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Far Cry Primal |OT| The Land Before Towers

N° 2048

Just the disappearing enemy bug here on PS4 (confirmed on XO as well) when using Owl but Ubisoft confirmed on official forums that the devs are aware.

Golgo 13

The Man With The Golden Dong
Glad to see this game getting the love it deserves. I agree that melee combat isn't very complex, but then again, it fits the style of the game -- see man, kill man. This isn't meant to be a complex melee combat simulator -- you're a fucking caveman. It's meant to be brutal, simple, immediate, and deadly.

What's there works pretty well, and I think the game is structured around giving you enough options so that melee is probably gonna be %20 of your combat strategy at most. Throwing spears feels powerful, fast, and fucking GREAT. Bow combat is slick and feels snappy. I also think it's amazing to chuck a Giant Club at a charging enemy only to hit them in the face, hearing that satisfying "thud", then see them basically do a backflip mid air, from the force of the impact.

I just got to the North, and the new enemies and atmosphere are really high quality. I've already gotten my money's worth out of this game and I'm not even to the end yet. It's been the biggest surprise for me in a long time, considering the tone of the reviews and media coverage in general (which I find myself agreeing with more often than not).


Now that I've given it enough time to "cool down", I can say with more confidence:

This is a great return to form after the far-too-iterative, and ultimately boring Far Cry 4.

It hinges on not only tweaking the formula just enough, but giving players a lot of flexibility on not just how to play, but on customizing their whole experience through the UI. It's as immersive and challenging as you want it to be, all the tools are right there. Add to it solid new mechanics with the beast taming, which makes having a wide variety of AI controlled helpers very fun, a more robust night-time gameplay dynamic, and the complete removal of guns and cars and we have a winner.

The one and only complaint (and I suppose it's a big one) that I have is that the game is begging, absolutely begging for a more robust melee system. They should have lifted Condemned's systems, IMO. It's not bad, but it's not good enough.

Oh yeah, one more thing that nearly everyone is pointing out but it bears repeating: It's amazing what a CORRECT setting does to old mechanics. The crafting simply works here. It makes sense that we need to gather resources, it makes sense that to keep producing arrows we need to get more wood, it makes sense that one of the main challenges of the game is expanding your footprint in the world and taking over dangerous areas. It makes sense that your character and his companions have NO option but to get a foothold in this world and try to survive. That adds an unbelievable amount to the game.


Glad to see folks enjoying this.

I think as said before that what is hidden within the games Farcry title is a look at Ubisofts ability to meld atmosphere with reflective game-play including understanding that collecting is not the same thing as flooding a location with collectibles. Also with the skills and upgrades attached to characters that make sense, those characters suddenly matter. Going and getting them(the characters) or doing quests for them isn't just to go up in level its because their upgrade and feedback goes throughout the gameplay from the village appearance, the skills, and the upgrades.

Additionally if you look closely they have a better understanding of melding location with gameplay and when upgrading your village you don't just add locations you actually change the environment with small bridges over the creeks and cutting down foliage to build the locations and changing the outlook of nearby enemy attacks.

Its sad that the melee just isn't as robust as it should be but with the proper settings its completely workable.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
Glad to see folks enjoying this.

I think as said before that what is hidden within the games Farcry title is a look at Ubisofts ability to meld atmosphere with reflective game-play including understanding that collecting is not the same thing as flooding a location with collectibles. Also with the skills and upgrades attached to characters that make sense, those characters suddenly matter. Going and getting them(the characters) or doing quests for them isn't just to go up in level its because their upgrade and feedback goes throughout the gameplay from the village appearance, the skills, and the upgrades.

Additionally if you look closely they have a better understanding of melding location with gameplay and when upgrading your village you don't just add locations you actually change the environment with small bridges over the creeks and cutting down foliage to build the locations and changing the outlook of nearby enemy attacks.

Its sad that the melee just isn't as robust as it should be but with the proper settings its completely workable.
I love how progress in any collectable type is reflected by the cave paintings in your den. Tame a lion, it's added to the painting. Craft a weapon. Painting. New landmark? It's added to the painting.

It's neat, if nothing else.


This is a great return to form after the far-too-iterative, and ultimately boring Far Cry 4.
Yup. I stopped playing Far Cry 4 after a few hours, it was just not fun. Primal on the other hand is a great game. Absolutely sublime gameplay and visuals. I quite like the setting too. I wish the story was a little better but after 15 hours or so I don't really care about it.


One less achievement down, (Right on Target, kill a target 50 feet away with a spear) Been trying to do it for hours.


Heh, I had major problems with Right on Target and Bullseye. I kept trying to do it at this one spot someone posted on playstationtrophies (a lake in the Southwest area) and no matter what they wouldn't trigger, despite me being more than far enough away. Hell, I had a few bow kills at about 90 yards and it just refused to pop. And I was using the Owl to precision mark enemies so I knew exactly how far I was.

Then I went to a outpost I hadn't cleared yet and got it right away. And thankfully those are like the only two trophies I wouldn't get from playing like I normally do.

Other than that though, no problems and I'm absolutely loving this game. All of the mechanics just fit so much better in this setting, like so many others have said. The only thing I even find a little tedious at all is doing Caves, since the little hand stone collectibles in them can be annoying to find in some.

leng jai

Ironically Ubisoft just produced the best Farcry and Assassin's Creed games in years and they'll both probably end up being the lowest selling titles in their respective franchises.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
I got the bow one so randomly, but I gotta say it was one hell of a shot. Wish I saved it, but hitting the PS button to check what the trophy was reset the capture. :/

Ironically Ubisoft just produced the best Farcry and Assassin's Creed games in years and they'll both probably end up being the lowest selling titles in their respective franchises.

Man I really wanted to like Syndicate. Honestly I do like it, just can't play it. Lack of any jog (hell even the obtuse Black Flag method) and removing the jump button... idk, couldn't get past it. Especially the jump, made travesal feel like a huge step back from Unity, even if everything else was better.


Ironically Ubisoft just produced the best Farcry and Assassin's Creed games in years and they'll both probably end up being the lowest selling titles in their respective franchises.

Yep. I called in the Syndicate of the Farcry Series in my review for just that reason. Even though it was #1 on Amazon for a couple days which was nice. And we still have the PC release like Syndicate but...yep. Sad as fuck.

Also that spear achievement I got by accident throwing a spear at a goat, missed and hit a dude below me on the clifff LOL> In a lifestream
I wasn't planning on buying this game for a while but Gamestop has a promo this weekend, get an extra 10% if you trade in towards a new game so I grabbed Primal since its the only game of the last 12 months I haven't bought/played and the 10% bonus was paying for half of the game.

Only 5 hours in so far but kinda regretting the purchase. To be fair I am also playing Witcher 3 right now, and the difference feels like night and day to me. I do enjoy the bow combat, but the story is pretty bad and I just don't like the controls, at all. Holding down R3 to turn on Ubi-vision feels un-intuitive, compared to a L1/R1 on pretty much every other game.

Taming beasts is fun. Killing what seems to be an endless army of cavemen wandering around is not fun. Its totally unfair to the game, but everything feels so much better and smoother in Witcher 3, from controls to story to missions to travel. Yes, I know, GOTY compared to... well, not a GOTY.

Hoping it gets better, but having recently finished UC Collection, Tomb Raider and Syndicate, I just can't see why anyone would play this over those games. Unless they really love 10,000 BC era I guess.

On the plus side it looks like an easy platinum, I really do like that about Ubisoft games. What I don't like is how design-by-committee their games are starting to feel.

Also hate these goddamn vision missions, just did the Mammoth/Rhino one and that was just awful until I figured out you have to run around in circles to heal. Hated them all in Far Cry 4 too, I wonder if I am alone in despising them.


Ironically Ubisoft just produced the best Farcry and Assassin's Creed games in years and they'll both probably end up being the lowest selling titles in their respective franchises.

Eh, I bet Primal outsells Blood Dragon, unless Blood Dragon did waaaay better than I'm assuming it did. And I'm guessing you just mean in comparison to "mainline" entries for AC.

Hopefully word of mouth gets Primal some big legs.


Gold Member
I bought a copy off cdkey's for Uplay, but the time it comes out and I install it, the Division will be out. What a pain!

I decided against it at first, but then bought a cheap copy. Now it looks like people have torn through it. I was afraid of this. These games go by so fast and it's just another open world shooter. I don't even know what to think. It isn't considered a must play this gen? Someone could wait?

All I see are people jumping into it and doing everything in one fowl swoup.

Are people actually enjoying this? I feel like I haven't heard FC talked about since the Xbox 360 was huge.

The marketing has sorta sucked for this. I just haven't been in the loop with FC. I've been waiting for other games, but hey they got a copy from me.

GAF has made me believe cdkey's is alright. Cdkey's hasn't even sent out keys and some people on my list have already beat it (well some have a butt load of trophies already).


I bought a copy off cdkey's for Uplay, but the time it comes out and I install it, the Division will be out. What a pain!

I decided against it at first, but then bought a cheap copy. Now it looks like people have torn through it. I was afraid of this. These games go by so fast and it's just another open world shooter. I don't even know what to think. It isn't considered a must play this gen? Someone could wait?

All I see are people jumping into it and doing everything in one fowl swoup.

Are people actually enjoying this? I feel like I haven't heard FC talked about since the Xbox 360 was huge.

The marketing has sorta sucked for this. I just haven't been in the loop with FC. I've been waiting for other games, but hey they got a copy from me.

GAF has made me believe cdkey's is alright. Cdkey's hasn't even sent out keys and some people on my list have already beat it (well some have a butt load of trophies already).

...What now?

Eh, I bet Primal outsells Blood Dragon, unless Blood Dragon did waaaay better than I'm assuming it did. And I'm guessing you just mean in comparison to "mainline" entries for AC.

Hopefully word of mouth gets Primal some big legs.

That will be interesting. Looks like a lot of the PC streamers/reviewers finally got it and are loving it so thats some word of mouth and like I said it was #1 on amazon for a couple days. But I always thought Blood Dragon had an insane tailend.
I'm so hooked on this game I haven't even touched SF V all week. (Which is gonna suck for me when I go back. Practice Practice Practice)

The feeling I get when running through the jungle with a bow is incredible. There's so many random events going on constantly it feels like there's never really any dull moments.

Granted I also enjoyed FC 3 & 4, but somehow taking away the guns and vehicles makes it an even better experience IMO.


I fucking love when the Double Bow headshots two guys at once. And when a spear gets thrown through multiple guys.

And man, I used to be super-anal about getting the Stealth Bonus for outpost captures in FC3/4 and would reset if I fucked up and didn't get it, but I'm having such a blast with all the different weapons in ways that I never did with the previous games that I just don't care if I blow stealth now. Hopefully I can max skills without having to reset outposts. >< I am intent on collecting every single thing so I think I'll be okay.


I fucking love when the Double Bow headshots two guys at once. And when a spear gets thrown through multiple guys.

And man, I used to be super-anal about getting the Stealth Bonus for outpost captures in FC3/4 and would reset if I fucked up and didn't get it, but I'm having such a blast with all the different weapons in ways that I never did with the previous games that I just don't care if I blow stealth now. Hopefully I can max skills without having to reset outposts. >< I am intent on collecting every single thing so I think I'll be okay.

Personally I feel that stealthing everything can feel a bit weird anyway. I mean you are a caveman so occasionally throat-singing some dude with a femur thick spear isn't a bad thing


Still don't like the shaman drug trips. Those aside loving the hell out of this thing. It's you and your animal buddy against nature and it's fucking awesome. Environment design is top notch. Spear throwing is just incredible, especially with the animation reactions that the enemies do. Can't wait to start digging into some of the later systems.

Not a classic by any means but a hell of a romp for sure.


Just did a orange icon cave, quite annoyed. I saw the exit but didn't pass through it but the game still triggered it and I exited the cave. There was a doorway made of branches that I didn't get to burn down and you can't enter after finishing. Hopefully nothing is missable in the game.


Just did a orange icon cave, quite annoyed. I saw the exit but didn't pass through it but the game still triggered it and I exited the cave. There was a doorway made of branches that I didn't get to burn down and you can't enter after finishing. Hopefully nothing is missable in the game.

The Orange Cave Quests are one time only, but there's absolutely nothing to collect in them. There's just regular resource bags/gathering stuff and that's it. You can't fuck yourself in this game, as far as I know.


I grabbed this on a whim, thanks to this thread, and am digging it. I just got to they crazy wolf guy who gave me this potion....beautiful vision I must say.
Edit: Oh shit!
I'm flying now and need to un-invert the camera, lol
Double edit:
I'm a Beast Master now. Fuck yeah!


Can you tame turtles?

Why would you want to when you can tame a blood fang saber tooth or... the true king of beasts:



Played about four hours now. Still not blown away, but it is pretty cool. I really love throwing spears and hanging out with my jaguar buddy.

Any missable trophies in this game?


Just played the first of those PS4 exclusive Mammoth missions, and man alive was it garbage. Xbox users aint missing a thing.
Just played the first of those PS4 exclusive Mammoth missions, and man alive was it garbage. Xbox users aint missing a thing.

Yeah, I played it earlier tonight. That was definitely the least fun I've had with this game so far. Everything else has been great, but this was obviously just tacked on at Sony's behest. I'd rather they not even bother with this kind of thing if they aren't going to make it worthwhile.
Just played the first of those PS4 exclusive Mammoth missions, and man alive was it garbage. Xbox users aint missing a thing.

I don't think Mammoth (Legend of the Mammoth) is exclusive to PS4, cause I'm playing them on xbox, unless there is another set of those missions, I think it was just pre-order bonus.


I skipped 4 and wasn't even going to give this a chance until I just read this thread. I'll be on the lookout for a retail copy if the price is right, thanks to these impressions. Dammit GAF!


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
GAF has made me believe cdkey's is alright. Cdkey's hasn't even sent out keys and some people on my list have already beat it (well some have a butt load of trophies already).

The PC version isn't out until the 1st. It's pre-loadable but not playable.
This game plays at times like its an online game experiencing lag. Not just input lag in the usual sense, but delayed world and enemy reactions and general weirdness that you run into in online games.

I've been rushed by a boar, who ran up to me before turning the other way for a couple of yards before his attack registered. I've had AIs in the middle of their stagger animations still throw their spears at me, and even through trees and boulders that should have provided me full cover. Besides that there can be your usual run of the mill input lag anywhere from super mild to pretty damn sluggish. Its weird.

Still enjoying my time with the game besides, and a great deal of it has to deal with being able to play without the HUD. Each HUD element I disable just ends up revealing another layer of information placed in the world to provide that information - whether that's subtle audio cues, color changes or elements of the environment I took as random flavor that are actually practical and useful. I'm loving how it allows the world to unfold.


Did the 'cold-mechanic' have a meaningful effect on anyone?

I went North once, saw the cold meter, did some other quest, went back to my village, and was immediately able to upgrade to warmest clothes (=no more cold meter) with the animal skins / furs i had already collected.

I don't mind, really, because that mechanic sounded super obnoxious.
So which animal buddy do you guys like/use the most?
I find myself using the black cave lion the most.
  • good strength
  • good speed
  • good stealth
  • useful ability

Sabertooth has better stats, but no abilty, usefull if speed matters.
Cave bear is super strong but for some reason it doesn't really support me as much as the lion, alos gets stuck a lot, and I cant feed/heal it on many occasions (bug?).
Black jaguar for stealth attacks, but more than not it ends up fucking up stealth, and being mauled by several enemies, while I just pick up the enemies silently.
Rest I find kinda useless.


Just rescued some poor guy from a random event. He got to enjoy his freedom for about a minute before a bear rushed in and mauled him.


Gold Member
Just rescued some poor guy from a random event. He got to enjoy his freedom for about a minute before a bear rushed in and mauled him.

I appreciate how the game doesn't immediately does a "-1 villagers" when a random Wenja dies in the world who you didn't save.

I felt the crazy urge to help everyone at the start until I realised the game doesn't punish you whatsoever if you don't. Which is really nice.
Did the 'cold-mechanic' have a meaningful effect on anyone?

I went North once, saw the cold meter, did some other quest, went back to my village, and was immediately able to upgrade to warmest clothes (=no more cold meter) with the animal skins / furs i had already collected.

I don't mind, really, because that mechanic sounded super obnoxious.

I think it's used just to stop people exploring the north too early into the game, the opening 4+ hours encourage you to not roam too much.


Gold Member
I think it's used just to stop people exploring the north too early into the game, the opening 4+ hours encourage you to not roam too much.

Early in the game you're doing all these missions labeled "easy" and then suddenly someone wants you to go to the other side of the fucking map to take over some base with a mission labeled "very hard", so random.
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