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Pathfinder Adventures |OT| Decks, dice, and digital dungeons


Is there any way to link accounts across devices? Have an Android phone but started on my iPad.

Edit: found an answer on Obsidian's forum

They are not currently able to be linked. A GameCenter account will not be linkable with a GooglePlayGames account. However, when we have our multiplayer release, you will be able to link all devices to a single account and all purchases, gold, saves, etc., will persist.


Why is the game so damn hard! I've been trying to clear the initial campaign before I drop all my money on the season pass, but I can't even beat Brigadoom! Lol. First time I ran out of time, then after that my characters keep getting killed. Rolling 1s and 2s when you have 3 dice after discarding buffs really hurts! >_<

Are you splitting up your characters? Split up to save time, and then the cleric has heal so you can return cards from your discard to your deck. Also, make sure your starting locations makes sense for the heroes strengths and in a logical order for closing.


Are you splitting up your characters? Split up to save time, and then the cleric has heal so you can return cards from your discard to your deck. Also, make sure your starting locations makes sense for the heroes strengths and in a logical order for closing.

Yes, I split them between locations to try and close two before moving on to another two to corner the villain. But I must be really bad at this game because sometimes trying to close a location actually ends up killing me! If I fail a roll or condition when trying to close a location, it totally screws me up. Bad rolls tend to totally sink my runs every time. >_<


Are you using the rogue and cleric?

rogue has a sneak attack ability that lets you either recharge or discard a card to get an addition 1d6 or 2d6 to attack rolls, but she has to be alone at a location. She can also avoid any encounter, which wastes a turn but lets you resuffle the location deck and is usefull if there's like only 2 or 3 cards left and you want to just get to the henchman/villain or if you want to wait a turn and move the cleric over there to heal the rogue up.

you can also reveal or discard weapons to get additional dice for combat rolls.

also, sometimes you might want to choose to discard if you dont have any good cards in your hand... like if there's only a couple cards left in the location deck and you know there's monsters (it tells you how many of each card are still in the deck in the top left) then maybe you want to discard the extra set of thieves tools you have to try and draw a weapon.

I think i've only had a character die once, and only because i was being very foolish.


Oh, you can force discard during a turn? That would be really handy if I have a full deck but a shitty hand. I know about using the cards in my hand, but I'm not really familiar enough with the other rules to take advantage of stuff. I do use the character skills though, but probably not as effectively as I should.
Oh, you can force discard during a turn? That would be really handy if I have a full deck but a shitty hand. I know about using the cards in my hand, but I'm not really familiar enough with the other rules to take advantage of stuff. I do use the character skills though, but probably not as effectively as I should.

Yes, you can discard before you draw up to your hand size, though it skips that step unless you are over your hand limit or tap on the trash can icon for advancing to reset your hand in the upper right instead of the arrow on the right.

This is why I like abilities that let you recharge cards to use them like Merisiel's if she's alone in combat, Harsk's to help combat in another location, and Lem's (though that requires you to be at the same location as someone else). They let you cycle through to cards you like without giving up health.


Just finished skin saw murders. Now what? Quest mode still not working. What's up with that? I guess I could go back and beat the adventures on harder difficulty.


So according to the obsidian forums broken quest mode is a known issue that will be fixed in the next update.... But who knows when that is.


I had a party member die and not get rewards on a subsequent quest completion (skill feat). Looks like it's a known issue. Ah well.

I played through the first campaign with some friends in card form. It was a good time, but lots of useless items/traits/etc and slow progress. The speed at which I can play on my phone alleviates that somewhat though.


Great game but Obsidian still couldn't find a way to not release a broken mobile game. Quest mode doesn't work at all. :(


I didn't get the hype for this board game when it came out and now having played this digital version I still don't get it. I think this is super bad design. It combines multiple luck factors to do banal decisions. It doesn't even feel thematic enough.


As a person who is a HUGE fan of the physical game (my group has the base set, Skulls and Shackles expansion, and I personally bought the Alchemist character deck for myself) I have to say that when I saw this thread I was super excited, and when I actually tried out the game, I walked away extremely disappointed and confused.

  • The game is excruciatingly buggy, within the intro campaign I ran into a file-killing bug when closing a location.
  • This DC issue is awful, it happens non-stop for me on the Android version and has cost me both regular gold from playing the game AND completion gold so I have like a third of the gold I should have.
  • The choice of starting characters doesn't make sense, the cleric has powers to help others at her location but the rouge works best alone, it's a pair that directly contradicts each other and to get it working requires a lot of non-intuitive play. The only reasons I can think of as to why this pair was chosen is either (a) They purposely give you a bad pair to push you to buy other characters or (b) Because these two characters are dating in the Pathfinder comic.
  • The lack of content is inexcusable. All the content is already made and all they have to do is translate it into the game. While I acknowledge this still takes time, to only have the first three adventures (one of which, the intro, is shorter) is ridiculously small.
  • On top of this, as others have pointed out, quest mode doesn't work either. And considering the extremely small amount of content this is especially horrible.
  • The monetization model also seems horrible as well. I have to pay for characters, AND adventures, AND buy packs to slowly unlock every other card type?
  • Going back to content again, why are there so few characters? At minimum they should have included the Skulls and Shackles base characters since otherwise keywords like Finesse are just useless.
  • Speaking of characters, this one is personal but
    . Seriously though Alchemist is BAR NONE my favorite class is the game by a long country mile and is legitimately the only reason why I like the game, I have no interest in any other class or iconic unless they get off their ass and make the Samurai. So for the game to not have him is a huge bummer and turn off for me

And to top it all off no online. Like seriously? Who in their right mind thought that launching a digital version of a COOPERATIVE card game was not the number one absolute most important priority? This above anything else is the absolute killer for me. I play this game WITH MY FRIENDS. 80% of my fun comes from playing WITH MY FRIENDS. I want to go on an adventure WITH MY FRIENDS. This is like playing a TTRPG by yourself. I mean can you technically do it? Yes. But 99% of the player-base does not do that or wants to do that. If I wanted to play by myself I'd play any other video-game. Like there's not even a date on it, just "coming soon" completely ridiculous. It solidifies to me that this app was pushed out WAY too early and that I should basically ignore it until it is actually worth playing, which is really sad since I do see the diamond in the rough with this project.

Automating many of the more annoying processes like the constant deck shuffling and the long initial set up of the game is great, and the actual game-play of the app (when not bugging out) is amazing. It's a 1-to-1 recreation of the physical game with all the conveniences of the digital format (Automatic timer handling, Automatic phase handling, Highlighting of usable cards etc.) that make the game-play so much smoother than handling it in a physical environment. And the idea of Quest mode sounds amazing! The physical game is naturally limited by how fast they can release adventures so to be able to endlessly play random adventures sounds like a dream for dedicated fans who are waiting for next month's adventure to come in the mail. So the fact that it's busted right now is horrible, doubly so since it seems like you're mainly supposed to play Quest mode with how they're drip feeding out adventures. So even if I wanted to play right now to either prepare for future content
or unlock stuff ahead of time to prep for multiplayer, I can't since Quest mode is borked. In terms of botched launches this ranks as one of my worst, and it's so painful when its one of the games I love so much and has created so many fond memories for me. I genuinely hope all of this can get resolved soon but with how bad they've screwed the pooch here it leaves me with little confidence that I should check back any sooner than like six months.



Finally decided to sit down and give it a try today and can't get around the login bug to even start.

Hopefully they figure it out before I completely lose interest.
The first scenario was easy once I found decent weapons for both the default characters. It seems like it would take forever to unlock new content with the in-game gold, so I might just go for the big bundle where most content is included.

On what platform are you experiencing all these bugs?
Really annoyed that you lose your purchases when you're not connected to the servers. Bought the complete pack to play on my ipad on the plane, and everything is gone since I'm not connected. Absolutely terrible. I bought the content. Why can't I use it?


Really annoyed that you lose your purchases when you're not connected to the servers. Bought the complete pack to play on my ipad on the plane, and everything is gone since I'm not connected. Absolutely terrible. I bought the content. Why can't I use it?

What? Wow, ok, interest sinking even further... Come on, Obsidian!


any recommendations on which characters are good? just judging from powers it seems like seoni (arcane sorceress) is pretty strong, arcane cards can always be recharged


Managed to clear the first adventure on legendary with time to spare after lucking out and getting 2 early henchman/boss encouters.

The only real painful time I have with this is when I haven't been able to draw a weapon, but after that it seems pretty autopilot. Reveal weapon and chuck out blessings until you have the odds. And make sure to discard the less useful ones until you get them.

And fucking hell, I keep drawing those shock/heavy bow with the cleric so I'm never able to get them for elf ninja :(


And fucking hell, I keep drawing those shock/heavy bow with the cleric so I'm never able to get them for elf ninja :(

remember, you can discard another character's blessing when doing a check on a character, so if the cleric found the bow, the rogue can still discard blessing to help out
anyway the free characters don't have weapon mastery for the 1st adventure, so that shock bow+1 isn't that good yet, extra 4 difficulty is quite significant

for my case, i put blessings on a character for stats that character is weaker on, and also blessings that can add 2 dices for that particular character's combats


this looks awesome, thanks for bringing it to my attention

how's the singleplayer experience? Is the current content meaty enough to warrant the price tag?


Really annoyed that you lose your purchases when you're not connected to the servers. Bought the complete pack to play on my ipad on the plane, and everything is gone since I'm not connected. Absolutely terrible. I bought the content. Why can't I use it?

Oh wow that's some hot bullshit


remember, you can discard another character's blessing when doing a check on a character, so if the cleric found the bow, the rogue can still discard blessing to help out
anyway the free characters don't have weapon mastery for the 1st adventure, so that shock bow+1 isn't that good yet, extra 4 difficulty is quite significant

for my case, i put blessings on a character for stats that character is weaker on, and also blessings that can add 2 dices for that particular character's combats

I think I didn't have any enough blessings that'd give me the roll. Happened like 3 times but now I got a few more blessing cards that help in deficit stats so I'm prepared.


it took me a lot of farming until i got good cards like shock bow+1, aid, holy light, father zanthus
got flaming mace+1 and masterwork tools quite early on so that makes things easy

check out the vault and find out what cards you want and just keep farming until they appear
farming the legendary difficulty stage 1 is an easy to way to earn gold, earned enough to buy the 2nd adventure this way


did you get the fighter?

I also got the fighter, and i've got about 600 saved up for the wizard next.

Yes and I love him.
Always been a fighter since old D&D days...I do not like that much other classes besides rogues and clerics, which I already have...so I'll just play to gather new gear (I had to banish an AWESOME golden magical armour :( ) and unlock the last scenario.
Game is really generous to be honest, and I can't even play quest mode yet.

Really liking a party of 3 chars so far.


That Paladin mills the location decks like nobody's business. The downside is you can miss out on some good loot, but when you upgrade her crusade ability, you can potentially buzz through three cards in one turn.

It can be a life saver in six man runs.
Does this game require a constant internet connection a la Hearthstone? I've got a long plane ride coming up and was hoping to dive into this then.


This game is fun but hard. How long does it take to get enough gold to get more characters?

some characters cost 1500 gold, some 2000
clearing the hardest difficulty mission gives 200 gold
if you've got powerful cards it doesn't take long imo, just keep farming the 1st level of the hardest difficulty


I am loving this game. I've never played (or heard of) the original, but this is excellent. Just bought the $25 bundle to keep this party moving.


anyone hear any word on how long the one scenario is going to be on sale?

still dealing with daily gold issues and thus still don't have much motivation to play the game because it just fills me with annoyance at the developer's lack of communication but i don't want to miss out on the 80% off.


anyone hear any word on how long the one scenario is going to be on sale?

still dealing with daily gold issues and thus still don't have much motivation to play the game because it just fills me with annoyance at the developer's lack of communication but i don't want to miss out on the 80% off.

750 gold is very little, missions give 100 > 150 > 200 golds depending on the difficulty


750 gold is very little, missions give 100 > 150 > 200 golds depending on the difficulty

it's actually a lot of gold when each time you start the game and see "you are logged in" you are reminded that you aren't getting what you paid for and thus just get annoyed and want to stop playing :p

I should have gotten that 750 gold a two days ago >.>


can't even get the game to run on my Galaxy Tab 2 10.1, it freezes every single time at the "powered by unity" loading screen. I checked the support forum and my device is supported, but seemingly no one else has the same problem

e: could my android version be outdated? 4.1.2, I don't get any newer updates through auto-update


plus side, customer support got back to me and attempted to resolve my issue and gave me enough gold for my inconvenience that I could buy the 80% off item.

minus side, daily gold still isn't working for me :/

oh well far less annoyed now that I know I won't miss out on the 80% off item,


Seems like it would be a good idea to play a mix of classes as soon as you can to divide the loot to characters that they're suited for. I drew a ton of arcane spells and heavy weapons with the 2 starting characters that I can't use and had to send to the vault which aren't useable later from what I can tell.


Seems like it would be a good idea to play a mix of classes as soon as you can to divide the loot to characters that they're suited for. I drew a ton of arcane spells and heavy weapons with the 2 starting characters that I can't use and had to send to the vault which aren't useable later from what I can tell.

yeah, there's no point in getting cards that you can't currently use
some missions are clearly meant for farming though, with locations that have permanent closing effects like throw a dice and get that amount of items/weapons etc


finally fixed


I've found the game a lot easier now that I got a third character (the fighter, in addition to the starting rogue and cleric). I've so far completed the initial quests and am on to the Burnt Offerings quests.

Any suggestions for a 4th character that will work well with my existing three?

I'm thinking magic to round things out - the wizard or the sorceress.
I've found the game a lot easier now that I got a third character (the fighter, in addition to the starting rogue and cleric). I've so far completed the initial quests and am on to the Burnt Offerings quests.

Any suggestions for a 4th character that will work well with my existing three?

I'm thinking magic to round things out - the wizard or the sorceress.

I'd go with Seoni. She gets to recharge arcane spells automatically, and can cast an attack spell by discarding any card. She is going to have a harder time staying alive than anyone else in your party, so Kyra is going to have to move over to heal her every so often.
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