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"The Last Night" (Milkshake Duck incarnate) E3 Trailer [XBO/Win10/Steam 2018]

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From my understanding the dev made his GG views known publicly. People rightfully assume he will layer these views into his game. They do not want to support either him or a game holding those views.

He must have pitched his small team of 6 about this feminist dystopia, too, if he was willing to declare the premise openly.
You've played it?

I think you're trying to fight a battle that's untenable in the current situation. The author's personal opinions are part of the game. This one tweets tells us plenty. The game is set in a world where "modern feminism has won instead of egalitarianism " - simultaneously implying that both feminism and egalitarianism are incompatible (and to the people peddling egalitarianism I suppose they would be) along with subtler indication that, since this is a dystopia, modern feminism is negative on some level. That is what the game about. If you were to say I should ignore his opinions then you would be, through substitution, telling me to ignore the game itself which is seeped in them.

That's even before the "Gamergate" and "notyourshield" nonsense. Which, contrary to some people in this thread, is the part I am less worried about. So many people supported Gamergate for their own reasons while blatantly looking away from the actions and motivations of movement as a whole that claiming oneself as "Gamergate" almost doesn't serve any purpose - other than being a quick litmus test of how capable a person is with interacting with other real human beings.
I get that its good to have principles but throwing a small indie dev $20 to play their game isn't going to change the world one way or another.

Maybe I'm not interested in changing the world, but would rather not support something that based on all appearances is something I don't want to be associated with?
He must have pitched his small team of 6 about this feminist dystopia, too, if he was willing to declare the premise openly.

I wouldn't know. I'm backtracking in this thread now to get more context; his team had to know what they would be signing up for right? I assume the narrative layers would be characters spewing GG rhetoric, but that tweet capture just posted is pretty direct. Though personally for me it is less of the potential narrative layers and more of not wanting to support someone with terrible views.


Straight to personal attacks, great.

They has been quoted time and time again as saying that the game is going to be based on their personal anti-feminist angle. I'm not going to reward rampant and blatant sexism in the games industry with money or praise. We have award shows for that kind of shit.
I'm sorry duder but like. I find the guy's argument faintly ridiculous but come on, there was no personal attack there.



I think you're trying to fight a battle that's untenable in the current situation. The author's personal opinions are part of the game. This one tweets tells us plenty. The game is set in a world where "modern feminism has won instead of egalitarianism " - simultaneously implying that both feminism and egalitarianism are incompatible (and to the people peddling egalitarianism I suppose they would be) along with subtler indication that, since this is a dystopia, modern feminism is negative on some level.

or maybe he just meant modern feminism (like he stated) which is a fair debate.


or maybe he just meant modern feminism (like he stated) which is a fair debate.
Not really.

He likely means the gg idea of what modern feminism is, a strawman bogeyman out to oppress men through false rape charges and pay equality.


Straight to personal attacks, great.

oh come on...

They has been quoted time and time again as saying that the game is going to be based on their personal anti-feminist angle. I'm not going to reward rampant and blatant sexism in the games industry with money or praise. We have award shows for that kind of shit.

I don't know... I'm rather curious actually. In fact, the angle interests me moreso than the art style. I don't mind buying a product to get a better understanding of a person's view beyond 140 characters. I'm well aware that my stance isn't shared by most, but like my original post in this thread indicates... I'll let y'all know what I think.
I wouldn't know. I'm backtracking in this thread now to get more context; his team had to know what they would be signing up for right? I assume the narrative layers would be characters spewing GG rhetoric, but that tweet capture just posted is pretty direct. Though personally for me it is less of the potential narrative layers and more of not wanting to support someone with terrible views.

They had to have known. He came up with the premise and then he had to convince others to help him with the game. He had to have told them what the story was about and what the message was.
Maybe I'm not interested in changing the world, but would rather not support something that based on all appearances is something I don't want to be associated with?

Like I said, that's fine, and its your choice. Just try to understand that not everyone who plays the game is endorsing everything the developers have ever said on twitter or social media.
I'm sorry duder but like. I find the guy's argument faintly ridiculous but come on, there was no personal attack there.

Guy was making up my response for me in a very clearly self-tailored way.

I get that its good to have principles but throwing a small indie dev $20 to play their game isn't going to change the world one way or another.

Still giving money to two people (and most likely more) that support a hate group.
well, that's the thing... I don't think there is an all encompassing definition, which is what interests me further about this game. I'd like to know what he thinks it is, and where the story goes with that premise in mind.

I'm interested in what you think it is than him because we already know what he thinks modern feminism is (it leads to a dystopia)
Like I said, that's fine, and its your choice. Just try to understand that not everyone who plays the game is endorsing everything the developers have ever said on twitter or social media.

Why can't you just enjoy it if you want to enjoy? What does it say that you feel the need to pro-actively try to defend yourself from accusations of supporting the misogynistic history of the developer?

If you want to play the game, be secure in that. You aren't acting secure in it, and I think that says something.
And yet, last night, people were saying how brilliant this game looks, that's the issue I'm getting at, the game still looks brilliant, it's a shame that one of the most impressive visual art styles we've seen at E3 thus far is attached to Gamergate. And thanks to NeoGAF, gaming websites, etc, people now have to feel bad about wanting to play it, I want to play it because it's visual style is amazing and is dripping with atmosphere, but I feel like I can't say such a thing here because people will say I'm supporting Gameragte, i must hate women, etc, which sucks, where as your average gamer just seeing this on YouTube or advertised on the store can happily buy this without feeling bad about it and enjoy this still amazing art style.

"Ignorance is bliss" is a saying for a reason


Not really.

He likely means the gg idea of what modern feminism is, a strawman bogeyman out to oppress men through false rape charges and pay equality.

#gg had it's fair share of misogynistic trolls, but I do think there were some valid arguments among the fray that were drowned out amongst the noise. I'm not certain he isn't one of them.
or maybe he just meant modern feminism (like he stated) which is a fair debate.

I don't think I have misunderstood what he said in any way, although you might have misunderstood me. His short, easily understood tweet says that modern feminism wins instead of egalitarianism. This says there is a winner. This implies there is a battle. A battle implies a disconnect between the two participants (incompatibility) - in this case, egalitarianism and feminism.

Just like he stated. Literally as he stated. The statement suffers from an incongruous misdefinition of what feminism is and then builds an argument against a facsimile.

Edit: It just occurred to me that you could have really meant that modern feminism is actually something oppressive. In which case, I would suggest educating yourself on the subject from a source that isn't 4chan or Reddit.
well, that's the thing... I don't think there is an all encompassing definition, which is what interests me further about this game. I'd like to know what he thinks it is, and where the story goes with that premise in mind.

I was asking what your definition was since you said it would be a fair debate. What is your definition?
#gg had it's fair share of misogynistic trolls, but I do think there were some valid arguments among the fray that were drowned out amongst the noise. I'm not certain he isn't one of them.

What are some of these valid arguments because I've wondered ever since the entire thing started.
They had to have known. He came up with the premise and then he had to convince others to help him with the game. He had to have told them what the story was about and what the message was.

Well then it will be fitting for their names to be associated with this mess.

The guy had to know that he was going to be put on the spot at the PC conference right?
Honestly I don't even think the game looks good. Pixel art for the sake of pixel art always looks bad, and throwing in a bunch of anachronistic graphical effects just makes it look worse.


I don't think I have misunderstood what he said in any way, although you might have misunderstood me. His short, easily understood tweet says that modern feminism wins instead of egalitarianism. This says there is a winner. This implies there is a battle. A battle implies a disconnect between the two participants (incompatibility) - in this case, egalitarianism and feminism.

Just like he stated. Literally as he stated. The statement suffers from an incongruous misdefinition of what feminism is and then builds an argument against a facsimile.

well... in fairness. An egalitarianist society would likely denounce and express outrage at say... a woman rushing a baseball field and groping players. I could be wrong, but I'm not certain that reaction happened with modern feminists. Is it so wrong to claim there is a difference?
well... in fairness. An egalitarianist society would likely denounce and express outrage at say... a woman rushing a baseball field and groping players. I could be wrong, but I'm not certain that reaction happened with modern feminists. Is it so wrong to claim there is a difference?

I'm sure modern feminists wouldn't be alright with sexual assault in either direction.

What every other normal person's definition is. Advocacy for female equality.

I think you've lost your thread. You think there is a legit debate for the advocacy of female equality.


#gg had it's fair share of misogynistic trolls, but I do think there were some valid arguments among the fray that were drowned out amongst the noise. I'm not certain he isn't one of them.

#1 What arguments?

#2 Does supporting those arguments worth throwing in with a hate movement?
oh come on...

I don't know... I'm rather curious actually. In fact, the angle interests me moreso than the art style. I don't mind buying a product to get a better understanding of a person's view beyond 140 characters. I'm well aware that my stance isn't shared by most, but like my original post in this thread indicates... I'll let y'all know what I think.

I feel like this tnread has now become a place where people can proclaim their edginess in the face of decency. So like ... good job?




well... in fairness. An egalitarianist society would likely denounce and express outrage at say... a woman rushing a baseball field and groping players. I could be wrong, but I'm not certain that reaction happened with modern feminists. Is it so wrong to claim there is a difference?

Please provide any proof to anything you assert in this post. Hell I went looking for even one feminist website or source declaring this act of sexual assault as a "win" for modern feminism, I didn't find any at all.
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