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Trump reportedly called Flynn at 3AM because he forgot how the dollar works

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Tommy DJ

How does any business person who has international dealings and investments not know this shit? This has to be "fake news". Dear lord. It has to be.

If it was anyone else, like Clive Palmer, I'd believe you and definitely write this shit off as a lie. But Trump has shown to be a pretty damn terrible businessman who is probably worse at investing millions of US dollars than your next door neighbour.
It's jumping the gun to call these signs of alzheimers. Trump has always had these weird idiosyncrasies. We just didn't pay much attention to it because he wasn't the most powerful man in the country

And he was often a fucking idiot too. His choice of who to call is worrying but we all know this administration doesn't trust anybody with the facts. He prolly despises economists who know what they're talking about
How likely is this to be real?

The crazy shit is many of these stories have MULTIPLE sources corroborating them. This isn't just one reputable source inside the White House, but many. Why? Because they had to rapidly hire a shitload of people. Hundreds. And that's just the bigger positions. He had no clue that he'd need to hire qualified staff. He was in no position to know what makes someone qualified, so he's letting the party leaders do his job for him.
He basically is staffing with a mix of poor choices, and holdovers from Obama. There's chaos internally. No loyalty or confidence.


All these years later I still chuckle at what a fucking moron that guy is.
How the fuck does this get out? Is Flynn blabbing to colleagues about how incompetent Trump is and then someone conveys it to the press? Only Trump and Flynn should know this call happened.
I'm actually pretty glad I know this happened, now I know Trump probably won't be able to remember his own name in a few years and that he'll be a pupped for some other shit heel, even more so than he may be right now. As a citizen I have a right to know my elected officials are inept, it better allows me to work towards getting them replaced.
This story only makes sense as the republican establishment undermining his credibility in the public eye.

The story says it's from sources familiar with flynn's account of the incident. Which implies he told other people about this after it happened.

Something like this is unofficial, off the record, and there is zero reason you would want to tell other people it took place unless you were concerned about what it meant or wanted Trump to look bad.

Either the huffpost is getting trolled and running bullshit or this is more signs of the republicans puhsing him out and undermining his leadership.

This doesn't simply happen and get leaked. It's all planned either as fake bad news by anti-trump forces, or leaked on purpose by anti Trump republicans.

Either way it's impossible to know if any of this stuff is real.


Junior Member
This story only makes sense as the republican establishment undermining his credibility in the public eye.

The story says it's from sources familiar with flynn's account of the incident. Which implies he told other people about this after it happened.

Something like this is unofficial, off the record, and there is zero reason you would want to tell other people it took place unless you were concerned about what it meant or wanted Trump to look bad.

Either the huffpost is getting trolled and running bullshit or this is more signs of the republicans puhsing him out and undermining his leadership.

This doesn't simply happen and get leaked. It's all planned either as fake bad news by anti-trump forces, or leaked on purpose by anti Trump republicans.

Either way it's impossible to know if any of this stuff is real.

I mean, how could you not tell people about this? It's fucking insane.

Another possibility is that IC is listening to phone calls and someone is leaking.


This story only makes sense as the republican establishment undermining his credibility in the public eye.

The story says it's from sources familiar with flynn's account of the incident. Which implies he told other people about this after it happened.

Something like this is unofficial, off the record, and there is zero reason you would want to tell other people it took place unless you were concerned about what it meant or wanted Trump to look bad.

Either the huffpost is getting trolled and running bullshit or this is more signs of the republicans puhsing him out and undermining his leadership.

This doesn't simply happen and get leaked. It's all planned either as fake bad news by anti-trump forces, or leaked on purpose by anti Trump republicans.

Either way it's impossible to know if any of this stuff is real.

"The President called me at 3 AM last night" is not a story you keep secret, especially if it was not for an important reason.

Cat Party

It's not that I really believe all these leaks are true.

It's that they just keep happening.

The hatred for our president from inside his own damn house is staggering.
He's probably too proud to talk to an economic specialist about a question like this, so that's why I think he phoned Flynn.

It's pretty crazy if true. Pretty scary too, but what isn't when it comes to Trump.


I agree with you OP. Shit like this really makes me question his mental faculties. It's almost like he's starting to go senile.


I am now genuinely concerned he's going to one day just look at the nuke button and press it because it's colorful and shiny. Completely incapable of remembering what it is and does

We already had this happen with Nixon. Remember, his Secretary of Defense told the Joint Chiefs of Staff to check with him before executing any nuclear strike ordered by Nixon, because the president was drinking heavily and of questionable mental stability during Watergate. Now we may have a similar problem and it's only day 19 instead of years in.
I thought the complicated part to the value of the dollar had to do with our bond market and our position as the global reserve currency. The ability to buy or sell more goods seems obvious comparatively. Maybe I'm not thinking about this correctly though?
While I have full condifence that Trump's capable of making such a call, I'd take that news whit a shitload of salt. You see, a lot here are critizising Trump's administration and Nazi friends for spreading fake news, but sometimes I believe we fail to challenge the "good news" as well.


Unconfirmed Member
I thought the complicated part to the value of the dollar had to do with our bond market and our position as the global reserve currency. The ability to buy or sell more seems much more obvious. Maybe I'm not thinking about this correctly though?

Is not and easy question. Weak dollar may help USA's products and labour to stay competitive, but would be bad for savings and imports. There's no right answer, really.
While I have full condifence that Trump's capable of making such a call, I'd take that news whit a shitload of salt. You see, a lot here are critizising Trump's administration and Nazi friends for spreading fake news, but sometimes I believe we fail to challenge the "good news" as well.



I have been watching a lot of Trump-Obama calls on Conan and now that these leaks are happening, I honestly think those calls are real.


We already had this happen with Nixon. Remember, his Secretary of Defense told the Joint Chiefs of Staff to check with him before executing any nuclear strike ordered by Nixon, because the president was drinking heavily and of questionable mental stability during Watergate. Now we may have a similar problem and it's only day 19 instead of years in.

This reminds me of that Alec Baldwin line on 30 Rock;

Jack: ”In my defense, every April 22nd I honor Richard Nixon's death by getting drunk and making some unpopular decisions."


"GAF's biggest wanker"
For Americans who based their impression of Trump on the competent and decisive tycoon he portrayed on his “Apprentice” TV reality shows...
Oy, HuffPo, that's an awfully charitable characterization even for his fictional portrayal of himself.
Is not and easy question. Weak dollar may help USA's products and labour to stay competitive, but would be bad for savings and imports. There's no right answer, really.

My point was that the difficulty extends beyond imports and exports. A higher dollar solidifies our position as the worlds reseve currency allowing us to borrow money easier and cheaper as treasury bonds stay in
high demand keeping interest rates low. Devaluing our currency may have greater effects than just making imports more expensive and exports cheaper

I am starting to have real questions about Trump's current mental faculties. A week ago he didn't see Giuliani sitting directly across from him. He has shown some repeated trouble with handshakes like here and here. He grabbed the British Prime Minister's hand because he wasn't comfortable with stairs.

The presidency tests the person's mental fortitude every single day. Not only is President Oompa deficient in that sense, he's a narcissist, is obsessive, and has the temperament of a 2nd grader. Literally anything bothers him. He can never be happy with victories big and small because he's too busy obsessing over the ways in which he did fail.

I genuinely don't know if he can make it four years without a complete mental breakdown. He has no notion of stress management or self-control. It's been two weeks and he's already showing signs of a mind that's frayed beyond that any 2-term president's.

Isn't there a way to remove a president from office if he's deemed to be mentally unsound? That actually sounds like the easiest way to kick him out if gets to a point where it's painfully obvious what's going on.
If this is real, why did a leak this juicy only make it to the Huffington Post and not Politico or WaPo?

Why does any story get covered by one outlet before the others get it? No one is going to run something like this without multiple, trustworthy, sources.

I bristle at calling something like this Fake News. This is just reporting, sometimes reporting gets things wrong, but I still wouldn't call that fake news .

Fake News is when people spin up entire fake websites that spew shit for Facebook impressions.

The presidency tests the person's mental fortitude every single day. Not only is President Oompa deficient in that sense, he's a narcissist, is obsessive, and has the temperament of a 2nd grader. Literally anything bothers him. He can never be happy with victories big and small because he's too busy obsessing over the ways in which he did fail.

I genuinely don't know if he can make it four years without a complete mental breakdown. He has no notion of stress management or self-control. It's been two weeks and he's already showing signs of a mind that's frayed beyond that any 2-term president's.

Isn't there a way to remove a president from office if he's deemed to be mentally unsound? That actually sounds like the easiest way to kick him out if gets to a point where it's painfully obvious what's going on.

There is a provision in the 25th Amendment. The Vice President has to initiate it. He then needs to get either the majority of the Cabinet or Congress to agree. Things would need to get way, way worse for Pence, or Congress to even consider it I think.
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