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Nintendo Life Rumor: EA and Nintendo to have meetings in March regarding NX.

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The Birthday Skeleton
Overwatch doesn't have a beta NDA.

It's worth noting the last two games on that beta service before we locked the thread were Watch Dogs and Assassin's Creed, so I'm guessing the game in question is For Honor or Watch Dogs 2 given what Ubisoft has that would be under NDA and ready for testing.

For Honor would make more sense in the context of the discussion about the beta moderator. Maybe it will have cross play? Or maybe Ubisoft plans on betting on the fact that multiplayer games seem to have the most success on console among Nintendo fans.


edit : to be clear, it's mostly Nintendo who is to blame in this fiasco, I am trying to put the blame on third party devs alone.

Nintendo's competitors have built two platforms entirely around western AAA third party taste, they have that market on lock down with their high-end hardware and online infrastructure.

There is no reason for a console multiplat gamer to even consider Nintendo as an alternative, especially because both Sony and MS are trying to beat each other with the most impressive 1st party lineup as well, games that cater specifically to that crowd.

For Nintendo to have a chance at grabbing a small portion of the PS4/XBO core audience, they'd have to release an expensive system with no profit per unit sold, abandon their kid-friendly policies and somehow remove the kiddy stigma from themselves, plus I would argue they must westernize their output to even have a chance and that means massively expand their current studios to output games equivalent to Uncharted and Forza. Because this is not happening, Nintendo systems will forever be 1st party machines. The investment is just not worth it.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
Nintendo's competitors have built two platforms entirely around western AAA third party taste, they have that market on lock down with their high-end hardware and online infrastructure.

There is no reason for a console multiplat gamer to even consider Nintendo as an alternative, especially because both Sony and MS are trying to beat each other with the most impressive 1st party lineup as well, games that cater specifically to that crowd.

For Nintendo to have a chance at grabbing a small portion of the PS4/XBO core audience, they'd have to release an expensive system with no profit per unit sold, abandon their kid-friendly policies and somehow remove the kiddy stigma from themselves, plus I would argue they must westernize their output to even have a chance and that means massively expand their current studios to output games equivalent to Uncharted and Forza. Because this is not happening, Nintendo systems will forever be 1st party machines. The investment is just not worth it.
Its 2016 - the hardware in PS4 and XBO isnt really high end and both system will be sub 300 this holiday season. No one is expecting a 599usd hardware monster from Nintendo but a solid console that can be sold for 250€bucks and can get this gens multiplattform titles and supports the main middleware engines.

I wouldnt buy Fallout 4 on PS3/XBO compared to a PC version but i would get Fallout 4 if it was playable on handheld/homesystem NX for the price of one game. Not saying that im representative for the masses but there are features they could deliver with a new system to make 3rdparty purchases on NX more attractive compared to WiiU/Wii.


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
Overwatch doesn't have a beta NDA.

It's worth noting the last two games on that beta service before we locked the thread were Watch Dogs and Assassin's Creed, so I'm guessing the game in question is For Honor or Watch Dogs 2 given what Ubisoft has that would be under NDA and ready for testing.

Oh, sorry for my misinformation, thanks for the correction.
Then, a Ubisoft game, uh? ...NDAs must be really life-threatening, if there's no dev kit yet but they're working on games on NX. Also, WD2 would be cathartic with what happened with the first WD on Wii U

I still want Overwatch NX to happen, though :p


Its 2016 - the hardware in PS4 and XBO isnt really high end and both system will be sub 300 this holiday season. No one is expecting a 599usd hardware monster from Nintendo but a solid console that can be sold for 250€bucks and can get this gens multiplattform titles and supports the main middleware engines.

I wouldnt buy Fallout 4 on PS3/XBO compared to a PC version but i would get Fallout 4 if it was playable on handheld/homesystem NX for the price of one game. Not saying that im representative for the masses but there are features they could deliver with a new system to make 3rdparty purchases on NX more attractive compared to WiiU/Wii.

Wii U was designed to absorb PS3/360 multiplats but that didn't go well. The publishers didn't even try, and I don't think anybody would have guessed Wii U would fail that hard coming from Wii. They still took a wait and see approach, which creates a catch 22 situation where 3rd parties wait for higher install base and an audience that is ready to buy their games, before investing in ports -- which are required to build said audience in the first place. They barely ported franchises like CoD and Fifa.
Nintendo's competitors have built two platforms entirely around western AAA third party taste, they have that market on lock down with their high-end hardware and online infrastructure.

There is no reason for a console multiplat gamer to even consider Nintendo as an alternative, especially because both Sony and MS are trying to beat each other with the most impressive 1st party lineup as well, games that cater specifically to that crowd.

For Nintendo to have a chance at grabbing a small portion of the PS4/XBO core audience, they'd have to release an expensive system with no profit per unit sold, abandon their kid-friendly policies and somehow remove the kiddy stigma from themselves, plus I would argue they must westernize their output to even have a chance and that means massively expand their current studios to output games equivalent to Uncharted and Forza. Because this is not happening, Nintendo systems will forever be 1st party machines. The investment is just not worth it.


Well if Xbox and PlayStation owners want to buy "Late, overpriced, no dlc, gimped, no support or marketing (for some games all of the previous mentioned things), left to die editions all around", that's on them, I say demand more/better, I'm not going to lower my demands/expectations/standard.

This means...

I will not pay €60 for Fifa 13, oh I mean Fifa 12 rebranded Fifa 13, when a REAL Fifa 13 is released on Xbox/Playstation.
I will not pay €60 for Mass Effect 3 SE on Wii U, when Mass Effect Trilogy reelases 1 week earlier on Xbox/Playstation for €50
I will not pay €60 for Most Wanted U on Wii U, when its 5 month late and no future DLC support, compared to what the game cost/will get on Xbox/Playstation.
I will not pay €60 for Splinter Cell Blacklist on Wii U, when its missing features compared to what the game get on Xbox/Playstation.

and so on and so on.

i can see your point there, but what's the excuse for zombie u, cod, batman and assassin's creed 3, having those games bomb, just made third party's give up on it, especially cod that's like the biggest selling franchise. most third party's looked at that and thought wiiu is not worth the effort. also aside from late ports most consumers don't really know if a port is gimped or not. just look at some ps3 games that sold great some of ports were horrible.
Wii U was designed to absorb PS3/360 multiplats but that didn't go well. The publishers didn't even try, and I don't think anybody would have guessed Wii U would fail that hard coming from Wii. They still took a wait and see approach, which creates a catch 22 situation where 3rd parties wait for higher install base and an audience that is ready to buy their games, before investing in ports -- which are required to build said audience in the first place. They barely ported franchises like CoD and Fifa.

That's not what happened, at launch most big holiday franchise were on WiiU.

COD, FIFA, AC, Batman, Tekken, Just Dance, Skylanders, Darksiders 2 and Mass Effect 3 (yes this one was shitty when the Trilogy was getting released on other platform) were all launch games. They just sold so bad that it wasn't worth putting out the rest later on.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
Wii U was designed to absorb PS3/360 multiplats but that didn't go well. The publishers didn't even try, and I don't think anybody would have guessed Wii U would fail that hard coming from Wii. They still took a wait and see approach, which creates a catch 22 situation where 3rd parties wait for higher install base and an audience that is ready to buy their games, before investing in ports -- which are required to build said audience in the first place.

Its all about momentum - the last years on Wii were already bad and the mio seller games that performed well on Xbox360 were never big on Wii to begin with. So most 3rd party taking a wait and see approach wasnt that surprising, considering that PS4 and XboxOne were about to hit soon after. Doesnt help that porting games from Ps360 to WiiU wasnt as easy as it should have been.

The current PS4One gen has at least 2-3 years before there is another reset incoming. Investing in NX longterm will be way more attractive if the games can run on multiple system and Android/iOS like they will have backwards compatibility on future hardware updates. I dont think we will have a situation were all mayor Japanese publishers are on board and the west completely ignores the system.

Cant wait for the unveiling though...should be fun.


Not sure which articles are already shared on this forum.

Some NX news:

BBC Claims That The Nintendo NX Is Expected For Release In June

SuperMetalDave64 Takes Down His ‘Leaked’ Nintendo Info Videos

Former Playstation Executive Has Criticized Moon Studio’s Comments On NX Dev Kits
Makes sense. The Wii U was Nintendo's dreamcast. The NX will be the Saturn and launch in stores the same day as E3.


At this point, the only way I see 3rd parties heavily supporting a Nintendo console is if they catch lightning in a bottle again like they did with Wii.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
At this point, the only way I see 3rd parties heavily supporting a Nintendo console is if they catch lightning in a bottle again like they did with Wii.

I think thats the worst outcome for Nintendo - selling the system on hype for the first couple years and crashing after the fad is over would just be the Wii all over again. They need consistent and reliable platform strategy for the next 5-10 years. 3rd partys wont hop on if they have to relearn everything every 2-3 years for a new gimmick.


those SuperMetalDave64 videos were kinda meh as leaks not worth a take down

are we sure were are not being trolled?

Well the 3DS release schedule details and Zelda Cross platform stuff was included in that. Seems odd to take it down after all the fuss to get his source mod-approved on GAF?

I'm guessing his source got cold feet.


i can see your point there, but what's the excuse for zombie u, cod, batman and assassin's creed 3, having those games bomb, just made third party's give up on it, especially cod that's like the biggest selling franchise. most third party's looked at that and thought wiiu is not worth the effort. also aside from late ports most consumers don't really know if a port is gimped or not. just look at some ps3 games that sold great some of ports were horrible.

ZombieU got hammered by bad reviews and poor word of mouth. Even releasing it on the PS4 and XOne didn't help. Batman was dogged as a crappy version. I seem to remember the videos of it not looking much better and running worse than the released versions. Which has dogged the Wii U since it was released. Why would people buy "worse" versions of the game again? If those games were considered the definitive versions, they probably would have sold much better. It was a total miscalculation by Nintendo that people would want to continue playing 360/PS3 looking games while using the expensive tablet. I hope they learned from this.


Well the 3DS release schedule details and Zelda Cross platform stuff was included in that. Seems odd to take it down after all the fuss to get his source mod-approved on GAF?

I'm guessing his source got cold feet.

I'd say the Pokemon part really did him in now that the codename has been confirmed. This confirmation now makes it seem Trev's entire leak to be true. I wouldn't go that far because things change.


A summer release (at least for one form factor) has been hinted at before by some rumours (I can't find a link), but I still find it very unlikely.

Considering that trev's source has been proven legit on multiple occasions, i'd say it's safe to assume that the new portable is early 2017.


Can't wait for Arkham Knight Armored Edition

Can't wait to play Far Cry Primal on the Nx

Please no........
I know it will be like this

Yeah, they can track people down, so I won't go into details.

Just be happy, all Nintendo fans.

Current Nintendo fans, or fans who want to come back but abandoned them due to the lack of Western third party games on their machine?

Also, can someone tell me what video/story was taken down from Trev's site?
Its 2016 - the hardware in PS4 and XBO isnt really high end and both system will be sub 300 this holiday season. No one is expecting a 599usd hardware monster from Nintendo but a solid console that can be sold for 250€bucks and can get this gens multiplattform titles and supports the main middleware engines..

Exactly. Nintendo could quite easily release hardware this year that's say 50% more powerful than the PS4, and retail at a competitive price.

It would enable them to get the best console versions of multi plats for the next few years. For anyone not yet buying a next gen console, the NX could be seen as the obvious choice.

Of course that all depends on Nintendo not being stupid, which is asking a lot.


Exactly. Nintendo could quite easily release hardware this year that's say 50% more powerful than the PS4, and retail at a competitive price.

It would enable them to get the best console versions of multi plats for the next few years. For anyone not yet buying a next gen console, the NX could be seen as the obvious choice.

Of course that all depends on Nintendo not being stupid, which is asking a lot.

The obvious choice for multiplats is where your friends are. It doesn't matter how powerful the NX is. This is why launching first is such an advantage. People are going to buy Nintendo systems for exclusives and that's not going to change.


Current Nintendo fans, or fans who want to come back but abandoned them due to the lack of Western third party games on their machine?

Who are these people? There are so many places to play western third party games. If that's at the top of your NX wishlist I have a hard time understanding why Steam/XBPS4 doesn't do it for you. More games the other systems don't have is what I hope for.

Astral Dog

Please no........
I know it will be like this

Current Nintendo fans, or fans who want to come back but abandoned them due to the lack of Western third party games on their machine?

Also, can someone tell me what video/story was taken down from Trev's site?
If you are expecting big Western AAA third party support for NX then you are going to be a bit sad.
Even when they had countless western games fans where complaining :p
After Wii U, the best case scenario would be a Game Cube/Xbox/N64 like environment at this point.


Well the 3DS release schedule details and Zelda Cross platform stuff was included in that. Seems odd to take it down after all the fuss to get his source mod-approved on GAF?

I'm guessing his source got cold feet.

Its way to late to get cold feet, the info is already out there and reported by several other news outlets. It doesn't matter if the original source is up or not.
The obvious choice for multiplats is where your friends are. It doesn't matter how powerful the NX is. This is why launching first is such an advantage. People are going to buy Nintendo systems for exclusives and that's not going to change.

That's not true at all. It's a potential 'choice maker' sure, but it isn't the be-all and end-all. Lots of people stuck with Xbox this gen, but lot's more switched to PS4, regardless of their friends list. They did so because the machine had better prospects.

If the NX is actually a good machine, i.e better hardware than the PS4, and with 3rd party support, it will be an attractive product, for both current console owners and new.

These are all very big if's anyway.


Exactly. Nintendo could quite easily release hardware this year that's say 50% more powerful than the PS4, and retail at a competitive price.

It would enable them to get the best console versions of multi plats for the next few years. For anyone not yet buying a next gen console, the NX could be seen as the obvious choice.

Of course that all depends on Nintendo not being stupid, which is asking a lot.

They could possibly release a console 50% more powerful than PS4 at $399, but I don't know how much scope they'd have if they want to match the $299 price point that PS4 and XBO will be at by the end of the year. There's potentially a bit of improvement to be had from GCN 1.2 and from a more mature 28nm process, and if they drop the optical drive that'll save them maybe $5-10 per unit, but even in a best case scenario where Nintendo were aiming to get the best possible performance for $299 you'd only be looking at maybe a 10-20% jump over PS4.

Not that I'd expect that, though. I'm expecting maybe XBO performance or a little less. Not from a "it's Nintendo, therefore it has to be underpowered" thought process, as they could obviously ask AMD to target any performance envelope they like, but from the fact that the higher the performance of the home console, the more difficult cross-development becomes. XBO performance or thereabouts allows them to be competitive enough to get third party ports while keeping handheld and home console within the right range to keep cross-development feasible.


At best, Nintendo's stake in the multiplats is a defensive position. Near-nobody's going to buy the console for Madden or CoD or Minecraft, but what it does is stop someone with split loyalty (someone who loves Mario Kart and CoD) from going to the PS4 just because they would rather have CoD if they had to choose, but would optimally choose both.

It's defensive in the sense that it doesn't help the console or actively enhance it's position. It just stops damage.

Of course, Nintendo needs to be aggressive enough on that to make sure the third party titles sell well enough that making a port is worth more to the publisher than spending that money (even if it's a bare-bones, million-dollar port) on more DLC for other platforms or something. But the third parties have to meet them halfway and not do unpromoted stealth-launches of a half-baked port with poor IQ performance.
They could possibly release a console 50% more powerful than PS4 at $399, but I don't know how much scope they'd have if they want to match the $299 price point that PS4 and XBO will be at by the end of the year. There's potentially a bit of improvement to be had from GCN 1.2 and from a more mature 28nm process, and if they drop the optical drive that'll save them maybe $5-10 per unit, but even in a best case scenario where Nintendo were aiming to get the best possible performance for $299 you'd only be looking at maybe a 10-20% jump over PS4.

Not that I'd expect that, though. I'm expecting maybe XBO performance or a little less. Not from a "it's Nintendo, therefore it has to be underpowered" thought process, as they could obviously ask AMD to target any performance envelope they like, but from the fact that the higher the performance of the home console, the more difficult cross-development becomes. XBO performance or thereabouts allows them to be competitive enough to get third party ports while keeping handheld and home console within the right range to keep cross-development feasible.

They could just take the PS4 silicon, add a few compute units, clock it higher and build it on a smaller process. I think 16/14 would be available to them this year. Or use a more modern architecture with similar specs, like maybe even a baby Polaris of some sort.

I guess they could get that for $150 per unit tops. Add another $100 or so to complete the system and they would be there. I think a more powerful system would only help 3rd party devs, not hinder them. It makes cross porting easier and they are already utilizing more hardware on the PC versions anyway.

I think it would be a fatal mistake to once again release hardware weaker than what's already existed for 3 years. The PS4 and Xbox are already pretty weak as is. They really need core gamers to be interested in this thing, and exclusives isn't enough. But who knows with Nintendo.

My main fear is that they are going to concentrate too hard on the console to handheld inter-connectivity, at the expense of diluting the core experience. Especially for those who don't want the handheld.


They could just take the PS4 silicon, add a few compute units, clock it higher and build it on a smaller process. I think 16/14 would be available to them this year. Or use a more modern architecture with similar specs, like maybe even a baby Polaris of some sort.

I guess they could get that for $150 per unit tops. Add another $100 or so to complete the system and they would be there. I think a more powerful system would only help 3rd party devs, not hinder them. It makes cross porting easier and they are already utilizing more hardware on the PC versions anyway.

I think it would be a fatal mistake to once again release hardware weaker than what's already existed for 3 years. The PS4 and Xbox are already pretty weak as is. They really need core gamers to be interested in this thing, and exclusives isn't enough. But who knows with Nintendo.

My main fear is that they are going to concentrate too hard on the console to handheld inter-connectivity, at the expense of diluting the core experience. Especially for those who don't want the handheld.

Moving to a smaller process at this stage would increase the price, not decrease it, and it's unlikely that they'd be able to make a big enough 14nm/16nn die this year anyway (as evidence look at the fact that AMD have no 14nm APU's due until mid-2017).

The benefit of developing one set of games for both home console and handheld isn't just that players can play the same game across both devices. The real benefit is that instead of stretching their first and second party efforts across two different platforms they can pour all their efforts into a single ecosystem, which means a gamer who owns just one of the devices gets twice as many first-party games to play. Third parties are nice to have, but ultimately Nintendo's consoles are going to sell on the strength of their own games, and increasing the quantity and quality of them is their best route to success.


This particular leak wasn't on the NDA, but the game is under NDA. Sorry. :)

And Bish checked me out and I'm ok.

So there you go.

Let's recap: one big 3rd party dev is making a port to NX, so Nintendo lovers are getting some seriously good love. :)

I don't like ports, even for multiplatform games it's not that exciting as "this will be the BIG 3rd party launch title".

I think it would be better if they get something exclusive that comes from a BIG 3rd party dev.


Hmmm.. I certainly think late September could be a possibility for the console release with Zelda rolling out in November. That would be on a similar track as N64 and PS back in the day.

Maybe BBC get confused and it just means a reveal of nx @ e3


I already know that one big 3rd party dev is porting a huge game for NX at the moment. I was in the closed beta of this game and the partnership was kind of spilled out by a mod.

NDA, so no sugar, sorry. But just letting the Nintendo fans know that they're going to get some good 3rd party love on their new console. :)
You know what? Time to go batshit crazy. A huge game, by a third party, partnering with Nintendo.

Take-Two, saying that they're coming to E3 in a big way with Rockstar being there.

You know what I'm guessing right?

Red Dead 3 for NX with a co-marketing deal. Red Dead 3 bundles, maybe first to access dlc. Will be the definitive edition.
You know what? Time to go batshit crazy. A huge game, by a third party, partnering with Nintendo.

Take-Two, saying that they're coming to E3 in a big way with Rockstar being there.

You know what I'm guessing right?

Red Dead 3 for NX with a co-marketing deal. Red Dead 3 bundles, maybe first to access dlc. Will be the definitive edition.

THIS reminds me of the WUST days.


You know what? Time to go batshit crazy. A huge game, by a third party, partnering with Nintendo.

Take-Two, saying that they're coming to E3 in a big way with Rockstar being there.

You know what I'm guessing right?

Red Dead 3 for NX with a co-marketing deal. Red Dead 3 bundles, maybe first to access dlc. Will be the definitive edition.

Man, get outta here! Be reasonable!

It's GTA VI/console-exclusive/UE7


I'd just take SSX Tricky HD at this point.
Tricky is still the bright spot of the entire franchise. Why haven't they been able to capture that fun again? Oh yeah because they thought falling off a cliff and dying constantly would be more fun than busting out a crazy trick while smashing through skyscraper windows with a huge score multiplier racking up.

On point, how can we not be totally cynical about EA support? They have a history of supporting launch windows with slightly old games then when they don't sell they cut support.

i can see your point there, but what's the excuse for zombie u, cod, batman and assassin's creed 3, having those games bomb, just made third party's give up on it, especially cod that's like the biggest selling franchise. most third party's looked at that and thought wiiu is not worth the effort. also aside from late ports most consumers don't really know if a port is gimped or not. just look at some ps3 games that sold great some of ports were horrible.
Zombi U was niche and complaints about its repetitive nature made people shy away from paying full price for it, CoD sales went nowhere after they wouldn't answer the question of whether DLC would show up or not and people bailed before Ghost was released got to the point people refused to buy unless DLC was promised, Batman and Assassin's Creed I can't explain because I wasn't paying attention to either of those games.


Zombi U was niche and complaints about its repetitive nature made people shy away from paying full price for it, CoD sales went nowhere after they wouldn't answer the question of whether DLC would show up or not and people bailed before Ghost was released got to the point people refused to buy unless DLC was promised, Batman and Assassin's Creed I can't explain because I wasn't paying attention to either of those games.

Assassin's Creed III had overpriced DLC compared to other platforms (I think at least some of the pieces were a bit late, too). It was also Assassin's Creed III. They didn't even bother with porting DLC for Black Flag .

Honestly not sure about Batman, but I suspect "not the same game, not the same content" may have had something to do with it.
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