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Far Cry Primal |OT| The Land Before Towers


You can buy the Soundtrack off the UbiPlay thing for UbiPoints (is that what they are called?)

I have a ton (you get UbiPoints from just playing Ubisoft games), going to download it tonight.
You can also unlock a perk/weapon with those points.
It's also on Spotify for those who have it.


You can buy the Soundtrack off the UbiPlay thing for UbiPoints (is that what they are called?)

I have a ton (you get UbiPoints from just playing Ubisoft games), going to download it tonight.
You can also unlock a perk/weapon with those points.

That's only a selection though. CE owners got the full OST on disc btw.


I'm 10 hours in and I only have one complaint. I really wish the "hunter vision" only highlited items/tracks instead of also making the whole screen become black/white. It puts a strain on my eyes going from bright vivid colorful world to a black/white screen multiple times.

Yup, this is very annoying.


Yup, this is very annoying.

ME TOO !!!

since most of the game is played with this vision its unfortunate

lets get this patched.

Also, im about 10 hours in and I only just got the 3 other people into my village. I assume im still VERY VERY early in the story?


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
ME TOO !!!

since most of the game is played with this vision its unfortunate

lets get this patched.

Also, im about 10 hours in and I only just got the 3 other people into my village. I assume im still VERY VERY early in the story?
I never use that...
I never use that...

I run with damn near no UI - no reticle, minimap, world markers, nuthin. And so far I've only used survivor vision when chasing after an animal I've injured if I've lost it, looking for the blood trail, or else sometimes with the owl as it makes a ton of sense, though I don't use the owl all that much.

Audio cues are all over the place in this game, so if you've got a decent setup you can glean a ton of information just from that - which animals are in the area, which humans, and which tribes, and whether they're patrolling, hunting, fighting, or resting at a village. The ever-present mountainous backdrops help keep the world easy to navigate too - just check the map for where you need to go, take note of nearby landmarks and topology and you're pretty much set.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
You never use vision? I feel like that would make some things much harder
Naw, the game gives visual cues for everything. Footprints are the one real exception, because they can occasionally be hard to make out. It's not so much a print in the texture or whatever as it's a decal hovering just above it. And it's black, almost like a shadow. So that can be tricky. Animal prints are clearly visible though, as are blood trails.

Anything quest-related is visible in the gameworld without vision. To spoil an early side quest (sorry) you're asked to find the source of water contamination. Well you could turn on batman vision and sprint your way to the source following glowing red indicators. And then come to gaf and complain how these quests are boring copy + paste Ubi fluff. Or you could eschew x-rays in favor of actually looking around. Doing so, you'd see dead fish in the water, all around, but more so in one direction. And then make the connection that contamination is likely coming from somewhere upstream. You follow the dead fish and animals up stream, until you happen upon a dead bear. Investigation has him remark that the toxicity must be concentrated here, if it could kill a large beast like a bear. You follow the clearly visible bear tracks, other clues, and by now your own intuition, heading up to the contamination source. Battle some creatures, remove the contamination (which are some pretty gross, but neat models not seen anywhere else in the game) and discover a new area. Never once using batman vision.

Now for me, that was a neat little mission that took idk 10 - 15 mins or something, I got to search around for logical clues, was able to appreciate the special art they made just for this little quest (pools of foul water and dead fish and clams, unique animal carcasses, the previously mentioned gross contaminant source) had a fun encounter, found a secret area.

To those just rushing from one waypoint to the next... I can imagine how it might be kinda whatever.

I've been beating this drum pretty hard, but imo this particular game... there's more to it if you're interested in looking. I find pretty much every quest is set up like the side mission I described above. It's there if you want it. If not, I get it, really. But this is what I really like about the game. Even turning off interaction icons, I have to investigate stuff to see if I can interact, instead of waiting for some icon to pop up. It reminds me a bit of exploring environments in old jrpg's, in a way, but I digress...


You never use vision? I feel like that would make some things much harder

Ya I beat the whole game pretty much never using it expect one time when the footprint glitch showed up.

no hud and expert or nohud and hard or nohud and medium. There are some good overall stylex you can choose to play it but nohud and very little hunter vision is pretty insane.


This is good information. When I pick this up I'll be doing exactly this kind of thing where possible to make the experience as immersive as it can be.

Then I would try it first with the hud aspects on and then slowly turn them off as you go. That gives you an idea of the gameplay but doesn't get crushing. Then you can slowly remove them. Also the difficulty plays a massive part in conjunction with the hud being on or off. The hud really is sort of...easy mode in many ways.

I just passed the 100th comment from someone who initially gave me hell for reviewing the game and liking it and then having them return and either having played it and got it themselves or playing someone eleses copy and liking it lol. What an odd series of events this game has gone through.

N° 2048

Yep, Evolved1 hit the nail on the head.

The Wenja bracelets are actually only cued via audio. You follow the 'ghost voice' or 'chant'.
Unless my game is glitched out, they do not show on the map (only a radius of whereabouts the Wenja bracelet is in blue).
Pretty much have to follow the sound and look on the ground for a prompt to pick it up. I never actually saw a bracelet on the ground.


No visual clue except radius:
Then I would try it first with the hud aspects on and then slowly turn them off as you go. That gives you an idea of the gameplay but doesn't get crushing. Then you can slowly remove them. Also the difficulty plays a massive part in conjunction with the hud being on or off. The hud really is sort of...easy mode in many ways.

100% what I am doing. Great suggestions and it's working out very well for me.

leng jai

The cutscene graphics are crazy impressive at times. The story delivery is just weird though, everything is so disjointed.


Then I would try it first with the hud aspects on and then slowly turn them off as you go. That gives you an idea of the gameplay but doesn't get crushing. Then you can slowly remove them. Also the difficulty plays a massive part in conjunction with the hud being on or off. The hud really is sort of...easy mode in many ways.

I just passed the 100th comment from someone who initially gave me hell for reviewing the game and liking it and then having them return and either having played it and got it themselves or playing someone eleses copy and liking it lol. What an odd series of events this game has gone through.
And that's why companies won't take risks, I applaud UBI for this game and child of light and bringing back rayman, most of the complaints the game is getting is that is far cry with a different coat of paint, but isn't uncharted the same? Or halo? Or COD? The game is not perfect but is IMO by far the best far cry in the series


Gold Member
This game is awesome, sheesh. The more I play, the more I love it. The map layout is genius, absolutely stellar. The verticality, the way it flows, the different biomes and the amazing way the entire atmosphere changes once you reach the more barren areas. So gloomy, amazing stuff.

I just spent quite some time exploring this little mountain here, do yourself a favor and go look it up. The climb up is great, and the view is nothing short of spectacular.

[also - lol at the tiny piece of the map I uncovered after almost 10 hours of playtime]


And that's why companies won't take risks, I applaud UBI for this game and child of light and bringing back rayman, most of the complaints the game is getting is that is far cry with a different coat of paint, but isn't uncharted the same? Or halo? Or COD? The game is not perfect but is IMO by far the best far cry in the series

Or Blood Dragon Lol
I just passed the 100th comment from someone who initially gave me hell for reviewing the game and liking it and then having them return and either having played it and got it themselves or playing someone eleses copy and liking it lol. What an odd series of events this game has gone through.
For the record I had less than zero interest in this game until I watched your review. The ability to ply no-HUD, along with the logic to the way the world looks and sounds and plays - it got me interested. Then some positive impressions from buddies pushed me over the edge.

I haven't had that kind of swing from active disinterest to hype in years. A week ago I thought this game was everything I disliked about the Far Cry games rolled up into one ball oh meh - but it actually works on its own terms.

leng jai

If this game had good melee combat and a Pagan Min level antagonist then it would probably be a 10/10 for me. Oros is simply amazing in every way. The game is very specific in how it wants you to play. You pretty much have to take your time, scavenge/inspect everything under the sun and approach every combat scenario with stealthy bow. Any other way and the game starts breaking down pretty quickly.
If this game had good melee combat and a Pagan Min level antagonist then it would probably be a 10/10 for me. Oros is simply amazing in every way. The game is very specific in how it wants you to play. You pretty much have to take your time, scavenge/inspect everything under the sun and approach every combat scenario with stealthy bow. Any other way and the game starts breaking down pretty quickly.

Honestly I hardly ever stealth, I send my animal in, throws spears, use arrows, throw bee bombs, light them on fire, and club the shit out of people lol


For the record I had less than zero interest in this game until I watched your review. The ability to ply no-HUD, along with the logic to the way the world looks and sounds and plays - it got me interested. Then some positive impressions from buddies pushed me over the edge.

I haven't had that kind of swing from active disinterest to hype in years. A week ago I thought this game was everything I disliked about the Far Cry games rolled up into one ball oh meh - but it actually works on its own terms.

Ya these are people a bit more...animated in their disdain for the review lol.
But I get you. I also went into it with little interest as a whole.

I agree mending of atmosphere and gameplay is indeed one of the best parts of the title.

N° 2048

Honestly I hardly ever stealth, I send my animal in, throws spears, use arrows, throw bee bombs, light them on fire, and club the shit out of people lol

I am playing almost pure stealth @ night when I can, to capture outposts. Next play through I am going to be like you ;)

Fucking fire arrows and spears from no where then send in my Pet along with a flaming mammoth + bee bombs.


Ya, mark me down as another one who talked an extraordinary amount of shit about this game before launch and ended up really enjoying it. Finished it last night at 16 hours with 50% completion, will go for the Platinum Trophy as I did for Far Cry 4.

Combat is mediocre, story isn't even really a thing, but everything else is a huge leap forward for the series. The sound design and positional audio is absolutely incredible. I was just using basic TV speakers and had more than a few situations where the audio cues were a more useful indicator for danger than the minimap, that impressed me greatly.

The game surprised me in a number of ways I didn't expect it to, but my first impressions of the combat were spot-on. The removal of guns removes the variety and combat encounters ended up becoming repetitive and "samey" far more quickly than the previous games, to me. It's my largest complaint by a country mile.

The open world itself is such a huge step forward for the series that it makes up for the weak story, for me, but they really needed to overhaul the melee combat if they were going to go for something like this. No blocking, no parrying, just mashing R2 until someone falls down, with some occasional dancing around in circles to heal. It was weak.

I think Ubisoft Montreal deserves great credit for building one of the most atmospheric and immersive open worlds ever. I'm jaded as fuck and there were still an astonishing number of moments where I just stopped and took everything in. World-building is absolutely TOP FUCKING NOTCH here, it was a real joy to explore and just get lost in. The main story quests may feel like other game's sidequests, but the world itself, again, makes up for that. I don't need big, over-the-top setpieces when the environment feels so alive and begging to be explored. They did good.

So, 8/10 that could have been a real 9.5 or so with a more complex combat system. I can very easily see how the combat might not be as much of a detractor to some as it was for me, it wouldn't surprise me in the least if Primal actually turns out to be a series favorite for many. What it does well, it does extraordinarily well.


Glad to hear it, antitrop. You are usually a tough nut to crack, so it's nice to see you come away being surprised. It's just a fun game with an incredible atmosphere, and the quests fit the narrative better than any game in the series.
The open world itself is such a huge step forward for the series that it makes up for the weak story, for me, but they really needed to overhaul the melee combat if they were going to go for something like this. No blocking, no parrying, just mashing R2 until someone falls down, with some occasional dancing around in circles to heal. It was weak.
Yeah, melee has been disappointing. You get a basic swipe and a heavy attack by holding it down. That's it, and it doesn't work. Doesn't flow and it doesn't have the simple brutality of punches in something like Mad Max.

But the bow is fun, and nailing a good spear throw is so damn good.


It's still somewhat tempting to try this game on my PC. Never had much love for Far Cry in particular, but can't say I haven't enjoyed them either.

I was so very excited for this game when it got announced until I noticed a few things that I was not satisfied with.

- The taming of beasts is straight up the largest reason for me to not buy this game. You are a prehistoric man, far before humanity was on top of the food chain. Therefor being able to tame and ride the most dangerous of animals does not suit me. I do NOT want to be a godlike rambo shooting/clubbing to death with an animal by my side.

- The hunting looks abysmally easy. I've seen someone kill 3 mammoths on his own with just stabbing around with a spear, really?

- Abuse of fire by making bombs is weird to me. Humanity just discovered fire and they are already throwing bombs?

Looks like a lot of bitching about realism here, but I was so excited to NOT be an almighty random guy being able to kill eveyrthing that crosses my path easily. I am a sucker for history, which might be the reason why it came down as such a big disappointment for me.

Intro spoiler.
That intro looks like how the entire game should've been. An entire pack of men to take down one mammoth only to be killed by a sabertoothed tiger.

If that is possible throughout the entire game, then I am very willing to give it a try.
Honestly I hardly ever stealth, I send my animal in, throws spears, use arrows, throw bee bombs, light them on fire, and club the shit out of people lol


SlasherJPC, "fuck stealth....club the shit outta people."

I can't wait for the PC release. You guys really sound like you are enjoying it.

SlasherJPC, "fuck stealth....club the shit outta people."

I can't wait for the PC release. You guys really sound like you are enjoying it.

Pretty much man. I'm all about getting in cave dude face. Like punch punch mofo. If I could be a cannibal like them too, just to take my revenge, I would. This cave dude doesn't fuck around!


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
Melee does kinda suck so I avoid it. I just throw my clubs if my bow is too slow. Not having crosshair or aim assist makes it fun enough because I do miss, and that's hilarious when your last club sails past a dude and you're instantly punished by poison, arrows, spears.

Melee though. Yeah I was highly critical of that before I played the game and I remain so. Thankfully I don't use it much, but would've been much better had they actually fleshed it out. Imo it's the shallowest part of the package.

Mounted combat is pretty disappointing as well.

This I don't really agree with. I think it's a highlight, personally.


Yeah, melee has been disappointing. You get a basic swipe and a heavy attack by holding it down. That's it, and it doesn't work. Doesn't flow and it doesn't have the simple brutality of punches in something like Mad Max.

But the bow is fun, and nailing a good spear throw is so damn good.
The game has some of the best animation I've ever seen, even though the combat was basic, I still found myself hitting the Share button to put little 10 second clips on Twitter all the time. Primal has the best emergent moments of any game in the series, by far.

There were so many times where I was off fighting some guys, only to turn around and see my animal companion doing some crazy, wild shit to the rest of them. Like tackling dudes off the top of a waterfall and shit, it was great. One time I turned around and my bear had somehow caught on fire and was mauling guys, catching them on fire as well. The screams... oh God, the screams....


Ya, mark me down as another one who talked an extraordinary amount of shit about this game before launch and ended up really enjoying it. Finished it last night at 16 hours with 50% completion, will go for the Platinum Trophy as I did for Far Cry 4.

Combat is mediocre, story isn't even really a thing, but everything else is a huge leap forward for the series. The sound design and positional audio is absolutely incredible. I was just using basic TV speakers and had more than a few situations where the audio cues were a more useful indicator for danger than the minimap, that impressed me greatly.

The game surprised me in a number of ways I didn't expect it to, but my first impressions of the combat were spot-on. The removal of guns removes the variety and combat encounters ended up becoming repetitive and "samey" far more quickly than the previous games, to me. It's my largest complaint by a country mile.

The open world itself is such a huge step forward for the series that it makes up for the weak story, for me, but they really needed to overhaul the melee combat if they were going to go for something like this. No blocking, no parrying, just mashing R2 until someone falls down, with some occasional dancing around in circles to heal. It was weak.

I think Ubisoft Montreal deserves great credit for building one of the most atmospheric and immersive open worlds ever. I'm jaded as fuck and there were still an astonishing number of moments where I just stopped and took everything in. World-building is absolutely TOP FUCKING NOTCH here, it was a real joy to explore and just get lost in. The main story quests may feel like other game's sidequests, but the world itself, again, makes up for that. I don't need big, over-the-top setpieces when the environment feels so alive and begging to be explored. They did good.

So, 8/10 that could have been a real 9.5 or so with a more complex combat system. I can very easily see how the combat might not be as much of a detractor to some as it was for me, it wouldn't surprise me in the least if Primal actually turns out to be a series favorite for many. What it does well, it does extraordinarily well.

Ya its interesting how many have turned around. Sadly I do wish that melee was better though it feels a bit better with the highest level club for some reason. But its never above average at best

leng jai


SlasherJPC, "fuck stealth....club the shit outta people."

I can't wait for the PC release. You guys really sound like you are enjoying it.

Don't get your hopes up with melee. It's literally just standing there mashing R2 until they die.

Melee does kinda suck so I avoid it. I just throw my clubs if my bow is too slow. Not having crosshair or aim assist makes it fun enough because I do miss, and that's hilarious when your last club sails past a dude and you're instantly punished by poison, arrows, spears.

Melee though. Yeah I was highly critical of that before I played the game and I remain so. Thankfully I don't use it much, but would've been much better had they actually fleshed it out. Imo it's the shallowest part of the package.

This I don't really agree with. I think it's a highlight, personally.

In what way? I see no difference with normal combat except you're a bit faster and your pet has a bog standard melee attack. It doesn't even feel like you're riding a huge beast from an audio/visual feedback point of view.


Un Rama
The game has some of the best animation I've ever seen, even though the combat was basic, I still found myself hitting the Share button to put little 10 second clips on Twitter all the time. Primal has the best emergent moments of any game in the series, by far.

There were so many times where I was off fighting some guys, only to turn around and see my animal companion doing some crazy, wild shit to the rest of them. Like tackling dudes off the top of a waterfall and shit, it was great. One time I turned around and my bear had somehow caught on fire and was mauling guys, catching them on fire as well. The screams... oh God, the screams....

Congratulations you have just sold me on this game. I'll go pick it up tomorrow.
I've never played a Far Cry game before as I'm not a fan of gunplay in the slightest, but the look of this game and different choice of weapons sold me on it and I must say I love just sitting in the forest and taking it in......very beautiful game.
Don't get your hopes up with melee. It's literally just standing there mashing R2 until they die.

I've never been too keen on melee in any of the previous FC's anyways, as long as the bow combat is good, I'm great. I just hope the mouse and kb controls are remappable and there is no mouse smoothing.
Don't get your hopes up with melee. It's literally just standing there mashing R2 until they die.

In what way? I see no difference with normal combat except you're a bit faster and your pet has a bog standard melee attack. It doesn't even feel like you're riding a huge beast from an audio/visual feedback point of view.

I have a ton of hours into the game. I admit the melee is basic, but plenty of other combat options so it doesn't bother me and it's serviceable enough.


Intro spoiler.
That intro looks like how the entire game should've been. An entire pack of men to take down one mammoth only to be killed by a sabertoothed tiger.

Best intro of any game in the series, I think. Ya, "All I wanna do is *BANG BANG BANG BANG* and take your money" into Vaas talking shit at you in your cage was an awesome opening, but Primal's tops that.
You can buy the Soundtrack off the UbiPlay thing for UbiPoints (is that what they are called?)

I have a ton (you get UbiPoints from just playing Ubisoft games), going to download it tonight.
You can also unlock a perk/weapon with those points.

And if you beat the game you get enough points to unlock everything.


Not far at all into the game. Just basically unlocked the owl and tame white wolfi have a few saved up skill points. Would I be wise to drop those points into those asap? The ability to kill with the owl (especially elite enemies) sounds badass. But not sure if it's actually worth all the skill points or better to save them?!


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
Don't get your hopes up with melee. It's literally just standing there mashing R2 until they die.

In what way? I see no difference with normal combat except you're a bit faster and your pet has a bog standard melee attack. It doesn't even feel like you're riding a huge beast from an audio/visual feedback point of view.
Well on the cat I feel like the goddamn predator, weaving in and out of their spears and arrows. Firing my arrows and sling shot. I love the spear chases, running down fleeing animals for a good throw. I like the joust-like attack where you can prep your spear for the power attack (basically just hold the attack button) and sprint toward them on the animal, if you land it it's usually a ohk. The animal can jump which is like a pounce attack in close. Yes there is a standard paw swipe, which is a little boring, but bear and cat will literally eat human enemies up close. (just get close, it's contextual)

And idk but the mammoth is just hilarious to me. Charge attack sending bodies flying. Idk man, I really get a kick out of it. Cat controls really smoothly too, which helps.


I have to compliment the technical performance, as well. Such an unbelievably gorgeous and dense world, and I never saw a fucking frame drop. Dunia Engine gets a huge thumbs up, from me.

Far Cry 4 was solid, but Primal looks so much better and still keeps the framerate locked.
I have to compliment the technical performance, as well. Such an unbelievably gorgeous and dense world, and I never saw a fucking frame drop. Dunia Engine gets a huge thumbs up, from me.

Those loads times man, so quick for open world. It's a just really fucking solid and unique game. Which we don't get all that often.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
I have to compliment the technical performance, as well. Such an unbelievably gorgeous and dense world, and I never saw a fucking frame drop. Dunia Engine gets a huge thumbs up, from me.
Not too much pop in either.


Those loads times man, so quick for open world. It's a just really fucking solid and unique game. Which we don't get all that often.

Oh yeah, those load times. Like... 5 seconds. It was crazy fast. Even the initial load was no longer than 10 seconds.

Man was that nice, after having played Fallout 4 recently, where it was like 30-45 seconds just for a "fast" travel.


Not too much pop in either.

Well the rerwrites to the renderer really helped the variation and the amount of foliage too. So not only is the draw in past the actually sight of the character most of the time but the amount of different plants.A

I am sure people notices as well the matching colors for the tribes and how many of the second tripe are near the light blue honeysuckle plants. Resulting in their camo actually working funny enough and the reds of the first actually mixing in the the fall back patterns. Less so with the southland area


I just had a fight where two flaming sabretooth tigers were clawing each other while I tossed burning spears.

This game is metal.
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