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Super Mario Maker |OT| Miyamoto Simulator 2015


Alright guys, I'm in the mood to dish out some feedback/stars. Quote this post with the codes you want me to play and I shall oblige you. I'm pretty decent at Mario, but I have low tolerance for troll levels. If I don't finish your level, don't be offended! I will star no matter what, because I believe all levels deserve a star for the work you put in... unless it's just mind bogglingly terrible/half-assed. I'll tell you both positives and negatives--if applicable.

While you're waiting for me to finish feel free to check out my latest level: "Springtime in Toadtown." (4827-0000-0078-65A4)

This is my late entry to the 1-1 contest. (Sadly I missed the deadline!) This a level that introduces two enemies, secrets and trampolines... teaching newer players intuitively. For veterans I have an upper area that gives a great pay off for skilled parkour and good shell kicks.

The rest of my levels can be found here.

(In the process of transferring them to Mario Maker Hub)

Send me whatever you got. I'm doing the 100 GAF challenge.

EDIT: To avoid clutter, feel free to PM me the stages instead!
I really enjoyed your level. It has my favorite visual design I've seen in any level so far. You did a great job creating an amazing looking town in SMB3. I loved all the hidden little secrets too. Only downside is it is not clear where you are supposed to go, but maybe you were going for the exploration vibe.


New course!

20k Leagues under Mushroom sea!



Id love suggestions and comments (and stars if you guys think are deserved). Its a themed course and had a blast doing it. Challenging but fair i think. :p


A little feedback for all the levels from group 2 of the Community Contest. As before, this is just a dump of all the notes I took while playing the levels. I imagine some of my notes are complete gibberish, and I doubt I gave every level the attention it deserves. So if my comments on your level sound harsh/stupid, please bear in mind that they do not reflect on my actual opinion of the level.

I love the clean open space at the start of the level.
You should have included regular yellow blocks amongst the first set of ? blocks; it's important that the player is familiar with what the blocks are, as soon as possible (especially in a stage about p-switch mechanics)
Requiring a koopa shell to uncover the first P-switch isn't very safe. The player is likely to miss it if they are not already aware that shells can do this (or accidentally kick a Galoomba into the Koopa). Just put the P-switch on top of (or inside) a regular block that Mario can hit from below.
I like the platform over-routes you have to bypass some of the enemies. I don't think you need to put the fire-flower at the end of the first one though. You don't have to explicitly reward a player for taking a route that is more convenient for them. If anything, the player who falls down is going to need a power-up more.
Please don't have a left/right bonus room whose exit takes you to an earlier point in the level. Either put the exit pipe later in the level, or make the bonus room run from right/left.
The P-switch platform just before the goalpost is a nice touch, but it should be shaped more like a staircase to better communicate your intent.
The P-switch mechanic doesn't really escalate from the point where you first introduce it. I can understand not wanting to stress the player, but the mechanic actually gets less involved later in the level, which makes the level peter out somewhat.

I like that the first pipe cannot be entered. It's a small point, but many creators neglect to include empty pipes, which makes finding the bonus rooms insultingly easy.
I love the double whammy of a leaf and a vine, both popping up out of blocks and rising past the player. I think the scenario should play out later in the level though, because that really is the climax moment there (plus you're superceding the mushroom almost immediately with an upgrade)
I also like the succession of wood blocks that box in various Goomba enemies. This kind of fake danger is very satisfying to new players; they'll try to avoid falling in, but if they do they'll probably just kill the enemy in the pit.
You're giving out too many leaf powerups, it's okay to just have two and ask the player to avoid damage (particularly because your level has very few sources of damage). And you only give the player running room once in the stage, which makes flight more of a case of "clearly I'm expected to fly here", and depreciates the value of the leaves you keep giving to the player.
The Bonus rooms are way too active for a 1-1 stage. The first one in particular can be frustrating to escape from.

This level is just plain difficult, putting unfair requirements on the player as soon as they start playing, and requiring some alarmingly accurate jumps in order to finish the level. The first jump over the muncher pit that is literally one tile from your face is borderline parody. You have to give the player room to figure out their movement mechanics, you can't just challenge their mastery over the game immediately.
The concept of segregating the stage into discreet islands, each with a different challenge to overcome, is a fresh one. And it could have worked if the islands were more spacious and the challenges were less aggressive.

Boxing in the first Galoomba with single blocks is actually more dangerous than if you let it roam free. In order to reach it, the player already needs to demonstrate that they can jump, so they have the ability to face a Galoomba. But with a block in their way, they might end up getting hit by the Galoomba anyway, which is frustrating.
You put Yoshi in a weird, ugly place. I appreciate the call-back to Mario World's title screen, but it would probably make for a better experience if you just placed Yoshi's block in the air somewhere, later in the level (where you place him, it's tempting to abandon Yoshi completely when you discover the vine route)
I really like the vine-route that rejoins the main path from a higher vantage point, it just feels really nice to take a secret route that doesn't lead to a dead end or a leap of faith.
The sub-level is a lot harder than it should be, given how trivial it is to find. It throws in a lot of new enemies without any fanfare.
Adding blocks and a P-switch to the entry pipe just makes it incredibly obvious that it's a pipe that can be entered. You already have some excellent contextual clues in the level design. The regular blocks are overkill.
Losing the P-switch and the feather renders the level unbeatable. You shouldn't force the player to learn to fly; let them discover that ability at their own pace, or use the level design to nudge them in the right direction.
Outside of the mandatory flight, you did a good job at predicting when and where the player will try flying.
Putting Lakitu close to the ground is a chaotic way to introduce him. Honestly, his movement is entirely incompatible with a 1-1 stage because of how unpredictable and janky it is. Forcing the player to confront him immediately is troublesome. The cloud is nice, but you could just put an empty cloud in a block if you want the player to get a feel for cloud-flight.

First ? block contains a mushroom instead of the prerequisite coin. It's an important tradition in Mario games, and it has intrinsic value to the pacing of a level.
I like the use of platforms to circumvent the potentially tricky encounter with the para-koopas
Three multi-coin blocks in a row is a bad idea. It either slows the action to a crawl, or forces the player to leave some blocks un-finished, neither of which is fun.
There should be a trail of coins drawing a jump arc over the pit, rather than two groups of coins either side. Considering how you're about to introduce the propeller mushroom, which heavily relies on coin trails to quide it, it would have been worth preceeding it with a coin trail to set the mood, so to speak.
I like the layered secrets that come out of hitting the vine-block, along with the trail of coins at the end flagpole.
The bonus room is a little generous, but you definitely don't need those arrow markers to show where the extra lives are. Trust that the player will want to play around with their new toy in this safe enviroment.
The level ends a bit abruptly after finding the propeller mushroom

This stage has an overall problem with attempting to squeeze too much out of the limited space you have. It creates an incredibly cramped, and disjointed stage that weaves in and out of itself. Even the very beginning of the stage, when there's only one path, starts with the camera sitting uncomfortably low to the floor.
Most critically, the feather path is neutered by a total lack of vertical clearance. It gets so bad that you have to mark out a part of the stage explicitly as an "okay you can fly now" area.
There are a lot of individually nice moments in the stage, such as the bonus room with the wigglers, the way that you get the player to discover how the spin jump works on spiked enemies (I don't approve of forcing the player to use a spin jump, but I appreciate the moment none-the-less). But the whole experience is too closely packed together and feels messy as a result.

Right off the bat, the player needs to jump up to the first island, without having a chance to get used to their controls.
It fails the no-run test, not because you have to run, but because you have to carry items, which requires the run button.
You have backtracking and exploration, which are normally fine, but it's probably not a good idea to make it mandatory in a 1-1
I love the way you guide the player to the hidden vine block on the first island.
The skull platform rides are fun, though I worry how a new player would react to being on one. They look quite dangerous and move quickly.
It's easier to lose Yoshi than you think. The donut platform section in particular is brutal.
I appreciate being able to skip the donut platform section with a little bit of spacial reasoning.
I didn't see any power ups other than the first mushroom
On the whole the level is active and enjoyable, but it's asking a lot of the player

The low blocks and the small platforms created a weird sensation that super mario was bigger than he really is. That's quite clever if it was deliberate
Jumping onto the warp pipe is a bit hit and miss as super mario
The compact bonus rooms are quite nice. sometimes it's okay for a bonus room to just be a little cavity with an item inside y'know?
The call-back to Mario3's flying section is a little too direct.
The bridges in the air give Mario enough room to build up a flight, and seem to be positioned explicitly to allow this, but flying from the platforms leads nowhere.
Level is well constructed overall, but the time limit could be higher. I had to rush somewhat

It's a bit of a cruel trick to lure the player onto the first platform with the Koopa
The bonus room scrolls in all directions, but it's just a tiny alcove with an item in it. If that's the only thing you're using the sub-level for, you should keep the camera locked.
You use parakoopas brilliantly to scare the player up to the platform with Yoshi on it, whilst also keeping the player relatively safe from the pirahna plants.
A pit full of munchers to cross with Yoshi feels wierd in a 1-1. It's a nice bit of design, especially if Mario loses Yoshi because he will then run clean across the munchers unscathed. But the munchers don't show up again, so it feels a little contrived.
There were an awful lot of pipes, and it made me a little on-edge because too many of them had enemies inside.
haha, you knew I'd try to spin-jump through those blocks and kill myself. I should be impressed, but now you have a trio of regular blocks that act inconsistant with the rest of the blocks in the level. And as far as I can tell, there's no secret to that area

Fails the no-run test almost immediately, which is a real disappointment, because the rest of the level pretends that that section never happened, and gradually builds up the player's skill from the ground up.
Well placed hidden block with a star in it
Wonderful little trap with the multi-coin block and a fire-spitting pirahna plant.
The bonus room is a little garish looking
Difficult to get the P-switch in the bonus room. Would be better if the P-switch were atop a regular block.
I thoroughly enjoyed finding the secret sky area. It was incredibly satisfying and completely circumvented my expectations

El Pescado
The jump required to get the first mushroom might be a bit too much, even lost levels let you get the mushroom with just basic standing jumps
There are too many multi-coin blocks, though I can kind of see why you needed some of them.
It's too easy to lose the mega mario power-up to the nearby pirahna plant (the only one in the level!). It ruins the catharsis
You can't do the kick-the-shell-and-chase-it-for-a-1up thing as mega mario.
...that's it. Everything else is incredibly well designed and fits exactly with smb1. I'm mightily impressed.

I like the way jumping is taught here with a platform and a goomba the player wants to avoid.
You probably could have gotten away with a couple of ? blocks on top of the first blue platform. It's a bit sparse as is, and you run the risk of players not stopping and jumping right into the pirahna plant as it's emerging from the pipe
Nicely placed warp pipe. Using a couple of extra coins to indicate the right pipe is clever, though ideally you shouldn't need to visually distinguish your warp pipes.
The first bonus room is just weird. There are barely any coins (but there are some), and a single block with a 1up inside. Also the camera isn't locked vertically, which makes the bonus room flow poorly
Exit pipes are legitimate entry pipes too. This is why you didn't have to point out the correct pipe to the player; two of the three pipes work. Just make the pipes differet heights and most players will try entering one.
The second bonus room is very very nice. It's cleanly presented and the player is required to tail whip in order to leave.
The "fly here" section is a little too telegraphed. Either have the line of coins for the run up, or the line of coins to show the flight path. Having both is holding the player's hand too much.
I love the use of platforms and vertical space throughout this level. It gives the player a lot of natural jump practice.
some random decoration was left in the middle of the end card screen, which is ugly.

Belgian Dude
The first screen is a little busy.
I like how each house has a little arrangement inside for the player to practice skills with. It gives the level a very unique pace and feel.
You can see other house interiors from the one you enter, which ruins the illusion somewhat.
I adore how the player automatically stomps a goomba upon entering the second area, thus removing it from play until the player enters the goomba house and then leaves again.
It is rather easy to miss the first propeller mushroom power-up. Due to how the camera works, players may not even realise that the power-up is flying away.
The way you get rid of the koopa shell after it has been kicked is a bit clumsy. Players who have been hit, might mistake the tunnel as the correct way to go, and kill themselves as a result.

Azure Dream
Theres quite a long distance before anything engaging happens to the player. The open space is greatly appreciated, but it needs some blocks, or some platforms in order to break things up.
That's quite a nice way of giving the player a helmet power-up. I like that lingering in the room let's you see how the helmet deflects falling objects.
Hilariously cruel way to show the downside of a spiked helmet. It's a bit unfair to make the player WANT to take damage though, especially since they don't know the level is almost over.
Moving platforms feel like an out of place gimmick in this level. You could have done more with the spiked helmet instead.

The level starts all cramped up in the top corner, which is a little ugly, and leaves little vertical space to play with.
Using doors to switch characters instead of pipes leads to the issue of having to cram the entire stage into just the main level. Though I assume you didn't have sub-levels unlocked at the time you made this.
I jumped down a pit to my death because the camera made it feel like there was more down there.
The jump arcs you draw with coins at the end of the level are difficult to follow without running. The coins should be higher up in the air.
The level is a little on the short side, but I really like how the two characters face different types of challenges

This level is a bit chaotic. it uses a few too many different enemy types and gimmicks in quick succession. It manages to be relatively clean though, which is impressive.
It is incredibly difficult to mount Yoshi, due to how close to the platform his block is.
Cleverly hidden vine block.
The whole bullet bill chase went better than I was expecting, though it relies on the player walking, rather than running.
I like the falling platforms and how you don't give the player any safe practice with them, but rather use the level design to inform the player of what is going to happen.
The skull platform at the end is just out-of-place though.

First block contains a mushroom instead of a single coin.
I love the bonus room, and how the entry pipe and the exit pipe both feel like legitimate entry points.
The platforms and bridges give the level a great aesthetic structure. It all feels cohesive
The hidden vine is a little tricky to find. I only found it because the level preview indicated that there was more level up there.
Usually a bunch of multi-coin blocks in a row doesn't work, but having them be so high up makes it easier to accept, and it does have a good pay-off for players who found the hidden vine.
I like how cleanly integrated the moving platfoms are, but they should have been introduced earlier in the level, so that you could escalate the gimmick a little more.


I'd like people to try my newest level. I really want some in-depth feedback, as the main issue is a lack of checkpoints, which I can't fix atm. :( Anyone who comments or stars it, I'll check out your profile and star a course. (as long as there is no Kaizo). Every NeoGAF level I've played I won't stop playing until I clear it. I don't think I've run into anything super unreasonable, so I will continue to do so! :p All these maps are great, I really wish I had my game right now.
"Course not found"


Anyone else think it's crazy Nintendo didn't use QR Codes as an option for selecting levels?

New course!

20k Leagues under Mushroom sea!



Id love suggestions and comments (and stars if you guys think are deserved). Its a themed course and had a blast doing it. Challenging but fair i think. :p
Very fun and well designed level. It had a great atmosphere to it too. It had just the right level of challenge. Note, it is a lot easier if you leave the clown car during that section as Mario swims faster on his own. Also the star towards the beginning can be a little bit tricky to grab sometimes.


Alright guys, I'm in the mood to dish out some feedback/stars. Quote this post with the codes you want me to play and I shall oblige you. I'm pretty decent at Mario, but I have low tolerance for troll levels. If I don't finish your level, don't be offended! I will star no matter what, because I believe all levels deserve a star for the work you put in... unless it's just mind bogglingly terrible/half-assed. I'll tell you both positives and negatives--if applicable.

Sure, pick your poison: Peach's Great Escape (4C90-0000-006E-CBBD),
4-1 Remix (Big Enemies) (C9A5-0000-006E-E1DC). Haven't heard a ton of feedback on either so whichever strikes your fancy would be nice.

Is there a way to change the bgm of the subworld only? I want to use the boss music on the subworld and can't figure out how. Placing the boss theme on mario changes it in both worlds, and placing it on the boss plays it for a few seconds and then stops.

Can you place the Bowser sound on the entry pipe to the subworld? I did that for the maraca dance music but it was just a small bonus room, not sure if it would work for the rest of the stage or not.
The way I did it was to spam boss music blocks every couple of spaces. It's tedious and you can run out, but its the best I could do x_x
Messy, but worked like a charm. Thanks!

Can you place the Bowser sound on the entry pipe to the subworld? I did that for the maraca dance music but it was just a small bonus room, not sure if it would work for the rest of the stage or not.
Tried that, but the music stops after a few seconds :(
Alright guys, I'm in the mood to dish out some feedback/stars. Quote this post with the codes you want me to play and I shall oblige you. I'm pretty decent at Mario, but I have low tolerance for troll levels. If I don't finish your level, don't be offended! I will star no matter what, because I believe all levels deserve a star for the work you put in... unless it's just mind bogglingly terrible/half-assed. I'll tell you both positives and negatives--if applicable.

I'd love for my currently only planned out level to get some love.

Escape from the Haunted Tower (B42F-0000-0039-E31F)

I basically wanted to give a vertical theme a shot, as well as the SMB3 tileset.


I'd like people to try my newest level. I really want some in-depth feedback, as the main issue is a lack of checkpoints, which I can't fix atm. :( Anyone who comments or stars it, I'll check out your profile and star a course. (as long as there is no Kaizo). Every NeoGAF level I've played I won't stop playing until I clear it. I don't think I've run into anything super unreasonable, so I will continue to do so! :p All these maps are great, I really wish I had my game right now.
Honestly your level is my favorite one in SMM so far. Incredibly well designed all around, it felt like a Capcom Disney NES game to me with those dodging maneuvers. You did a great job.

I'm currently planning to do a livestream around 8pm-ish PST. I'll be playing 10takill once again. For those unfamiliar with it, I give myself 10 minutes or 10 lives to beat a level, then I move on.

If you want me to play your levels, please PM them to me!

Also, if you don't mind, please play my levels in the meantime:

*UPDATED!* My Little Yoshi: Friendship is Tragic: 2732-0000-0078-0868
The Frozen Mansion: B816-0000-0072-FE1D

Update: I'll be going live at 8:15pm. I'll post the link here once I'm live. Keep sending PMs for levels to try!



I'm currently planning to do a livestream around 8pm-ish PST. I'll be playing 10takill once again. For those unfamiliar with it, I give myself 10 minutes or 10 lives to beat a level, then I move on.

If you want me to play your levels, please PM them to me!

Also, if you don't mind, please play my levels in the meantime:

*UPDATED!* My Little Yoshi: Friendship is Tragic: 2732-0000-0078-0868
The Frozen Mansion: B816-0000-0072-FE1D

Haven't beaten it yet but really loved My Little Yoshi. It taught me a lot of mechanics about Yoshi in Mario World that I had no idea about. Was a lot of fun. My only complaint is that it was really sad to see Yoshi treated so poorly.


Rosalina and the Floating Towers
Other than the one problem spot (and that's debatable of course) I posted on Miiverse, this is a really good level.

Been playing a lot of other levels here too and leaving comments on Miiverse or just giving stars. GAF levels are fun.
Alright guys, I'm in the mood to dish out some feedback/stars. Quote this post with the codes you want me to play and I shall oblige you. I'm pretty decent at Mario, but I have low tolerance for troll levels. If I don't finish your level, don't be offended! I will star no matter what, because I believe all levels deserve a star for the work you put in... unless it's just mind bogglingly terrible/half-assed. I'll tell you both positives and negatives--if applicable.

Try this one:

Elevator Action
Haven't beaten it yet but really loved My Little Yoshi. It taught me a lot of mechanics about Yoshi in Mario World that I had no idea about. Was a lot of fun. My only complaint is that it was really sad to see Yoshi treated so poorly.

Thank you!! I'll let you know when I make the sequel level, you'll like it better :)


Other than the one problem spot (and that's debatable of course) I posted on Miiverse, this is a really good level.

Been playing a lot of other levels here too and leaving comments on Miiverse or just giving stars. GAF levels are fun.

Yeah, I was aware of that problem but I wasn't sure how to tackle it. I'll make sure to fix it in the revision. It always happens when you go full speed full jump off the donut block, feels cheap to me too. :( Thanks though! Fixing problems in levels always makes me feel bad because I lose all the stars, so hard to get them on your map, I feel like more stars means more people play them. I could also fix it by just making it a platform so you don't feel pressured to jump. Vertical levels on airship is so awkward.

Honestly your level is my favorite one in SMM so far. Incredibly well designed all around, it felt like a Capcom Disney NES game to me with those dodging maneuvers. You did a great job.

Thanks dude, means a lot, I really appreciate it!


So I decided to go back and refine one of my earlier courses, Phantom P-Switch Pursuit. I was planning on just fixing an exploit that let you skip almost the entire level, but I ended up doubling the size of the level and making subtle but important tweaks to everything else. It's amazing just how much you can tweak little things like block placement over and over. For anyone who played the first version, this one is much, much better.

Phantom P-Switch Pursuit V 2.0


Sure, pick your poison: Peach's Great Escape (4C90-0000-006E-CBBD),
4-1 Remix (Big Enemies) (C9A5-0000-006E-E1DC). Haven't heard a ton of feedback on either so whichever strikes your fancy would be nice.

Can you place the Bowser sound on the entry pipe to the subworld? I did that for the maraca dance music but it was just a small bonus room, not sure if it would work for the rest of the stage or not.

Peach's Great Escape: I enjoyed this level quite a bit. I have tendency to speed run levels, and I like that there was space enough for me to do so-- as well as well placed platforms for me to chain jumps and land. Only hang up: odd spike in difficulty at the pipes if you aren't going fast. All those plants are probably not required.

4-1 Remix: Not a bad stage. It's simple and does what it sets out to do. I'm not much for remixes, but I always liked the giant stages in Super Mario Bros. 3.

I'd love for my currently only planned out level to get some love.

Escape from the Haunted Tower (B42F-0000-0039-E31F)

I basically wanted to give a vertical theme a shot, as well as the SMB3 tileset.

I really enjoyed this level, but I had a few gripes. It starts out great, and the enemy placement is terrific. After the buzzsaws it gets a little iffy. The flying chainchomp is placed in a spot that feels a bit cheap, and surviving it is hard itself. There is no reward for the player, as you are met with Kameks that flank you from both sides-- trapping you due to the low ceiling. Players will be unlikely to finish dying to such a trap. I loved your use of pipes and doors to simulate upward progression. Keep up the good work.

Keep sending me levels guys. And I'd love more feedback on my 1-1 stage: Springtime in Toadtown (4827-0000-0078-65A4).


My latest level. It's a world 1 castle focusing on moles and donut blocks. Not too complex, and shouldn't be too difficult. It includes a fairly easy boss, three 1-up mushrooms, and a hidden easter egg.


3make: Mushroom Kingdom 1-4


Hey man that's awesome I really appreciate the shoutout! I'm glad you enjoyed it and in fact I have a part two of the one screen mechanic under my levels you might enjoy but it is a bit harder than the first I think xD

I managed to beat your first single screen level, the second one I got through the second door a couple times but didn't manage to get the bob-omb where it needed to go. Both are good, but the chain chomp in the first felt like it added a little bit of luck to the mix - not always a good thing for such tightly designed levels.

A tip for designing single-screen levels though. Don't fill in the top half of the level with blocks. If there are no blocks above the middle line then the screen won't scroll vertically.
Because you like fresh levels...


It's a nice level with good challenges. I love doing these while my wife isn't watching so she doesn't see all the secrets and branching paths.

It's funny how the layout changed in results of her playing. Add this, remove that, balance that part, add a mushroom here.

Hope you'll like it!

Just finished this level. I really enjoyed it, especially the scrolling airship section with the different paths. Only thing I didn't like was the weird sound at the airship part, not sure which enemy it was but I made a screaming sound? Anyway, great job.


I returned to level creation after not having had time for a while.


Name: Red hot railway
Style: SMW castle
Difficulty: hard, but hopefully not very hard
ID: 9A53-0000-0078-99C9
Description: You ride moving platforms over lava, avoiding fire bars and buzzsaws. (I really like these kinds of levels...) For the majority of the level, there are two platforms and you need to pick the safe one as hazards approach you. Knowing the right path it's fairly easy to navigate, but for the first time you need to react quickly. I provide a decent supply of power-ups to help with the trial and error.

My other levels can be hound at mariomakerhub.

I'm currently planning to do a livestream around 8pm-ish PST. I'll be playing 10takill once again. For those unfamiliar with it, I give myself 10 minutes or 10 lives to beat a level, then I move on.

If you want me to play your levels, please PM them to me!

Also, if you don't mind, please play my levels in the meantime:

*UPDATED!* My Little Yoshi: Friendship is Tragic: 2732-0000-0078-0868
The Frozen Mansion: B816-0000-0072-FE1D

Wow.... My little Yoshi is brilliant, one of my favourite levels so far. Don't get attached to Yoshi. Love the extra touches like the bombomb at the end that you need fire to blow up. Commented and starred.

Will try your other one now and edit:


Guys, I think I've finally made a level more than 10 people can beat.

It's my first attempt at a boss battle level, and honestly I'm not all that happy with my end results, but I do find the stage a great learning experience for me, and very fun.

Let me know what you think, please.


Guys, I think I've finally made a level more than 10 people can beat.

It's my first attempt at a boss battle level, and honestly I'm not all that happy with my end results, but I do find the stage a great learning experience for me, and very fun.

Let me know what you think, please.



I enjoyed the on rails mechanic of this boss fight, haven't seen many others like it so far. There are a couple of points where Bowser gets a touch too far out of screen. Other than that minor thing, good work. Starred and commented.


I enjoyed the on rails mechanic of this boss fight, haven't seen many others like it so far. There are a couple of points where Bowser gets a touch too far out of screen. Other than that minor thing, good work. Starred and commented.

Much appreciated feedback on the stage. Next time I do a boss fight like this I think I'll try to plan out the rails beforehand so I'm not just putting the Bowsers in random directions.


Guys, I think I've finally made a level more than 10 people can beat.

It's my first attempt at a boss battle level, and honestly I'm not all that happy with my end results, but I do find the stage a great learning experience for me, and very fun.

Let me know what you think, please.



Just watched this on timetokill's stream. Looks awesome, will give it a shot tomorrow for sure.
I haven't had a lot of time with this game yet, but I just finished watching some friends try to beat a level I created. Only one was successful. Watching their frustration at the harder parts of the level was priceless though. That's the real joy of this game. Now I know how the designers of early Castlevania games felt.

I love this game and I'm glad Nintendo finally realized this is something people want. The only thing it's lacking is a Playstation Live like feature that would allow us to watch people attempting to beat the levels we create online. I know that will never happen with Nintendo's strict family-friendly policy on online content since it opens up so much room for abuse, but I can dream, right?

Anyway, here's my first real attempt at a level:
Firecloud - A642-0000-0067-EE09

It's really short, and shouldn't provide too much of a challenge for those who play Mario games religiously, but it was a lot of fun to create. It's a somewhat chaotic level and I try to reward improvisation and quick thinking as opposed to careful planning and good timing. Maybe it's not for everyone, but it's a hell of a lot of fun watching someone try to make it to the end.
I returned to level creation after not having had time for a while.


Name: Red hot railway
Style: SMW castle
Difficulty: hard, but hopefully not very hard
ID: 9A53-0000-0078-99C9
Description: You ride moving platforms over lava, avoiding fire bars and buzzsaws. (I really like these kinds of levels...) For the majority of the level, there are two platforms and you need to pick the safe one as hazards approach you. Knowing the right path it's fairly easy to navigate, but for the first time you need to react quickly. I provide a decent supply of power-ups to help with the trial and error.

My other levels can be hound at mariomakerhub.

Absolutely brilliant. The on rails section with the vine climbing and obstacles was great. Only one thing I'd change (though this is just my opinion) is the last section doesn't really add anything, perhaps one more (not too difficult) challenge would leave the player on a high. Took me about 9-10 attempts, perfect difficulty for me. Starred and commented. I'll check out your other levels now.

Edit: piranha garden: Good level that requires the player to be a little patient. Maybe a touch too easy if you have the fire flower, though not sure how that would work in some sections if you didn't have it?



Brilliant mate....


Because you like fresh levels...


It's a nice level with good challenges. I love doing these while my wife isn't watching so she doesn't see all the secrets and branching paths.

It's funny how the layout changed in results of her playing. Add this, remove that, balance that part, add a mushroom here.

Hope you'll like it!

Fun level but the only part I really didn't enjoy was the thowmp part. When you're focusing on the piranha plant the first time you miss the thowmp and then you take the jump and get hit by it, it's a blind thowmp you can't see.

Also the bottom path is way harder than the top path, way more cannons and out of sight bombs and having to blow up the wall, you don't have any room for error there


I'm currently planning to do a livestream around 8pm-ish PST. I'll be playing 10takill once again. For those unfamiliar with it, I give myself 10 minutes or 10 lives to beat a level, then I move on.

If you want me to play your levels, please PM them to me!

Also, if you don't mind, please play my levels in the meantime:

*UPDATED!* My Little Yoshi: Friendship is Tragic: 2732-0000-0078-0868
The Frozen Mansion: B816-0000-0072-FE1D

Fun level and a great theme, all the dying Yoshis made me feel awful. All those dead Yoshis, all gone. Some of the parts I felt like you had to damage boost through objects, can you crouch and slide with Yoshi? I think introducing that concept before having to do the area with spikes would have been useful. Otherwise, great level.

I am gonna start marathoning as many gaf levels as I can and leaving some feedback for the next hour or so :) So if you want some feedback (preferably if not many people have played your level) let me know :)

And if yoh wanna check out my newest level and give some feedback that would be cool too :)

Sky High Cargo Chase

Cool level and good design. Bombing open crates was fun. Only issue I had was I got stuck in one area and had to start over, and I spent time bombing crates for the goal like to be a screen away. Thematically it's cool to have these crates with power ups but it makes me feel bad I spent the time opening and no time to use it. I really liked the airship
theme though, and it wasn't overly difficult

So after about 6 hours of creating I finally finished my first level. I wanted to do something unique and made an underwater level where the entire time you are between two columns of moving projectiles and have to dodge with limited room. I spent a while to ensure the difficulty was both fun and fair. If anyone could give some feedback I would really appreciate it. Thank you!

Coral Current



This level is good but there are several design flaws.

1) The cannonballs can be negated by swimming up against the roof and bouncing on them, spikes on the ceiling maybe?

2) I think there is an active sprite limit and I think your level hits it, at one point there was half spanwed columns and eventually no columns, and none of the enemies were shooting anything, just too much stuff on the screen.

3) Too much stuff on the screen, the constant Bowser fire is completely random and it can totally ruin you because you can make zero mistakes, it's way too much to expect anyone not to get hit once. Hammer bros are also awful because there is no time to react to a hammer offscreen and the projectile is random where it goes.

4) Guide the player with arrows or coins, I actually made it to the end but died because I kept going right, there is so much stuff on screen its hard to see the warp pipe.

Great idea and concept and besides some problems it could be fixed, just a little too hard though. Keep making those levels.


made two new levels! The bowser one is kind of difficult... gonna play some GAF levels :)

Created a tribute to Animal Crossing, entitled:

Tortimer's revenge


Please let me know what you think! I'm only one star away from 50! :)
Just played and starred your level. It was pretty funny lol quite enjoyed the end of it.
My latest level. It's a world 1 castle focusing on moles and donut blocks. Not too complex, and shouldn't be too difficult. It includes a fairly easy boss, three 1-up mushrooms, and a hidden easter egg.


3make: Mushroom Kingdom 1-4

Just played yours. Loved all mole theme of it. I died three times being careless lol. The boss fight was fun too. Gave it a star.


a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge
It's at 50 Stars one gets the ability to upload more levels correct? I'm at 42 currently, and it would be nice.

Couple updates for www.mariomakerhub.com

You can now rate levels! We hope people actively rate levels they liked as it would make the database search much more useful.

We also added way more categories like Metroidvania and Speedrun for finding levels. Are there any categories missing that people would want?

Edit: Oh and we added a random level button.

Brilliant. I love a good random feature.

If any of you are interested, I just made a fun diversion for you guys. I just remade 1-1 down to each exact block and added Giant Mario shroom to all the spots that usually have mushrooms. It's super simple but it's actually really fun and adds a new challenge to those stairs near the end since he keeps crushing them haha. Check it out if you want :)
1-1 Rampage! - DA8D-0000-0072-6C88

Now time to try out some of your guys' levels :)

Sometimes super simple and mindless destruction is all one needs. Trying to leave something so I could to the top of the flagpole was interesting.


Space, the Spiny Frontier


Jump in your space pod and set off for a hostile alien world. Destroy the alien menace and restore peace to the galaxy.

It is a difficult level mostly due the length but there are 3 different paths to victory so with some smart playing you can cut the length down to a quarter.

Good luck soldier!

Ah, I got so close to the end and then died by a dumb mistake on my part. I'll have to come back to this one when I have time to really dedicate myself to beating it. Great work on it.

Would it be okay with you if I took that starting part for myself for a stage idea I plan to do later? It won't be a platformer at all, so it won't be all that similar to your stage at all.

Made a new level using every trick I could think of to fake vertical progression... It's essentially a long vertical journey starting from underground all the way up into space.


I'm happy to say you blew my daughters mind with this stage. I let her see it first and she why can't we make stages that tall. So she was quite amazed by how it was actually laid out.

My newest level, The Underground Lair.

Really fun level in my opinion, a bit on the tricky side but nothing cheap.



Lot of different ideas going on in that stage. Continuous enemy lifts was nice, as was that boss fight/puzzle to get past them.
Only part I didn't enjoy was the two treadmills after one of the doors. It's not cheap, but it's not fun either to lose an item just because of poor spawning.

Hey guys,

I've been thinking and building this level all day. (Sadly enough..)

I started the level with one idea: You can't die.

It was my goal to make a challenging level where you can't die. It has platforming challenge and puzzles. I tried to make it feel like a "world" you had to traverse.

The goal is clear right when you start the level - Save Yoshi!


Save Yoshi - Puzzle (57A9-0000-0074-2AEE)

Nice work on making an airship a puzzle, between Yoshi and the P Switch, I had to stop and think a couple of times.

Though for the series of pipes, I didn't really try any of them out, I just went straight for the ones with coins. I don't know if that was the point or not, but it certainly lead me to success.

★-3 T. Yoshisaur Munchakoopas (F932-0000-006F-0C6A)

I like the hidden blocks to make a barrier. I was struggling with a way to keep something that kept a similar stage not looking too cluttered, and this happily solves it. So fun stage and you taught me something, thanks.

Created a tribute to Animal Crossing, entitled:

Tortimer's revenge


Please let me know what you think! I'm only one star away from 50! :)

Congrats on getting 50 stars, I hope to get there soon as well.

Stage is nice and fun. I'm curious though, did you intend for so much of the stage to be skiable by using the cloud? The underground section is a nice bit, would be a shame if someone ignored that.

One thing you might consider if you ever make a second version of the stage is to use one of the doors (say after the turtle clears out that bottom row and you can use the bottom one) to take a player to a fake house somewhere else. Sometimes when putting down the ground blocks bushes, trees, etc down and you can that for decoration. Likewise POW blocks or other things.
Just an idea and would be purely for sight, but then it is Animal Crossing themed after all, and those games do love interior design.

Because you like fresh levels...


It's a nice level with good challenges. I love doing these while my wife isn't watching so she doesn't see all the secrets and branching paths.

It's funny how the layout changed in results of her playing. Add this, remove that, balance that part, add a mushroom here.

Hope you'll like it!

Very much enjoyed it, enough to play it a few times in fact. Airship was a good choice as it the nature of that style made a few top level platforms beyond view at one point, so that was a nice surprise the second time through to see.


Hi everyone, I just finished my most ambitious creation so far since getting the game the other day. Well, I say finished, but I keep revising it.

Sabotage the Mole Fleet! (EDIT: revised version)

It's a long airship level where you have to sabotage each ship to proceed to the next, the climax seeing you blow up the mother ship's engine room and briefly making a somewhat "cinematic" escape.

I really agonized over making the intended mechanism in the final room be pretty foolproof and also not allowing the player to become trapped in the engine room with no way out. I worry about people not finishing it just because of the level length, but hopefully those who make it through will be glad they did. To that end I tried to keep the platforming and puzzle difficulty reasonable.

Give it a try, and let me know what you think!
Thank you. It was genius how you had to grab fire from the burning flames and use it to set of bombs that were off limits.
Thank you so much! I had a lot of fun using Yoshi to do interesting things. I'll use him in a less lethal way next time around :)

Wow.... My little Yoshi is brilliant, one of my favourite levels so far. Don't get attached to Yoshi. Love the extra touches like the bombomb at the end that you need fire to blow up. Commented and starred.

Will try your other one now and edit:
Thank you!! I think streamlining it from the original version has helped make it more enjoyable.

Fun level and a great theme, all the dying Yoshis made me feel awful. All those dead Yoshis, all gone. Some of the parts I felt like you had to damage boost through objects, can you crouch and slide with Yoshi? I think introducing that concept before having to do the area with spikes would have been useful. Otherwise, great level.
Thanks for playing it! :D Yeah, you can crouch slide with Yoshi. I tried teaching it by writing "SLIDE" in coins at the beginning of that part and making you do it a couple times before the "main" jump that can kill you, but it's hard to force people to learn it in a non-lethal way because they might just hop off Yoshi and walk under as small Mario.
I like the hidden blocks to make a barrier. I was struggling with a way to keep something that kept a similar stage not looking too cluttered, and this happily solves it. So fun stage and you taught me something, thanks.

Yeah, I figured some people would try to fly over everything. That's what I do with Lakitus. I was surprised that they let me put them all the way across the level.


Hi everyone, I just finished my most ambitious creation so far since getting the game the other day. Well, I say finished, but I keep revising it.

Sabotage the Mole Fleet!

It's a long airship level where you have to sabotage each ship to proceed to the next, the climax seeing you blow up the mother ship's engine room and briefly making a somewhat "cinematic" escape.

I really agonized over making the intended mechanism in the final room be pretty foolproof and also not allowing the player to become trapped in the engine room with no way out. I worry about people not finishing it just because of the level length, but hopefully those who make it through will be glad they did. To that end I tried to keep the platforming and puzzle difficulty reasonable.

Give it a try, and let me know what you think!
I enjoyed this quite a bit. I intentionally stopped reading your post and went to play when I saw the word mechanism. I didn't want to go into it thinking a certain thing. The engine room confused me three times, twice with me dying inside. The last time I took a hit from the giant bob-omb that also lets you leave, but managed to get out. There's a lot going on in that room. I didn't know if i was supposed to go through the blocks the shell opened or if I was just supposed to stand and watch stuff happen after throwing it in. I can see how you would have agonized over that. It's very hard to pull that off. The level's a bit long, but it's not highly difficult, so it's not so bad getting back to the engine room a couple times if you get confused there.


Hi everyone, I just finished my most ambitious creation so far since getting the game the other day. Well, I say finished, but I keep revising it.

Sabotage the Mole Fleet!

It's a long airship level where you have to sabotage each ship to proceed to the next, the climax seeing you blow up the mother ship's engine room and briefly making a somewhat "cinematic" escape.

I really agonized over making the intended mechanism in the final room be pretty foolproof and also not allowing the player to become trapped in the engine room with no way out. I worry about people not finishing it just because of the level length, but hopefully those who make it through will be glad they did. To that end I tried to keep the platforming and puzzle difficulty reasonable.

Give it a try, and let me know what you think!
Great level, loved how you can destroy ships, I'm stealing it. It is a bit glitchy, I posted two mii verse posts about them. You can sequence skip the whole level, and the last area is way too tight. The first time I lost all the shells and couldn't activate anything. So I got stuck on the left. The second time the bomb didn't destroy the warp pipe, I think the pow block destroyed it before it blew up meaning I got stuck. The third time I thought I had to hit the p block so I did and it despawned the bomb. You have to be careful creating scenarios where the player can't win. It was a great map otherwise. You really made the theme and ships come alive


(more a nerd than a geek)
Alright guys, I'm in the mood to dish out some feedback/stars. Quote this post with the codes you want me to play and I shall oblige you. I'm pretty decent at Mario, but I have low tolerance for troll levels. If I don't finish your level, don't be offended! I will star no matter what, because I believe all levels deserve a star for the work you put in... unless it's just mind bogglingly terrible/half-assed. I'll tell you both positives and negatives--if applicable.

Well, as long as you're offering...

Parallel Plumbing -- 7D2E-0000-002C-7B17
Bob-Omb Madness -- E1E5-0000-001D-F02B
Liquid Space -- 626B-0000-0040-6641


Plumbers Can Surf... right? -- 3637-0000-004F-F457

(Feel free to try out the other levels on my profile...)


Hey guys, finished my second Rosalina map!

Rosalina and the Floating Towers


Rosalina learns of a secret flying tower that is powered by imprisoned stars. She must free the stars and defeat whoever is behind this wicked scheme.

Any feedback is welcome!

Some of the stage is too tight, especially the first sawblade part which as you probably know already has an issue with blind collisions. This is also really long. That aside it's fun and pretty balanced. I thought the stuff with the stars was a bit Mario Maker-y but a clever nod to the Lumas. Good work with the big bad wriggler. I had fun!

I returned to level creation after not having had time for a while.


Name: Red hot railway
Style: SMW castle
Difficulty: hard, but hopefully not very hard
ID: 9A53-0000-0078-99C9
Description: You ride moving platforms over lava, avoiding fire bars and buzzsaws. (I really like these kinds of levels...) For the majority of the level, there are two platforms and you need to pick the safe one as hazards approach you. Knowing the right path it's fairly easy to navigate, but for the first time you need to react quickly. I provide a decent supply of power-ups to help with the trial and error.

My other levels can be hound at mariomakerhub.

Really solid rail stage, so good that it makes me want to go make my own! The first circular bit right at the start I just don't think works right, there's basically no room for error so I never made it through without getting hit. I also don't really like how the one sawblade falls on Mario. It feels like a trick as the mechanic isn't introduced before and it doesn't happen again after. Very, very solid level otherwise. I like the transition to the vine. You found the perfect balance between difficult and fair. I do not understand how your levels aren't much more popular. They deserve way more attention than they get. If you're reading this, rest of GAF, you are missing out!

My latest level. It's a world 1 castle focusing on moles and donut blocks. Not too complex, and shouldn't be too difficult. It includes a fairly easy boss, three 1-up mushrooms, and a hidden easter egg.


3make: Mushroom Kingdom 1-4


Not bad! Monty Moles are a weird fit for a castle stage but the boss made it all pay off. Maybe a little too focused on sheer numbers of enemies in the first half rather than clever platforming. Still, well worth a play.

Fixed my new stage so people can experience more of the events i made. Would love some feed back, First stage where i implement all the things i've learnt unlocking tools

The Nintendo Olympic Games


The first time I got halfway through the swim before getting cruelly laughed at. (Funny touch there, not bad.) Tried a few more times at the other events. Got through the swimming part and fought Bowser Jr., but had no idea what to do there. So I beat the 100 metre dash, which opens up the long jump, which requires the player do a massive, blind jump, which is almost impossible just because you don't know how to time it until you've blown it. You also force the player to sit and wait before the jump with a coin above the door affected by the P block. There are neat ideas at play here but I don't think you've tested the level enough to figure out everything a player is going to do, everything the can get wrong, all the ways they can break a stage. Never skimp on playtesting and don't let your gimmick overrule the basics of making a good stage.

The Frozen Mansion: B816-0000-0072-FE1D

Once I figured out what was going on, I really liked the level. If there was some way to get the player into the spike helmet room quicker, or should I say more directly, that might help. But you feel smart when you figure it all out, and the puzzles feel great when you know what you're doing! I don't think Bowser was necessary at the end of the stage though, really unrelated to everything else going on.

Had to Re-Upload my stage to fix something not appearing D:


Really wild idea for a stage! Well plotted during the boss battle, really enjoyed it. I don't love the spikes hidden below the lava though, I'd rather have them on blocks and have the player know just what's going on. I'd also change the end where you have to access the pipe, which is unnecessarily difficult. Very good stuff otherwise, just a brilliant boss battle.

Hi everyone, I just finished my most ambitious creation so far since getting the game the other day. Well, I say finished, but I keep revising it.

Sabotage the Mole Fleet!

Ambitious is right. This stage is really long and I feel like the playtesting suffered for it. There's a spot early on after the blue skull lift where Mario has to take a lift to get inside the airship. The lift status very far away from Mario, meaning the player always has to wait at this point, doing nothing, and then the jump to get into the airship is unnecessarily tight. I got into the second airship portion with the giant pile of one-way arrows, and got stuck near the stars, no way out. (Miiverse shows I'm not the only one, either.) That whole room is so busy, so complicated and so chaotic. I feel like you had one best-case scenario for how the player would get through that room, but didn't consider the many other things that could go wrong. The fact that it's so late in a stage that is really too wrong to begin with was a dealbreaker for me. I didn't beat it.

I think hiding a mushroom behind a one-up is a really poor decision because a lot of players won't bother if they don't need the 1-up, but they may badly need the mushroom. Why trick the player? Also, bob-ombs and rocky wrenches and moles are all tough enemies, and those are just the basics. I don't think you realize how tough this stage is.

There are tons and tons of great ideas here but I think those ideas are drawing your attention away from execution. There is a world-class level here if you can put as much effort into polishing this and being honest about what works and what doesn't as you did dreaming up all these great ideas.


I usually design "minimalist" level, but this time I tried something different: a Zelda minidungeon of sort. The idea is to search and find three different Triforce pieces (made of coins) and finish the level wearing Link's costume. Hope that you like it, it's pretty easy I guess :)

Hyrule minidungeon: D8F1-0000-0076-31EF


I've finally got my membership approved so I can post some levels here :) I'll start with an off-beat one, Simon Says 2: Si Harder. It's a mix of dexterity and memory test that I haven't seen repeated so far, let me know what you all think :)

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