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Republican Debate 6 [Fox Business] Super PAC Fighter 2 Turbo

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Cruz's reaction is so good. You can see the smile slowly die from his face and he starts glancing at the ground. Then he claps at the applause line like the puppet he is. Afterwhich when Trump says that's an insulting line, Cruz has this smile/grimace at knowing he got played hard and wrecked.

Does someone have a link for this?


You have to be a special kind of dumbass to forget about 9/11 though

He was flying a little too high and thought he saw a light at the end of the tunnel that is called Trump.



You have to be a special kind of dumbass to forget about 9/11 though

honestly, you have to be a special kind of dumbass to openly write off an entire state when running for President regardless

imagine the GOP response if Hillary said who cares about Texas, they're a bunch of rednecks anyway?


cruz was insulting the character of new yorkers, suggesting they support unamerican values

and trump says, "well they cant be that bad of americans if they managed to pull together so well after the largest attack on US soil since pearl harbor, they're the true image of patriots in my eyes"

absolutely ethered and deservedly so.

fuck you cruz you porkchop

pro-choice and pro-marriage equality are abnormal values? what country do you think you're in bud?


No, see. He's dumb because....

Trump said these exact fucking words the previous day in response to "New York values" and Cruz didn't have a response?!

That's what I'm saying. Did Ted Cruz just think Donald was going to drop it? He got wrecked the day before and he just expected not to get wrecked again?


No, see. He's dumb because....

Trump said these exact fucking words the previous day in response to "New York values" and Cruz didn't have a response?!

There isn't a good response to it. It's a bad attack line that he should have dropped.
Not sure how anyone could say Cruz isn't the loser of the night. He got posterized in what will be the most highly publicized event of the night. He has virtually nothing but bad press coming out of this debate.


What were people chanting in the crowd toward the end of the debate? We want something?

There isn't a good response to it. It's a bad attack line that he should have dropped.

The only good response would be a conciliatory "I was making a joke about liberals, but obviously NYC is a great city full of great people" kind of line. Ted Cruz doesn't have it in his bones to be conciliatory, however, so he had no response.


Jeb just looks bad and has from the beginning. I feel like his team should have looked at him, his body language, and have realized that he would have no chance before he even announced.


Speaking of names being invoked. Did Ben Carson not have the best line out of the whole debate. That was something amazing, folks. Once in a lifetime.
What were people chanting in the crowd toward the end of the debate? We want something?

I read on a liveblog they were chanting "We want Rand", as if his music was going to hit and he was going to run in with a steel chair to save the day.

God, these debates are awful.
Speaking of names being invoked. Did Ben Carson not have the best line out of the whole debate. That was something amazing, folks. Once in a lifetime.

Yeah, really capitalized on the "my name was invoked" thing. It's one of the few cliches of the debates that hadn't been mined for gold yet.
Honestly, I think Cruz did fine on the NYC thing. I think it plays perfectly to his base which you're not going to find on this message board. I suspect the only folks who think he got wrecked in that exchange are people who were never going to support him in the first place.


Jeb just looks bad and has from the beginning. I feel like his team should have looked at him, his body language, and have realized that he would have no chance before he even announced.

Electability doesn't matter. They're more interested in the fancy paychecks and consulting fees. Jeb!'s a big 'ol moneybag that can be shaken down for dosh when things (continue to) look grim.


and shame on the audience too, a candidate for POTUS is openly insulting an entire state, full of contributing and patriotic people and the audience cheers?

disgusting, and beyond ironic coming from people whose statehouse until last year was still flying the flag of secessionists who fought against america and killed americans.

and cheering with glee at the idea of turning away refugees and immigrants, maybe take a look at the statue of liberty sometime, or is that just another filthy new yorker thing?
Honestly, I think Cruz did fine on the NYC thing. I think it plays perfectly to his base which you're not going to find on this message board. I suspect the only folks who think he got wrecked in that exchange were folks who were never going to support him in the first place.

I'm not going to support any GOP candidate and I think that the Donald obliterated Mr. Cruz.

And if you watch that smile on Cruz's face afterwards, he knew it too.

"Damn, I walked right into that one."


Honestly, I think Cruz did fine on the NYC thing. I think it plays perfectly to his base which you're not going to find on this message board. I suspect the only folks who think he got wrecked in that exchange were folks who were never going to support him in the first place.

Nah. Even on the shows before the debate, people were talking about how good Trump's response was. The damage is done for now. But it's not like Cruz didn't have his own victories in the debate.
I'm not going to support any GOP candidate and I think that the Donald obliterated Mr. Cruz.

And if you watch that smile on Cruz's face afterwards, he knew it too.

"Damn, I walked right into that one."

I bet if you see polls of conservatives who watched that exchange you'll be shocked. I'm not talking about talking heads on the news, but actual voters.
I made a post about Cruz getting shut down by Trump on Facebook and OF COURSE the guy who bullied me in middle school is a Ted Cruz supporter. Of fucking course he is.


Honestly, I think Cruz did fine on the NYC thing. I think it plays perfectly to his base which you're not going to find on this message board. I suspect the only folks who think he got wrecked in that exchange were folks who were never going to support him in the first place.

Here's the thing though, Trump isn't terribly popular here either, nor is invoking 9/11 emotionally.

It's not playing too well on Drudge or 4chan or the cable news shows either.

It was a real dumb moment that blew up in Cruz's face. Even in Iowa evangelicals have this weird pseudo religious reverence for 9/11 of compassion and unity.
Honestly, I think Cruz did fine on the NYC thing. I think it plays perfectly to his base which you're not going to find on this message board. I suspect the only folks who think he got wrecked in that exchange are people who were never going to support him in the first place.

You have to be delusional to support Cruz, so it's not a stretch to think that delusion would extend to thinking he did ok there.
I just really cannot believe that, in 2016, there was a real question to real presidential hopefuls in a real debate that was, "Should Bill Clinton's sex life be fair game for criticism, and do you think that Hilary is an enabler of sexual misconduct?"

Like, really. I cannot fucking believe that question got asked.

Dude Abides

and shame on the audience too, a candidate for POTUS is openly insulting an entire state, full of contributing and patriotic people and the audience cheers?

disgusting, and beyond ironic coming from people whose statehouse until last year was still flying the flag of secessionists who fought against america and killed americans.

and cheering with glee at the idea of turning away refugees and immigrants, maybe take a look at the statue of liberty sometime, or is that just another filthy new yorker thing?

Hardcore conservatives hate New York. It's full of minorities, gay people, educated people, creative people and women with careers.

But after 9/11 hatred for New York was not consistent with jingoism, which consevatives value even more, and it has remained that way.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
I made a post about Cruz getting shut down by Trump on Facebook and OF COURSE the guy who bullied me in middle school is a Ted Cruz supporter. Of fucking course he is.

Why are you Facebook friends with the guy who bullied you in middle school?


Honestly, I think Cruz did fine on the NYC thing. I think it plays perfectly to his base which you're not going to find on this message board. I suspect the only folks who think he got wrecked in that exchange are people who were never going to support him in the first place.

Not really, check the freep live debate thread


9/11 is a national thing. People might not like New Yorkers but Trump's response touched on that feeling after 9/11 and Cruz came off as insulting them.
Honestly, I think Cruz did fine on the NYC thing. I think it plays perfectly to his base which you're not going to find on this message board. I suspect the only folks who think he got wrecked in that exchange were folks who were never going to support him in the first place.

I mean, I'm not addressing it from my personal perspective. In that regard, I would never consider voting for anyone on that stage. I'm speaking from the perspective of the bulk of GOP voters. Losing a sparring match to someone so badly that you're applauding their rebuttal and then not speaking again for 20-ish minutes is bad. Especially bad in the machismo-dominated world of the GOP. Televised debates are about optics as much as anything and Cruz looked like a hyena being chased off by a lion not just with Trump, but later in the night with Rubio. So much so that the crowd was booing the fact he would even attempt to rebut Rubio's accusations.


1) I'm just talking about that particular exchange.
2) It's an internet poll so I'm going to discount it.

I stand by my belief that to core conservatives that Cruz is trying to attract I don't think he hurt himself and may have won the exchange.

I doubt they'll poll for that specific exchange so I'm not sure you'll ever see what you're looking for.

Also Drudge, /pol/ and Free Republic are as core conservative as it gets.


1) I'm just talking about that particular exchange.
2) It's an internet poll so I'm going to discount it.

I stand by my belief that to core conservatives that Cruz is trying to attract I don't think he hurt himself and may have won the exchange.

The whole point of that exchange was tie Trump to elite liberalism. Nobody is focused on that but rather Trump's response, in which Trump linked himself to 9/11. So in that regard he already failed.

The only base that would be meat for are voters already going for him.


How the hell did Cruz see that NYC answer working for him? His campaign team must've been shitting themselves when he tossed Trump the easiest softball ever.
Just get TurboTax, dude. It's software which automates paying your taxes. You're a programmer, come on.

My taxes are kind of complicated honestly. I have no idea what the fuck to put for half of the things. I tried sending it to an accountant and they want like $1500 to do my taxes. I don't know man, the tax code is pretty damn complicated.

And TurboTax can go fuck itgself. The IRS has enough information to basically send us a tax bill that is just flat out correct for 95% of people. But they can't because of the TurboTax lobby group which fights to keep the IRS from being able to do that. It's a travesty and a sham.


9/11 is a national thing. People might not like New Yorkers but Trump's response touched on that feeling after 9/11 and Cruz came off as insulting them.

its the only time ive seen where i found bringing up 9/11 like this to be warranted, because it was used to defend the character and resolve of the people who banded together in the face of it

cruz is such a schmuck


Catching up on the DVR now. Just checking, our military is still bigger than like the next 10 countries put together, right? If all I watched was Fox News I would think we were down to a couple of biplanes and a dingy.

That's exactly what they want people to believe.
My taxes are kind of complicated honestly. I have no idea what the fuck to put for half of the things. I tried sending it to an accountant and they want like $1500 to do my taxes. I don't know man, the tax code is pretty damn complicated.

And TurboTax can go fuck itgself. The IRS has enough information to basically send us a tax bill that is just flat out correct for 95% of people. But they can't because of the TurboTax lobby group which fights to keep the IRS from being able to do that. It's a travesty and a sham

Can I get some additional information on this?
Why are you Facebook friends with the guy who bullied you in middle school?

Because in high school he at least tried to make amends. Kids can be jerks and we're both pushing 30 now. Of course, Facebook "friend" is really just anybody that I know and try to be civil with. I haven't actually talked with the guy in 15 years. The only contact we had before this was when I posted a picture of a bootleg book bag with a neon Sonic the Hedgehog and the word Obama written on it, and then he commented on how he wanted to burn it.
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