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Final Fantasy XV Is GOTY For Shuhei Yoshida And FF Creator Hironobu Sakaguchi

Why are people loling at Pokemon Go? Looking at how much of a social phenomenon it was everywhere in the world, it's really the one and only right choice for Goty. Nothing else was even remotely as influential as Pokemon Go.

That said, I'm still undecided what my personal game of the year is. FFXV is definitely among the top, though.

(I also feel that in terms of "dropping JRPG rules" both Xenoblades deserve more credit than FFXV)

Sure its influential, but that doesn't mean it's one of the best games of the year. I'd say to an extent it even failed to fully deliver on its very basic premise. Limited number of pokemon, no trainer battles, an awful app from a technical side, crummy Niantic decisions, etc.


Quick and easy implement are shit reasons to pad out your game. no video games (or any other form of media) so long not wastes of time so long as you are enjoying the game. If you enjoy finding frogs for a random scientist then more power to you. It does nothing for me. If the only reason they do it is to add dozens of hours of "content" you are acknowledging they are padding the game out with filler.

Filler that a group of people will play and enjoy, and other group of people should skip.
Got it. Sorry for having an opinion. Also sorry for pointing that no matter how you slice it, it's still quests where you have to defeat enemies or collect items. Obviously that hit a fuse that I wasn't expecting so I apologize. I'll go back to playing Replicant then.


That battle system man... It's the most fun I've had with a battle system in any FF game, period.

It's easily one of the best games I've played in 2016. Alongside games such as Overwatch and Witcher 3: Blood & Wine.


I love how a game that requires its players to pay to see a movie to fully understand the world is considered good story telling. And if you had no internet connection to get the day one patch you would be even more lost without all the scenes they added so things make a little bit more sense. Not sure why Kingslaive isn't treated with the same disdain we used to have for DLC you had to buy to fully understand a story. Same shit

Filler that a group of people will play and enjoy, and other group of people should skip.

Filler is filler even if you are willing to subject yourself to it


This is where I'm at. Nothing positive can be talked about with this game. Something good with sales it gets flipped, someones game of the year o let me tell you why you're wrong.

Lol really? Most of the comments here and in the OT are positive. Just because I personally think it's terrible doesn't mean I think it can't or shouldn't be someone else's goty. You are looking for an echo chamber.


Pokemon Go is mediocre and got mediocre scores accordingly.

It was just a temporal craze and people moved on fast.

I would put TLG, Digimon or Tokyo Mirage Sessions there instead of it. Actual good Japanese games.
It's good with questionable areas that would of made the game far greater if they were actually improved. Unfortunately last guardian takes goty for me because it delivered on what I wanted while ffxv didn't deliver on the main appeal of ff games.


Why do 4 hours pass in in-game time when I fast travel when it would have been 3 minutes driving auto or manual. This shit makes no sense.
LOL, wat. You know that a minute in the game is not a minute in real-life, right? The drive times are in real-life minutes not in-game ones. It takes same amount of in-game time whether you drive or fast-travel to the same location.

Why can't I have multiple hunts active so I don't have to go back to the hunt assigner every time i finish a hunt.
This I agree with. I did all hunts, but I still think it was a stupid decision not being able to select Hunts from your phone or whatever after you talked to the tipster once. You can already receive your rewards at any other tipster than the one who gave you the hunt, so why not make accepting hunts locally independent too. It's probably more of a design oversight or maybe there is a technical reason that just can't think of, dunno.


Sakaguchi desperately trying to repair bridges after burning so many. Guess he's tired of Terra Battle and mobile games.
Lol, nah.
From a recent interview:

You were brought on the stage for the Uncovered Final Fantasy XV event this March, which was a surprise. It also seemed like this was sort of a reconciliation between you and Square Enix. Is that how we should read this?

That’s a difficult question. Do you want the honest answer? As a company, it made sense for [Square Enix] to distance themselves from me. Obviously, I had a strong influence on the people who were there and that’s not necessarily a positive thing for a company that needs to carry on and continue growing. I can understand why things played out the way they did. However, 15 years have passed, and the people who are working there now and making Final Fantasy games now are not people I have worked with before, so my influence won’t be as big on them as it might have been in the past.

I wouldn’t say this represents a reconciliation so much as a new era. But I think Square Enix is also afraid that people are going to associate any success of the new Final Fantasy with the my seeming return, as if I have any influence on the game or am involved with the development. So they simply want me to show my face once in awhile as the initial creator of the series.

So it’s more of an endorsement?

Yes, that’s right.

How did the outreach happen?

I had dinner with Tabata-san three times or so. He wanted to do an interview like this one, to talk about the creation of Final Fantasy because he wasn't there at the beginning. So since he’s taken the Final Fantasy baton, he was wondering who would be best to talk to about the initial games and eventually came to me. We had dinner several times and through talking with him, I told him that I liked where his head was at. He was doing his best to make Final Fantasy XV something impactful. At the end of one of our meals, he asked me if I would go up on stage and tell people that his is a team that is up to the challenge. He thought that would really excite and unify his development team.

So, Final Fantasy will be 30 years old. What would you say if Square Enix wanted to bring the original development team back to make a commemorative, anniversary project with Yoshitaka Amano, Nobuo Uematsu, and you?

Well, we would have to make it in pixel art. It would be fun if it was a promotional video or something, not a full-length game. It’s a lot of work to make a game.​

He doesn't want to make AAA games anymore, though, to be fair, he could also make smaller games like I Am Setsuna or so for SE someday with Mistwalker as the contractor studio, I guess. Btw, he's announcing his new game next year (likely a console game).


not me
Nier, are you referring to the game where doing tasks for people for people in your COMMUNITY is more meaningful than running errands for total strangers?

So you are referring to the game where performing side quests rewards the player with well written banter between your protagonists that is not only sweet and/or funny but makes you care about its citizens. It even self depractingly acknowledges the silliness of being an errand whore for people.

The swords you are collecting have back stories and if you read them, you are consuming well written meaningful content in a superior video game. Oh and tell me how collecting frogs for a stranger in XV offers any benefit to your character. Compare that the utility of having a sword you can actually use.

Most Side quests never felt like wastes of my time in Nier because the payoff was good and it fleshed out the world by making the player care about its inhabitants and the lore. I never got that from XV, and the shit banter between the bros doesn't hold a candle to the banter in Nier. Not even close.

Keep in mind bud that I don't hate XV, I think it's vastly superior to 13 but I'm only pointing out shit I didn't like and why it's not my personal GOTY.

Nier's side quests wish they were Dragon Age: Inquisition's side quests. They are truly terrible.

Final Fantasy XV at least has fun monsters to fight, secret dungeons with good rewards, and a vastly superior fishing game.
When I went to Japan, I found there would always be people playing mobile games somewhere on the train or cafes.

So Im not surprised Pokemon GO made it big there.

And relax, these are their GOTY, not yours. I dont know why are so negative about the devs liking a game they dont like.
That's cool, wish I felt the same way. I waited 10 years for this game (like many others) and dropped it after a couple of hours. It just didn't do anything for me.

Looking forward to The Gooch's next game tho. Imo he made the "true" FFXIII with Lost Odyssey, so perhaps he can do the same with XV. ;)


Got it. Sorry for having an opinion. Also sorry for pointing that no matter how you slice it, it's still quests where you have to defeat enemies or collect items. Obviously that hit a fuse that I wasn't expecting so I apologize. I'll go back to playing Replicant then.

You didn't hit any fuse, you made a false equivalency and I corrected you. Side Quests in Nier are more meaningful from a narrative standpoint than they do in XV which is simply filler. There is no fetch quest in XV that makes me care about those NPCs. Some of the best writing and dialogue in Nier comes from finishing a side quest even if they were mundane.

Nier's side quests wish they were Dragon Age: Inquisition's side quests. They are truly terrible.

Final Fantasy XV at least has fun monsters to fight, secret dungeons with good rewards, and a vastly superior fishing game.

Who is talking about Dragon Age? I'm comparing Nier with XV since it was brought up as though they are equal. Bottom line is, side quests make sense within the context of Nier and have enjoyable payoffs for anyone who cares about world building through narrative. I haven't touched XV's fishing system, but lets be honest, video game fishing in general is awful. Nier set the bar pretty low for fishing in games.

LOL, wat. You know that a minute in the game is not a minute in real-life, right? The drive times are in real-life minutes not in-game ones. It takes same amount of in-game time whether you drive or fast-travel to the same location.

I know 3 mins in real life time is not the same as 3 mins of in game time, but i'm still pretty sure more in-game time passed if i did the fast travel option as opposed to just manually driving there. I'll double check this, but i'm fairly confident in this.

This I agree with. I did all hunts, but I still think it was a stupid decision not being able to select Hunts from your phone or whatever after you talked to the tipster once. You can already receive your rewards at any other tipster than the one who gave you the hunt, so why not make accepting hunts locally independent too. It's probably more of a design oversight or maybe there is a technical reason that just can't think of, dunno.

that's a good idea.. what's wild is that XIV lets you have multiple hunts active, but I guess XV team never got the memo.

Filler is not inherently bad either.

thats subjective, but filler by nature is content that's useless and used to pad out a game/movie/album whatever.


thats subjective, but filler by nature is content that's useless and used to pad out a game/movie/album whatever.

"Useless" is not part of the definition of filler, though. And even if it was, most of the quests in XV would not fit, as they have their uses.


"Useless" is not part of the definition of filler, though. And even if it was, most of the quests in XV would not fit, as they have their uses.

Guess we have different cost/benefit calculations. What's your definition of filter?


Guess we have different cost/benefit calculations. What's your definition of filter?

In a video game? Minor content that is made/applied to provide extra entertainment, gameplay sections, etc that does not belong to the main objective of the game. Filler can provide cool down in between story moments or distractions that are often off way of the character's main motivations.


things people here seem to be okay with:

* Paid content necessary to have a full understanding of the story, that would never be tolerated if necessary story came in the form of DLC. [Kingslaive]

* the game expecting me to care about Noct's relationship with Lunafreya despite the story not bothering to investing in making sure you care about their relationship. Telling me Luna's important to Noct is not enough to make the emotional impact of
her death
or anything else she's involved

* A leviathan battle that is a let down not just for
not coming anywhere close to the trailer
, but being mind numblingly easy and 60% of it was quicktime events and coming out of it with 0 percent damage. Seems like QTE is cool as long as it's in a FF game.

* Fetch quests that add nothing to the world except being busy work for players with insignificant rewards.

* Inability to have multiple hunts going for no particular fucking reason

* A potentially good story being told pretty poorly.

* How much Ignis comes off more like a servant than a bro, which takes away from it feeling like an organic friendship

* Not enough fucking outfits

poor iggy getting his eye damaged after the leviathan battle


things people here seem to be okay with:

* Paid content necessary to have a full understanding of the story, that would never be tolerated if necessary story came in the form of DLC. [Kingslaive]

* the game expecting me to care about Noct's relationship with Lunafreya despite the narrative not making me give a shit about their relationship on any level. Telling me Luna's important to Noct is not enough to make the emotional impact of
her death
or anything else she's involved

* A leviathan battle that is a let down not just for
not coming anywhere close to the trailer
, but being mind numblingly easy and 60% of it was quicktime events and coming out of it with 0 percent damage. Seems like QTE is cool as long as it's in a FF game.

* Fetch quests that add nothing to the world except being busy work for players with insignificant rewards.

* A potentially good story being told pretty poorly.

* How much Ignis comes off more like a servant than a bro.

* Not enough fucking outfits

poor iggy getting his eye damaged after the leviathan battle

Those are your perspectives. Clearly a group of people see those aspects differently.


Shuhei Yoshida on FFXV

I think it’s a monumental achievement that will go down in the history of RPG, showing overseas game fan that the Japanese AAA gaming industry is also working hard

Why overseas? If anything it's the Japanese game fan that needs to be shown that.
You didn't hit any fuse, you made a false equivalency and I corrected you. Side Quests in Nier are more meaningful from a narrative standpoint than they do in XV which is simply filler. There is no fetch quest in XV that makes me care about those NPCs. Some of the best writing and dialogue in Nier comes from finishing a side quest even if they were mundane.
Okay what? Really? Well let's just agree to disagree then. I'm not going to try to convince something like this. Maybe you didn't care about them but others did. Don't just try to correct me cause you like one but hate the other.

But I'm saying too much. At the end its your experience, not mine. So I'll just stop.


I can't see how an RPG with such a shoddily told story and such throw-away characters can be considered GOTY. An RPG that fails to tell a coherent story and build on its characters fails on a very fundamental level. There are so many points in the story that are flat out silly and mind-boggling
like that stupid time stitch shit
. Four main character and I have to go to anime and movies to learn anything about their history or back story? These guys are supposed to be like brothers to each other but
Gladio takes off at one point and no questions were asked? He comes back and they're like, "back, eh?" "Yup"
They tell you absolutely NOTHING about Ignis during the game except that he likes to cook I guess.

It was an OK game, but it's hardly any better than FF13. When I can say that 13 has a better built and more coherent story there are problems.


Okay what? Really? Well let's just agree to disagree then. I'm not going to try to convince something like this. Maybe you didn't care about them but others did. Don't just try to correct me cause you like one but hate the other.

But I'm saying too much. At the end its your experience, not mine. So I'll just stop.

i'm fine with us disagreeing, but what i'm saying is objectively speaking, the contexts of side quests with Nier and FFXV are totally different and shooting for different things.

It makes sense that Nier would take up odd jobs, because the ultimate goal is helping his daughter, and he wants to help people in his community. The side quests in XV don't do any of this except give you xp and minor rewards. The side quests in Nier give the player a better understanding of Nier and his crew of friends as well as the people you are helping. It's terrific at fleshing out the world and story in the game. You could skip every side quest in XV and not miss anything, if you skipped the subquests in Nier, you'd miss out on genuinely great writing and character building.


Absolutely ridiculous. The amount of passes this awful and unfinished game gets for no good reason whatsoever is amazing.

<------ And I know about awful unfinished games.


Absolutely ridiculous. The amount of passes this awful and unfinished game gets for no good reason whatsoever is amazing.

<------ And I know about awful unfinished games.

What's even more crazy is that this is mainline FF game not any random game or new IP, this franchise deserves better.


Your list is slightly backwards:

Went through the whole list and counted the GotY votes

Pokemon GO - 22
Persona 5 - 21
Final Fantasy XV - 15
The Last Guardian - 8
Overwatch - 7
Street Fighter V - 7
Uncharted 4 - 4
Summer Lessons - 4
Shadowverse - 4
Dragon Quest Builders - 3
PSVR - 3
Crash Royale - 3
Battlefield 1 - 2
Broforce - 2
Life is Strange - 2
Titanfall 2 - 2
Zero Time Dilemma - 2
Coven and Labyrinth of Refrain - 2
Rez Infinite - 2

And a list of games that got one vote

Fallout 4
Quantum Break
Pandemic Legacy
Shovel Knight
Blazblue CentralFiction
Arcade Archives Darius
Berserk Warriors
KoF 98 Ultimate Match Online
Nintendo Classic
Neo ATLAS 1469
Zero Latency VR
Tales of Berseria
Idolmaster VR
Idolmaster Starlight Stage
Dead Rising 4
Yakuza 6
Blossom Blast
Civilization VI
Line Wobbler
The Crew Ultimate Edition
Steel Combat
Monster Super League
Seven Knights
Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Links
Yokai Watch 3
Five Nights at Freddy's
League of Legends
Battleshield Empire
The Tomorrow Children
Buried Town

shark sandwich

tenuously links anime, pedophile and incels
In a video game? Minor content that is made/applied to provide extra entertainment, gameplay sections, etc that does not belong to the main objective of the game. Filler can provide cool down in between story moments or distractions that are often off way of the character's main motivations.
This is ridiculous. That's not what people mean by "filler".

Let me guess, you're redefining "filler" in such a way that every RPG ever made has filler. So now you can turn it around and say "b-b-but your favorite RPG has filler in it too! Ha! Your criticism of Final Fantasy XV has been invalidated!"

Whatever man. It's okay to like a game that someone else didn't like. Doesn't make your opinion more correct than anybody else's.
I'd have to agree with Shu and Sakaguchi. Yeah, we all know the story suffered when switching directors, but I believe Tabata did what he could with the time given.

Anyway, personally, it's a fun game. I enjoyed the combat and while some story elements weren't fully there, when they were, it was great.

Not counting the dlc character bits, if they can somehow update(free) the game with story bits that were cut due to time, it'd be great. Once again, just my opinion.
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