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Trump reportedly called Flynn at 3AM because he forgot how the dollar works

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Is there not any medical (Physical and mental health) checks done on presidential nominees? and then again before taking power? and then regularly? I mean jesus H Christ! my car has to have a yearly check up to see if its road worthy, and yet the POTUS seems to be allowed to be running an entire country with some serious faults!


"His health is excellent, especially his mental health"
Is there not any medical (Physical and mental health) checks done on presidential nominees? and then again before taking power? and then regularly? I mean jesus H Christ! my car has to have a yearly check up to see if its road worthy, and yet the POTUS seems to be allowed to be running an entire country with some serious faults!

No tax return
A letter from a quack
That's it.
Crazy right I think the whole presidential system needs looking at and fixing up


This is what happens when a bunch of yes men build up this guys ego. Even when it's clear he has no actual skills and is actually a horrible business man.

"I want Trump to run the country like his businesses" a lot of people said...well you've got your wish ...

Lego Boss

Just playing Devil's Advocate here, but does anyone think this might not be true? I mean this is surely basic economics (I learnt about it when I was 14), so how can this even be seen as to be verifiable?

Isn't this just simply adding to the fire in the hope that everyone sees just how stupid he is? Does anyone think this could just be BS?

I am not a Trump apologist, but surely this has to be some kind of smear?

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Just playing Devil's Advocate here, but does anyone think this might not be true? I mean this is surely basic economics (I learnt about it when I was 14), so how can this even be seen as to be verifiable?

Isn't this just simply adding to the fire in the hope that everyone sees just how stupid he is? Does anyone think this could just be BS?

I am not a Trump apologist, but surely this has to be some kind of smear?
Personally after who knows how many years of Birtherism I think whether it's true or not is not as important as the obvious evidence that the White House is currently experience a mutiny from the established staff.

But given what we know about Trump's character over the years it's probably true.


Just playing Devil's Advocate here, but does anyone think this might not be true? I mean this is surely basic economics (I learnt about it when I was 14), so how can this even be seen as to be verifiable?

Isn't this just simply adding to the fire in the hope that everyone sees just how stupid he is? Does anyone think this could just be BS?

I am not a Trump apologist, but surely this has to be some kind of smear?

Several in this thread have already mentioned this. And yeah it is certainly possible that it is not true. However, if his mental faculties are indeed slipping, it is not out of the realm of possibility.


Trump's always been a dumbfuck but if there's one thing he knows, it's money.

Given the fact that his business have continually failed, gone bankrupt, or gone to court, I would argue that he doesn't.

What he knows is putting up a front, to make people forget about all of these facts, and go in based on image. He's a snake oil car saleman. People see a man in a business suit on a well rated television show and they think he must be business savvy instead of a completely tool.


Just playing Devil's Advocate here, but does anyone think this might not be true? I mean this is surely basic economics (I learnt about it when I was 14), so how can this even be seen as to be verifiable?

Isn't this just simply adding to the fire in the hope that everyone sees just how stupid he is? Does anyone think this could just be BS?

I am not a Trump apologist, but surely this has to be some kind of smear?

I don't know what a strong dollar is either. :( I know nothing about economics, Texas was abysmal in that department. I know all about Sam Houston and Santa Anna though, so if Trump needs advice on that he knows who to call.

Based on the names alone though, I'll assume a strong dollar is better.
Is there not any medical (Physical and mental health) checks done on presidential nominees? and then again before taking power? and then regularly? I mean jesus H Christ! my car has to have a yearly check up to see if its road worthy, and yet the POTUS seems to be allowed to be running an entire country with some serious faults!



This has to be dementia or something. Trump's always been a dumbfuck but if there's one thing he knows, it's money.
Being a born-a-millionare who has gone through several bankruptcies is not a sign that he knows anything about "money", if anything it shows a general lack of understanding money at all.
This has to be dementia or something. Trump's always been a dumbfuck but if there's one thing he knows, it's money.
The impacts of a strong or weak dollar on the world economy at large is far more complex than knowing whether or not he can buy cheap foreign real estate.
because of how every news article and leak about Trump feels like an onion article or south park sketch, I can't actually tell from people who quoted me if they are being sarcastic or serious anymore



People trying to claim this is bull; the ones reporting it are credible, and if people in the WH are actively discussing Trump's mental health it wouldn't be surprising that Flynn would relay this.


Just playing Devil's Advocate here, but does anyone think this might not be true? I mean this is surely basic economics (I learnt about it when I was 14), so how can this even be seen as to be verifiable?

Isn't this just simply adding to the fire in the hope that everyone sees just how stupid he is? Does anyone think this could just be BS?

I am not a Trump apologist, but surely this has to be some kind of smear?

This is not something you learn when you are 14. The implications of a strong or weak dollar are extremely complex. For instance, can you explain why the border adjustment proposal is viewed by many economists to likely strengthen the dollar and make imports cheaper, when you normally expect a tax on imports to make imports more expensive?


I'm pretty sure that the Republicans are waiting for the perfect opportunity to impeach Trump.

However, I wonder if Bannon is expecting this and already has plans in motion to somehow screw them over first.
I don't know what a strong dollar is either. :( I know nothing about economics, Texas was abysmal in that department. I know all about Sam Houston and Santa Anna though, so if Trump needs advice on that he knows who to call.

Based on the names alone though, I'll assume a strong dollar is better.
It's not so bad when you think about it. If you have an import based economy a strong currency is better. If your dollar is worth more you can buy more and the cost of imported goods goes down. If you're exporting you don't want the currency to be too strong. The price will be too high for your buyers and they may go elsewhere. Or for example, if you're Trump a weak dollar will make your properties appealing to foreign investors but a strong one may price them out.

That's the gist on a simple level I think. It probably gets more complex than that depending on the sort of economy you have and I don't think you want to go too far one way or the other.
Does anyone else think he's been looking really tired and kinda down recently? My girlfriend said his eyes are always like that, but it's not just his eyes.


I'm pretty sure that the Republicans are waiting for the perfect opportunity to impeach Trump.

However, I wonder if Bannon is expecting this and already has plans in motion to somehow screw them over first.

Such bullshit. They're the happiest they've ever been. They have a mad man they can use to push all of their wet dreams through. And if it fails, they can blame him. It's perfect.



Darkness no more
Just playing Devil's Advocate here, but does anyone think this might not be true? I mean this is surely basic economics (I learnt about it when I was 14), so how can this even be seen as to be verifiable?

Isn't this just simply adding to the fire in the hope that everyone sees just how stupid he is? Does anyone think this could just be BS?

I am not a Trump apologist, but surely this has to be some kind of smear?

It sounds like a made up story to me.
So.. What's the real answer to that question? I'd guess it's "somewhere in the middle" but I'm no economist.

It's probably actually a very complicated question but the answer, at a very basic level, I imagine, depends on whether you export or import more goods.

If you import more, you'd like your currency to both worth more than the other ones (stronger, so the same amount of dollars gets you more product). If you export more, you'd rather have a weak one, so that you get more consumers for your product (because it's relatively cheaper).

Of course, most every country does both things, so there's no easy answer.


Oh geez, and here I thought I would die knowing George W. Bush was the stupidest man to ever hold the office of President. Boy was I wrong.
Yeah.. I've felt since he got sworn in and observing him lead the country.. if there is something he could get impeached for it's probably having a few lose screws in the head (if possible). He's really child-like in some instances.

Someone needs to start a show-us-your-psychiatric-evaluation campaign. Give him a taste of what his obama is a muslim baby from kenya lies is like.


Neo Member
So this isn't confirmed (fake news) but everyone enjoys believing in it because makes trump seem more ridiculous

interesting situation and I don't even like politics and i´m Spanish.


So this isn't confirmed (fake news) but everyone enjoys believing in it because makes trump seem more ridiculous

interesting situation and I don't even like politics and i´m Spanish.

that is how it works... people who were outraged when people posted "fake" bad news about Obama are now thrilled when "fake" bad news about Trump appear.

When it comes to Trump, we really dont need fake news... reality is stupid and incompetent enough.


Just playing Devil's Advocate here, but does anyone think this might not be true? I mean this is surely basic economics (I learnt about it when I was 14), so how can this even be seen as to be verifiable?

Isn't this just simply adding to the fire in the hope that everyone sees just how stupid he is? Does anyone think this could just be BS?

I am not a Trump apologist, but surely this has to be some kind of smear?

GAF, what happened to Donald Trump?
and also the discussion in the Donald J. Trump elected 45th President of the United States : Page 154 (where I first saw the video link):
This has probably been posted a number of times before, but it just came up on my facebook timeline and it's really interesting to watch.


I'm only 20 minutes in, but this doesn't look like the same man who spoke like a rabid lunatic in the lead up to the election. This is the Trump that people think of when they say that he's the only one who could bring real change.
(click over to the post and read the replies)
(the video has been seen over 26 million times by the way)

I didn't complete watching the video. I had to stop around the 18 minute mark:


I couldn't believe a 'business man' was saying such nonsense;

Donald Trump gets claim about U.S. GDP doubly wrong

(note that it wasn't a one time mistake ― No, GDP growth was not zero, as Donald Trump said in Miami GOP debate)

There's the usual republican/capitalist lies about the economy but then there are these Palin/Trump/DeVos lies where they betray a lack of understanding about what they are even lying about...


Unconfirmed Member
My point was that the difficulty extends beyond imports and exports. A higher dollar solidifies our position as the worlds reseve currency allowing us to borrow money easier and cheaper as treasury bonds stay in
high demand keeping interest rates low. Devaluing our currency may have greater effects than just making imports more expensive and exports cheaper

True, but even on its simplified version is still a difficult problem. As it is, the strong dollar gives the USA an almost unlimited purchasing power, but Trump is dead set on bringing the world economy down so the great lakes states get their cars plants back.
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