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The UK votes to leave the European Union

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Acting in accordance with the will of the majority of voters, even if it craters the economy, does not sound like treason to me.

True but it's the functional equivalent of since it's a advisiryreferendum, non-binding. House still has to pass it. House knows better.



"Angela sends her regards."

Oh god, this is killing me. xD


Unconfirmed Member
Watching Farage bloviating now. What a fucking colossal piece of shit. Insulting the entire EU to it's face.
That was pretty much his full time job for the last 15 years or so. His EU parliament speeches are very popular on youtube.

Mr. Sam

Tell you what, respect to them to let them have their full say, our parliament could learn a thing or two

Stop talking out of your arse.

Marine Le Pen is a member of the European Parliament. The day Farage actually gets elected in Westminster, and he's failed several times, he can have his say. As it is, he's a MEP and so, like Le Pen, gets his say there.


Y'all are also crazy if you think a decent amount of Leave voters will change their mind based on these updates. If anything they're more likely to feel bullied by the EU and want to leave even more regardless of the consequences. If Leave voters cared about consequences they wouldn't have voted Leave.
A second referendum would be pointless and it's crazy to me that it keeps getting brought up. If it has a smaller vote turnout than the first one it should be considered completely irrelevant and the moment that stipulation is made, Leave voters simply wont vote.

I don't think running a second referendum it's a good idea, just think about most of the leave voters, what if they lose this time? I'm sorry but I don't think they will accept it when they already won. My fellow british gafers, you have a serious internal problem which you should fix first, and by that I mean most of the leave voters, which they seem to be satisfied with this direction encouraging to kick most of the current inmigrants from the UK.

Funky Papa

Y'all are also crazy if you think a decent amount of Leave voters will change their mind based on these updates. If anything they're more likely to feel bullied by the EU and want to leave even more regardless of the consequences. If Leave voters cared about consequences they wouldn't have voted Leave.

It would be extremely easy for the Leave camp to frame it that way. Specially when Merkel already looks like the female reincarnation of Karl Marx Hitler von Red Skull for so many of them. Efortless, really. Any real fallout from this mess will be automatically put on the EU anyway.


Y'all are also crazy if you think a decent amount of Leave voters will change their mind based on these updates. If anything they're more likely to feel bullied by the EU and want to leave even more regardless of the consequences. If Leave voters cared about consequences they wouldn't have voted Leave.

The polling shows 7% of leave voters already regret their decision, and that's only after 4 days. Whilst there s absolutely a core leave vote that doesn't care, there is also definitely a large leave vote that does care and the messages didn't reach them or they fell for the Leave campaigns lies which have now been exposed.


Y'all are also crazy if you think a decent amount of Leave voters will change their mind based on these updates. If anything they're more likely to feel bullied by the EU and want to leave even more regardless of the consequences. If Leave voters cared about consequences they wouldn't have voted Leave.

It could motivate more young people to vote. And young people voted remain.


On BBC News a "divided family". Daughter wants Remain

Mother describes what's going on as "the storm before the calm". I don't think she has a clue about the saying or how much worse things can get.

Still have yet to see a single Brexiter with any intelligent responses or proposals for how this works. This feels like a surreal dream.
Every single prediction in case of a leave win of remain voters coming true. This is one of the most frustrating political decisions I have ever seen in my life time, if not the worst. Here's hoping the Brexit surprisingly doesn't make it through the parliament.
Scotland going all in and getting standing ovation, now Northern Ireland. This is serious shit going on now, could make UK look very bad and destroy its reputation as a democratic leader if NI and Scottish forced into leaving against their will.


I thought one of the things this vote bought to the fore, that we have suppressed peoples racism and hate rather than challenging it head on...

by listening (I know people dont like it) but by listening rather than shouting down, you can challenge and put forward your own arguments

So I, and a number of other GAFers, tried to talk to you about your views and after our first replies you basically shrugged and carried on...we listened, gave you a direct response and you ignored us.

How exactly else are we supposed to "listen"? Do you mean "listen and agree it's deffo the immigrants"?

Metal B

I looked into the first Lisbon referendum and why it failed with Ireland, and kind of surprised how many parallels there are with the Brexit. The main reason, why 40% voted against the Treaty of Lisbon, were because they didn't understand it. After the outcome of the Brexit and people only know trying to understand the function of the EU, we have a similar outcome, based on bad communication between the EU and the population of a country. Of course, you also have the lies on top, which get shared by many right-wings groups and newspapers, who just want to sell headlines, but the EU really needs to work on their reputation and transparency.

This is actually a big problem in modern politic in general. We're in a age of boundless information and still people seen to be less informed then ever. I guess, people simply believe they know anything, without actually knowing the real backgrounds. And everybody can build their own bubble, by just consuming the information, they want the world to look like.
Scotland going all in and getting standing ovation, now Northern Ireland. This is serious shit going on now, could make UK look very bad and destroy its reputation as a democratic leader if NI and Scottish forced into leaving against their will.

Democracy, innit.

It's almost, right, get this, it's almost as if sovereignty and democracy aren't things we hold 100% or not at all, but are battlefields of negotiation and deferral and deal-making for, generally speaking, some kind of collective benefit.


The polling shows 7% of leave voters already regret their decision, and that's only after 4 days. Whilst there s absolutely a core leave vote that doesn't care, there is also definitely a large leave vote that does care and the messages didn't reach them or they fell for the Leave campaigns lies which have now been exposed.
Polling also showed 4% of Remain voters regret it, which still results in a Leave win. And the more the EU can be portrayed as being unfair, the more that rides.

It could motivate more young people to vote. And young people voted remain.
It could also motivate pigs to learn how to fly.


Y'all are also crazy if you think a decent amount of Leave voters will change their mind based on these updates. If anything they're more likely to feel bullied by the EU and want to leave even more regardless of the consequences. If Leave voters cared about consequences they wouldn't have voted Leave.

its infuriating due to the lack of logic.

The best direction to take to support those feeling disenfranchised is to engage with them better. Leaving Europe doesn't fix any of the problems they think it will. Staying in Europe helps protect their jobs. Staying in Europe we get influence on the direction it takes.

This should absolutely be taken as a wake up call for UK politics that needs to be addressed. But leaving Europe doesn't address it at all.


Scotland going all in and getting standing ovation, now Northern Ireland. This is serious shit going on now, could make UK look very bad and destroy its reputation as a democratic leader if NI and Scottish forced into leaving against their will.
Is there really any way for Scotland to remain in the EU if they went independant ? I can't really see that happening.


On BBC News a "divided family". Daughter wants Remain

Mother describes what's going on as "the storm before the calm". I don't think she has a clue about the saying or how much worse things can get.

Still have yet to see a single Brexiter with any intelligent responses or proposals for how this works. This feels like a surreal dream.

Heh, I had a very British phone call with my mum where I was talking about friends who had lost jobs and my girlfriend losing her funding for overseas study and my mum was just replying about how she didn't think it would happen that quick... I think she voted leave so I just changed the subject.


The people who voted in UKIP as our MEP's are just as much to blame as leave voters.

Claim the EU is flawed, so vote in people who are going to throw their toys out of the pram and not cooperate.

Democracy, innit.

It's almost, right, get this, it's almost as if sovereignty and democracy aren't things we hold 100% or not at all, but are battlefields of negotiation and deferral and deal-making for, generally speaking, some kind of collective benefit.

It's a god damn mess, with no end in sight. Westminster is stuck in limbo and they know pulling Scotland out will likely finish the Union for good, hence why fudging of answers and different messages from UK ministers as regards Scotland. Pity my crystal ball isn't working.


They can't come out right now and say "FU referendum". It's not possible. They need the EU to give us space to revel in our misery and take the short term economic hit, in return for a climb down to preserve the longer term economy.

If they came out right now and started talking about ignoring the result it would lead to unrest in the northern cities, and would galvanise Leave supporters. They need to give time to peel off those who aren't idiotic racists so they can then not activate article 50.

I believe and hope that's the plan but every day is tough to swallow the way everyone is talking like we leaving the EU is being worked on, must get on with it, done deal etc. I just have that real fear everybody thinks article 50 being initiated is inevitable and we will do the completely stupid thing of leaving the EU and signing up to a stupid Norway like one which is worse.


Acting in accordance with the will of the majority of voters, even if it craters the economy, does not sound like treason to me.

A expert on Sky was saying that the Dutch are watching this closely and if they see the UK getting a terrible deal they may push for a referendum as they will feel better to go now than in 10 years time when it will be worse...

he might be talking out of his ass


A expert on Sky was saying that the Dutch are watching this closely and if they see the UK getting a terrible deal they may push for a referendum as they will feel better to go now than in 10 years time when it will be worse...

he might be talking out of his ass

Oh, so now we listen to experts. Good to know.
On BBC News a "divided family". Daughter wants Remain

Mother describes what's going on as "the storm before the calm". I don't think she has a clue about the saying or how much worse things can get.

Still have yet to see a single Brexiter with any intelligent responses or proposals for how this works. This feels like a surreal dream.

There hasn't been a single coherent argument about what we're going to do next. It's either Brexiters keeping quiet cause they know they've fucked us all over, or a bunch of incoherent nonsense about German car manufactuers.

It's like listening to Trump talking "we're gonna go to Brussels and we're gonna get a great deal, it's gonna be the best deal cause let me tell ya I know how these people work, cause I've been to Brussels and I love Brussels and they love me that I can tell you. It's gonna be great, we're gonna get the best deals".
Is there really any way for Scotland to remain in the EU if they went independant ? I can't really see that happening.

Probably not, but it will break the union shortly after it happens, public opinion is moving, media is moving and now Labour and Libdems are moving toward realisation that if we get taken out, independent Scotland will be a near certainty. A lot of people would vote for a indy Scotland out of Europe too.


With each passing day the more and more anger I feel towards Leave voters, and unfortunately that includes a couple of friends.

I also can't help but look at the older generation with absolute contempt, even though I acknowledge many of whom would've voted to Remain.

I don't feel I'll ever forgive them for what they've done to this country.


I looked into the first Lisbon referendum and why it failed with Ireland, and kind of surprised how many parallels there are with the Brexit. The main reason, why 40% voted against the Treaty of Lisbon, were because they didn't understand it. After the outcome of the Brexit and people only know trying to understand the function of the EU, we have a similar outcome, based on bad communication between the EU and the population of a country. Of course, you also have the lies on top, which get shared by many right-wings groups and newspapers, who just want to sell headlines, but the EU really needs to work on their reputation and transparency.

This is actually a big problem in modern politic in general. We're in a age of boundless information and still people seen to be less informed then ever. I guess, people simply believe they know anything, without actually knowing the real backgrounds. And everybody can build their own bubble, by just consuming the information, they want the world to look like.
Part of the problem is, a large proportion of the media that people do consume to learn more is ridiculously biased.

Most of the newspapers were completely biased towards leave, spreading the same lies that were part of the Leave's campaign.

Sure you can get the information online, but the age groups that were voting leave, may not even bother using the internet all that much.
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