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Harry Reid to Bernie Sanders: 'math is math' 'sometimes you just have to give up'

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LAS VEGAS — Bernie Sanders needs to recognize that "sometimes you just have to give up," Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid said Wednesday.

Reid said his fellow senator should not carry his presidential campaign through to the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, as he intends to do.

Instead, Reid said, Sanders needs to recognize that "math is math" after next week's primaries in California and New Jersey, when Hillary Clinton is expected to rack up enough delegates to effectively clinch the nomination.

"I've never been too good at math but I can figure that one out. I think he better do a little mathing," Reid told The Associated Press in an interview in his home state of Nevada.

Reid, who has endorsed Clinton, stopped short of calling on Sanders to drop out. But he made his views clear in direct and even harsh terms.

Reid said Sanders has a right to continue his campaign through the convention, but added: "No, I don't think he should. I don't know what that's going to prove. Sometimes you just have to give up. I've lost before. The numbers aren't there."

Sanders is disputing the suggestion that Clinton will be able to claim to have effectively clinched the nomination after next week's primaries. He says that's because Clinton's delegate totals will include "superdelegates," the party leaders selected by Democratic officials instead of voters. Sanders is hoping he can win California and change the minds of some superdelegates now backing Clinton.

Reid said he doesn't plan to express his opinions to Sanders himself after next week's voting. "I don't think I'm the one to deliver that message. If he calls and asks me I'll be happy to, but I'm not going to go chasing him around to tell him what math is," Reid said.


I love that Reid uses the word "Mathing", lol.
I agree though. If/when he gets trounced in NJ and Cali, which he probably will, and especially if Hillary wins on pledged alone, he needs to call it quits.

This world would be a better place if along with algebra I & II, geometry and the like, everyone had to take a basic statistics class.
The numbers aren't there, but that's completely irrelevant. He's banking on there being an indictment.

All the talk about superdelegates switching or a "narrow path to victory" is BS, and he knows it. Its a just a justification to stay in the race in case Hillary is forced to withdraw.


The numbers aren't there, but that's completely irrelevant. He's banking on there being an indictment.

All the talk about superdelegates switching or a "narrow path to victory" is BS, and he knows it. Its a just a justification to stay in the race in case Hillary is forced to withdraw.

"Indictment" is this cycle's "Whitey Tape" and it's not going to happen.

Even if it were, suspending your campaign doesn't preclude you from restarting it later. Hillary chose to suspend for that reason in 2008.
Somewhere there is a Sanders supporter doing the math on a liter of kerosene, a twelve pack of beer, two gallons of gas, and dollar store bulk rags, because Reid is literally the establishment puppetmaster or some such nonsense.


Just because the corporate-owned mainstream media tells me 2 + 2 = 4 doesn't mean I have to believe it!


we all knew her
Bernie had a great run and I'm happy to have been able to vote for him, but it's time to throw in the towel. His campaign has gotten a little bit... yucky in the past couple months.
You know who uses math? Corporations, when they add up the amount of dollars they have to spend for Hillary to speak to them. Wall Street likes numbers, and look where that's gotten us.


This MATH thing is clearly what the establishment wants you to believe. Once Bernie sweeps California with 90% of the delegates and Hillary gets arrested by the FBI, Bernie will walk straight into the White House.

I've actually heard crazier arguments believe it or not
Math is math, and the Math says that there is a very narrow, yet clear path to victory.

At this point there isn't though. Hillary could pretty much take her name off the California primary ballot next Tuesday and still get a sufficient number of mail-in votes already sent in combined with wins in New Jersey, New Mexico, Virgin Islands, DC, and Puerto Rico to stay ahead of Bernie in total pledged delegates.

And yes I know, the ol' Huelen bait.
Math is a liar sometimes, ex. all those FiveThirtyEight articles telling us there was no way Trump would actually win the Republican nomination.
His path is winning 93% of the remaining delegates

But yes, that is a path I suppose

Yeah, I mean, the calculations only have a margin of error of 7%, but how badly can that throw off our trip to Mars? /s

Seriously, it's over. If he wins, wonderful, gg, 10/10, delicious Shillary tears. If he loses, I'll vote for Hillary anyway.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
"very clear, narrow path to victory" means Bernie winning every remaining primary by like 80-20.

Seems legit. Totally plausible.


Math is math, and the Math says that there is a very narrow, yet clear path to victory.

There is but I haven't heard a clear explanation for how he finds the specific multiverse where he wins NJ and CA by 30 points. He seems stuck in this timeline where be doesn't look like he is even going to win either state. I watched Quantum Leap, I know how this ends.
At this point there isn't though. Hillary could pretty much take her name off the California primary ballot next Tuesday and still get a sufficient number of mail-in votes already sent in combined with wins in New Jersey, New Mexico, Virgin Islands, DC, and Puerto Rico to stay ahead of Bernie in total pledged delegates.

And yes I know, the ol' Huelen bait.
Btw just after (presumably) Hillary wins Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands Bernie will need to win 97% (rounding) of the remaining delegates. Hillary will need to win 4% (again rounding).

Clear but narrow path!
"Indictment" is this cycle's "Whitey Tape" and it's not going to happen.

Even if it were, suspending your campaign doesn't preclude you from restarting it later. Hillary chose to suspend for that reason in 2008.

Yes, but remaining active and keeping his name in the news and in voters' minds makes it more difficult for the DNC to deny him the nomination if Hillary were to become incapacitated.

At this point there isn't though. Hillary could pretty much take her name off the California primary ballot next Tuesday and still get a sufficient number of mail-in votes already sent in combined with wins in New Jersey, New Mexico, Virgin Islands, DC, and Puerto Rico to stay ahead of Bernie in total pledged delegates.

And yes I know, the ol' Huelen bait.

Would you rather the Sanders campaign release a statement saying:

"While there is no likely path to victory for our campaign, It is our belief that there is a strong possibility that the FBI's investigation will reveal that Secretary Clinton engaged in serious criminal wrongdoing. And for that reason we are committed to staying in the race until the convention, in the event that Secretary Clinton is forced to withdraw her candidacy."


Yep. You can't make some "math" argument if Bernie still mathematically has a chance.
Even when that math requires him winning by margins large enough to shut out his opponent from getting any pledged delegates by winning somewhere around 80% of the vote in California?


listen to the mad man
Obama won on June 3rd, 2008 and Clinton dropped out June 7th, 2008.

Tell me again why everyone is going loco worried about Bernie's exit drop-out timing when there is no empirical evidence ever in the history of forever that this matters in any way? Obviously if he runs third party or tries to sabotage the convention (no, requesting changes in who runs a session or oversees a process is not "sabotaging the convention") or doesn't endorse her when he drops out or whatever he can have a negative impact on her, but that's not the debate here. The debate here is that his continued candidacy hurts Hillary even though everyone knows she's the nominee.

These people who are Chicken Littling everywhere about how Bernie dropping out on June xth rather than May nth is ruining the party are fucking giant ass diaper babies. Didn't we all collectively agree to leave behind this braindead shoot-from-the-gut analysis the last eight hundred times all the game changers ended up being game samers? Give me a break.


remember me
Obama won on June 3rd, 2008 and Clinton dropped out June 7th, 2008.

Tell me again why everyone is going loco worried about Bernie's exit drop-out timing when there is no empirical evidence ever in the history of forever that this matters in any way? Obviously if he runs third party or tries to sabotage the convention (no, requesting changes in who runs a session or oversees a process is not "sabotaging the convention") or doesn't endorse her when he drops out or whatever he can have a negative impact on her, but that's not the debate here. The debate here is that his continued candidacy hurts Hillary even though everyone knows she's the nominee.

These people who are Chicken Littling everywhere about how Bernie dropping out on June xth rather than May nth is ruining the party are fucking giant ass diaper babies. Didn't we all collectively agree to leave behind this braindead shoot-from-the-gut analysis the last eight hundred times all the game changers ended up being game samers? Give me a break.

Because Diablos cloned himself and they've taken over. It's the only explanation for the insanity.


Obama won on June 3rd, 2008 and Clinton dropped out June 7th, 2008.

Tell me again why everyone is going loco worried about Bernie's exit drop-out timing when there is no empirical evidence ever in the history of forever that this matters in any way? Obviously if he runs third party or tries to sabotage the convention (no, requesting changes in who runs a session or oversees a process is not "sabotaging the convention") or doesn't endorse her when he drops out or whatever he can have a negative impact on her, but that's not the debate here. The debate here is that his continued candidacy hurts Hillary even though everyone knows she's the nominee.

These people who are Chicken Littling everywhere about how Bernie dropping out on June xth rather than May nth is ruining the party are fucking giant ass diaper babies. Didn't we all collectively agree to leave behind this braindead shoot-from-the-gut analysis the last eight hundred times all the game changers ended up being game samers? Give me a break.

They want the perceived "other" to just vanish. That's my guess.
I love the smell of democracy in the morning. You know, one time we had a caucus, for 12 hours. When it was all over, I walked up and threw a chair. We didn't find one of 'em, not one stinkin' super delegate. The smell, you know that gasoline smell, the whole caucus. Smelled like... victory.

Someday this election's gonna end.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Math is math, and the Math says that there is a very narrow, yet clear path to victory.

You keep on mentioning "clear", yet you yourself acknowledge the chance is narrow.

When someone says there is a clear path to our destination, that means there is no dangers or things in the way. If there is a clear path from where you are standing to a lone tree on a plain, that means there is nothing observable between you and your objective that could prevent your chance of getting there.

Everything observable right now shows that Bernie has a very very low chance of getting a large amount of the remaining delegates per state (around 90+%) and convince the Super Delegates to switch.

Bernie is on a narrow bridge with Ninja Gaiden Falcons descending on him while the flying fish from Super Mario Bros. are coming up below him and Hammer Bros. are throwing hammers from above him. Is there a chance he could get through the bridge to his destination? Yes. Is that path clear? Fuck no.
Let the process play out. DNC made these the rules after all.

Bernie is just trying to build as much support as possible. It'll be really interesting to see if he wins California. If he does, maybe he does end up on the ticket. That'll result in a very strong democratic party.
Yep. You can't make some "math" argument if Bernie still mathematically has a chance.

Well, I think it all depends on what you mean by "chance." I mean, if we're playing an American football game, and I'm up by 55 points, sure, you can say "I still have a chance if I can just get 56 more points!" But if I point out that there are 15 seconds left on the clock, it's sort of reached the point where "I still mathematically have a chance" is just lying to yourself.
Obama won on June 3rd, 2008 and Clinton dropped out June 7th, 2008.

Tell me again why everyone is going loco worried about Bernie's exit drop-out timing when there is no empirical evidence ever in the history of forever that this matters in any way? Obviously if he runs third party or tries to sabotage the convention (no, requesting changes in who runs a session or oversees a process is not "sabotaging the convention") or doesn't endorse her when he drops out or whatever he can have a negative impact on her, but that's not the debate here. The debate here is that his continued candidacy hurts Hillary even though everyone knows she's the nominee.

These people who are Chicken Littling everywhere about how Bernie dropping out on June xth rather than May nth is ruining the party are fucking giant ass diaper babies. Didn't we all collectively agree to leave behind this braindead shoot-from-the-gut analysis the last eight hundred times all the game changers ended up being game samers? Give me a break.
Sanders has said his plan is to go to the convention and try to flip superdelegates to his side. Until he actually drops out, I'm going to take him at his word. His rhetoric has also gotten worse as the primary season comes to an end.
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