you approach missions makes a big difference
- Game feels fluid and dynamic, things going wrong for you can often create an advantage ( such as dodging an missile and said missile blowing up a device you need to destroy)
- Tape dialogue is excellent, but listening during gameplay is frustrating, due to constant overlay from Miller etc
- Game is overwhelming in terms of what you can do from the get go
- Most importantly this game is a joy to play
Too overwhelmed playing Witcher to read up on MGS's story to properly enjoy MGSV

However, I am curious about the exploration. I am really hoping there are places to explore that are just there for the sake of exploration and immersion

Are all the landmarks just areas with bad guys patrolling?

Can I walk into a forest and find a cave? Or find some abandoned ..place? I'm not asking for Fallout levels of landmarks, but is the exploration solely to benefit motherbase, or are there easter eggs and items to collect just for fun?


This may be a dumb question but do you know how to access pause menu to restart mission and or quit to the main menu. Options and touchpad both open the iDroid and I dont see any options there either.

I haven't played it yet but in Ground Zeroes you pressed in the left side of the touchpad to access the pause menu. I assume it is the same in the main game.
When you say to have 2 hours free for the opening, are we talking gameplay mixed with cutscenes or just a really long cutscene?
Eh, it's that weird sort of pseudo-cutscene gameplay. It's heavily scripted and you need to stay in the right place at the right times etc with a little bit of combat. The first chapter is about an hour, and the second one is not far off that too (I think it took me 40 minutes).
This may be a dumb question but do you know how to access pause menu to restart mission and or quit to the main menu. Options and touchpad both open the iDroid and I dont see any options there either.
The left side of the touchpad opens the "technical" menu, and you can pause the game that way. :)


8 hours played and only 3% done... This is going to be great, love the side missions, and they keep multiplying lol.

When you say to have 2 hours free for the opening, are we talking gameplay mixed with cutscenes or just a really long cutscene?

You're effectively playing a long cutscene tutorial thing, it's awesome but something you'd only want to go through once.
How does the actual sneaking feel?

My biggest worry about this game is whether or not Metal Gear style sneaking is engaging in a more open environment.
Too overwhelmed playing Witcher to read up on MGS's story to properly enjoy MGSV

However, I am curious about the exploration. I am really hoping there are places to explore that are just there for the sake of exploration and immersion

Are all the landmarks just areas with bad guys patrolling?

Can I walk into a forest and find a cave? Or find some abandoned ..place? I'm not asking for Fallout levels of landmarks, but is the exploration solely to benefit motherbase, or are there easter eggs and items to collect just for fun?
From what I've seen so far, just bases. Exploration doesn't really seem to be the focus of free roam mode, it's more about getting places for a specific mission or looting nearby bases for stuff/people.
How does the actual sneaking feel?

My biggest worry about this game is whether or not Metal Gear style sneaking is engaging in a more open environment.
Basically the same as GZ. A little bit easier as there's lower enemy concentration but it feels very similar to that, as opposed to MGS4.
Glad to hear the controls are even slicker than they were in Ground Zeroes. Somewhat related question: one of my few technical beefs was that the free camera got kind of crappy in tight spaces and corners, seemed like the thing it wanted to focus on most in those situations was BB's back. Any significant differences noticed or is it pretty much the same?
How does the actual sneaking feel?

My biggest worry about this game is whether or not Metal Gear style sneaking is engaging in a more open environment.

Having just played through legacy collection again, sneaking feels fantastic. Very fluid and responsive. The environment really suits a more tactical stealth approach too
Thanks Garrett! I'm so pumped for this!

How long has the longest tape been that you've listened to?
Tape length is pretty short, between 1 minute and 3 minutes with most averaging 1 minute 30 secs, but the way they're arranged is by topic. So while each tape within a topic would only be a few minutes long, they kind of flow like conversations so you'd need about 10 minutes for each topic.
So how does the L1/LB codec/radio work in this game?

Is Ocelot the only contact you can call for information in TPP like Kaz was in GZ, or can you choose who to call for info during the game?
Is there a way to make Kaz and the iDroid shut up?
I don't want to hear "in country they were known as Glaz and Palitz, the eye and the finger," a million times.
So how does the L1/LB codec/radio work in this game?

Is Ocelot the only contact you can call for information in TPP like Kaz was in GZ, or can you choose who to call for info during the game?
afaik it's just the one button again. But I'm still super early in the game, only 5 main missions in.
Is there a way to make Kaz and the iDroid shut up?
I don't want to hear "in country they were known as Glaz and Palitz, the eye and the finger," a million times.
I haven't heard any repeated dialogue like that so far. It really bugged me in GZ but I haven't heard it here. You get a brief at the beginning when you land, occasional contact about updates as you go, and that's about it.


Sounds good so far.

My only concern at the moment is potentially missable events(?), being such a long/massive game.


Good to hear the controls are improved over GZ. They're great in GZ for the most part, but I've had trouble positioning myself behind cover and picking up weapons and such.
Good to hear the controls are improved over GZ. They're great in GZ for the most part, but I've had trouble positioning myself behind cover and picking up weapons and such.
In my experience, the weapon being too close to bodies thing still isn't improved. I found myself accidentally picking up the body instead of the weapon or vice versa a few times.


Anyone tried the companion app and if so, how does it work? People are talking about listening to tapes offline from the game - so if you collect them, you can listen at any time in the app, ebpventually if your PS4 is off?


Anyone tried the companion app and if so, how does it work? People are talking about listening to tapes offline from the game - so if you collect them, you can listen at any time in the app, ebpventually if your PS4 is off?

App isn't out yet

Sub Zero

his body's cold as ice, but he's got a heart of gold
Are there any big and heavily guarded bases to infiltrate like Camp Omega?

Also do any missions take place in indoor and more linear areas or is everything set in the open world?

My only worry about the game so far is that all the bases from the gameplay videos looked pretty generic and easy to infiltrate


Call me a fucking nerd, but I was so excited my heart was racing. Played it for about 4 hours last night, before my eyes just gave up and forced me to go to bed, I couldn't believe that not only I was playing a new MGS game, I was playing what's most likely the last true MGS game, and oh man it's a glorious game...

I won't spoil anything for anyone of course, but just to talk a little bit about it, the first couple of hours of the game are absolutely batshit kojisan-insane cinematic action.
As for the core of the game itself, I only played a few missions, but I can already tell I'll be spending dozens of hours immersed into this world. It still feels like that familiar Metal Gear game we all know and love but at the same time it feels like a new kind of game I've never played before,almost feels like a new genre of game, it's so fresh! The freedom you have in here is absolutely unparalleled, and there's so many different ways to tackle the missions, that most likely no two playthroughs from two diferent people of a single mission will be the same, which of course adds a lot of replayability value to the game.

It just feels so good to play a game that doesn't underestimate the players intelligence, quite the contrary it asks for the player to be creative with his thinking, this game breathes gameplay and I love it for it!


5-7 hours at this time.
- The prologue is awesome, really tense and with a lot of WTF moments. Great!

- In the first missions the game is really overwhelming with a lot of info and commands (gameplay, tapes, mother base, development, side missions, etc) but I'm really impressed how they managed to make everything so natural to the player with precise menus and commands. Everything is very intuitive.

- I'm a bit concerned about the story development. It's like Peace Walker but with less development in cinematic sequences, replaced by boring tapes... I think they lose some identity with this decision, I mean, tapes before cinematic sequences? WTF Kojima, I'm not very happy with this, since for me the story development is why I love this games.

- Afghanistan is kinda empty (remembers A LOT to Red Dead Redemption), it could be very repetitive after a few hours.

- The AI is awesome.

- The game can be repetitive. I know Konami says many time about how you approach to the missions, but this is not the problem, I think the big problem of this game is the open world design. I'm in just for 6 hours, but I can definetely say: MGS IS NOT FOR A OPEN WORLD DESIGN!

On a side note, the feeling of revenge is very persuasive and with a great protagonist, I want to kill everyone haha.

Juicy Bob

I have played about four hours and completed four missions.

I'll tell you how good this game is. My girlfriend watched me play Ground Zeroes this morning and the prologue of Phantom Pain in the afternoon and then insisted that we spend all evening playing it together.

She has no interest in games.
At risk of opening a can of worms, but how is Kiefer's performance?
It's fine. I hugely prefer Hayter but Kiefer isn't bad, it's not like a Destiny-Dinklage situation. Sometimes he emotes a little flat but it's fine for the most part.

Also, it really does sound like a different character.
dynamic cqc is no joke, you press r2 and snake will react, doesn't matter if you got knocked down, you can cache struggle your way to victory .


I have played about four hours and completed four missions.

I'll tell you how good this game is. My girlfriend watched me play Ground Zeroes this morning and the prologue of Phantom Pain in the afternoon and then insisted that we spend all evening playing it together.

She has no interest in games.



It's fine. I hugely prefer Hayter but Kiefer isn't bad, it's not like a Destiny-Dinklage situation. Sometimes he emotes a little flat but it's fine for the most part.

Also, it really does sound like a different character.

That's a bit of a bummer.

As a Hayter fan too I was hoping it might somehow feel less obvious.

Oh well. Can't derail my hype though


I can not stress how cool and important the tapes are. 3 hours in and they have banished any doubt I had about the game not having lore or story. They are dripping in details and they are solidly voice acted so far.

I like how some of the tapes have music subtlety playing in the background (original music), it really heightens the emotional weight or significance of some of them.
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