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Prey Demo: Opening Hour Thread: Everything is Going to Be OK


Exhausted the demo after about 2.5 hours yesterday, and holy hell is some of the negativity in here over the top. Of course there are issues that stand out immediately such as the aiming acceleration/lag, and the sound mix (which has become something of a running joke with Bethesda published games at this point), but at the core of Prey seems to be another meticulously detailed if slightly conventional (especially in narrative execution) immersive-sim. Combat isn't amazing, but when has it ever been in these games? The draw of interactivity, experimentation, exploration, and atmosphere in this small slice of the game seem to be intact. And that's without access to the abilities and zero-G sections.

Keeping my on the game for 10-15-20 hour impressions.
Ermmm...Dishonored ?
Ermmm...Dishonored ?

Which is a huge departure from how aggressively mediocre, if not outright subpar, the combat (particularly firearm based combat) in these kinds of games usually is.

Now trust me, I get the complaints, I really do, and I share all of them. There's nothing I love more in videogames than a satisfying combat loop, but some of the stuff in this thread is ridiculous. Even when talking about the aiming I'd say Dishonored 2 on PS4 felt just as mushy as this game. I was complaining about the weird aiming acceleration curve/lag/whatever the hell in that game from moment 1, but it didn't stop it from being in my top 10 last year. There's more here than "Bleh fighting mimics sucks this game is garbage."


always chasing the next thrill
Forced myself to finish the demo 4 hours looked at everything. first 20 minutes where ok.

After the first encounter i started hating this game so much.

Forced myself to finish it i understood the gameplay better in the long run. Read all the text voices etc.


Story and atmosphere are amazing. Srsly wow.

Gameplay pure SHEIT.
Those enemies wtf ?? HOW?????
Garbo game tier 1
do not buy.

Holy hell what went wrong in the making of this game?
Which is a huge departure from how aggressively mediocre, if not outright subpar, the combat (particularly firearm based combat) in these kinds of games usually is.

Now trust me, I get the complaints, I really do, and I share all of them. There's nothing I love more in videogames than a satisfying combat loop, but some of the stuff in this thread is ridiculous. Even when talking about the aiming I'd say Dishonored 2 on PS4 felt just as mushy as this game. I was complaining about the weird aiming acceleration curve/lag/whatever the hell in that game from moment 1, but it didn't stop it from being in my top 10 last year. There's more here than "Bleh fighting mimics sucks this game is garbage."
I mean with the frequency of combat encounters.... and it's not even like stealth would be satisfying either considering there's one silenced weapon and like 2 skills dedicated to stealth. Compare it to the Dishonored and Deus Ex games and it's laughably barren.

But yeah there is more to the game than the combat and many of those elements are undercooked too.
I was into it until combat. I mean it was a decent valve knockoff that felt like literally taking half life and portal and making a game out of it with bioshock elements. But that battle theme, my head! I've never said "I physically can't play this game unless I shut off the music" before.


Yeah, I'm sick of hearing this battle theme already. That and mimics are kind of boring to fight. I appreciate them trying to do open world horror though, but I don't care for Jump scares.


Bioshock is over a decade old, one of its most common criticisms was aiming/combat.

And it has way better combat than Prey as far as I'm concerned.

I don't think you can defend Prey with "this is just how the genre is". The game is just not up to par.


Bioshock is over a decade old, one of its most common criticisms was aiming/combat.

And it has way better combat than Prey as far as I'm concerned.

I don't think you can defend Prey with "this is just how the genre is". The game is just not up to par.

Remember you can only play the first hour. Maybe let's not jump to full conclusions yet. For many people Dishonored 1/2 didn't click until hours 3-5 (and for many people both games were goty).


Remember you can only play the first hour. Maybe let's not jump to full conclusions yet. For many people Dishonored 1/2 didn't click until hours 3-5 (and for many people both games were goty).
I'm talking about the core loop: how good the aiming is and how shooting weapons / hitting with the wrench works. That's not something that changes significantly several hours into the game.

I get that more complex mechanics are something that might take a while to fully learn and appreciate but we're talking about things like how wrong pushing the right stick feels and how bad the feedback is when enemies get hit.


I'm talking about the core loop: how good the aiming is and how shooting weapons / hitting with the wrench works. That's not something that changes significantly several hours into the game.

I get that more complex mechanics are something that might take a while to fully learn and appreciate but we're talking about things like how wrong pushing the right stick feels and how bad the feedback is when enemies get hit.

Iirc in the very last page or two it's been confirmed the devs are heavily iterating on + tweaking those core systems right now

(edit: i think the context was an interview or Twitter where they said they know it doesn't feel right)


Iirc in the very last page or two it's been confirmed the devs are heavily iterating on + tweaking those core systems right now
I know.

People are defending the game in its current state. I'm saying why I don't think it's good enough in its current state, based on the demo.
I'm cautiously excited for Prey. BUT, after the state of Dishonored 2 on PC at release, I'll wait to see. Love Arkane's games but their last release was a shit of port compared to Dishonored 1 on PC. Hopefully, they get this squared away because I want to like it. Shame on them for no PC demo. That's really just plain bullshit, ESPECIALLY with how awful Dishonored 2 was at launch. I could d/l it on the PS4Pro, but I don't want to do that.


Iirc in the very last page or two it's been confirmed the devs are heavily iterating on + tweaking those core systems right now

Dont forget these are the devs that for the longest time said that there was nothing wrong with PC Dishonored 2 at launch, and that still havent fixed a lot of the issues in that game. (Including input lag for the PS4 version of the game, from what some people said in this thread). So I would take their word with a huge grain of salt.
Dont forget these are the devs that for the longest time said that there was nothing wrong with PC Dishonored 2 at launch, and that still havent fixed a lot of the issues in that game. (Including input lag for the PS4 version of the game, from what some people said in this thread). So I would take their word with a huge grain of salt.

Not to be that guy, but I'm pretty sure it's the same studio but different devs. Arkane Studios and Arkane Studios Austin. But still, the release of Dishonored 2 give me no confidence that even a different dev from essentially the other side of the planet will be any better.


I believe any game made before 1997 is "essentially cave man art."
I'm hearing some over the top defending of a middling demo. The demo you played will be the game you play coming up here, 90% of the way.


I'm hearing some over the top defending of a middling demo. The demo you played will be the game you play coming up here, 90% of the way.

I'm hearing some over the top negative comments of the demo. I've 100% it on both consoles now and it solidified my day one purchase on PC.

Some people like it, some people don't. Games aren't for everyone.

What people are criticizing here I actually like.

The Flash

1:19PM EST

The start of the NeoGAF Prey Wars

On one side, those who hate it. On the other, those who love it. And in the middle, the Undecided. Whoever sways the Undecided to their side will forever alter this games standing among the "Nexus of Hardcore Gamers" that is NeoGAF.


lol, I come in here hyped as fuck based off the demo and ya'll being negative Nancy's. My biggest qualms were the combat music (strangely enough the way it didn't end even when a combat scenario ended reminded me a ton of System Shock 2) and the mimic's being annoying AF at points. Everything else was top notch, I think. Feels like a pretty good spiritual successor to SS2/Bioshock.

Thought it was great, and I'm surprised they labeled it as a 1 hour demo. Shit was 2-3 hours easy.


Forced myself to finish the demo 4 hours looked at everything. first 20 minutes where ok.

After the first encounter i started hating this game so much.

Forced myself to finish it i understood the gameplay better in the long run. Read all the text voices etc.


Story and atmosphere are amazing. Srsly wow.

Gameplay pure SHEIT.
Those enemies wtf ?? HOW?????
Garbo game tier 1
do not buy.

Holy hell what went wrong in the making of this game?
Ha ha oh wow
Think I'm done with the demo since I cant finish the next objective.

Gotta say, I liked most of it. The story is pretty intriguing, exploration definitely reminds me of the Bioshock games and really love that it allows me to play, fight and explore the way I want.

For example, there was one of those larger walking talking Mimics things so I brought a turret up to the third floor after making makeshift staircases with the goo gun, one staircase on the wall and the other on the balcony and sticking a chair to extend that staircase. When it came to combat and after unlocking the slow mo ability, I carried one of those explosives into two of those larger mimic guys, triggered slow mo, threw the explosive mid air, shot it with the silence pistol and took huge chunks of their health. Then finished em off with shotgun blasts.

Definitely can see myself spending a lot of time with this one. The only problems to me were the melee kinda sucks, the mimics while initially scary and add a bit of Dead Space vibe become annoying pests and finally the BGM. While I love me Mick Gordon BGMs, it becomes super annoying when you kill off the mimics.

Other than those, my time with the demo was solid. Arkane has a buy from me.
For example, there was one of those larger walking talking Mimics things so I brought a turret up to the third floor after making makeshift staircases with the goo gun, one staircase on the wall and the other on the balcony and sticking a chair to extend that staircase. When it came to combat and after unlocking the slow mo ability, I carried one of those explosives into two of those larger mimic guys, triggered slow mo, threw the explosive mid air, shot it with the silence pistol and took huge chunks of their health. Then finished em off with shot....

Haha, awesome hearing stories like this!


After playing about in the demo for a couple of hours i'm massively dissapointed. I was so hyped for this but the combat is garbage. Both in regards to the encounters themselves (shooting little fast shit enemies is never fun. Wasn't in half life with the head crabs, wasn't in halo with the flood spores and it isn't in this) and even the controlls are barely working with horrible acceleration/lag. the "outside the box" traversal/exploration is broken with a climb button that barely registers. Music is weird as hell, often being all bombastic and exciting with absolutely fuck all happening on screen, only for it abruptly end for no reason when you are in combat. Even the visuals are kinda crappy. It feels disjointed and messy. Like a less focused dishonored/bioshock.

I was so psyched for this and honestly thought it looked so much better than what prey 2 was going to be, but this demo has put me right off.


I'm cautiously interested. I haven't played a huge amount of the demo, up to the first encounter where you get the glow gun; and it wasn't great, for some reason I couldn't hit shit, probably thanks to the entirely unpredictable aiming and my unfamiliarity with the combat controls.....but there has been a lot to like, I love how you leave the apartment and what you discover, I like the world so far and the interactivity etc. The little mimics are OK too so far.

So assuming the aiming and poor input lag has been fixed on the release version I'll pick it up.

One thing though, is there a way to tell what's object is a mimic and what's not? Or is it just jump scare city all the time when a chair turns into a mimic. I'm whacking inanimate objects with the wrench at the moment which feels faintly ridiculous.

Battle theme/music got turned right down to 10 after the first encounter though, holy hell it's bad. Awful.
Pretty bad demo. I didn't even get to combat before turning it off.

Horrible input lag mixed with large deadzone, and ZERO controller customization. I'm getting so sick of this shit. If I want R3 instead of O to crouch I have to go into the damn OS and force it, which affects everything. I'm to the point now where I will not buy your damn game if it doesn't offer these basic options.

Couldn't get passed the 10 minute mark before deleting, everything seemed horrendous: from initial presentation, extremely dated graphics, controls... What a mess.


One thing though, is there a way to tell what's object is a mimic and what's not? Or is it just jump scare city all the time when a chair turns into a mimic. I'm whacking inanimate objects with the wrench at the moment which feels faintly ridiculous.

Battle theme/music got turned right down to 10 after the first encounter though, holy hell it's bad. Awful.

When the mimics transform they typically choose the form of an object right next to themselves, it's not just anything in the area. So if you see something like 1 desk with 2 chairs and one of them is knocked over, there's a good chance it's the one knocked over.

Personally I like scanning a room before I go in and seeing if I can guess and pick off the right ones. You can one shot them with a silenced pistol if you get em while they're disguised, and missed shots won't alert them. At least that's how it works on Hard.
Wow, I was really looking forward to this but that was awful. Between the laggy controls, last gen graphics and boring intro, I'm really surprised they put this demo out before release. This is only going to hurt sales.

Btw, Dishonored 2 is in my top 5 of this gen so far so this feels like a BIG disappointment in my eyes.



Got to the control room I honestly have no idea what I'm supposed to do(bad omen for when I buy the game lol). So, am I just really stupid? Or incredibly stupid?
I've been incredibly excited about this game since it was announced and this demo completely deflated me. This thing is ROUGH. I actually find myself agreeing with a lot of the negative statements in this thread that I had previously dismissed as GAF hyperbole.

Gonna hold off until reviews and control fixes hit and then I guess we'll see.
the enemies and combat are beyond bad, makes tlou feel like a dream game in comparison.

I gave up on the worse than some ps1 game combat and enemies and just ran away from all of them... tired of fumbling with the controls and well this demo is more like 20 minutes :)

I'd probably like this game a lot more if they just removed these enemies (ones I have seen)

This game has a lot of issues but I could see some good there if the controls and enemies were "gone" cause no way they can rework those to make them good/fun.

Other than that, if there is ever a mod to remove enemies if there is a need past this demo area then I would probably opt to play it and experience that way if possible. As is, it feels like a mess that seems strange that this was even made especially compared to what looked amazing with the old game that was cancelled.

They also gave away the surprise way way too early, should have let you play a few hours before letting you smash through to the real world... but they are only trying to get sales at the start and with a demo IMO which makes it all meh

Hope this game has a ton of turrests so I can carry those around! jeezus.... at the gameplay

Demo Hints for first time players

Music to 30 percent so it's almost atleast even with everything else.
Run away from the lame ass enemies or fumble around blasting and hitting them.
Prepare to wait for a big sale.

Run to the turret and let it do the work so you can feel at ease, pick it up and set it up where it aligns with enemies but don't let them behind it or they will destroy it and destroy your soul.


Forced myself to finish the demo 4 hours looked at everything. first 20 minutes where ok.

After the first encounter i started hating this game so much.

Forced myself to finish it i understood the gameplay better in the long run. Read all the text voices etc.


Story and atmosphere are amazing. Srsly wow.

Gameplay pure SHEIT.
Those enemies wtf ?? HOW?????
Garbo game tier 1
do not buy.

Holy hell what went wrong in the making of this game?

This post is fantastic in Trump's voice.
And to think that some have said that the hyperbole in this thread is out of control.

It kind of isn't, it's one of the worst looking ps4 games I have played (even though I haven't played many, but does look far worse than Wolf , Metro and even PS3 remasters in some ways)

it also has really really bad enemies that well sort of come at you and beat you up and you have to fumble around to kill them.

Still waiting for Venom to make his break out though! nah, the game is pretty rough where most shooters and or first person shooters have gotten controls and movement very right for a long ass time now.

How anyone spends 4 hours on this is pretty amazing though, like there was ever a point to pick up items and look at everything in something that can be gone through in 15 minutes (I get that it's a take your time sort of game, but picking up stuff without any reason to actually need it is sort of meh)

Also, some say the atmosphere is good or whatever but it seems pretty.... basic? It's a city and it's space... am I missing something?
the enemies and combat are beyond bad, makes tlou feel like a dream game in comparison.

I gave up on the worse than some ps1 game combat and enemies and just ran away from all of them... tired of fumbling with the controls and well this demo is more like 20 minutes :)

I'd probably like this game a lot more if they just removed these enemies (ones I have seen)

This game has a lot of issues but I could see some good there if the controls and enemies were "gone" cause no way they can rework those to make them good/fun.


Wait a bit and play it on PC with a M/Kb. Its very possible and likely all these issues melt away with that.
Yeah so, I’ve been mashing at random objects voor like 10 minutes at a time everytime that God awefull combat theme comes up.
I’ve been wasting so much time just searching for a enemy that isn't even threatening, just to have it dash away when I finally find it and have the search start all over again.

Went from 'I'll buy it in a sale' to 'never gonna waste my time on this bullshit again'
Demo seemed it had promise, but the combat was kind of wonky and the combat music is horrible! I also was looking for pc footage (SPOILER ALERT?) of the game on YouTube and came across this.


Probably old news to many of you but I never saw this footage before. Apparently, Bethesda had some sort of event for this game a couple of weeks ago? In any case, I guess this is about 4 hours into the game and this is PC footage. Seems decent enough?


Just finished the demo, and I'm pretty safely on board. Feels very much like System Shock instead of Bioshock in terms of gameplay, which is what I was hoping for. The recycle machines such a great way to solve the Immersive Sim problem of so much junk/food collection, and seems feasible enough in the future given material science these days.

I REALLY like the AI of the mimics. They behave convincingly like creatures by how they move, will retreat either to come attack from another angle, or go hide as something else. Incredibly satisfying to spot what they transform into, and get the surprise back on them. Glue gun easily the coolest tool they give you during the demo, some neat shortcuts I already found by creating my own paths, and neater tool for the wrench combo than Bioshock's electricity.

I do hope for console users the controls get some fine-tuning, because it is difficult to aim at enemies and content in the world. Needs more assist and better input latency...but man does the game seemed designed for a mouse pointer otherwise, and I look forward to the PC version with those controls. Sound mix has issues too. Surprised at the "last-gen graphics" or combat worse than a PS1 game hyperbole though.

Given the negative reactions, they probably should've have teased some of the more unique powers for the demo, rather than the starter stuff that is less exciting. Dishonored was much the same way at the beginning, but at least you had blink, and then the toolset only got better over time. I think for Prey it will be the same, especially from other trailers. Just worry this will be another poor selling game for Arkane, which sucks considering Dishonored 2 was such a better game than the 1st.
It kind of isn't, it's one of the worst looking ps4 games I have played (even though I haven't played many, but does look far worse than Wolf , Metro and even PS3 remasters in some ways)

it also has really really bad enemies that well sort of come at you and beat you up and you have to fumble around to kill them.

Still waiting for Venom to make his break out though! nah, the game is pretty rough where most shooters and or first person shooters have gotten controls and movement very right for a long ass time now.

How anyone spends 4 hours on this is pretty amazing though, like there was ever a point to pick up items and look at everything in something that can be gone through in 15 minutes (I get that it's a take your time sort of game, but picking up stuff without any reason to actually need it is sort of meh)

Also, some say the atmosphere is good or whatever but it seems pretty.... basic? It's a city and it's space... am I missing something?

Lets not exaggerate shall we? Also whats your definition of a good atmosphere? An example would be nice.


Severely disappointed. The controls are extremely clunky. Melee feels awful and the gunplay doesn't feel right on a controller. Will probably GameFly it when I have nothing else to play.

I have no doubts that it'll be better on PC, but I can't see myself enjoying it that much more that it warrants a purchase. Maybe at $30.

Side note: I love that they did an opening hour demo. More games should do this.


By the 5th time that incredibly grating encounter music started blasting, I decided it was wait for a sale at a later date purchase for me.

Art design seems incoherent- art deco with a splash of steam punk mixed with 2000 era Ibiza disco album covers. Not feeling it.

Visually unimpressive overall, maybe PC will be a step up in that regard.

Controls are incredibly laggy, game feels like it will be work to play (PS4 Pro). 60fps on PC could go a long way to making the game less work, if it isn't broken on PC, that is.

Terrible/boring enemy design with a not as interesting as it sounds on paper gimmick.

Demo doesn't show any PS4 Pro support that I can discern.

On the plus side, story seems really interesting and I want to know more, I love how they made it so easy to pick through drawers, crafting seems like it could be interesting as well.


Neo Member
I couldn't even get into it because after less than a minute of looking around with the delayed controls and horrible screen tearing/juddering whatever it was, I literally got sick to my stomach and had to turn off my Xbox One.


By the 5th time that incredibly grating encounter music started blasting, I decided it was wait for a sale at a later date purchase for me.

Art design seems incoherent- art deco with a splash of steam punk mixed with 2000 era Ibiza disco album covers. Not feeling it

I think this is a problem that spans the entire game, from visuals to mechanics. Its like they threw a bunch of arbitrary ideas and elements at the wall and built a game around what stuck.

Art style is disjointed, mechanics are messy. It comes across as a game that doesn't really know what it wants to be and thus it faulters at almost every step. Rapture was such a consistent world in bioshock, and even dishonored too, everything felt like it belonged. But prey hasn't got it right. everything feels like its in competition with everything else. A clash of styles and ideas. From something small like steampunk toilets in a art deco bathroom, with hyper sci-fi computers. Down to fundemental combat issues like having a slow, clunky controls and combat, and yet small, fast moving enemies that bum rush you.

Its a mess.
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