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Rumor: Xenoblade Chronicles X coming to Switch within first 6 months


9 of those rumored titles aren't on Wii U at all.
2 are old ports, sure, but the rest are either exclusive or multiplatform releases.
Splatoon and MK8 are also adding a considerable amount of new content if the reports are true so just calling them old ports is disingenuous.
Zelda is also on Wii U, but it's not an old port.
Mario is an original game and the 3D Mario's are amazing titles so let's not toss that under the rug either.
Name a launch title from the last decade that's better than a new 3D Mario.
Name a first year that had so many substantial releases even if some aren't exclusive

We could be looking at the best first year for a system since the PlayStation 2 launched.


Right so you're saying people didnt want to buy new hardware for Xenoblade. Got it.

Are you not aware of the context of the N3DS or you're being obtuse on purpose to give value to your point? :/

I think XC on N3DS is the only exclusive retail game...Of course A SINGLE GAME, being a Wii port, on a new iteration of a late-in-life console, didn't attract millions of gamers. I did buy one for XC in fact, but I assume I'm in a minority.

Some Nobody

Junior Member
Mario Kart, Smash, and Splatoon don't need to be ported because they need to sell to more people. They all sold great already, and the former two don't have any need to grow their audience. No, they're getting iterative sequels because the Switch needs those multiplayer games ASAP, and using the Wii U titles as a base for those is the fastest way to do it.

Now with Xenoblade X, that would be to sell the game again (it sold okay, but not great) along with showing off yet another open-world RPG on the go. I imagine this would actually be a port and be treated as one. Though I don't know why they would want it out in the first year. Ports can still come when a system is a year or two old, and the Switch already has a couple open-world games coming early anyway.

This is most likely true, but still depressing. I love X, but it needs some changes. The RNG for many of the quests, and the affinity system need to be eliminated. Plus additional content would give many of us who either beat the game or got close a reason to come back.

Right so you're saying people didnt want to buy new hardware for Xenoblade. Got it.

KML. No, no one wanted to buy a "new" 3DS when they already had one. That thing was a bust from day one.
I'm not trolling, I'm just becoming more and more agitated with every new port rumour. I have these games or skipped them already. Even the new games are depressing me, Mario looks like Mario, Zelda i can play on Wii U, surely no one at all gives a shit about Rabbids anything. Only the Wave Race trademark has me interested in the thing at all.


I'm not trolling, I'm just becoming more and more agitated with every new port rumour. I have these games or skipped them already. Even the new games are depressing me, Mario looks like Mario, Zelda i can play on Wii U, surely no one at all gives a shit about Rabbids anything. Only the Wave Race trademark has me interested in the thing at all.

mario looks like mario?

well I would never..
The interesting part about the Telltale Guardians mention is that Laura heard about weekly episodes rather than monthly. I suppose this may be to drum up hype for Guardians Vol. 2, but I'm a bit surprised that they're able to pump out episodes that quickly.

The game was announced 2 years ago, It's highly likely that the release schedule of the episode was agreed upon at that time.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
I'm not trolling, I'm just becoming more and more agitated with every new port rumour. I have these games or skipped them already. Even the new games are depressing me, Mario looks like Mario, Zelda i can play on Wii U, surely no one at all gives a shit about Rabbids anything. Only the Wave Race trademark has me interested in the thing at all.

You've literally seen 6 seconds of Mario. Not to mention to say "Mario looks like Mario" is absolutely nonsensical, unless you just hate 3D Mario period.
mario looks like mario?

well I would never..

Yeah. There's all this talk about whether its 64, galaxy or 3d world again ... I just don't care. I can those games again if i want right now, it may as well be a level pack for one of them from what we've seen so far.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
...I thought X supported the pro controller?

It does but not exclusively, you still are required to use the gamepad for various reasons. Still need to switch over now and again for some lame reasons now and again making it pointless to even bother with the Pro Controller overall.


I think it's safe to assume that, like the other rumored Wii U ports coming to Switch, XCX will not just be a straight port of the Wii U version. The Switch should be able to run the game better than the Wii U did. Maybe there will be less pop in? Maybe higher resolution/frame rate? Bottom line, I think there will be enough improvements for people who played the game on Wii U to feel comfortable about double-dipping.


Yeah. There's all this talk about whether its 64, galaxy or 3d world again ... I just don't care. I can those games again if i want right now, it may as well be a level pack for one of them from what we've seen so far.

::sees 5 seconds of a new game::

::concludes that it's essentially a level pack for older games::

this is logical

/s if that wasn't blatant enough


I'm not trolling, I'm just becoming more and more agitated with every new port rumour. I have these games or skipped them already. Even the new games are depressing me, Mario looks like Mario, Zelda i can play on Wii U, surely no one at all gives a shit about Rabbids anything. Only the Wave Race trademark has me interested in the thing at all.

can you really blame them though? they'd be leaving boatloads of money on the table keeping these games on wii u

look at it this way, first year for any console is always fairly lackluster. not to mention the lineup isn't announced, sure we're at least getting the new retro game by the holidays
A Rabbids/Mario SRPG sounds so bizarre that yeah, it interests me.
Sounds terrible to me. Would have loved to have been a fly on the wall and seen the meeting where that was the crossover decided on.

What happened to Fire emblem X shin megami tensai? The way fire emblem awakening was exploring time travel then in shin megami 4 they were living in medivel times then went to post apoclypse Tokyo. There was so much potential there for those two series to have told a really epic story and we could have had a lot of great characters return. Instead we got a much smaller project with mostly made up new characters and very little fire emblem.

Then you really have to think why have they continuously failed with Mario and Sonic. Just put them in a really good action/platform game it's so obvious! Have EAD and Sonic team all star developers all work on it.

Really could think of another hundred crossovers better then Mario X rabbid. It's such a waste of time and could maybe even hurt the Mario brand a little.


I'm OK with this as long as putting the Switch in the dock immediately results in "I CAN'T HEAR YOU I CAN'T SEE YOU I CAN'T HEAR YOU I CAN'T SEE YOU"

one two three four


A Rabbids/Mario SRPG sounds so bizarre that yeah, it interests me.
I thought much the same about #FE where I thought it looked awful when they unveiled its pop singer theme, and that ended up being quite good, so I'm happy to wait and see on Mario/Rabbids.

I actually really liked one of the Rabbids games- Rabbids go Home. On the Wii it was an amusing collect-em-up with a trolley that was at least refreshingly silly compared to the grimdark themes elsewhere at the time, and the DS version was more of a side scrolling puzzle game. Not brilliant and very weird, but I look at it as a parent now and think my daughter would love it. The Rabbids level of knockabout anarchic humour is aimed at children (much like the Minions etc), there's nothing wrong with that.

El Odio

Portable,or hell, even just a slightly upgraded XCX will probably be more than enough to convince me to go back and finish it.
::sees 5 seconds of a new game::

::concludes that it's essentially a level pack for older games::

this is logical

/s if that wasn't blatant enough

I didn't conclude anything, i said from what we've seen so far! The most exciting thing we've heard is the rumour of a "tether" mechanic for coop. That's new (if you haven't played Knuckles Chaotix maybe). The video though is only showing Mario gameplay derivative / near identical from the past.


Bayo 2 is at 60 fps. Not all the time, but close enough.

it's actually not close enough most of the time

bayo 1 maybe but not bayo 2

I didn't conclude anything, i said from what we've seen so far! The most exciting thing we've heard is the rumour of a "tether" mechanic for coop. That's new (if you haven't played Knuckles Chaotix maybe). The video though is only showing Mario gameplay derivative / near identical from the past.

well then be patient good sir. january 12 is not too far off.


El Capitan Todd
So the one I still have issues believing is BG&E2, because even just today, Ancel talked about how the game is still at least 3-4 years off: http://m.neogaf.com/showthread.php?t=1317810

The rest of the quotes don't really make it sound like much of an exclusive to anything either, though with his timelines it's entirely plausible it doesn't show up on PS4/XB1 because it's not out until next generation instead.

I see your point but why should we cobsider reliable just the disappointing rumors if they share the same common sources?


I'm not sure what you are talking about anymore. I've never spoken to you about anything. I had a conversation with Emily before Eurogamer posted the story. That was my reference about discussing that if it was true - no way it would be launch. "new goalpost of [mine]" - I really don't know what you are on about. I'm not a crusader against Pokemon .

We also know barely anything about the new Pokemon game.

And that is one of two confirmed titles lol.

It's weird that people are quoting Ishihara's generic "there will be Pokemon on the Switch" to corroborate anything specific. There's a lot of generic Pokemon spin-off games on all Nintendo hardware.


Earlier this year:


And just now


Yes, I do think a Pokemon game is happening. Yes, I do not know what kind of Pokemon game, hence me saying noone knows exactly.

If you want to share knowledge what Pokemon game it is, I do think you are very welcome to do so.

This was the conversation. I never said anything about it being a launch game, just that Pokemon is confirmed.

I wanted to discuss what kind of Pokemon game it is. You alluded to it being a generic spinoff.


This was the conversation. I never said anything about it being a launch game, just that Pokemon is confirmed.

I wanted to discuss what kind of Pokemon game it is. You alluded to it being a generic spinoff.

There's a million Pokemon brand games. That was the point. The quote could have meant anything. Pokemon Company isn't Game Freak.


Sounds terrible to me. Would have loved to have been a fly on the wall and seen the meeting where that was the crossover decided on.

What happened to Fire emblem X shin megami tensai? The way fire emblem awakening was exploring time travel then in shin megami 4 they were living in medivel times then went to post apoclypse Tokyo. There was so much potential there for those two series to have told a really epic story and we could have had a lot of great characters return. Instead we got a much smaller project with mostly made up new characters and very little fire emblem.

Then you really have to think why have they continuously failed with Mario and Sonic. Just put them in a really good action/platform game it's so obvious! Have EAD and Sonic team all star developers all work on it.

Really could think of another hundred crossovers better then Mario X rabbid. It's such a waste of time and could maybe even hurt the Mario brand a little.

Wow, you're dramatic.

If it turns out anything remotely similar to TMS #FE then I will be beyond hype. That game was excellent, and had just the right balance between FE elements, and SMT elements.

Just be patient and wait for announcements, before you drown yourself in worry...


Buying the Wii U was one of the worst things I ever done.
Not gonna buy another Nintendo console easily.

I'm glad I bought my used Wii U from Nintendo last year. I've gotten a lot of use out of it as a Netflix machine, I've played some great exclusives, and I've got to play a bunch of classics that I've never played before.

The news of the Switch's library being mostly ports isn't really a pox on the Wii U for me. It's more of a pox on the Switch. I have no reason to buy the machine for another 3-4 years, basically the same scenario of the Wii U (I waited 3 years for to buy it, and now have a plethora of games to play on it).

It's kind of annoying that the switch is getting Xenoblade X though as I would love to play the game without ever having to use the gamepad. The forced implementation of the gamepad on games that "support the pro controller" is asinine.


Meh I got a Wii U already and unless they add lots of new stuff or improve the graphics, I'm not planning to buy any straight up ports.


I'm not usually the one to be too harsh on ports but it's like "let's guarantee the Switch has games through the whole year guys! Any ideas?" "How about we port all of the Wii U games ever released?! And you know those planned DLCs? Let's just cancel them on the Wii U and release them on the Switch!"

I mean. As a Wii U owner I feel cheated.
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