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Final Fantasy XV Is GOTY For Shuhei Yoshida And FF Creator Hironobu Sakaguchi


I'm just wondering where you're getting these "universal standards" from. As I honestly do wonder when people who are enjoying FFXV, what their standards are.

I said that post like "it baffles me that people like this or that" are arrogant in the sense that people tend to believe what they like and they dislike are some kind of objective standard that all people should agree on.

And their reality comes crashing down when they realize they are simply part of a minority.

@Ishida, fair enough, you've made your point well. And no, especially you in particular I can tell you genuinely do like the game. I just have seen some instances where I've felt like you gloss over issues which irked me. But I get it. Good for you that you love the game.

Unfortunately, as much as I like the combat (minus the camera and lock-on), I'm struggling to play it after finishing the main story. It's a damn shame.

That's fine dude. Don't push yourself if you are not enjoying it.
I finished the game and loved it up until the end of Chapter
. That's where the shortcomings start to overtake the bad.

I loved Noctis. Thought he had an interesting story. Everyone around him, even his buds, are undercooked however IMO.

I enjoyed the adventure. I didn't care for the holes in the plot nor the battle system(potion, potion, elixir FTW). Is it worth getting the Season Pass??? Or should we not feed the idiots who should have had that crap in the game to begin with?


I finished the game and loved it up until the end of Chapter
. That's where the shortcomings start to overtake the bad.

I loved Noctis. Thought he had an interesting story. Everyone around him, even his buds, are undercooked however IMO.

I enjoyed the adventure. I didn't care for the holes in the plot nor the battle system(potion, potion, elixir FTW). Is it worth getting the Season Pass??? Or should we not feed the idiots who should have had that crap in the game to begin with?

We still don't know much about the season pass other than "each bro will have an episode, Glaido's will be more focused on action", and that Gladio's DLC is directed by a guy who worked on Bloodborne, which should make for some interesting action and hopefully very different controls from the main game.

I actually love the game's combat, but if the DLCs control like the main game, they'll be nothing but a more limited version of Noctis, so I'm hoping they'll develop each character's combat differently. Assuming they all even have combat, of course.

I'm interested, but no reason to buy it now, wait until we at least see some of the first DLC. The season pass isn't going anywhere.
I don't love the game because of hype, or because a 'honeymoon'. I keep playing because I'm having a blast playing it. I pre-ordered MGSV and now I refuse let that disc into in my PS4 ever again. I pre-ordered and hyped The Witcher 3 and ended up selling it
This game may end up being my GOTY not because "I waited for it for 10 years", but because it is a game I can't stop playing. Uncharted 4 and The Last Guardian are strong contenders, but I didn't immediately picked them up again after finishing them. So XV MUST be doing something right for me.

Yeah, this is what I felt about Dragon Age Inquisition in 2014 and The Witcher 3 in 2015. Open world games tend to easily immerse its fans and become addictive real quick (not in a bad way of course). No matter how successful a game is, there gotta be people who are against it. Better get used to the snarky comments about it, it's bound to happpen especially these weeks when people are giving their GOTY lists. That said, I'm pretty sure that FFXV will be on my top 5, but not my first as I have a game or two that are more addictive than this.


*checks six pages later*

Ahhhhh. Now it's an XV thread.

Along with people attacking the game, now people are insinuating that the 2 men in question don't even fucking play videogames.

Jesus fuckin Christ. What the hell.
Aw, that's awesome. I'm sure the Sakaguchi GOTY means a lot for Tabata and BD2 especially. I hope we see some more interviews between Sakaguchi and Tabata somewhere down the line, they have a great dynamic.


We do live in a world full of delusions and delusional people; everyone deludes themselves. I'm not saying I'm not guilty of it. I've had my honeymoon phases, I've lied to myself, etc.

It's extremely possible and it happens in every aspect of life all the time. It's not far-fetched.

Though I will say it was an arrogant post. Should have just said something like "when will the honeymoon phase be over?" since that's been a far more common statement and it pretty much encapsulates my thoughts.

And yes, different people enjoy different things. But when I feel people are just glossing over issues, that's where I have a problem.

Who is this post even aimed at? Most of the comments I've seen from people who liked FF XV are in the vein of "I like the game, it has plenty of issues, but the pros outweight the cons for me". I loved my time with FF XV and I could make an extensive list with every single problem I had with it, but that wouldn't change the fact that my experience was largely positive.

You seem so invested in disliking the game that any amount of positivity towards it angers you, or at least that's what I gather from your posts in this thread. Let people praise the game if they want. There are enough people throwing it under the bus already.


Here's to mediocrity!



Or maybe, just maybe, some aspects that you consider flaws I consider to be virtues?

Also, check my post history, I have detailed the actual issues I have with the game. From camera controls, to bushes and obstacles not becoming transparent when blocking the camera, from game-halting glitches, to poor narrative and disappearing characters, etc.

I'm not arguing that the game is a masterpiece, or even among the best FF in history.

No, but I'm 100% honest when I say that the positives outweigh the negatives for me. When I run through the fields of Eos, watching the sunset, listening to Wanderlust. While I fight my way through the monsters, practicing different strategies in battle, switching weapons on the fly in the middle of combos, retreating to cast magic spells.

When I'm doing this, I don't think about Verstael being underutilized, because I'm having fun. If I wasn't having fun, I would've shelved the game immediately after I finished it, just like I did with MGSV (A game I don't ever intend to play ever again), and I would stop going into threads about the game.

While I found XIII to be good and entertaining, I found XV to be actually fun. And charming. And funny. And mysterious.

I've never once stated "Yes! THIS is the perfect game I had in my mind for the last 10 years and it delivered on everything 100%".

It has flaws. MANY flaws. But they are not dealbreakers for me as they are for you. Having Verstael or Cor disappear from the story did not take away the sheer fun I had while warping from airship to airship, destroying the MT soldiers and then landing back on a moving train. Luna's short screen time was a big disappointment for me, but that doesn't stop me from loving the terrified comments from Prompto when I enter a dungeon, or the comments about his hair looking like a Chocobo ass.

No, this game is nowhere near a masterpiece. It's heavily flawed. But for me, it was a step in the right direction to the series I once loved, and then I just liked. They just need to re-work their storytelling, HEAVILY.

I don't love the game because of hype, or because a 'honeymoon'. I keep playing because I'm having a blast playing it. I pre-ordered MGSV and now I refuse let that disc into in my PS4 ever again. I pre-ordered and hyped The Witcher 3 and ended up selling it because it bored me to tears. When I hype something pre-release and it ends up disappointing me heavily, I say it. I don't bullshit people with false opinions.

This game may end up being my GOTY not because "I waited for it for 10 years", but because it is a game I can't stop playing. Uncharted 4 and The Last Guardian are strong contenders, but I didn't immediately picked them up again after finishing them. So XV MUST be doing something right for me.
Man, this perfectly mirrors my thoughts.

shark sandwich

tenuously links anime, pedophile and incels
I'm "redefining" filler? So what is the absolute, objective definition of filler in a video game?

Also yes, pretty much RPG ever made DOES have 'filler'.
Think of the connotation of that word. Nobody would use the word "filler" to describe something they valued. Filler implies high volume but low quality.

I don't get how anybody could legitimately think that "filler" is simply a synonym for "anything that is not directly related to the main quest".


Man, this perfectly mirrors my thoughts.

As well as mine.

With as much relentless negativity as the game gets on this forum, i'm extremely happy that developers with actual tracks in the mud appreciate it for the extraordinary effort it was, given its circumstance.

I actually love the game's combat, but if the DLCs control like the main game, they'll be nothing but a more limited version of Noctis, so I'm hoping they'll develop each character's combat differently. Assuming they all even have combat, of course.

Im excited to see how this is handled. There will likely be no warping, but the bros all have plenty of attacks to repurpose into a moveset. I can imagine playing them solo would give you access to all their techniques at once?

Noctis is more versatile, but each party member is better at their own weapons than he is. At least, I know for a fact Gladio is.


I don't get how anybody could legitimately think that "filler" is simply a synonym for "anything that is not directly related to the main quest".

I mean...that's pretty much what I've known the word to mean especially when used in anime. Sailor Moon is known for having a lot of filler episodes in between the main story but not all of it was pointless and low quality. There were filler episodes that gave the character's development and built up the relationships between characters.


Think of the connotation of that word. Nobody would use the word "filler" to describe something they valued. Filler implies high volume but low quality.

I don't get how anybody could legitimately think that "filler" is simply a synonym for "anything that is not directly related to the main quest".

So you blame me for inventing a definition and then you pull one out of your rear?


now people are insinuating that the 2 men in question don't even fucking play videogames.

Jesus fuckin Christ. What the hell.
But then they realized they could just smear Shu and Gooch and continue on as usual
You're overreacting - I don't think anyone is smearing Shu or Gooch or even FFXV by saying they don't play many videogames. I don't know about Shu but you think Gooch plays many videogames? Usually people who work in the games industry just don't have the time to be playing games and the situation is no different for people like Gooch, so I don't know why you're reading that as if it was criticism - it's just an observation.
Let me put it this way: since FFXV is actually a really good (though also heavily flawed) game, and since they likely only played a few titles this year, the choice for GOTY is really obvious.
It took longer than usual. The blatant positivity in the title acted as a deterrent.

But then they realized they could just smear Shu and Gooch and continue on as usual
We're all just one big happy family! That has to have a universal opinion apparently. I liked the positivity. It was a lot nicer than seeing countless threads of "FFXV messed up" or "FFXV copied this" or "FFXV is not epic enough".
Man, this perfectly mirrors my thoughts.
They are nice thoughts. Ishida fighting the good fight.


Still waiting for
the game to explain to me why I should care about Luna's death besides exposition telling me it's sad
they diminish the impact of many scenes in this game because they chose to tell instead of show. When
ignis went blind, I was gutted
because of the amount of time they spent making sure I cared
about him. The dude spends the whole game looking out for you and your safety so the weight of him going blind is more devastating than Luna dying.

TLG is all about showing not telling so it's a significantly better story that's told much better.


I had low expectations going in and the game still kinda fell short. I wasn't expecting the things I dislike about the game (the side quests, hunts, storytelling and characterization, and multiple elements of the combat and encounter design) to be what they were in the final product and it's very far from what I would like to get out of a mainline Final Fantasy.

I can see what it offers that hooks people in, and there's stuff in there where it kinda makes sense that Sakaguchi would like it, but it didn't really resonate with me at all.


Still waiting for
the game to explain to me why I should care about Luna's death besides exposition telling me it's sad
they diminish the impact of many scenes in this game because they chose to tell instead of show. When
ignis went blind, I was gutted
because of the amount of time they spent making sure I cared
about him. The dude spends the whole game looking out for you and your safety so the weight of him going blind is more devastating than Luna dying.

TLG is all about showing not telling so it's a significantly better story that's told much better.

From what I played this gen this game offers the best story so far. Only Persona 5 can dethrone it.


From what I played this gen this game offers the best story so far. Only Persona 5 can dethrone it.

I agree. (Edited, just realized you meant TLG, definitely agree)

Maybe Automata will dethrone TLG story but that'll be a tall order


Still waiting for
the game to explain to me why I should care about Luna's death besides exposition telling me it's sad
they diminish the impact of many scenes in this game because they chose to tell instead of show. When
ignis went blind, I was gutted
because of the amount of time they spent making sure I cared
about him. The dude spends the whole game looking out for you and your safety so the weight of him going blind is more devastating than Luna dying.

TLG is all about showing not telling so it's a significantly better story that's told much better.

I definitely agree that The Last Guardian has a much better story, but I'm really not fond of the amount of importance people put into "show, don't tell". This already makes Bloodborne's story trash. It's 100% tell there, what about it, then?

Even Nier, a game I absolutely love, has a lot of telling instead of showing for many of the most discussed aspects about the world and story, and Grimoire Nier isn't free either, so it's not completely different from something like Kingsglaive. And I don't think the way Nier handles the lore is a problem at all.

The issue is that FFXV doesn't develop a lot of the plot that is supposed to be important, and there are some rough transitions with a loading screen telling you something that would probably be a cutscene if they had more development time followed by "some days after" or whatever.

That said, I also think people pick this core issue and try to apply it everywhere, even for things that are intentional and I personally don't consider them flaws at all. I saw a lot of people making fun of the whole Jared stuff (it's even in the OT2 title!), saying how ridiculous it was that the game expected you to care and be sad, but after playing through that chapter, it really didn't? Even the characters didn't make that big of a deal out of it, they were more sad about Talcott than Jared himself, and even though they were sad for the loss, it was understandable, given they have history with each other. You don't have to cry every time a character is sad in order for a scene to convey what it intends to. I never saw the whole Jared fiasco as the game trying so hard to make you care.

Similarly for Luna, I've spent 100 hours in Lucis, and every single time I've seen them talking about her was in a "can't wait to meet her", "we must thank her for her trouble when we meet her", "I need to apologize for making her go through so much for me" way. Always. The game is clearly building up to that meeting from Noctis' perspective, with the whole "haven't seen her for 12 years" thing. Giving her a lot of screentime would be detrimental for that.
And even though I didn't get to the death scene myself, knowing about it since the leaks from earlier this year and then playing through the game with that knowledge, it absolutely makes sense. Taking her away from Noctis when he finally gets to her after all of that buildup was the intention, not to make you feel so sad for her. If anything, the idea was to make you feel for Noctis.

EDIT: I should probably say that I'm playing with japanese voices. Maybe the english dub makes the Jared stuff a bigger deal than it should be. I wouldn't know.

From what I played this gen this game offers the best story so far. Only Persona 5 can dethrone it.

Yeah, I'm having a hard time choosing between Bloodborne and The Last Guardian for my favorite story this gen, and they're also my two favorite games of the generation, without any doubt whatsoever. It's not exactly the end of the world to be compared unfavorably to it in any aspect.


Why are people loling at Pokemon Go? Looking at how much of a social phenomenon it was everywhere in the world, it's really the one and only right choice for Goty. Nothing else was even remotely as influential as Pokemon Go.

That said, I'm still undecided what my personal game of the year is. FFXV is definitely among the top, though.

(I also feel that in terms of "dropping JRPG rules" both Xenoblades deserve more credit than FFXV)
And here is the rub of rawness.

What is the criteria for goty?
Is it the level of faderism?
Is it the number of country's that participated?
Is it a combination of factors that involve graphics, story, world building and presentation?

FFXIV mops the dirtiest gas station floor with Pokemon GO every day of every year in the incredible sensible mind that I have.

Holler back for constructive conversation.
FFXV does a good job at being different from your average JRPG whilst being terrible in every regard. I'm going to need an LO2 to forgive this Guch.

True Fire

I just wish JRPG fans would get their expectations in order. Nobody's talking about the fact that Tales of Berseria is a pile of steaming horse shit, but everyone's nitpicking Final Fantasy XV like it was supposed to be highbrow literature.

Final Fantasy XV's problem is that it isn't a masterpiece. Tales of Berseria's problem is that it didn't even attempt to be a good game. But which game will get a free pass from JRPG fans?


It took longer than usual. The blatant positivity in the title acted as a deterrent.

But then they realized they could just smear Shu and Gooch and continue on as usual

It's gotten to the point that I see people attacking the game as just simply trolls, which is unfair to people who may not like the game but can actually defend their reasoning. People want to be SOOOO edgy nowadays.

Final Fantasy XV's problem is that it isn't a masterpiece.

Exactly. All FFXV had to do was be an enjoyable RPG with depth, fun characters, and a good story. It was never going to be the second coming of JRPGs, not after all that development nonsense and Tabata as director. Yes, the story execution is suspect but it met all three criteria.

I think now people have this glorified version of Versus XIII that they think FFXV should have been, without realizing that the scope alone would never been as realized (not with the swelling budget) and many of the 'cool' and 'edgy' things they so like would have just as likely to have been cut during production.
I just wish JRPG fans would get their expectations in order. Nobody's talking about the fact that Tales of Berseria is a pile of steaming horse shit, but everyone's nitpicking Final Fantasy XV like it was supposed to be highbrow literature.

Final Fantasy XV's problem is that it isn't a masterpiece. Tales of Berseria's problem is that it didn't even attempt to be a good game. But which game will get a free pass from JRPG fans?

Different budget and manpower, different expectation.

Anyway, I thought Berseria is good?


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
I really cringe at people who treat their dislike for X game as an objective point of view and that everyone should follow in. I don't like XII and I can explain why I don't like it but no way do I treat it as an objective point of view that everyone must follow and give an incredibly long defense about.

I just wish JRPG fans would get their expectations in order. Nobody's talking about the fact that Tales of Berseria is a pile of steaming horse shit, but everyone's nitpicking Final Fantasy XV like it was supposed to be highbrow literature.

Final Fantasy XV's problem is that it isn't a masterpiece. Tales of Berseria's problem is that it didn't even attempt to be a good game. But which game will get a free pass from JRPG fans?

Huh, I thought Berseria was praised for being better than the recent Tales games?
I just wish JRPG fans would get their expectations in order. Nobody's talking about the fact that Tales of Berseria is a pile of steaming horse shit, but everyone's nitpicking Final Fantasy XV like it was supposed to be highbrow literature.

Final Fantasy XV's problem is that it isn't a masterpiece. Tales of Berseria's problem is that it didn't even attempt to be a good game. But which game will get a free pass from JRPG fans?

What if I were to tell you that FFXV's issues isn't that it isn't a masterpiece, it's that it's utter shite. The combat's terribly simple and unreadable, the characters have no development beyond their looks and voices, the story is a jumbled mess, the open world is barren and there are huge amounts of time spent on riding a car on rails. Then we could get into the small nitpicks like lacklustre imbalanced leveling, how you can't pick up multiple hunts at a time just to waste your time and the potion system's stupid as it's only limited by the gold you have.

Nothing about the game is good. It's the poster-child for throwing a load of concepts together in order to "modernise" a franchise such as real time combat and open world mechanics when nobody designing the game has any idea of how to make them deep or interesting. Also it's the product of a ridiculous development cycle and the released game isn't even finished.


You're overreacting - I don't think anyone is smearing Shu or Gooch or even FFXV by saying they don't play many videogames. I don't know about Shu but you think Gooch plays many videogames? Usually people who work in the games industry just don't have the time to be playing games and the situation is no different for people like Gooch, so I don't know why you're reading that as if it was criticism - it's just an observation.
Let me put it this way: since FFXV is actually a really good (though also heavily flawed) game, and since they likely only played a few titles this year, the choice for GOTY is really obvious.

The point is that people would rather walk in and devalue their opinions rather than just accept them as opinions. It's pathetic.

When someone says, "I think this is good/bad" I say, "I agree/disagree, here's why." I don't go "Well, you only played 3 games this year, what do you know."

And if the thread title was "Shuhei Yoshida thinks FFXV was mediocre" or "Hironobu Sakaguchi was disappointed in FFXV", then they wouldn't have had jack shit to say about it.

Don't have much respect for the general FF community around here anymore. It's by no means everyone, might not even be majority, but it's way more than I expected. Perhaps I just don't know gaf that well yet.


Junior Member
I just wish JRPG fans would get their expectations in order. Nobody's talking about the fact that Tales of Berseria is a pile of steaming horse shit, but everyone's nitpicking Final Fantasy XV like it was supposed to be highbrow literature.

Final Fantasy XV's problem is that it isn't a masterpiece. Tales of Berseria's problem is that it didn't even attempt to be a good game. But which game will get a free pass from JRPG fans?

Huh, I wonder. I don't think there's actually that much that FFXV does well, a segment here and there is good but much of the mechanics feel less well thought out. I'm still surprised at the praise for the combat because the lack of limits on powerful healing and how encounters have a tendency to blend together all too often and how over leveling breaks the difficulty anyway.

I'd call it generally mediocre with some highs.

TLG is all about showing not telling so it's a significantly better story that's told much better.

Much like Ueda's other games, I'd say TLG is a story told through what you're doing and what you're experiencing and it leans on traditional storytelling devices such as a narrator. What you're shown is a part of that doing but is ultimately a second element to the action and interaction.

As an aside, I think this is why I feel people discount the Zelda games a little too much because when it comes to storytelling as they're pretty intelligent in having the player do and experience rather than merely Show and tell (though they still do this at times because of convention).


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
Don't have much respect for the general FF community around here anymore. It's by no means everyone, might not even be majority, but it's way more than I expected. Perhaps I just don't know gaf that well yet.

The problem with the FF community is that everyone has different expectations from an FF game and these expectations are always high. It is impossible to meet everyone's expectation on what an FF game should be because it will end up a mess if they do so. Each entry is always a fresh start and will have its share of lovers and haters.

The way I see it, this game managed to pull in people who never played an FF game or those who stopped liking the FF series post IX.


Junior Member
I voted with my wallet and skipped the game, because it doesn't sound like what I might enjoy, but given how much supporters love the game, it must be doing something right. I mean FF is hard to make to please everyone at the end of day, so really I think they could do worse based on what we have?

shark sandwich

tenuously links anime, pedophile and incels
The problem with the FF community is that everyone has different expectations from an FF game and these expectations are always high. It is impossible to meet everyone's expectation on what an FF game should be because it will end up a mess if they do so. Each entry is always a fresh start and will have its share of lovers and haters
In addition, there's a lot of "you don't like this Final Fantasy? Well, I'm gonna talk shit about YOUR favorite game in the series!"


It's not a perfect game or even a perfect Final Fantasy but it's charm and presentation are very much felt from the moment you see the title screen. It's my GOTY without peer despite its faults and even in my top 5 FF games of all time.

It also seems to remind me of RE4 in a lot of ways. What we were originally supposed to get from FFV13 was like proto RE4, something different from the final release. Both games make me wonder what it would be like to play the game that was originally planned and still make me love the final release. To me SE hasn't hit a huge homerun for FF games since FFIX and entries like X, XI, XII, XIV (didn't enjoy XIII at all) were great games but not a runaway success like the previous games. FFXV feels very much like its in between runaway success and great game.


Final Fantasy XV's problem is that it isn't a masterpiece.

This game probably had Japan's biggest budget & one of the longest development times and likely one of the biggest,most skilled dev teams in the past decade.

People need to have very high expectations for this kind of title.

Yeah,it needed to be pretty damn great.It wasn't.


FF15 is a good game, but the FF name is known for great games. That's the tricky part here.

There is a lot of issues with 15, and looking back on it I spent more time with FF13 than 15, yet I think 15 is a better game than 13.

I am curious if the gooch played Persona 5 this year though. I bet he may have a different opinion if he had. If he has already though, then that is really high praise.

The best FF game in the past 5+ years has been Lost Odyssey lol.


This game probably had Japan's biggest budget & one of the longest development times and likely one of the biggest,most skilled dev teams in the past decade.

People need to have very high expectations for this kind of title.

Yeah,it needed to be pretty damn great.It wasn't.

Very long development times usually indicate development hell, not how much care and content they're putting into the game. This shouldn't be a reason to raise expectations, but to lower them.

And it's only one of the longest from the consumer's perspective, FFXV as we know it barely had 3 years. Not that 3 years isn't enough to make a good game, so this isn't to say "if you don't like, please take it into consideration", but it's also not that different from many other disappointing AAA titles.

When they revealed the title change, the entire trailer was a combination of CGI and a tech demo in the Platinum Demo location. They didn't have jack shit developed. And what we saw playable as Versus is no longer relevant because all of that was cut anyway. And it probably wasn't a lot either, otherwise they wouldn't cut it.

When you say people need to have very high expectations for this kind of development scenario, you're saying people should set themselves up for disappointment.

Games don't take 10 years to come out, change directors and rewrite the entire thing multiple times just because they're making sure it's perfect. They do it because the development is fucked and for whatever reason they still think that releasing it is a better option than cancelling the game.


It seems like people in this thread think that the people who like FFXV have deluded themselves into liking it, instead of accepting the fact that maybe people actually enjoy the game. Shocking, right?


It seems like people in this thread think that the people who like FFXV have deluded themselves into liking it, instead of accepting the fact that maybe people actually enjoy the game. Shocking, right?

That's why some folks can never be happy... i kind of get it, i was in that state once in the past, too; people does that everytime with anything, situations, parties, even with friends and lovers... others, in the other hand, always seem to be "happy" regardless to the situation because they can enjoy things the way they are and get the best out of it, by removing "crappy" negative thinking.

But we shouldn't attack them too much; regardless what some people might be spamming 24/7, people actually loves and likes this game, and it's doing good. And yes i do bash games once for a while, but... have to take it easy, it doesn't have to be what dominates our minds lol.
Pokemon GO really ? I know it created a phenomenan but come on.

So many other better mobile games with depth and content but name sells


Pokemon GO really ? I know it created a phenomenan but come on.

So many other better mobile games with depth and content but name sells

Games like Pokemon Go or Minecraft cannot be excluded from praise just because they ignite casuals.

When the whole world catches on and participates, you've done something right somewhere. Doesn't matter what it is.
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