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Atlus USA kills rumors | no PC & Switch versions of Persona 5 & Yakuza 0


I've never undestood port begging. You want a game? Just save up and buy the platform it's on. Is it that hard?

If you want Japanese games and you don't already own a PS4 this gen you're doing it wrong.

What's even less understandable are the those who seem so personally hurt by the idea that others want more options, that they must chime in with terrible, condescending reasoning.

People want PC (or even *insert X console here*) ports. Let their voice be heard. There's nothing good to come of trying to silence them. If you don't like these topics, stay out of them. You'll save time and be happier that way.





You are doing God's work.

It's a shame your longer posts are being ignored, but that's what'll happen on such a console centric forum.


this, dont understand how can you call yourself "master nonsense " but need to rely on console games...

It keeps happening! I'll say it again for the new page. The ONLY people that use the words "master race" unironically in this forum, are console fanboys.

How's that for irony?

I've never undestood port begging. You want a game? Just save up and buy the platform it's on. Is it that hard?

If you want Japanese games and you don't already own a PS4 this gen you're doing it wrong.

What if you want Japanese games at 4K/60 fps?

I don't like this defeatist attitude.


I've never undestood port begging. You want a game? Just save up and buy the platform it's on. Is it that hard?

If you want Japanese games and you don't already own a PS4 this gen you're doing it wrong.

You come into a thread about a game not developed by first party being locked to one platform you're always gonna have people port begging. That's literally the topic. Like, browse the Xcom 2 thread when it was announced for PC only:

http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1057868 Port begging abound. You also see port begging in every VR game thread hoping for the game to come to PSVR(even for vr games that have min specs above the PS4 pro)

(It later came to consoles, but with segas bent to move things to PC it's entirely possible that P5 could be the same situation.)

What if you want Japanese games at 4K/60 fps?

I don't like this defeatist attitude.

Honestly that's not even the main reason to want the port. What if you don't want to have to buy a remastered version of a game later just because a new console gen came along? In either case I'm still buying and this was completely expected.
FACT: every game that isn't an IP of a first party console manufacturer should be on PC.

disgusting move from Atlus/SEGA

And this is the nonsense I was talking about earlier in the thread. Why do some PC gamers feel they're entitled to every game under the sun? If I'm a developer and I have no interest in releasing a game on your platform of choice, that's my decision. That doesn't give me bad business acumen, it doesn't make me stupid and it doesn't make me anti-consumer. Hell, I still remember that one thread where a bunch of PC-gaffers were claiming that even first-party exclusives are anti-consumer, and that Sony should release their's on PC. The entitlement is unreal among some of you. Sure, I think that given historic data, PC releases make sense in a lot of cases, but y'all 'deserve' them no more than Nintendo, Xbox and PlayStation fans do.


Dragon's Dogma was originally on what? Remind me again.

PC was around for the 360 PS3 gen. PS4 was not. I could see a PS4/XB1 port in the future... But then I can see a PC port of Persona 5 happening in the future as well with Sega's push to move games to PC.
Eh, your post had no relation to this thread. Was just pointing out the original platform doesn't matter when wanting a port.

Well what I meant is in relation to the direction this thread took. PC port begging.
I could see Yakuza making it to PC eventually. Highly doubtful of Persona though.


You guys are in denial. Seriously. Port begging is rampant across all platforms. Also nobody can possibly utter the words, "PC Master Race", with a straight face besides embarrassingly militant console fanboys.
There's a PC fanboy using #PCMR unironically in the damn twitter conversation that sparked this thread. But please, continue trying to somehow lay this shit in the lap of console gamers.
People want PC (or even *insert X console here*) ports. Let their voice be heard. There's nothing good to come of trying to silence them. If you don't like these topics, stay out of them. You'll save time and be happier that way.
If they were solely contained to the types of topics you're referring to, sure. But they aren't. People have made threads on here begging Nintendo and Sony to release their IPs onto PC. That's how crazy this shit gets coming from PC owners. Point me in the direction of a console owner making a thread begging for Faster than Light or Mechwarrior with the same fervor.

But Dragon's Dogma, y'all.


And this is the nonsense I was talking about earlier in the thread. Why do some PC gamers feel they're entitled to every game under the sun? If I'm a developer and I have no interest in releasing a game on your platform of choice, that's my decision. That doesn't give me bad business acumen, it doesn't make me stupid and it doesn't make me anti-consumer. Hell, I still remember that one thread where a bunch of PC-gaffers were claiming that even first-party exclusives are anti-consumer, and that Sony should release their's on PC. The entitlement is unreal among some of you. Sure, I think that given historic data, PC releases make sense in a lot of cases, but y'all 'deserve' them no more than Nintendo, Xbox and PlayStation fans do.

If <insert: gamers of platform>'s money is not worthy of entry into a person's/corporation's wallet, more power to them? Unless they really don't have the resources to support it, or the market really is too risky (and they can't think of some means to minimize loss for a trial), I don't understand decisions which basically seem to artificially limit your audience. They don't come across as anything other than some kind of grandiose sense of self-pride, which, incidentally, is the sort of attitude I'm getting from the post quoted above.

It's like a milder form of cutting off one's nose to spite their face. If there is a better proverb for that intention, I don't know it.

As a business owner myself, I damn well would be looking into means to expanding my audience. Because I understand that every person's situation is unique, and have found by my own trials that people fucking love having options, and will love you more for providing them.


The direction this thread took -- starting from the premise of discussing a couple games not coming to PC or Switch -- was more like people coming in to do victory laps about some other people not getting a game, and threadwhine about some nebulous behavior that mostly didn't occur in here (and when it did, quoting the same guy over and over and over). And also some Vita port talk that was swiftly swept aside to yell at PC and Nintendo people, and eventually just PC people.

It's like a Pokemon evolving to be worse and worse as it goes.

The problem is not with the thread, the forum should be open to talk about other platform and markets for third party games. I thought it was OK to talk about it in the dragon's dogma remaster thread as I thought it was OK to talk on the NiOh thread.

The problem is that some people don't like some arguments and start to throw the words port begging around because it shows on GAF rules in hopes for the thread to be closed. Thing is it works, Nioh thread from a few days back got closed for this very reason while Dragon's dogma announcement thread is perfectly fine.

I dont see a point on discussing TLOU2 arriving to PC but third party titles that would do good on other platforms or where the publisher has shown interest should be OK to be discussed.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
man you guys are way too worked up


Good point.

EDIT: And fixed.

I don't see what's fixed. The subject is still about porting and there's nothing else to discuss other than porting. The thread would literally be one line if the subject of why people want a port and how they feel about the lack of it.

Actually, scratch that, half the posts in the thread are whining about people thinking that there was a possibility that the game would be PC and laughing in their face, so the thread would still be pretty long.


And this is the nonsense I was talking about earlier in the thread. Why do some PC gamers feel they're entitled to every game under the sun? If I'm a developer and I have no interest in releasing a game on your platform of choice, that's my decision. That doesn't give me bad business acumen, it doesn't make me stupid and it doesn't make me anti-consumer. Hell, I still remember that one thread where a bunch of PC-gaffers were claiming that even first-party exclusives are anti-consumer, and that Sony should release their's on PC. The entitlement is unreal among some of you. Sure, I think that given historic data, PC releases make sense in a lot of cases, but y'all 'deserve' them no more than Nintendo, Xbox and PlayStation fans do.
I wouldn't call the developer stupid, but depending of the situation/reason, the decision itself ? sure I would.

A small dev who want to work on a new project right away, and can't take the financial risk of making the port by another company, that make sense.
Taking an exclusivity deal, because it's far easier ( marketing deal, etc ) or because you think it will end up more profitable that way, sure I guess.
Not wanting more people to enjoy your game, and you getting more money out of it, because .. nothing ? now that stupid.


That was March of last year.
And that's a thread where many a mask slipped.

Oh yeah, I remember that thread. The fact that you have to reach there is rather telling, really. The people using it in that thread defended the right to use it ironically, not unironically(The term originated as a derisive term against PC gamers, and then some PC gamers used it as a joke and was later coopted by idiots who used it unironically). And if you check my posts in that thread, you'd see that I was arguing against the use of the term altogether.

Also, the mods in that thread stated that the use of the term was banworthy anyway because it's used in platform wars(mainly by console fanboys, but, regardless) and has an offensive connotation. I wonder if that was applied to this thread who would be banned the most.

Deleted member 125677

Unconfirmed Member
Port begging: going into an announcement thread, thread discussing (aspect of a) game or the OT of a game to say: "no pc no buy" or "please come to vita" or "a ps4 version would totally stump this crappy xb release"

Not port begging: discussing porting or not porting of games in a thread about porting or not porting of games.

Also: calm down, breathe and behave like well adjusted adults please.


Gold Member
I'm gald sony have Persona 5 well tied. Is a game worth purchasing a PS4 for it aka system seller.

And if you aren't gonna buy one... well... (not wanna get banned again so complete the sentence yourself)


I'm gald sony have Persona 5 well tied. Is a game worth purchasing a PS4 for it aka system seller.

And if you aren't gonna buy one... well... (not wanna get banned again so complete the sentence yourself)


I'm not going to buy a PS4, nor will I buy a PS4Pro.

How does that make you feel?


I'm gald sony have Persona 5 well tied. Is a game worth purchasing a PS4 for it aka system seller.

And if you aren't gonna buy one... well... (not wanna get banned again so complete the sentence yourself)

As a fellow PlayStation 4 Entertainment System™ owner, I'm also incredibly pleased to know that other people will not get to enjoy a third-party title in the form factor or platform of their choosing.


I'm gald sony have Persona 5 well tied. Is a game worth purchasing a PS4 for it aka system seller.

And if you aren't gonna buy one... well... (not wanna get banned again so complete the sentence yourself)

Is this the new form of insulting people but replacing a letter with a * to make it seem like it isnt an insult even tho it is and everybody can tell?


I'm gald sony have Persona 5 well tied. Is a game worth purchasing a PS4 for it aka system seller.

And if you aren't gonna buy one... well... (not wanna get banned again so complete the sentence yourself)

This post and that avatar lol

At least you aren't trying to hide it


The problem is not with the thread, the forum should be open to talk about other platform and markets for third party games. I thought it was OK to talk about it in the dragon's dogma remaster thread as I thought it was OK to talk on the NiOh thread.

The problem is that some people don't like some arguments and start to throw the words port begging around because it shows on GAF rules in hopes for the thread to be closed. Thing is it works, Nioh thread from a few days back got closed for this very reason while Dragon's dogma announcement thread is perfectly fine.

I dont see a point on discussing TLOU2 arriving to PC but third party titles that would do good on other platforms or where the publisher has shown interest should be OK to be discussed.
Nioh thread got shut down because the port begging was legit over there.


Gold Member
Is this the new form of insulting people but replacing a letter with a * to make it seem like it isnt an insult even tho it is and everybody can tell?
you can either insert an insult or an exclusive game for another platform. Is up to you like is up to Atlus not releasing a japanese game on PC, XBO or Switch if they don't want.

That's why I also own an XBO and a WiiU (and don't plan to buy a Switch until proven wrong).
The irony of Sony fans calling out 'port beggers' when it was in fact them who kept asking for a PS4 port back when Persona 5 was announced as PS3 only. They also went so far as to start a twitter campaign.

The hypocrisy knows no bounds. &#128517;
There is no legitimate argument for any consumer wanting to keep these exclusive. The publisher has a little merit in not wanting more dev kits and certifications. However, they are leaving money on the table, plain and simple. They won't get my money, and they don't care. The world is a happy place.

The only reason why I wouldn't mind having this be exclusive is that I want PS4 to have enough exclusives where I can walk into a store and feel warranted spending money on the console. It's nowhere close to that yet. But, that's really something that should be rectified by Sony's first party output. So, when all's said and done, having ports (especially enhanced ones of P5) would be nice. I wonder if they'll pull a Golden with it and where that will land.


Gold Member
yes I will be out of luck, but I asked how that made him feel, so I don't understand this response.

How does it make you feel?
Not sad. that's for sure since I'm ok with atlus not porting it the same way ppl aren't ok wih atlus not porting it
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