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TITANFALL 2 |OT| Don't Misgender Tone.


Unconfirmed Member
But that counter exists for every Titan in this game.

The counter to Legion is to have 2 Titans or another Legion. And if you're playing Bounty Hunt, you running away just means he eats up all the Bounty for himself with no contention.

Where are all the other pilots ? Are they not hitting them with ark grenades or using their anti titan weapons ?

Am I asking a stupid question here ? :p

I love hanging onto the back of other titans helping them kick the shit out of Legions with my rocket launcher, it's great.
So I was grabbing someone's battery earlier and they ejected, it ejected me with them. Fine, that's fine, but I was stuck in the battery grabbing animation, and then they shot me in the air. How is that fair?
It's only good if there's another Titan shooting him. Otherwise hahaha


I'm going to record the first clip I get of the opening of Bounty Hunt. I need people to see this.

It still works especially if you can confuse it by teleporting. The thing is as a Ronin you need to retreat and get him at different angle. You gotta keep him guessing. Your not gonna get him at the first try.


Anyone else finding the skin selector on Xbox One horrendously slow? It takes a good few unresponsive seconds before the selector UI shows up, and then pressing any direction takes a second or two to respond, but it actually registers the input twice..!

It's impossible to select a skin now without it being like a very slow puzzle game.


If my selector is on skin 1 and I press right once, it will take a second and then select skin 2 quickly followed by skin 3.

[ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ 4 ] [ 5 ]

Really disappointing, not sure if it's an isolated case? Download copy.


So I was grabbing someone's battery earlier and they ejected, it ejected me with them. Fine, that's fine, but I was stuck in the battery grabbing animation, and then they shot me in the air. How is that fair?

I got stuck in stairs yesterday, could not do anything to get out.
Had to stand there until someone came and killed me, took like 2min+.

Some unstuck command or suicide would be nice to have in options.
Anyone else finding the skin selector on Xbox One horrendously slow? It takes a good few unresponsive seconds before the selector UI shows up, and then pressing any direction takes a second or two to respond, but it actually registers the input twice..!

It's impossible to select a skin now without it being like a very slow puzzle game.


If my selector is on skin 1 and I press right once, it will take a second and then select skin 2 quickly followed by skin 3.

[ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ 4 ] [ 5 ]

Really disappointing, not sure if it's an isolated case? Download copy.

I got the same problem. Every time I go to select the skin it freezes for a couple of seconds before letting me select a skin. During a match it almost freezes for 5 seconds. I don't remember that happening when I started the game for the first time.


I'm not saying Legion doesn't need to be nerfed... he could definitely use one... just that it's not as dire as everyone makes out to be once you learn your Titans. Legions are a joke close up and I have my Ronin.

I just recorded a game. May take a long ass time to upload but took it indiscriminately. Unless you're the best Ronin I have ever come across, nah. Legion does like 50% of your health in one shotty bullet, and you can't block forever (nor do you do damage while you're blocking).

I get my Smart Core in seconds (as you will see in the clip).

People run away and I just get all the fucking bounty to myself. This is literally every game.

I know the average player is a fool, as they were in R1, but I at least had to do a bunch of 1v1s and go around the map.

Anyway, stay tuned I guess. It's not good gameplay, it's just Legion being cheap af.


Laser Canon - worth charging up?
Trip Wire - do they explode if you throw them at the enemy?
Splitter - does it out damage the laser in mid to close quarters?

I charge the laser only to help line up the shots. I'm not really sure of the damage numbers it inflicts uncharged vs. charged.

The tripwires will not explode on contact; I think they have an initial setup time, but dropping them right on an enemy titan will tend to make them explode in short order.

I don't think the splitter outdamages the laser in sheer burst damage even at close range; for me, they're best used in conjunction, with the splitter being fired from the hip to charge energy on criticals.
I charge the laser only to help line up the shots. I'm not really sure of the damage numbers it inflicts uncharged vs. charged.

The tripwires will not explode on contact; I think they have an initial setup time, but dropping them right on an enemy titan will tend to make them explode in short order.

I don't think the splitter outdamages the laser in sheer burst damage even at close range; for me, they're best used in conjunction, with the splitter being fired from the hip to charge energy on criticals.

What counts as a critical hit?


Started getting more selective with my loadouts, nearly per-map variants. Huge improvement to my game. Shotguns and cloak, rifle and stim - works so damn well. Starting to get better with Ion, too. Peekaboo is definitely his style - pull back, get other Titans to help, and wreck face with the laser, lure in and destroy with trip mines. Strange Titan to make the first one, especially when something like Legion is so inanely powerful.


Hi everyone, a little question about the MP on PC: Does playing in groups work well? Do you find matches reasonably fast and are you placed in the same team? Are you regularly pulled apart due to auto balance and such? Do people error out on joining a game?
I got stuck in stairs yesterday, could not do anything to get out.
Had to stand there until someone came and killed me, took like 2min+.

Some unstuck command or suicide would be nice to have in options.

I mean my animation would have ended so I wasn't stuck in the same sense that you were, it's just I was not going to be able to shoot back in the time required to kill him. If he had waited 3 seconds I could have shot him back. I just thought the point of throwing both pilot and rodeoer into the air was to give them a 1 vs 1 scenario, where either could kill the other, but instead I was looking at floor and couldn't even fire if I wanted to.
Couple of questions

Am I correct in thinking that invisibility counters 3D marking? Between map hack and the sensors, it seems that players looking to capture points need some form of anti-detection else they're as good as dead. Also, is there any difference in the hurtboxes of the pilot models? I would assume not but with the fat and thin characters being so drastically far apart from a visual perspective it would seem odd if there weren't in a way. I feel disadvantaged playing the bigger characters but I'm not sure if that disadvantage is in my head. When they're hiding on points and things like that it's much easier to catch a glimpse of them.

Edit: Sorry for the double post.


I really wish strafing was faster... As soon as you start aiming down the sights your momentum dies. At least should have it as a perk ):

Also just going to say that Eden is the best map.


Here is Legion being cheap af

Part 1 (I jump into the Titan around 1.5m): http://xboxdvr.com/gamer/Cobalt Izuna/video/23037448
Part 2: http://xboxdvr.com/gamer/Cobalt Izu...55fc31ba/387a0100-dd3f-4dd2-9471-88134448127b

It's not the best gameplay, but honestly, this is 95% of my Bounty Hunt matches and it's brainless as fuck. What matters here is how I don't even have to at all, for anything. The only thing this strat fucks up is when I happen to be in a spawn with like 2~3 or more enemy Titans, but that means they'll have to fight me and not the Bounty Titan or Minions, and if they do that I'll just escape like a bandit with $200 or something. That's enough that if my other team is fine, we basically win anyway.

I recorded the first game I had this morning. But tbh it doesn't matter.
I got the same problem. Every time I go to select the skin it freezes for a couple of seconds before letting me select a skin. During a match it almost freezes for 5 seconds. I don't remember that happening when I started the game for the first time.

Happens to me to every almost every single time i try to mess with a skin. :/ The little freezes and sub-optimal netcode/lag compensations (something i'm not qualified to diagnose) is starting to kill my love for the game.

It get's so very tiring to lose gunfights that i would be for-sure winning in say CoD or BF. Sights on, see him before he sees me (or my screen and then his kill cam say so) and then i unload a clip (crit headshots and all) but he unloads 3 bullets and i'm dead... or i'm running and behind cover and get shot around the corner/through the cover because... lag comp?

It's really getting old and even CoD has sorted this by now. I wonder if it's something that will improve or something i'll just either have to deal with/accept or get fed up and move on to something else.

I hope it improves as i really, really enjoy the game. :/


So you want mouse and keyboard CTF montages instead of raw Pilots vs Pilots controller gameplay of a dude on the tail end of a 24 hour marathon? Yeah fantastic comparison.

It's not the aim, it's the movement being beneficial. It doesn't matter if it's the long play or not, and you know that how didact is moving is possible with a controller.

But it's about what's effective. I'm comparing a lot of things in hyperbole, especially the fact that GameSager is playing a mode that has no Titans in it.


Anyway, I've been playing FFA and tbh I quite enjoy it. I'm on a win streak 'cause there's some bullshit you can do in this.

Noon, and there's 8 in my region (London). omfgggggg


Unconfirmed Member
Out of curiosity what's the size of the game populations ? I know for PC it's usually around 13k - 15k players, what about XB1 and PS4 ?
Everyone should have the grappling hook in the MP

Id be down for a faster grapple hook as a default part of every pilot's loadout. the one right now is a little too slow.

Make it so that everyone has one... that you cant directly grapple titans. I'd love to phase shift and grapple or grapple at the end of a stim run to keep the momentum going or use it to turn around and run a 180.

It's so fundamental to the movement and would be cool stacked with other abilities. But feel free to remove holo pilot all together and throw something interesting in it's place... i'd love to see the stats for how many of the population actually uses that compared to all the other classes. Has to be single digits.



Full clip here: http://xboxdvr.com/gamer/Cobalt Izuna/video/23038973


Gunna stop posting in that thread probably. I agree with the sentiment but it's very subjective rather an objective and even I know that.

Full clip here: http://xboxdvr.com/gamer/Cobalt Izuna/video/23038973


Gunna stop posting in that thread probably. I agree with the sentiment but it's very subjective rather an objective and even I know that.

What are you highlighting here. Not being a jerk just not sure what you're showing. I watched the full clip and saw you fire the rockets at the titans stacked in front of "old-B" in the gully. You hit one took it down then the other than were killed from behind... correct?

Was there something weird going on for you on your end or something?


Got and installed my copy last night for PC. So funny that they just ship empty boxes retail now. It is a game box with a slip of paper in it. Lol.

Took awhile to dl the 26gigs so I didn't get a ton of time but jumped right into the campaign. It's already awesome.

Once I finish it then I'll be all mp. One more for the PC pool.


What are you highlighting here. Not being a jerk just not sure what you're showing. I watched the full clip and saw you fire the rockets at the titans stacked in front of "old-B" in the gully. You hit one took it down then the other than were killed from behind... correct?

Was there something weird going on for you on your end or something?

It was meant to be in response to Anti-Titan weapons being terrible. That Archer that ended up connection curved around and hit the Titan, what looked like after my death to win it.

It's also strange because your projectiles are supposed to die when you do, at least that's what happens to my EPG etc.
Here is Legion being cheap af

Part 1 (I jump into the Titan around 1.5m): http://xboxdvr.com/gamer/Cobalt Izuna/video/23037448
Part 2: http://xboxdvr.com/gamer/Cobalt Izu...55fc31ba/387a0100-dd3f-4dd2-9471-88134448127b

It's not the best gameplay, but honestly, this is 95% of my Bounty Hunt matches and it's brainless as fuck. What matters here is how I don't even have to at all, for anything. The only thing this strat fucks up is when I happen to be in a spawn with like 2~3 or more enemy Titans, but that means they'll have to fight me and not the Bounty Titan or Minions, and if they do that I'll just escape like a bandit with $200 or something. That's enough that if my other team is fine, we basically win anyway.

I recorded the first game I had this morning. But tbh it doesn't matter.

So you post a video where you camp as Legion. Then go after a mech that has one bar of health and then take on the AI mech. That's your proof that Legion is unstoppable?
It was meant to be in response to Anti-Titan weapons being terrible. That Archer that ended up connection curved around and hit the Titan, what looked like after my death to win it.

It's also strange because your projectiles are supposed to die when you do, at least that's what happens to my EPG etc.

Oh i understand now. I dont know how ANYONE could think the anti-Titan weapon are terrible or weak etc. You can straight 1v1 most titans with a single pilot if you know what you're doing and have a half-way decent loadout. If anything i'd say skilled pilots are too good at taking out Titans.

Weird. I guess some people just need to spend more time with the game.


So you post a video where you camp as Legion. Then go after a mech that has one bar of health and then take on the AI mech. That's your proof that Legion is unstoppable?

I even posted a footnote in my post. Look at how fast his core comes up because I start with 40%. There is literally no way a Ronin can 1v1 a Legion like that. The Ronin can't outmanoeuvre the Smart Core, and if it did retreat, all the bounty goes to Legion.

That Northstar for example was fucking trapped. The pilot couldn't even escape because he didn't have cloak enabled.

This is 95% of my games. I point is that Legion is brainless as fuck and dashing behind him is not the counter. In LTS I wouldn't rate him, because 2v1 he's butt, but so is almost every Titan...
I still think he should be nerfed like all of you... But a Ronin can take him down.

Also that's Crash Site... Of course Legion will do well there... It's just a hallway that he can unload down.

On an open map like Homestead it's even more in Legions favour, you won't even have anything to hide behind to waste his Smart Core. He's gunna doom you, and he's gunna get the Goose. It takes another Legion or a good Ion to 1v1 a Smart Core.


There are different levels to the badges. I noticed I had the same one 3 times but one was plain, the other was gold, and the third was on fire or some shit.
I've noticed that some are gold. However, the 3 Beast Mode banners I've gotten look identical. Unless I'm missing something.
The campaign is superb. I'm getting Half life vibes from the campaign, pretty funny as its running on modified Source engine. The level design and platforming is fantastic, some of the best I've seen in a long while for a shooter.

It was a nice surprise to see the action broken up by exploring and platforming, also the interaction with BT is a nice touch. The way its constantly changing with each level, keeps it fresh and the
time travel
mechanic that's introduced is just brilliant.

This is up there with Doom for the campaign, its shame it doesn't have Doom's length, as I would love it to carry on for 12-15 hours, or even longer.

E92 M3

I used Legion in FFA... He's fucking STUPID.

And E92 M3 can tell you, with like one Smart Core I went from like 20 attrition points to like 110... in the final couple minutes of the game.

Seriously, how many hits do you think it takes to get 60% Core charge? That's one shotty shot and like 10-20 bullets. 15 seconds to almost max damage auto-aim follows. It's enough to kill an entire fucking Bounty Titan.

Eject, shoot like 4-6 Archers, do it all again.

And that's the most fun I get.

I love Tone, I really do, but close range she has nothing and we can't make our own trade-offs for it. I'd love to remove the Tracker rockets for any of the close range stuff.

That is true.

Legion legitimately needs a rework.

I'd rather they buff other Titans than nerf Legion and I don't use Legion.


Overall, I predicted the campiness of this game when they said they wanted to focus on the 3 lane map design. Being fast and parkouring will get you killed most of the time and that's very sad.

Love playing the game, but it's sad to see camping being effective.


Did anyone else preorder from Amazon and NOT receive their preorder code(s) yet? I preordered two copies, one for my wife one for me, and still haven't gotten any of the codes.

This is becoming a regular problem with buying games on Amazon.. shipping times have been crappy and getting them to send the preorder codes is a hassle.

What makes it even worse is when you call in to speak with a rep about it they act like they don't even know what a videogame IS, much less a preorder code, DLC, Bonus Content, etc etc ... I just get that deer in the headlights response when I try and tell them what i'm missing from the order.
I still think he should be nerfed like all of you... But a Ronin can take him down.

Also that's Crash Site... Of course Legion will do well there... It's just a hallway that he can unload down.

Das Homestead homie... the most open map in TF2! lol Yes Legion is OP and yes a Ronin CAN take him out... but id challenge anyone to show me video proof of two equally skilled players going 1v1 and the Ronin coming out on top.

A skilled Legion vs a skilled Ronin and i'm sorry... the Legion player is winning the vast majority of the time. Not even a question.


Did anyone else preorder from Amazon and NOT receive their preorder code(s) yet? I preordered two copies, one for my wife one for me, and still haven't gotten any of the codes.

This is becoming a regular problem with buying games on Amazon.. shipping times have been crappy and getting them to send the preorder codes is a hassle.

What makes it even worse is when you call in to speak with a rep about it they act like they don't even know what a videogame IS, much less a preorder code, DLC, Bonus Content, etc etc ... I just get that deer in the headlights response when I try and tell them what i'm missing from the order.
Yup. Same thing happened to me and a few others here. Amazon customer service rep said we should be receiving an email with the codes by Nov 11.
I even posted a footnote in my post. Look at how fast his core comes up because I start with 40%. There is literally no way a Ronin can 1v1 a Legion like that. The Ronin can't outmanoeuvre the Smart Core, and if it did retreat, all the bounty goes to Legion.

Why do you keep brining bounty into this? I'm talking one on one here... Nothing outside of that.

That Northstar for example was fucking trapped. The pilot couldn't even escape because he didn't have cloak enabled.

That's a Northstar. They should have been out of there as soon as they saw you...

On an open map like Homestead it's even more in Legions favour, you won't even have anything to hide behind to waste his Smart Core. He's gunna doom you, and he's gunna get the Goose. It takes another Legion or a good Ion to 1v1 a Smart Core.

If Legion gets the job on em... Yeah. But a Ronin shouldn't be running around in the middle of the field.


The campaign was fun. I am a sucker for mechs and robot buddies so all that stuff worked for me. Overall didn't like it as much as Doom though. Seceond best shooter campaign this year in my book.

The MP is fine. I am already annoyed by the player count and I still don't think a lot of the changes they made from the first game are for the better. The weak Titans are definitely on top of that list.

Eh if it at least stays alive enough till the end of the year i can get some solid entertainment out of it before just playing BF1.
Das Homestead homie... the most open map in TF2! lol Yes Legion is OP and yes a Ronin CAN take him out... but id challenge anyone to show me video proof of two equally skilled players going 1v1 and the Ronin coming out on top.

A skilled Legion vs a skilled Ronin and i'm sorry... the Legion player is winning the vast majority of the time. Not even a question.

Me and you should doit for Science later.

The Dude

Glorious? I was shot all the time from any angle, couldn't do shit against tanks, planes and whatnot, I hated it.

It was a chaotic clusterfuck and I really don't have the nerves to sink my teeth into that.

Nah just gotta learn how to play, one of the most rewarding experiences in gaming easily
Me and you should doit for Science later.

I was totally thinking that then was like wait... i fucking suck at legion/hate his robotic guts lol.

I'd still totally do it because... well... giant robots!

But yeah teams of Legions are sooooo fucking hard to defeat. The health, the damage output his crazy smart core... something's got to go.

Respawn... any thoughts on toning down Legion? (yeah, pun intended lol)
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