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PS4K information (~2x GPU power w/ clock+, new CPU, price, tent. Q1 2017)


I can almost guarantee that GT sport would run terrible on PS4. Polyphony struggled to keep 60fps with both GT5 and GT6 with only one platform to worry about. Imagine them dealing with 2...
Sony is tired of Nintendo and Microsoft not providing enough of a console war, so they're starting their own civil war. Pe4sants versus the glorious master 4K-race, fight!

But most of all, this is both confusing the VR message and pulling attention and players' money away from what should be their main target right now. As someone who wants VR to succeed (and will probably buy this damn thing if it's needed for reasonable performance), that's not very reassuring.


Games being exclusive to the PS4K is disheartening, but the idea of 3-4 year console cycle doesn't really bother me after Nintendo doing it with their handhelds. I bought a 3DS about a month before they asked the New 3DS and yeah, I was kinda peeved but I got over it after a while... it's better than the phone market that releases new models every year to little benefit and yet people are convinced they need the newest thing year after year.


Because that's not how optimization for console games work. It's not like they make PC-esque "settings" and turn shit down to "medium" for one console and call it a day.
I'm preeetty sure that they actually can (not leaving it to the user mind you, although some would like that, but following a given profile depending on which machine the game runs on).
Unless you imply that a game would have to be designed and optimized completely separately for both machines (which as far as the leak goes is only an iteration, not a different architecture at all).


I believe you are a PC gamer yourself?

How does the idea of setting standard profiles (say 1080p30 for Sp/ 900p60 Mp for PS4 and 1080p60 SP with High/ Ultra fx SP or 1080p60 with low/med settings on MP for PS4K) seem so alien to you?

I am mainly game on PC, I familiar with the idea of setting.
PC gaming on high end hardware basically playing high setting cross gen game, which is wasting hardware potential.
Think about this one a little bit more. Is this really the metric you want to measure your console experience against? Things are not all sunshine and roses depending on the kind of system you have. On a per machine bases even with simlar specs of users see a difference in software performance and quality.

The benefit of a fucking console is you don't need to worry about this shit or if you are getting the best experience. It just works.

What? These are still locked specs it wont be different DDR4 memory or GPU or anything that will differ one from the next. It is 2 things to optimize for. We have cross gen titles still to this day and they make it work with completly different architectures and this is not even remotly close to that.

You still dont need to worry about shit other then feeling jelous of people playing with better visuals or performance then you. And you would not have had any better anyway without the ps4k.


Junior Member
Let's say it is (I disagree) , it also has an average power consumption of 200watts

There is no way they would release a ps4k in early 2017 and still have it be on 28nm, that would be really dumb and really pointless.

If they wanted to release ps4 with a 200w 28nm GCN gpu they could have done so in 2013.

Same exact sacrifices that are being made currently in every ps4 game

A ps4k existing does not make the ps4 less or more powerful.

No matter what game you play , no matter on what hardware, it's always a pile of compromise and sacrifices and there is always something better possible on better hardware.

The only actual implementation of full tonga is in the 5k iMac as a mobile gpu part. I doubt that's a 200w part.

Edit: it is a 125w part, which would work for ps4. http://www.notebookcheck.net/AMD-Radeon-R9-M395X.154332.0.html

Edit: There is no full tonga in the wild as it would have a 384 bit memory bus, and the imac, 380x, and Alienware are all 256 bit. Iirc. Someone on neogaf explained to my why 380x is still not full tonga.


Gold Member
It's still fragmentation of the user base. Do you not think developers with have to factor in the hardware differences when creating games?

They will either need to cater to the base hardware (which means the upgraded units will never be fully utilized and see their full potential) or they will with develop to the stronger hardware and base users will have to deal with the consequences of such a decision (lower performance, worse looking games, etc)

It's not as simple as you make it.

I think some of you are overestimating how much more powerful the PS4K will be. It won't be anywhere close to a generational leap, it won't allow for anything that would be impossible to achieve on the PS4. The PS4K will just be able to push more effects, shaders, better AA, etc, with more stable performance (unless things are pushed too far, of course, as always). Those who imagine something like the PS4K doing 1080p60 (or even 4K) while the PS4 running the same game will only manage 900p30 with half the detail and draw distance are vastly overestimating what 2x the GPU performance means. Even 1080p30 -> 1080p60 is a stretch, at least if you also want the game to look cleaner and nicer.


I am mainly game on PC, I familiar with the idea of setting.
PC gaming on high end hardware basically playing high setting cross gen game, which is wasting hardware potential.
I am not sure what your angle is then...

Are you arguing that there -should- be PS4K exclusives?
That'd be insane.


Look like Sony didn't learn from PSX flop.
It also came with 8 configurations,so if ps4.5 succeed we could expect even more x.x consoles in the future.


Gold Member
Stupid question. With games now expecting to be 4K resolution, how much bigger in terms of GB are they expected to increase by?

1. Most games won't be 4K. It's not a big enough performance leap for that except for simple games (i.e. mostly indies).

2. Rendering resolution has nothing to do with download/install size. Sure, you might want higher-res textures to make sure they still look good up close at that resolution, but 4K in and of itself won't change the size at all.
I'm preeetty sure that they actually can (not leaving it to the user mind you, although some would like that, but following a given profile depending on which machine the game runs on).
Unless you imply that a game would have to be designed and optimized completely separately for both machines (which as far as the leak goes is only an iteration, not a different architecture at all).

The profile is custom for the hardware. They're obviously not building an entirely new game from ground up (like what sometimes ended up happening in the SNES <-> Genesis days), but there's a lot more involved than just dropping some settings. The best sites like Digital Foundry do is give an estimate of what the equivalent settings would be (e.g., "the shadows on the console version are ABOUT the same as Medium settings on PC"), which is a comparison made for the consumer but doesn't necessarily translate to the developers literally putting the shadows on "medium" for the console version. Especially considering since most games are built for consoles first then ported to PC.
I am not sure what your angle is then...

Are you arguing that there -should- be PS4K exclusives?
That'd be insane.

That's why you don't fix something that's not broken. PS4K is gonna be half assed anyway because it cant run big budget games at 4K, natively. Just leave 4K for PS5 and you don't piss off anyone.


Gold Member
The profile is custom for the hardware. They're obviously not building an entirely new game from ground up (like what sometimes ended up happening in the SNES <-> Genesis days), but there's a lot more involved than just dropping some settings. The best sites like Digital Foundry do is give an estimate of what the equivalent settings would be (e.g., "the shadows on the console version are ABOUT the same as Medium settings on PC"), which is a comparison made for the consumer but doesn't necessarily translate to the developers literally putting the shadows on "medium" for the console version. Especially considering since most games are built for consoles first then ported to PC.

While true, it's also not like they have to program everything specifically for each console. They might not just switch between "high" and "medium" shadows, but it's still pretty much just a value they can simply tweak until they hit the right balance.
Thats exactly what I am looking at, the PC gaming. And based exactly on that model all I see is that 99% of the cases PCs are being slown down by consoles. PCs could have this "next gen gaming" years ago based on their hardware specs and numbers, yet they had to wait for PS4/XB1 to unleash it.

Even now, they arent exploiting their full potential.

So, the exact same thing will become of consoles. No1 will have the proper time to fully exploit the hardware of either PS4 or PS4K. PS4 will get serious downgrades the moment a dev gets down to a bottleneck situation, where in nowdays he would try to work around that bottleneck and get the result he wanted. He wont do that if PS4K is around.

Also PS4K will be limited to what PS4 can pull through. Just like PC gamers had to wait all this time for new consoles to arrive to enjoy next gen graphics, when they had the hardware to do that years ago.

Its really just common sense.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

This person gets it and it seems like a lot of people don't understand what it means to move away from a generational business model.

High end PCs would still be held back by lower power PCs even if consoles didn't exist or were not underpowered.

The thing is, if we shift to an iterative model, the same thing will happen to consoles. Every time we get a new generation, there is a huge leap in the bar level set for the minimal expectation of what the visual quality of a game is like. Without a target thanks to constant revisions and iterative releases, there is no longer that set common target to aim for. It's the reason high end PCs aren't utilized to their full potential and the same reason iPhones aren't utilized to their full potential. Development doesn't target the high end when you have an iterative business model. If we move to a PS4, PS4.5, PS4.6, PS4.7, PS4.8, PS4.9, which model becomes the target baseline for developers and how does that limit what happens in the game design?


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
Having just come back from a 2 week ban with no input in this conversation.....

My first thoughts are that i personally agree with Eurogamer's assessment of the situation, which is more bewilderment than anything else, but also some negativity.

I don't really understand why they are bothering with this when they already have a fully successful console they can sell at a reasonable price without having to invest all that much into it. The same concept of a 4.5 could have been used for a full on upgrade years down the line when HW permitted.

Now instead they are trying to split the PS4 userbase into two halves leaving out 40 million people who have invested in the console, many of which assuming that the PS4 would be Sony's priority going forward until the next gen.

And yet barely 2 years in, we have a refresh which renders the PS4 far lower a priority both in terms of Sony's investment and developer investment...there's no way Sony can even tell third party developers to make two versions of their game if they focus on PS4K's specs.

Its just putting crazy stress on their own developers with nothing really to show for it besides saying they have a slightly more powerful unit on the market they have to cater to in addition to the one they had from the start. They are trying to find an answer to a question that nobody was even asking, its completely pointless.

If this all turns out to be the worst case scenario and its 500 dollars(the same price XB1 got crucified for) and there's no upgrade path, and every game is going to have a "poverty" version and a "4K" version in the same console closed ecosystem, effectively splitting up the userbase, Sony will have really found a way i think to destroy the momentum and good will they have fostered with the original PS4 launch.


The profile is custom for the hardware. They're obviously not building an entirely new game from ground up (like what sometimes ended up happening in the SNES <-> Genesis days), but there's a lot more involved than just dropping some settings. The best sites like Digital Foundry do is give an estimate of what the equivalent settings would be (e.g., "the shadows on the console version are ABOUT the same as Medium settings on PC"), which is a comparison made for the consumer but doesn't necessarily translate to the developers literally putting the shadows on "medium" for the console version. Especially considering since most games are built for consoles first then ported to PC.
And with that in mind, Sony can establish profiles with the API and "recommendations" while the devs are then free to optimize either way, knowing that the public will have some specific expectations (aiming for 1080p30 Single Player on PS4, 1080p60 on PS4K, etc.). I never thought it was a simple matter of setting a slider to "medium" or "high" as far as devs are concerned.


PC market works the same. Most publishers target the middle of the bell curve. Folks at the top end get better FPS and few extra effects. The general complexity of design clumps around what the console gen can handle.

So like in PC gaming, games will target the base and maybe throw random feature or two to the high end.

I'm more than fine with cutting edge tech like VXAO throw in, I'm not expecting major design overhauls.

Low specs as a base does not prevent high-end tech to make the cut as countless PC multiplats have proven. And this is only going to increase as devs will now have higher end fixed specs to target on top of a range of gaming PCs.

This, I believe, will lead to more technologically accomplished games and I'm all for it.

I'm not interested in buying either new console revisions, I just want tech to be pushed further.
A fate worse than no Xenoblade Cronicles for handheld and just a badly running Hyrule Warriors Legend.

Your point being? "Better than nothing" doesn't really shut down that discussion.

While true, it's also not like they have to program everything specifically for each console. They might not just switch between "high" and "medium" shadows, but it's still pretty much just a value they can simply tweak until they hit the right balance.

There's still considerable effort being put into optimizing games for each version, it's not like it's trivial. Better than it was back in the day, but not a handful of values you "tweak" in an afternoon. And that's the crux of it, if you really optimize stuff to make the upgrade to PS4K worth it, you leave vanilla PS4 users with a considerably worse experience. Otherwise, it's pointless to upgrade to the PS4K unless you don't have a PS4 already.
And with that in mind, Sony can establish profiles with the API and "recommendations" while the devs are then free to optimize either way, knowing that the public will have some specific expectations (aiming for 1080p30 Single Player on PS4, 1080p60 on PS4K, etc.). I never thought it was a simple matter of setting a slider to "medium" or "high" as far as devs are concerned.

In theory yes. In practice, they will try and make games look better despite framerate ending up with:

1080p30 or slightly better on PS4K

1080p 20 on normal PS4 (like the new FF15 demo)


I am not sure what your angle is then...

Are you arguing that there -should- be PS4K exclusives?
That'd be insane.

I'm arguing that PS4K or quick iterative hardware and forward compatible that comes with it, will slowdown software progression.

Mr. Valkrye qoute:

Both will get the drop. Devs wont spend enough time optimizing PS4 ports and at the same time they will be constrained by the common denominator's (ps4 hardware) that will stop them from going all out with PS4K.

It will be basically the same thing that happens with PC gaming today.

Assassins Creed 3 could have Unity graphics for PC all those years ago, and yet, due to PS360 all they got was upgraded resolution/textures and framerate... and under the hood they had a hardware with far far faaar greater potential.

Devs will always built their game with the weaker hardware in mind.

With PS4K, everyone loses. We will be in a constant cross gen phase...

Quick iteration is double edge sword, you either get bad port on PS4 or you'll never get full potential for PS4K.
Which is why I think this is a bad idea, a full BC PS5 without forward compatible in 2018 will be much better option for gamers and Sony.


Having just come back from a 2 week ban with no input in this conversation.....

My first thoughts are that i personally agree with Eurogamer's assessment of the situation, which is more bewilderment than anything else, but also some negativity.

I don't really understand why they are bothering with this when they already have a fully successful console they can sell at a reasonable price without having to invest all that much into it. The same concept of a 4.5 could have been used for a full on upgrade years down the line when HW permitted.

Now instead they are trying to split the PS4 userbase into two halves leaving out 40 million people who have invested in the console, many of which assuming that the PS4 would be Sony's priority going forward until the next gen.

And yet barely 2 years in, we have a refresh which renders the PS4 far lower a priority both in terms of Sony's investment and developer investment...there's no way Sony can even tell third party developers to make two versions of their game if they focus on PS4K's specs.

Its just putting crazy stress on their own developers with nothing really to show for it besides saying they have a slightly more powerful unit on the market they have to cater to in addition to the one they had from the start. They are trying to solve an answer to a question that nobody was even asking, its completely pointless.

If this all turns out to be the worst case scenario and its 500 dollars(the same price XB1 got crucified for) and there's no upgrade path, and every game is going to have a "poverty" version and a "4K" version in the same console closed ecosystem, effectively splitting up the userbase, Sony will have really found a way i think to destroy the momentum and good will they have fostered with the original PS4 launch.

I agree with everything here.

As someone who rarely buys (non-Nintendo) hardware at launch but made an exception for the PS4 because I could afford it this time and because it seemed like a smart investment, I feel incredibly bummed out by this new development.

This new version, if truly coming, effectively makes my previous - also not insignificant - purchase feel like a mistake all of a sudden instead of like the smart and economical way to keep playing the majority of the latest games without wanting to invest in a PC.

I could never feel safe buying a Sony machine at launch after this ever again if this all pans out, which is complete opposite of how I felt after my PS4 purchase and until this news.

By the way, are we 100% sure this is not some elaborate (longtime coming) April 1st hoax? Apparently we do :-(


I agree with everything here. As someone who rarel buys non-Nintendo hardware at launch but made an exception for the PS4 because I could afford it this time and because it seemed like a smart investment, I feel incredibly bummed out by this new development. This new version effectively makes my previous also not insignificant purchase feel like a mistake all of a sudden, instead of like the smart and economical way to keep playing the majority of the latest games.

I could never feel safe buying a Sony machine at launch after this ever again if this all pans out, which is complete opposite of how I felt until this news.

[u]By the way, are we 100% sure this is not some elaborate (longtime coming) April 1st hoax?[/u]

Silly scare-mongering going on in this thread. Why would multiplatform game devs focus all their energies on PS4K versions of games at the expense of the PS4 versions when the latter console is their single biggest market by some distance? You won't get devs ignoring 40m+ install base.

In fact I'd wager it will be the opposite, certainly for PS4K games from multiplatform devs. You'll have people complaining that the PS4K version of COD 2017 isn't a huge step up from the PS4 version and performance not aligned with the increase in specs. The only games that will fully take advantage of the PS4K will be first-party titles.


In theory yes. In practice, they will try and make games look better despite framerate ending up with:

1080p30 or slightly better on PS4K

1080p 20 on normal PS4 (like the new FF15 demo)
Not gonna happen (now this is getting ridiculous, nothing has been even announced by Sony and yet here we are with claims of 1080p30 goal for a nonexisting PS4K)...
It would imply a 900p30 goal on PS4 if the difference in GPU power is indeed 2x, and that would be a turn about face on everything Sony (and most Devs) has tried to build with the PS4 so far.
Why on Earth would you aim for 1080p30 with the equivalent of a GTX 970, knowing that expectations are 1080p30 on its less powered older brother?
I wonder - when did Sony plan to announce this? If they were going to release PS4K in Q1 2017, I doubt they would have done so during this years E3 as it would cost them a lot in terms of lost sales, especially in the holiday season.

Now that the cat is out of the bag (assuming this is all true), they have a potential PR disaster and it will only get worse by the day. I wonder if Sony will do something...
I agree with everything here.

As someone who rarely buys (non-Nintendo) hardware at launch but made an exception for the PS4 because I could afford it this time and because it seemed like a smart investment, I feel incredibly bummed out by this new development.

This new version, if truly coming, effectively makes my previous - also not insignificant - purchase feel like a mistake all of a sudden instead of like the smart and economical way to keep playing the majority of the latest games without wanting to invest in a PC.

I could never feel safe buying a Sony machine at launch after this ever again if this all pans out, which is complete opposite of how I felt after my PS4 purchase and until this news.

By the way, are we 100% sure this is not some elaborate (longtime coming) April 1st hoax?
I've been told that this thread was actually 3D printed by a GAF member.


Go buy a PC then imho

Sony games aren't on pc. I want to play Sony games with nice graphics and nice fps. For some reason you don't want me to have the ability to do that even though it doesn't stop you from enjoying the same games however you want to enjoy them.
Not gonna happen (now this is getting ridiculous, nothing has been even announced by Sony and yet here we are with claims of 1080p30 goal for a nonexisting PS4K)...
It would imply a 900p30 goal on PS4 if the difference in GPU power is indeed 2x, and that would be a turn about face on everything Sony (and most Devs) has tried to build with the PS4 so far.
Why on Earth would you aim for 1080p30 with the equivalent of a GTX 970?

Because most of the time devs put "graphics" before framerate.


Thats exactly what I am looking at, the PC gaming. And based exactly on that model all I see is that 99% of the cases PCs are being slown down by consoles. PCs could have this "next gen gaming" years ago based on their hardware specs and numbers, yet they had to wait for PS4/XB1 to unleash it.

Even now, they arent exploiting their full potential.

So, the exact same thing will become of consoles. No1 will have the proper time to fully exploit the hardware of either PS4 or PS4K. PS4 will get serious downgrades the moment a dev gets down to a bottleneck situation, where in nowdays he would try to work around that bottleneck and get the result he wanted. He wont do that if PS4K is around.

Also PS4K will be limited to what PS4 can pull through. Just like PC gamers had to wait all this time for new consoles to arrive to enjoy next gen graphics, when they had the hardware to do that years ago.

Its really just common sense.

PC gaming has been held back by PC gaming!

Devs can't just make a game that only work on high end PCs because that market is small & the devs would just lose money trying to target the high end only. Consoles is a big reason why PC games are getting bigger games now.


Sony games aren't on pc. I want to play Sony games with nice graphics and nice fps. For some reason you don't want me to have the ability to do that even though it doesn't stop you from enjoying the same games however you want to enjoy them.

The single, most important reason to me is this. I can't play Uncharted, GT or God of War on a PC, no matter how more logical it would be to build one.


I'm more than fine with cutting edge tech like VXAO throw in, I'm not expecting major design overhauls.

Low specs as a base does not prevent high-end tech to make the cut as countless PC multiplats have proven. And this is only going to increase as devs will now have higher end fixed specs to target on top of a range of gaming PCs.

This, I believe, will lead to more technologically accomplished games and I'm all for it.

I'm not interested in buying either new console revisions, I just want tech to be pushed further.

So how is that the fault of consoles? PC during PS3 gen had no issue having 2 direct X updates. xBOX AND Playstation didn't hold back Crytek, crysis made waves.
If anything one pushes the other. PS4 wants to be more PC like in it's harware and architecture. PC wants to be more console like, steam big picture mode, monitors that act like TV's, XBox on PC.
They both compliment each other, graphics hardware advancements don't slow down or stop because consoles are using older, somewhat outdated hardware?

Companies still need advancements in CG rendering, commercial production which all these come down to advancements in tech on a pc level. People saying consoles stunt tech advancements should be angry at companies like amd, nvidia for not advancing fast enough.
Stop with so many card refreshes. AMD has yet to give us another new socket. Has nothing to do with gaming consoles.

Comes down to demand, and there are only a few such as crytek and the likes who demand such new advancements. If it was so important console developers would be jumping ship and developing on PC exclusively.
As it is now more pc developers are coming to console. So they must be fine working with tech that's not pushing boundaries.

Unless I'm totally off the mark someone correct me. But I never saw PC look at PS1 and be like we need that sound chip. No they had games like quake, tomb raider which looked ran better, and started whole new genre's.

If PC was a better platform with cheaper ways to play PC, ti would be thriving hardware wise. That is not the fault of developers doing what they've always done which is make games people want to play.


PC gaming has been held back by PC gaming!

Devs can't just make a game that only work on high end PCs because that market is small & the devs would just lose money trying to target the high end only. Consoles is a big reason why PC games are getting bigger games now.

Which is why console cannot go the PC route!
By the way, are we 100% sure this is not some elaborate (longtime coming) April 1st hoax?

So just to make sure I understand:

The Neogaf Mods, in conjunction with Kotaku and Eurogamer, under the supervision of the reverse vampires, have conspired to create a giant three week long multi-site April Fool's joke.

That's your theory?


So just to make sure I understand:

The Neogaf Mods, in conjunction with Kotaku and Eurogamer, under the supervision of the reverse vampires, have conspired to create a giant three week long multi-site April Fool's joke.

That's your theory?
You forgot that the wall street journal was in on it as well.


Think about this one a little bit more. Is this really the metric you want to measure your console experience against? Things are not all sunshine and roses depending on the kind of system you have. On a per machine basis even with similar specs users see a difference in software performance and quality.

The benefit of a fucking console is you don't need to worry about this shit or if you are getting the best experience. It just works.

Apples to oranges. They are different brands/platforms. When you buy into the Xbox One ecosystem or the PS4 ecosystem you can safely assume you will have the exact same experience as any other user. Developers can ensure this as well.

Now there will be 1 more. So? if devs can handle tons of different gpus on pc I'm sure 2 closed boxes isn't as hard as you are definitely trying to make it out to be.


I've been told that this thread was actually 3D printed by a GAF member.


So just to make sure I understand:

The Neogaf Mods, in conjunction with Kotaku and Eurogamer, under the supervision of the reverse vampires, have conspired to create a giant three week long multi-site April Fool's joke.

That's your theory?

Hey now, why the need to be so harsh?

I never made any bold statements about it being a theory, I just asked if this was being considered at all. Not everyone has the time to completely read an entire thread and at first glance it just seems like a big coincedence for this to come into the light now. After the NX controller thing, I would not be surprised about anything being fake anymore, honestly. No need to out of your way to prove that Gaf can be a hostile place friend.


Sony games aren't on pc. I want to play Sony games with nice graphics and nice fps. For some reason you don't want me to have the ability to do that even though it doesn't stop you from enjoying the same games however you want to enjoy them.

So I guess you were never interested in console gaming then?

I guess you wanted your PS2 games to be on PC so you could go nuts right?

Console gaming is the way it is for a reason, simplicity of use. If what you see fps, and IQ wise is not to your standard, then stay on PC.

If it was so important to developers we would have seen more console style games being developers solely for PC.


I'm more than fine with cutting edge tech like VXAO throw in, I'm not expecting major design overhauls.

Low specs as a base does not prevent high-end tech to make the cut as countless PC multiplats have proven. And this is only going to increase as devs will now have higher end fixed specs to target on top of a range of gaming PCs.

This, I believe, will lead to more technologically accomplished games and I'm all for it.

I'm not interested in buying either new console revisions, I just want tech to be pushed further.

It won't work out as you expect. The same current dynamic will persist because the business supports it. 'technologically accomplished games' won't materialize by magic; it just doesn't make business sense to target a super small potential audience. The Blizzard/Riot/Valve model of targeting the middle of the PC bell curve is where the money will stay.


Not gonna happen (now this is getting ridiculous, nothing has been even announced by Sony and yet here we are with claims of 1080p30 goal for a nonexisting PS4K)...
It would imply a 900p30 goal on PS4 if the difference in GPU power is indeed 2x, and that would be a turn about face on everything Sony (and most Devs) has tried to build with the PS4 so far.
Why on Earth would you aim for 1080p30 with the equivalent of a GTX 970, knowing that expectations are 1080p30 on its less powered older brother?

Because most of the time devs put "graphics" before framerate.
I have amended the original.
Again, unless we'd have a stupid dev, not gonna happen.
40m PS4s, and the by far largest userbase as the price keeps dropping at $299 and below will make sure of that.

Will we still see the occasional badly optimized 1080p30? Obviously, and we didn't need the PS4K to see that already in the past 3 years.
Which is why we will also probably also have badly optimized 1080p60 as well (again, if this whole thing is real, still feeling like having a grain of salt with this), and I'm sure we will have plenty of PS4K owners complaining that the PS4 is "dragging them down", whether true or not, right here on GAF.
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