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"The Last Night" (Milkshake Duck incarnate) E3 Trailer [XBO/Win10/Steam 2018]

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we achieved that already trough the second wave yes?

modern feminism only talks about fabricated rape cases and mythical wage gaps statistics that they pull out of their personal survey. They dont want equality anymore, they want more

have they ever talked about the situation in middle east? my guess is never because they only care about people who lived less miserably then they are

Yeah, the second wave feminist solved sexism. This has led to the "modern day" feminists selling themselves as victims and coming up with brand new ideas like artificial wombs and ending traditional family structure because of it's patriarchal nature.

Oh wait, I accidentally mistaken Shulamith Firestone, one of the leaders of Second Wave Feminist, with one of the evil lady game creators who are doing their best to bring forth a hideously unfair matriarchy just because they needed to move out of their houses due to death threats. It's an easy mistake to make!
I love how supporting Gamergate only "looks bad for him". Bad optics! Minor downside. Jesus Christ Snowman. If the Evergreen State University is the only example you can give of the nefarious influence of "social justice activism", think about Gamergate's track record and guess which potential dystopia (social justice gone mad/alt-right) is the more probable and the more destructive.


I followed up in a subsequent post - I do not know if the guy is a GG true believer, or just someone who bought into the misinformation the core harassers wove to smokescreen their agenda.

Also, I wasn't defending him, specifically, so much as poking what I believed to be holes in the theory that dystopia could not be effectively rendered about movements that believe in equality, as well as the notion artists with shitty worldviews can have nothing culturally valuable to contribute. As I stated earlier in the thread, I think "Harrison Bergeron" is a short story that does a great job of showing how the desire for equality could have comically dystopic results.


Jesus, was hyped for this game after seeing it last night.


Crazy that there is all this drama surrounding the developer, he seems like straight up asshole. Not sure if i can still justify purchasing his product :/
we achieved that already trough the second wave yes?

modern feminism only talks about fabricated rape cases and mythical wage gaps statistics that they pull out of their personal survey. They dont want equality anymore, they want more

have they ever talked about the situation in middle east? my guess is never because they only care about people who lived less miserably then they are
You are right it seems he is talking radical feminists that created more divisive environments than equality

Par Score

I'm really glad this thread is sticking around at the top of the gaming side, for all sorts of reasons.

Certainly gave me the heads up to steer clear of this one, despite the snazzy trailer.

I still don't understand what that Tweet means.

A surprising amount of people have surprisingly horrible attitudes and are surprisingly bad at hiding them, and even worse at hiding them now we have social media.

So it's a fictional example of a very real and common phenomena, where anybody's "15 minutes of fame" now includes a surface level Googling, and that Googling will often turn up some heinous bigotry.

True Fire

You are right it seems he is talking radical feminists that created more divisive environments than equality

Was it the radical feminists that created divisive environments, or men's reactions to those radical feminists that created the divisive environments?

I don't see GG harassing Neo Nazis or the KKK, and they're pretty radical conservatives.
we achieved that already trough the second wave yes?

modern feminism only talks about fabricated rape cases and mythical wage gaps statistics that they pull out of their personal survey. They dont want equality anymore, they want more

have they ever talked about the situation in middle east? my guess is never because they only care about people who lived less miserably then they are

....luckily, I don't even need to respond to this.
You should really put an /s tag at the end. It is a joke comment, right?

Not sure if I'm reading this post correctly, but you're being sarcastic, right?

It was a joke based around how people want to claim second wing and radical feminist concepts have only just come into existence to further their fight against "modern feminism".

It just pisses me off when people want to talk about tackling heavy social issues when they've done little to no reading. If you want to build up a story about the the potential consequences of radical feminism then fine, but why the fuck would you be stupid enough to just look at a immature horrible internet movement that was discredited within hours and say you've done all of the research you needed to do rather than looking at what the actual radical feminists had to say themselves?


Man I thought the last few years amhad purged the sight of GGers but it seems They Were just waiting for the right moment.

GG is pretty much dead. There members are still active on the web, but the movement is not that active anymore. Whatever remains of it morphed into the alt right and other awful groups.

Random Human

They were trying to grab your prize. They work for the mercenary. The masked man.
Man I thought the last few years amhad purged the sight of GGers but it seems They Were just waiting for the right moment.
This is a whole separate topic, but I wonder if it's that these people were "waiting" all this time and more that there's clearly a contingent of young male gamers who are really susceptible to alt right messaging. One good "feminists attacking a cool game" scandal and the next thing you know they're learning about tax law from Colin Moriarty.


It was a joke based around how people want to claim second wing and radical feminist concepts have only just come into existence to further their fight against "modern feminism".

Ah, sorry. My mistake. Irony has been dead on the internet the past few years, due to many people believing even the most outlandish things. I need an /s now even for the most wacky posts.
If that's how GAF likes to operate, that's fine by me. It's a bit of a bummer but nothing that will steer me away from the site.

Supporting GG is supporting a bunch of people that tried to literally make a person life a misarable existence, which only crime was to have a pussy.

What kind of individual is someone like that? (Not you, the creator of this game)
Sexism is so over we got Gamergate.
When a mob of angry assholes decides they suddenly care about ethics and journalism because they're very easily convinced by an easily debunked story that a woman sleeps with journalists to get positive coverage for her free game, guess who they harass? The awful Jezebel, not the unethical (in their view) journalist. This shit is so blatant.

But yeah, let's concern troll with marginal shit like radical feminism, while willfully ignoring inequalities that still persist in first world countries and the fact that very concretely, feminist organizations help women everyday.

- J - D -

I followed up in a subsequent post - I do not know if the guy is a GG true believer, or just someone who bought into the misinformation the core harassers wove to smokescreen their agenda.

It's interesting then that he - with more than one chance so far this E3 to lay it all out there and disassociate himself from GamerGate and admit that he was caught in their smokescreen - has not chosen to do so. Instead he's chosen to walk on eggshells and not commit one way or the other.

Also, I wasn't defending him, specifically, so much as poking what I believed to be holes in the theory that dystopia could not be effectively rendered about movements that believe in equality, as well as the notion artists with shitty worldviews can have nothing culturally valuable to contribute. As I stated earlier in the thread, I think "Harrison Bergeron" is a short story that does a great job of showing how the desire for equality could have comically dystopic results.

If what you said about him being easily fooled by GamerGate has any credence, can the work of someone like that really be a culturally valuable contribution? Can we trust his work to be worthwhile satire like Harrison Bergeron? I really do not believe so.

Snowman, I remember you from some Polanski-centric threads arguing the case for separating art from artist, but in this instance I can't really entertain your thoughts when the artist's mmost questionable ideals is so intrinsically woven into the art.
Someone mentioned it earlier in the thread but considering how much MS preached "inclusiveness and diversity" during their presser (and maybe I'm reading too much into it, but I don't think having it be a woman gamer be in the Xbox X reveal trailer, as well as two woman drivers during the Forza demo, was an accident) partnering with this shitheel is an especially bad look.


Supporting GG is supporting a bunch of people that tried to literally make a person life a misarable existence, which only crime was to have a pussy.

What kind of individual is someone like that? (Not you, the creator of this game)

Like I said to HP_Wuvcraft, if discussing any related GG stuff with a neutral stance is some kind of off-limit thingy on NeoGAF, that's totally fine by me. And my aim is not to raise tension between us as I can sense that the subject is touchy.


Ok so I just woke up here in Australia, read the statement from Raw Fury and Tim's posts in Idle Thumbs, and I'm almost placated.

What's the general consensus now? Did I miss anything else? Any reason to 'not trust his lies'?


Someone mentioned it earlier in the thread but considering how much MS preached "inclusiveness and diversity" during their presser (and maybe I'm reading too much into it, but I don't think having it be a woman gamer be in the Xbox X reveal trailer, as well as two woman drivers during the Forza demo, was an accident) partnering with this shitheel is an especially bad look.

they gave kotaku a statement

In a statement to Kotaku, a Microsoft spokesperson said they do not ”support comments that fail to reflect our commitment to diversity and inclusion, which are part of our everyday business and core values."


Ok so I just woke up here in Australia, read the statement from Raw Fury and Tim's posts in Idle Thumbs, and I'm almost placated.

What's the general consensus now? Did I miss anything else? Any reason to 'not trust his lies'?

Gee I wonder when exactly his views changed








Ok so I just woke up here in Australia, read the statement from Raw Fury and Tim's posts in Idle Thumbs, and I'm almost placated.

What's the general consensus now? Did I miss anything else? Any reason to 'not trust his lies'?

Yeah, Tim was still making questionable tweets within the last couple months, so all of this "I was different in 2014" rings very hollow.

Like I said to HP_Wuvcraft, if discussing any related GG stuff with a neutral stance is some kind of off-limit thingy on NeoGAF...

Ah, there's our Neutral Stance. Right on time.
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