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Gametrailers: Top Ten Games in 2016 That Might Suck


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
No Japanese games are on this list....

GT's faith in the Japanese boom is heartening


I'm stupid.


Seems like a perfectly reasonable list. I hope they deliver though, but it's hard not to be skeptical about most of them. No Man Sky is the only one of the list I plan on getting at the moment though. There are a few others I'm interested in but will wait on the reviews and word of mouth.


I thought I was the only one on the fence about Quantum Break. From the moment gameplay was shown, it looked "off" to me. But like everyone says, it's Remedy & I love Max Payne 2. I could be wrong.


Final Fantasy XV should be #1, because I can't think of a single game that comes out this year that would be more disappointing if it sucks.

Surely people are expecting this to suck which will alleviate some of the disappointment?

And Horizon should definitely be on the list, it's a Gorilla game.


Where's Last Guardian?

E3 demo wasn't impressive at all.

What were you looking for? It looked like a third installment of the Ico/Sotc to me. Gameplay/feel seem right in line with what everyone wanted?

Not sure about no mans sky and this looks like further proof that Gearbox should have made a current gen Borderlands with more robust coop.
Well, i think you're being pedantic.
Trying to distill a 40 words title into something more workable it's not necessarily clickbait.
And even if it's technically true that "any title can end up sucking" these titles share either a poor first showing, or very ambitious and cloudy promises.

Something like Uncharted 4 is a known quantity, because it expands on what it has done before, multiple times, and it looked nothing but amazing every time it was shown.
All the titles in this list don't inspire the same confidence (due to the reasons explained in the video).

This is all stuff that is implied and immediately understood by anyone watching the video, unless you want to be... pedantic about it.

Gears 4 - franchise fatigue
Uncharted 4 - franchise fatigue
Recore - too much hype, no info
The Witness - long dev cycle, too many puzzles
Battlefield 5 - franchise fatigue
Mirror Edge - one trick pony
Cuphead - style over substance
Horizon - open world fatigue
COD - more more COD
Yooka Laylee - old mechanics and not the same charm

Now I don't actually agree with anything I've just typed but it's as valid as GT's list.

Top Ten Games we're worried about.


Top Ten Games that might suck.

Clickbait is clickbait.


Pretty agreeable list, honestly.

Whilst I want those to be good games, I can definitely see them being below average.


Their 2015 list.

1. Battlefield Hardline - It might sound harsh to say that Battlefield Hardline looks like an expansion or mod, but everything we've seen and played makes us feel that way. For a game about cops and robbers, the featured heist mode isn't really a heist at all, but a glorified version of capture the flag. From our hands-on time, the grappling hook isn't particularly functional, and the urban environments feel like hollow spaces clearly made for a video game. Visceral Games has taken up development duties, and the studio's Dead Space pedigree is being used to hype up the story mode. Unfortunately lead character Nick Mendoza and the police corruption plot line might be one giant cliche after another. Battlefield's 4 tumultuous first year is still on the forefront of our mind, and the recent delay for Hardline isn't a promising sign. Hopefully we get to live out our bankrobbing fantasies with more unannounced multiplayer modes. But until then, we're scared this job could go south real quick.

2. Quantum Break - We're fans of Remedy Entertainment. Max Payne 1 and 2 were revolutionary. Alan Wake was bizarre, but hauntingly beautiful. We want to be fans of Quantum Break, especially with Remedy experimenting with the time-altering third-person shooting that put them on the map. However, we've been told more about how amazing Quantum Break will be than we've seen. And the supposed synergy with the television show we've seen little to nothing of doesn't instill much confidence. It doesn't look like we'll be forwarding or rewinding as much as maneuvering around anomalies and some of the abilities might make the game too easy or the combat too simple. This game is a mystery and not because it's a detective story. Alan Wake wandered in the forest for a long time before finding a concrete release date. We think Quantum Break will be similarly trapped in time.

3. Evolve - There are moments from Evolve that have taken our breath away. Completely dominating the hunters as the monster or dodging a massive incoming alien attack as a puny human both get our hearts racing. Even just patrolling the maps looking for trouble can be quite tense. But it's rare that we've played so much of a game before it's been released. Now that we're on the eve of launch, we're not sure what else Evolve can do to surprise us. We were in the same spot last year before Titanfall and Destiny went online. We questioned how much repetition we could endure before moving on. We ran through the gauntlets in Left 4 Dead 1 and 2 dozens of times before they got stale, so maybe we just have the jitters. We'll assuredly be locked and loaded on February 10th, ready to sharpen our senses, we just aren't sure how long the hunt will last.

4. The Order: 1886 - Set in an augmented Victorian setting with distinctive takes on technology and the supernatural, The Order has some great ideas that intrigued us from the start. It also doesn't hurt that it's one of the most graphically impressive games we've ever seen. However, it's this emphasis on cinematic quality that worries us the most. The seamless transition between cutscenes and gameplay can make it feel like control is being taken away from us just as things are gettting good. The shootouts we've played so far have been thrilling in parts, but feel somewhat by the numbers, despite the inventive weaponry. We want gameplay that's as inspiring as The Order's world and visuals, not just a cool movie to show our friends.

5. Resident Evil Revelations 2 - Despite the positive response to the first Revelations, it's still one of the weaker entries in the franchise. Its sequel looks like more of the same and, even though the developers want us to believe that Resident Evil is going back to its roots, covering the environment in blood doesn't cover it. Combat looks dull and generic, and enemy variety is severely lacking. Most troubling is Moira Burton's questionable dialog. (Game audio - "Well that blows") In an attempt to win over core fans, Barry Burton has been brought back but at this point, it feels unearned. The plot feels weirdly similar to Claire Redfield's last adventure, CODE: Veronica, but with a villain reminiscent of a SAW movie. Hopefully the plot comes together in a meaningful way, and Barry's return is a memorable one.

6. Battleborn - Focusing its announcement on its characters and concept, Gearbox has fallen victim to an unfortunate comparison: Simply put, Overwatch is Beyoncé. Battleborn is Solange. While Battleborn's self-touted character designs and environments feature that is technically unique, it still somehow fails to interest us. But hey, at least Battleborn's disproportionately-muscular guy with the Gatling gun has the tiniest head of all the other disproportionately-muscular guys with Gatling guns. The gameplay clips we've seen feature tired, tongue-in-cheek, none of this really matters banter, which is harder to stomach over footage of these shooter heroes taking shots at predictably-spawning waves of unthreatening little robots. Unless Battleborn is able to find an elevator fight with Jay-Z, it may end the year as another forgotten triple-A hopeful, remembered only for how tiny that guy's tiny head is.

7. Dying Light - Dying Light promises a new take on the undead genre. This time, transporting players to a third-world urban quarantine zone, where one's ability to survive is innately dependent on their seemingly God-given parkour skills. However, jarring and distracting first-person visuals, and overly exhausted zombie fad, and of course Techland's sorted history with their genre piece Dead Island, makes us skeptical. That being said, we see potential in the dynamic day and night cycle, a refreshing focus on melee, and of course, the game's similarities to Mirror's Edge. Whether Techland can disassociate itself from the Dead Island franchise remains to be seen, but we hope Dying Light proves to be the dawn of a new day.

8. Fable Legends - The Fable series has been content lately doing everything but making choice-driven, charmingly epic adventures like the one that got it started 11 years ago. Fable Heroes didn't impress, Fable: The Journey reminded us to avoid Kinect adventure games, and Fable: Anniversary is just reliving the past. Fable Legends is more forward-thinking, experimenting with the "4 v 1" trend that has occupied many developers, but what we've tried so far doesn't hold our interest for long. Considering the paltry updates we've gotten since it was first announced, we're afraid there won't be much included in this otherwise-unique fantasy multiplayer battleground. Even with new maps, monsters, and magicians, it's hard to see this being the heroic release the series needs.

9. Assassin's Creed Victory - It's easy to react poorly to Victory after the negative feedback from 2014's Unity. But, even when taking a more objective look, it's still a challenge to remain optimistic. While the game is over 3 years into development, it appears to follow Unity's limit of one major city, which reduced the scope of the game. And a severe lack of progression on the core storyline over the past 3 games makes each one consistently more disappointing than their predecessors. Hope for redemption lies in gameplay refinements and a greater focus on the modern storyline, but we've said the same thing for years now. The era sounds interesting and this could mirror the glory of part four after the strangeness of part three. But, we won't know for a while.

10. No Man's Sky - No Man's Sky will most likely be amazing. Even if it delivers half of what it promises, it will still be top-tier. But the hype space train is flying dangerously close to the Sun. There's a horrifying, but very real, chance that the game could be too big. It could fall victim to repetitive or empty gameplay. Go to this planet, nothing happens. Go to that planet, nothing happens. This is based entirely on the way the trailers have been structured. We've seen hints of gunplay, mining, harvesting, terraforming, and interstellar diplomacy, but no tangible evidence. Our expectations are high, but we hope it doesn't end up like butter spread over too much bread.
I was in on the Mighty No. 9 kickstarter, but everything's made me kind skeptical. Just the movement seemed weird from the videos. I hope it turns out alright though.


Poor Gearbox. They're literally the only ones excited for Battleborn.

Decent list. I wouldn't put Mafia III that high, it was just a bad decision to show gameplay so early. The game sounds very promising.


What were you looking for? It looked like a third installment of the Ico/Sotc to me. Gameplay/feel seem right in line with what everyone wanted?

Pretty much. it's exactly like Ico with some aspects of SOTC(big monster and climbing).

I can see why SOTC only fans not liking it though, because it's mostly Ico and not the former.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
Surely people are expecting this to suck which will alleviate some of the disappointment?

And Horizon should definitely be on the list, it's a Gorilla game.

I think there's a difference been "yeah its possible it might suck" and "let's go in with caution cause we haven't seen enough good stuff to inspire confidence", the latter being i think is more towards GT's list criteria

FF15 i'm guessing doesn't have enough shown off to make them think twice about what its chances are, or maybe they ended up being optimistic about the possible rate of progress

I seems like Horizon still left a very good impression on GT regardless of the dev in question(which makes sense, cause nobody is actually questioning their moment to moment combat mechanics), infact, i see them probably quite optimistic considering that Guerilla have gone on a major hiring spree, picking up many credible positions.


Gears 4 - franchise fatigue
Uncharted 4 - franchise fatigue
Recore - too much hype, no info
The Witness - long dev cycle, too many puzzles
Battlefield 5 - franchise fatigue
Mirror Edge - one trick pony
Cuphead - style over substance
Horizon - open world fatigue
COD - more more COD
Yooka Laylee - old mechanics and not the same charm

Now I don't actually agree with anything I've just typed but it's as valid as GT's list.

Top Ten Games we're worried about.


Top Ten Games that might suck.

Clickbait is clickbait.
Hey I'll concede it's not the best absolute title, but the obsession for clickbait call out is annoying to me, because a top ten video is inherently going to be a bite size click and forget style article.
Just like "top ten merchants" is not going to be an in depth article about the merchant role and figure in game design, but just a quick list of popular characters.
This is just more inflammatory because people don't want to see their favorite title on it.

That said, each title in their list has a little more going on for it than a generic "franchise fatigue".
Even Quantum Break has the live action stuff making it stand out as something that could very easily backfire.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
Their 2015 list.

Yeah. i think that's reasonable.

Going back, RER2 seemed like nothing but a low budget thing being sent out to die before launch.

But it actually turned out quite decently, which was a surprise


Gears 4 - franchise fatigue
Uncharted 4 - franchise fatigue

Recore - too much hype, no info
The Witness - long dev cycle, too many puzzles
Battlefield 5 - franchise fatigue
Mirror Edge - one trick pony
Cuphead - style over substance
Horizon - open world fatigue
COD - more more COD
Yooka Laylee - old mechanics and not the same charm

Now I don't actually agree with anything I've just typed but it's as valid as GT's list.

Top Ten Games we're worried about.


Top Ten Games that might suck.

Clickbait is clickbait.

Is it really franchise fatigue if they don't beat you over the head with a new entry every single year? There are plenty of other candidates for that. And even if that were the case, how could you say that but be worried for new IP coming out? We haven't seen gameplay of Recore for that to happen yet.


I actually think Division and Quantum Break will be solid games. People may hate the Uni formula but I think it's gonna work for the division

List is missing

Far cry primal: just looks absolutely dull and a reskin of 4 without guns

Horizon: I just don't have faith in Guerrilla

Cup head: I'll clarify. I don't think it will suck, but people are gonna go in expecting something else evenly though we've known what it is from the start and they won't like it

Infinity Ward COD: it'll still sell millions but it's gonna suck

Homefront: just seemed really slow for some reason and the combat was bland

Ratchet and clank


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
I actually think Division and Quantum Break will be solid games. People may hate the Uni formula but I think it's gonna work for the division

List is missing

Far cry primal: just looks absolutely dull and a reskin of 4 without guns

Horizon: I just don't have faith in Guerrilla

Cup head: I'll clarify. I don't think it will suck, but people are gonna go in expecting something else evenly though we've known what it is from the start and they won't like it

Infinity Ward COD: it'll still sell millions but it's gonna suck

Homefront: just seemed really slow for some reason and the combat was bland

Ratchet and clank

Ratchet and clank is a known quantity, its not going to suck, i can say that right now.

Homefront is a good point though and Far Cry primal, even though i am interested in the setting..


Every game might suck, even the one you're most excited for and looks amazing in all the previews. Which is why you don't preorder.
Hey I'll concede it's not the best absolute title, but the obsession for clickbait call out is annoying to me, because a top ten video is inherently going to be a bite size click and forget style article.
Just like "top ten merchants" is not going to be an in depth article about the merchant role and figure in game design, but just a quick list of popular characters.
Yeah the word "clickbait" is one of the most unnecessarily used terms for trying to disparage or discredit an article.


I'd put Horizon on that list. Moving from 10 years of developing FPS to making an open-world RPG probably isn't easy and has the potential for disappointment.


Yup Quantum Break looks like nothing special at all to me, and nothing like the quality which was achieved with the Max Payne games. Never played Alan Wake though.


I could only imagine seeing threads like this while being a developer for one of these games. Depressing really

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
they're pretty accurate and consistent
How is a list where at least almost the list didn't actually come out and majority of the ones that did received generally good reception accurate and consistent? The ones that got generally bad reception from the gaming community are Evolve and the Order.


A valid list, and I agree with it.
Bsttleborn is definitely a lock in #1, I don't see how that game will be any good. Other games can get shuffled around according to preferences, but a solid list.

I will however play The Division, already have it preordered, and am cautiously looking forward to NMS, Mafia and Ghost Recon, the others I don't care much about.

Without removing any games, I'd also add Homefront: Revolution (unless being bad is already a given), as well as Final Fantasy XV and Gears of War 4. Those two in particular can end up either magnificent or magnificently crappy.


I could only imagine seeing threads like this while being a developer for one of these games. Depressing really

"Could only imagine"...? You've never had people criticise your work before?

Tough luck if this is all it takes to upset them. Gotta learn you can't make everyone happy.
Can't blame you. The game was forgotten about the second it was announced.

I only remember it because it's holding back Borderlands 3.

My first reaction after reading this post was thinking "who the hell doesn't know what Battleborn is" then I learned that I have had Battleborn mixed up with Overwatch the whole time throughout this thread.
So yeah I am an idiot. I didn't even know what Battleborn is until I just looked it up a few minutes ago
I could absolutely see Quantum Break disappointing people. I'm a huge Remedy fan, but even I'm put off by the idea of splitting a story up into game, cutscene and 20-minute 'TV' episodes. My game-playing and TV-watching habits really don't match up at all; I never felt ready to stop playing for the night at one of the episode breaks in Alan Wake, for example. I'm worried Quantum Break is going to end up with that stifling MGS4 feeling, where you want to keep playing but you're stuck with long cutscenes all the time.


clickbait? i dunno about that...the title of the video is exactly what the video is. its not like they added "and you won't believe what games made the list" to the title lol
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