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"The Last Night" (Milkshake Duck incarnate) E3 Trailer [XBO/Win10/Steam 2018]

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i think my favorite part is this:

people defining themselves by what they consume is the major hallmark of late capitalism to me

how much can one man miss the fucking point? tune in next year to find out!
Corporations pumping out endless regurgitated media is purely a new invention by this guy ofc
The problem is, this game is now a lost cause on places like this, luckily for most who'll just see the trailer, they can experience the game and most likely never even know about how the creator was a dick online, but here, there's nothing they can do, the game is flawed, damned, thrown to the dogs, which is a shame cause again,. this was one of the most visually impressive games from Microsofts E3, a damn shame.



Yeah, the shame is that the game of the gamergater is hated on gaf, not that the dev is a gamergater or that they participated in a campaign to harass and threaten women.
Oh no what a shame.

And yet, last night, people were saying how brilliant this game looks, that's the issue I'm getting at, the game still looks brilliant, it's a shame that one of the most impressive visual art styles we've seen at E3 thus far is attached to Gamergate. And thanks to NeoGAF, gaming websites, etc, people now have to feel bad about wanting to play it, I want to play it because it's visual style is amazing and is dripping with atmosphere, but I feel like I can't say such a thing here because people will say I'm supporting Gameragte, i must hate women, etc, which sucks, where as your average gamer just seeing this on YouTube or advertised on the store can happily buy this without feeling bad about it and enjoy this still amazing art style.
Whenever I see agenda in this kind of context, I assume it's shorthand for "when those mean SJWs force diversity and social issues and "politics" into games"

This game sounds like it should be a fake video game within a much better cyberpunk story.

Perhaps we're currently living in the cyberpunk dystopia already?

Actually the real cyberpunks are capitalists

again: cyberpunkasses

And yet, last night, people were saying how brilliant this game looks, that's the issue I'm getting at, the game still looks brilliant, it's a shame that one of the most impressive visual art styles we've seen at E3 thus far is attached to Gamergate. And thanks to NeoGAF, gaming websites, etc, people now have to feel bad about wanting to play it, I want to play it because it's visual style is amazing and is dripping with atmosphere, but I feel like I can't say such a thing here because people will say I'm supporting Gameragte, i must hate women, etc, which sucks, where as your average gamer just seeing this on YouTube or advertised on the store can happily buy this without feeling bad about it and enjoy this still amazing art style.

What sucks as that this dude tainted his own project with that garbage, not that people are pointing it out.
And yet, last night, people were saying how brilliant this game looks, that's the issue I'm getting at, the game still looks brilliant, it's a shame that one of the most impressive visual art styles we've seen at E3 thus far is attached to Gamergate. And thanks to NeoGAF, gaming websites, etc, people now have to feel bad about wanting to play it, I want to play it because it's visual style is amazing and is dripping with atmosphere, but I feel like I can't say such a thing here because people will say I'm supporting Gameragte, i must hate women, etc, which sucks, where as your average gamer just seeing this on YouTube or advertised on the store can happily buy this without feeling bad about it and enjoy this still amazing art style.

You don't have to feel anything.


What sucks as that this dude tainted his own project with that garbage, not that people are pointing it out.
Yes of course that, but also if anyone here buys it, will they be shunned too? Will this become one a blacklisted game on NeoGAF where we can't talk about it? I'll be getting the game at some point,. hopefully via a Steam Sale or something, but what if people want to talk about what this game does visually or audibly?
And yet, last night, people were saying how brilliant this game looks, that's the issue I'm getting at, the game still looks brilliant, it's a shame that one of the most impressive visual art styles we've seen at E3 thus far is attached to Gamergate. And thanks to NeoGAF, gaming websites, etc, people now have to feel bad about wanting to play it, I want to play it because it's visual style is amazing and is dripping with atmosphere, but I feel like I can't say such a thing here because people will say I'm supporting Gameragte, i must hate women, etc, which sucks, where as your average gamer just seeing this on YouTube or advertised on the store can happily buy this without feeling bad about it and enjoy this still amazing art style.

I don't think you potentially being momentarily bothered by pondering what your purchase decisions may or may not say about you qualifies as a shame.

Not to mention that I don't see anybody accusing fellow posters about being GGers if they think the game looks cool. The thread is long enough I'm sure a few examples could be dug up, but the focus hasn't really been on shaming consumers. That seems more like an insecurity issue than a GAF issue.

You don't have to feel the same way.
And yet, last night, people were saying how brilliant this game looks, that's the issue I'm getting at, the game still looks brilliant, it's a shame that one of the most impressive visual art styles we've seen at E3 thus far is attached to Gamergate. And thanks to NeoGAF, gaming websites, etc, people now have to feel bad about wanting to play it, I want to play it because it's visual style is amazing and is dripping with atmosphere, but I feel like I can't say such a thing here because people will say I'm supporting Gameragte, i must hate women, etc, which sucks, where as your average gamer just seeing this on YouTube or advertised on the store can happily buy this without feeling bad about it and enjoy this still amazing art style.

The dude went on for years about how the game is about "feminism" winning and was a clear scumbag online. Tons of games have amazing art style, they don't have scumbag developers behind them.
And thanks to NeoGAF, gaming websites, etc, people now have to feel bad about wanting to play it, I want to play it because it's visual style is amazing and is dripping with atmosphere, but I feel like I can't say such a thing here because people will say I'm supporting Gameragte

Well, nobody is forcing anyone to feel bad for playing it, but if you do, are you supporting GG. You're directly giving money to people that peddle that shit.

If you feel that you are being forced to dislike it, then all that tells me is that you are trying to ignore what you know to be true.


If you want to see dystopian scifi without a message, watch Rollerball. Absolutely no meaning. It feels weird.

For a moment there I was *very* confused, but then I remembered. Shit like that just goes down the memory hole, so consider your point made.


What sucks as that this dude tainted his own project with that garbage, not that people are pointing it out.

We live in a time where if you don't like what the media reports you attack them or call them fake news instead of questioning the subject of their reporting.

Aside from most people who could see the future implications of supporting a hate movement?


Yes of course that, but also if anyone here buys it, will they be shunned too? Will this become one a blacklisted game on NeoGAF where we can't talk about it? I'll be getting the game at some point,. hopefully via a Steam Sale or something, but what if people want to talk about what this game does visually or audibly?

Once you spend money on it you will be supporting someone who harbors GG views, whether you had known it or not. However you feel about what you do after knowing this is on you, not on anyone else.

The real shame is that:

A) There will inevitably be people who will buy the game while remaining ignorant of the views sported by the developer, and who might have otherwise not supported the game had they known.

B) There will be people who will buy the game because the developer has those hateful views.


Yes, Tim Soret is a gamergater.

And, no, outing him as a gg scumbag isn't a thread derail as it will be important information for people who may be otherwise interested in the game.

I, for one, think the game looks interesting but knowing Tim is a cunt means I cannot buy it with a clear conscience.

So I won't be buying it.

I'll tell you about it once I'm finished.
And yet, last night, people were saying how brilliant this game looks, that's the issue I'm getting at, the game still looks brilliant, it's a shame that one of the most impressive visual art styles we've seen at E3 thus far is attached to Gamergate. And thanks to NeoGAF, gaming websites, etc, people now have to feel bad about wanting to play it, I want to play it because it's visual style is amazing and is dripping with atmosphere, but I feel like I can't say such a thing here because people will say I'm supporting Gameragte, i must hate women, etc, which sucks, where as your average gamer just seeing this on YouTube or advertised on the store can happily buy this without feeling bad about it and enjoy this still amazing art style.
Look, I absolutely love the look of the game. I still love the aesthetic and pixel artistry. I've been yelling from the rooftops on GAF for years because the pixel art is so damn gorgeous. It was gorgeous then, it was gorgeous yesterday, right now, and in the future

But this isn't a pixel art gallery and it isn't merely a visual showcase. This is going to a very story focused game. The writer has said it isn't really a cinematic "platformer" per se, more focused on narrative and interactions. One of the early glimpses of the new version was how you could use your gun to influence a conversation; that's where their mindset is with the game's focus.

I totally get wanting to play this because it looks awesome visually, but a game isn't some compartmentalized thing. A game is a tightly woven weave, every aspect built upon and influencing another. That's why I'm so bummed about this; the draw here was that narrative-driven choice-driven cyberpunk adventure in this pixel art world. The story is going to be ingrained in the atmosphere and the gameplay. And right now, as far as we know, that story, the backstory of the world, and the characters are crafted from this creator's perspective and ideology.

Two Words

Lets think this through.

Imagine how invested in gamer gate and anti-feminism you have to be to invest your company into a huge game project entirely about anti-feminism. That isn't something you do unless you live and breath that kind of ideology. I feel like some people are going light on this because it's easy for some to excuse anti-feminism.

If this were instead a game originally pitched as a dystopia caused by the public acceptance of movements like BLM, would the same people be so quick to accept that he's "changed"?
Look, I absolutely love the look of the game. I still love the aesthetic and pixel artistry. I've been yelling from the rooftops on GAF for years because the pixel art is so damn gorgeous. It was gorgeous then, it was gorgeous yesterday, right now, and in the future

But this isn't a pixel art gallery and it isn't merely a visual showcase. This is going to a very story focused game. The writer has said it isn't really a cinematic "platformer" per se, more focused on narrative and interactions. One of the early glimpses of the new version was how you could use your gun to influence a conversation; that's where their mindset is with the game's focus.

I totally get wanting to play this because it looks awesome visually, but a game isn't some compartmentalized thing. A game is a tightly woven weave, every aspect built upon and influencing another. That's why I'm so bummed about this; the draw here was that narrative-driven choice-driven cyberpunk adventure in this pixel art world. The story is going to be ingrained in the atmosphere and the gameplay. And right now, as far as we know, that story, the backstory of the world, and the characters are crafted from this creator's perspective and ideology.

The real irony here is that this guy probably buys into the GG philosophy that games shouldn't have narratives.

Lets think this through.

Imagine how invested in gamer gate and anti-feminism you have to be to invest your company into a huge game project entirely about anti-feminism. That isn't something you do unless you live and breath that kind of ideology. I feel like some people are going light on this because it's easy for some to excuse anti-feminism.

If this were instead a game originally pitched as a dystopia caused by the public acceptance of movements like BLM, would the same people be so quick to accept that he's "changed"?

Yup, people need to start thinking of GG as the KKK. The casual handwaiving of sexism in the games industry is exactly what gives GG the momentum to continue existing.
I love the idea of people not being able to work as a reason for the dystopia, as if becoming a cog in the machine for a corporation is real cyberpunk
Lets think this through.

Imagine how invested in gamer gate and anti-feminism you have to be to invest your company into a huge game project entirely about anti-feminism. That isn't something you do unless you live and breath that kind of ideology. I feel like some people are going light on this because it's easy for some to excuse anti-feminism.

If this were instead a game originally pitched as a dystopia caused by the public acceptance of movements like BLM, would the same people be so quick to accept that he's "changed"?

You would have the exact same people saying the exact same things. The people who want to stick their head in the sand over feminism are the same who would do it over BLM.


Oh look it's this tired irrelevant argument again.

Nothing irrelevant about it. You're free to do what you wish with your money, but the topic of ignoring the things that interest you over the opinions of their creators is a discussion I don't mind entertaining.
Shit if the graphics are the only thing worth looking at then I'd just catch a Youtube playthrough or set of gifs

The Let's Plays and streams for this game are going to be something else entirely.

Nothing irrelevant about it. You're free to do what you wish with your money, but the topic of ignoring the things that interest you over the opinions of their creators is a discussion I don't mind entertaining.

Even when your money goes to two shitheads that think women are destroying civilization?
Nothing irrelevant about it. You're free to do what you wish with your money, but the topic of ignoring the things that interest you over the opinions of their creators is a discussion I don't mind entertaining.

When the shitty politics of its creators are reflected in the product itself, which by all accounts is the case here, then it is no longer of interest.


Even when your money goes to two shitheads that think women are destroying civilization?

Okay... so where do we draw the line? Because it seems like said line is going to sounds something like "I only apply this stance to people with easily referenced views, while I'm perfectly ok with remaining in the dark about the views of folks who make products/services I thoroughly enjoy".


Shit if the graphics are the only thing worth looking at then I'd just catch a Youtube playthrough or set of gifs
What else is there at this point?

I mean controversy aside all you have to go on is the trailer, which had minimal gameplay in it.

Like at this point we only know two things about the game.

1 it looks really really pretty
2 the story is likely alt right garbage.


Even when your money goes to two shitheads that think women are destroying civilization?

They are shietheads, but thers a bigger team behing the game. And i honesty dont care about a dev background, his affiliantions/race/gender/religion etc.

I dont mind the background setting of the game as i will always see it as a work of fiction, as long the game is not GG propaganda im ok with that. I can wait for a review to see if the game is propaganda or not. If not i will gladly pay for it. Dont care who gets my money.
Okay... so where do we draw the line? Because it seems like said line is going to sounds something like "I only apply this stance to people with easily referenced views, while I'm perfectly ok with remaining in the dark about the views of folks who make products/services I thoroughly enjoy".
The issues here is that those views are forming the foundation and backbone of the story, world, and characters, by the creator's own admissions.
So are people now arguing that it is hypocritical to make informed and conscious decision with your money as consumer because you are not 100% informed or conscious about every product?

From my understanding the dev made his GG views known publicly. People rightfully assume he will layer these views into his game. They do not want to support either him or a game holding those views.

The game looks cool but from what I learned today I don't plan on supporting the guy.

But you know there's nothing stopping others from doing so. Like there is nothing stopping others from discussing his horrible, ignorant, and hateful views.


How many of the products you buy daily have a bio on the front?

None probably for that reason. Typically I can separate content from creator when I do know though that line is different for everyone. Sone sports fans can support Michael Vick as reformed after killing dogs for sport, others can't. That destinction is personal preference.

Personally I know the harm the harassment campaigns of gamergate caused and despite this game being a perfect match for me will not buy. There's more games than I have time for so a past GG supporter doesn't get my support.
And yet, last night, people were saying how brilliant this game looks, that's the issue I'm getting at, the game still looks brilliant, it's a shame that one of the most impressive visual art styles we've seen at E3 thus far is attached to Gamergate. And thanks to NeoGAF, gaming websites, etc, people now have to feel bad about wanting to play it, I want to play it because it's visual style is amazing and is dripping with atmosphere, but I feel like I can't say such a thing here because people will say I'm supporting Gameragte, i must hate women, etc, which sucks, where as your average gamer just seeing this on YouTube or advertised on the store can happily buy this without feeling bad about it and enjoy this still amazing art style.

well, it's up to you if you want to financially support [and thus encourage the propagation of] piece of shit humans.
Okay... so where do we draw the line? Because it seems like said line is going to sounds something like "I only apply this stance to people with easily referenced views, while I'm perfectly ok with remaining in the dark about the views of folks who make products/services I thoroughly enjoy".

Straight to personal attacks, great.

They has been quoted time and time again as saying that the game is going to be based on their personal anti-feminist angle. I'm not going to reward rampant and blatant sexism in the games industry with money or praise. We have award shows for that kind of shit.


And yet, last night, people were saying how brilliant this game looks, that's the issue I'm getting at, the game still looks brilliant, it's a shame that one of the most impressive visual art styles we've seen at E3 thus far is attached to Gamergate. And thanks to NeoGAF, gaming websites, etc, people now have to feel bad about wanting to play it, I want to play it because it's visual style is amazing and is dripping with atmosphere, but I feel like I can't say such a thing here because people will say I'm supporting Gameragte, i must hate women, etc, which sucks, where as your average gamer just seeing this on YouTube or advertised on the store can happily buy this without feeling bad about it and enjoy this still amazing art style.

Your points are valid that the game looks great, however, if you buy this game you will be directly supporting an individual that has very negative views that a mass amount of people find offensive. You can say that you don't believe in the same things he does at all and I wholeheartedly believe you, but that doesn't absolve the fact that your money would go to him and his team.

It sucks but it is the truth. If the KKK started making really nice affordable sports cars for an amazing price, I still wouldn't buy one because of who the product represents. And in this metaphor, since the narrative of the game will have those connections - from all accounts - that car would have KKK upholstered on the seats.


And yet, last night, people were saying how brilliant this game looks, that's the issue I'm getting at, the game still looks brilliant, it's a shame that one of the most impressive visual art styles we've seen at E3 thus far is attached to Gamergate. And thanks to NeoGAF, gaming websites, etc, people now have to feel bad about wanting to play it, I want to play it because it's visual style is amazing and is dripping with atmosphere, but I feel like I can't say such a thing here because people will say I'm supporting Gameragte, i must hate women, etc, which sucks, where as your average gamer just seeing this on YouTube or advertised on the store can happily buy this without feeling bad about it and enjoy this still amazing art style.



None probably for that reason. Typically I can separate content from creator when I do know though that line is different for everyone. Sone sports fans can support Michael Vick as reformed after killing dogs for sport, others can't. That destinction is personal preference.

Personally I know the harm the harassment campaigns of gamergate caused and despite this game being a perfect match for me will not buy. There's more games than I have time for so a past GG supporter doesn't get my support.

I gotcha.
You don't have to feel bad about playing this game.

It's your own personal choice if you choose to interact with media created by people who's ideas and opinions you don't like or find to be harmful.

If you can play GTA and murder civilians and torture people and separate that from your own reality and beliefs, the same thing applies here. Fictional media you consume doesn't have to affect your own beliefs.

Now if you think paying money for their product will be somehow harmful to a group of people or otherwise hurtful in any way, it's your choice to disregard the product entirely.

But that's a choice people have to make for themselves and shouldn't be judged or shamed if they don't feel as strongly about avoiding it as other people.

I get that its good to have principles but throwing a small indie dev $20 to play their game isn't going to change the world one way or another. And whatever ideas and themes are actually contained in the game were clearly "good enough" for microsoft to feature in their E3 presentation, whatever the individual developers have said on twitter.

As someone who's pretty adamantly against UBI I find the story to be interesting and hope it's done well. I'll have to find out for myself and make my own judgement on the game.
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