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United States Election: Nov. 8, 2016 |OT| Hate Trumps Love

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Angry Fork

I voted Bernie in the primaries. I was then told I was a moron and I should let it go because he was "unelectable" because he was too out there. I then voted Hillary and was led to believe she was a shoe in over Trump.

I find it hard to see how he could have done any worse than Hillary here. She wasn't even able to win over a sexist reality TV star. Kinda wishing more people would have went Bernie.

They still refuse to understand what this election was about and think voters wanted Lady gaga and jay-z to tell them what to do. That's why they say Bernie wouldn't have won.

This election was about shitty material conditions for the working class, created by an elite establishment, republicans/trump took that sentiment and convinced the white working class that it was X group of people who were responsible instead of those in power. Bernie was the same populist but was able to steer anger in the right direction.

Hillary did everything possible to avoid blaming the actual villains in this struggle because they're her donors. They decided showing a bunch of "hilarious, shocking" clips of Trump saying mean things was more important instead.


Looks like a sizable number of Hispanics voted for him, presumably because they're already legal and agree with keeping the process fair. Unintuitive, unless you're throwing caution to the wind and openly speaking your mind.

This plays a big factor. I live in Arizona and know quite a few Latino voters who while they did not like trumps language firmly believe in the system needing to be enforced as their families had gone through the system and view anything else as allowing the system to be cheated.
You need to realize minorities and their allies have never thrown the first stone in that department. If Trump supporters want respect, they need to give up the ghost on their hatred and xenophobia. Then maybe we can have a conversation.
I'm not white

You need to realize no one wants a "conversation" that starts with thirty pages of sanctimonious lecturing.


Bernie wouldn't have fared better.

This wasnt about Clinton
I don't think so. Trump had energy for the change he'd bring to Washington. Bernie was more or less running under that same messaging, albeit totally opposite ends of the spectrum.

People didn't like Hillary cause she was more of the same.

I'm in utter disbelief. Can't believe this racist, misogynistic bigot has a >90% chance of winning this...
Never listening to these fuckin' pollsters again. Unbelievable.


That whole industry has been exposed as frauds
I am a "white" male, and I am nauseous right now. I voted for Hillary even though I would have preferred Warren or Sanders as the Dem candidate. Besides being an incompetent hack and general asshole, this fuck is going to let the Republican controlled House and Senate roll back Obamacare, and it is going to get drastically unaffordable to get therapy for my autistic son. You can bet this preexisting condition bullshit is going to come back fast and strong.

I am seriously worried about his future. He is only 3 years old. And I have another child on the way.

Best anyone can hope for is that the Republican majority in the Senate and House works to include everyone and proves people wrong about the things that have been said about republicans.

If not and they force things on people they dislike this will be a very short term victory and a wake-up call to the Democratic base of the country that yes, you have to vote to make things happen.


I'm glad he's banned now, but it happened two hours after he posted it (when most bans for racism, including at least one documented case in this thread, are dealt with immediately), and a lot of people had quoted it (so it doesn't seem like it just got "lost in the shuffle" of the thread, because it kept popping up).

Thank you for doing the deed, Lionel, but I find it hard to believe you were the first mod that saw the post. I'm sure almost every mod is invested in this election and following this thread closely, and it seems like as a rule racial hate speech against whites rarely get taken care of unless members first make noise about it.

This has been bothering me for a while on GAF - I'm one thousand percent for banning racists/homophobes/islamaphobes, but allowing racist comments for a majority group and hand-waving it away as no big deal is incredibly disheartening to see.

I hope it changes soon, because I really don't want to leave GAF - but the amount of anti-white sentiment that has gone unchecked here this election cycle has been a gigantic bummer.

At least your people not get randomly shot by cop everyday.


I mean, on the bright side climate change is just a Chinese hoax so we don't have anything to worry about there.

It's weird that it's taking so long. It's nearly 1AM, almost two hours past when the election has been called before. Hopefully that means something positive.

We are electing an orange-tinted misogynistic, racist, xenophobic piece of certifiable human garbage that doesn't believe in climate change and wants to build a massive wall along the southern border.

He's not anti-establishment, he's everything wrong with the establishment, he's the corporate tax breaks and lobbyism that plague D.C. already.

Unfuckingbelievable. As a journalist, it seems as though the media handed him this election on a platter. There's this guy who never had a realistic chance, but oh wait, he just said something inflammatory and offensive, let's exhaustively cover it for ratings.



I am trying to search for places I can leave too, but I am coming up a bit short because I don't have skills I consider skills that can't be found withing the european area, or 10 mil to be a canadian investor.

does anyone have some good resources for moving away from a country for say 4.5 years?

I mean I am a white male, I will likely be alright assuming trump doesn't manage to piss off a ton of people to attack us.

but I really don't want to watch a number of my friend's lives get destroyed as stuff like gay marriage is taken away.


Or calling his supporters deplorables, sexiest, racist, etc. Good job generalizing the majority of the US voters as those and polarizing the people furthermore. Exactly what the people needed.

So the deplorable sexists, racists, etc are also extremely petty and self centered. Gotcha.
They still refuse to understand what this election was about and think voters wanted Lady gaga and jay-z to tell them what to do. That's why they say Bernie wouldn't have won.

This election was about shitty material conditions for the working class, created by an elite establishment, republicans/trump took that sentiment and convinced the white working class that it was X group of people who were responsible instead of those in power. Bernie was the same populist but was able to steer anger in the right direction.

Hillary did everything possible to avoid blaming the actual villains in this struggle because they're her donors. They decided showing a bunch of "hilarious, shocking" clips of Trump saying mean things was more important instead.

Bernie Sanders didn't speak for the working blue collar worker FOH with that nonsense.

He spoke for the white millennial.


I can't *believe* these lazy developers keep making file sizes so damn large. Btw, how does technology work?
I honestly think Bernie would have done much better. A vast majority of people hate both Hillary and Trump. Who hates Bernie?

I was lead to believe Hillary would win if I rallied to her instead of Bernie. Jeez I wonder what the hell would have happened if Bernie ended up not endorsing her.

Plenty of folks hate Bernie. His tax plan wasn't favorable toward anyone making about $80K/yr or more.


welp, guess i was completely and utterly wrong. maybe i was too naïve in thinking that america wouldn't be this stupidly self-destructive.

I hope all these idiot Trump voters will be ready to deal with the consequences that will come along with a Trump presidency if he does end up winning tbh
they'll blame it on something else
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