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Even if Marvel gets the rights to Fantastic Four back...

When are the rights due to expire with Fox

Fox/Constantin is never going to let those rights expire.

Just go retro with it, like they were gonna do in the first fuckin' place. And at this point, I feel like Fox going outside the box and being rewarded for it should be all the nudge they need to decide that with Deadpool being the self-aware spoof of superheroism, and Logan being the Western, making Fantastic Four the period-piece adventure flick is the move.


they made Iron Man one of the most popular super heroes

they made a Guardians of the Galaxy movie and it was awesome

they actually got Spider Man right

the MCU can do a FF movie, cmon now


Kang being tied to the FF has to be one of the dumbest fuckin' things I've ever seen. He's an Avengers villain. Rama-Tut showed up in FF. Big whoop. GODDAMNIT.
they made Iron Man one of the most popular super heroes

they made a Guardians of the Galaxy movie and it was awesome

they actually got Spider Man right

the MCU can do a FF movie, cmon now

Let's see if they can do Carol Danvers right... All the others have had some successful comic book runs except her. If Captain Marvel turns out well, then Feige & co. are really the gods of Hollywood producers.


Had they gotten it back before Age of Ultron I get the feeling that Ultron would have attacked Latveria while Doom was out and Civil War would've been secretly orchestrated by Doom in retaliation.

The fact people don't know the FF"s biggest villain isn't Doom, but Richards himself shows how Fox fucked up

We can't ultra shitty, infect his entire team with a zombie virus Reed right off the bat.


MCU Doom would just be some random dude in a business suit anyway.

"I was Doom all along, Tony. The Avengers killed my family!"


On the subject of the Fantastic Four...is Sue Storm one of the most dull prominent superheroes in the history of comic books? I've always found her so unengaging.

Unlike even Reed, so much of Sue's personality seems to be typified by her role as a wife and mother, while outside of those roles she doesn't seem to have any kind of identifiable presence as a character in her own right. She's always come across as exceedingly bland and passive to me...even her own powers seeming kind of flat and entirely reactionary, certainly in comparison to the much more dynamic and visually arresting power-sets of the other three. Maybe I need to read a wider ranger of Fantastic Four stories, but just as a human being, I've never really got a particularly storng sense of who Sue really is or what I should find interesting about her, both in regards to her role within the team and within the Marvel Universe as a whole.


Of course. They made Guardians work, they made Ant-Man work, they would make FF work just fine.

Fantastic Four dont really fit what people expect out of modern super heros.

There's such a range of FF stories and tones to use. Keep it light but with stakes, like Guardians. It'll work just fine.
They wouldn't portray Reed as the mad scientist he is though.
As someone who has only read f4 stuff that was tied into other stories and read a lot about them from here I would love marvel to tackle the whole - Richards is the most dangerous person around and is a dick but kept in line by his love for his family.

Tie that in with a more neutral Doom that could be argued is a better man than Richards as it seems to be in the comics and I would eat that shit up.

Doom is a character that fascinates me and I really need to read up on his stuff so a faithful movie version would be fantastic. Marvel having an almost anti hero Doom as one of their big ongoing characters like loki could really help diversify their output and provide some amazing opportunities for different styles of films.


They gotta get it right eventually.

X-Men(some of em), Logan, Deadpool are better than most Marvel/DC... They can do it.

Deadpool and Logan and before that Batman Begins and Dark Knight and X-Men First Class and Days of Future Past are proof you don't need Marvel. I honestly wish Marvel would take more risks than a lot of the fluff they're putting out just to generate blockbusters and build up to multi-billion box office Avengers: Infinity War etc.

El Topo

When are the rights due to expire with Fox ??? When do the have to make another FF4 movie by? Could they give them back to marvel sooner or when doesn't marvel make an offer ???

It's complicated and no one quite knows. As far as we can say:
1. The rights were originally bought by Eichinger and likely still lie with his company Constantin. They get producer credits and the distribution rights for certain regions (notably Germany), even though Fox usually distributes its movies there themselves.

2. I looked it up a while ago, but as far as we know, these rights remain with the holder as long as they keep making a FF movie every once in a while. I think it was 7 or 10 years.

3. FOX, not that we have any actual contractual details on this, have a deal with Constantin that allows them to use/control the rights and produce movies. Mind you, I'm under the impression Constantin isn't really involved in all that. Frankly I'm not sure if you have to deal with them at all for most things.
On the subject of the Fantastic Four...is Sue Storm one of the most dull prominent superheroes in the history of comic books? I've always found her so unengaging.

Unlike even Reed, so much of Sue's personality seems to be typified by her role as a wife and mother, while outside of those roles she doesn't seem to have any kind of identifiable presence as a character in her own right. She's always come across as exceedingly bland and passive to me...even her own powers seeming kind of flat and entirely reactionary, certainly in comparison to the much more dynamic and visually arresting power-sets of the other three. Maybe I need to read a wider ranger of Fantastic Four stories, but just as a human being, I've never really got a particularly storng sense of who Sue really is or what I should find interesting about her, both in regards to her role within the team and within the Marvel Universe as a whole.

I loved her brief stint as leader of the FF back in the 90s, when Reed was dead for a little while.
I'd also recommend reading Unstable Molecules, it's an elseworlds but it's incredible.


Moviebob did an interesting video on how one could introduce the Fantastic Four to the MCU: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VehLxh5wCU8

Yeah, this is a good take.

Synopsis: Retroactively incorporate the existance of the characters by having the space ship launch actually take place back in the 1960's, the ship enters the negative zone where they get the powers, and inter-dimensional time dilation causes them to warp back to present day earth.
Would they even be able to make a film out of them? I mean, the last movie bombing did some serious damage to the brand (and yet, Fox STILL doesn't seem to want to give the rights back) see, Marvel getting the rights back has created a Catch-22, usually it's because those movie studios don't want to make films out of the property anymore, that's why despite the rights for Blade, Ghost Rider and Daredevil reverting, they haven't been able to make films out of them and why Ghost Rider, Daredevil and Punisher have been relegated to Netflix and TV shows rather than films.

So... even if Marvel gets the rights back, would they be able to make a Fantastic Four movie? Probably not for a good long while.
I really don't care about the fantastic 4. Maybe reference them in current stuff. But please give me Doctor Doom. I fucking love Doctor Doom.


I want a CG Silver Surfer movie.

I just don't get how.... you'd think such a massive bomb like the 2015 would say to anyone "Yeah, time to give it up."

Especially so since said massive bomb was the studio's third attempt at making a FF film.

Deadpool has the benefit of being Fox's first attempt (Origins's take on the character notwithstanding), and Logan is a distant cousin to a series that has a handful of well-received films. Fantastic Four? Two mediocre films, an outright terrible film that's nothing like the comic, and a low-budget film that was never even released.

They've spent twenty years on the property and each iteration was arguably worse than the last. Why should anyone give a damn about another FF film from Fox/Constantin? Maybe the fourth time's a charm and it could be good, but nowadays....so hard to hype. They've stained the IP so badly.


el turns out well, then Feige & co. are really the gods of Hollywood producers.[/QUOTE]

They've got so much goodwill that they could make this the opening scene to their F4 movie and it would fly

They could get away with the Maker

Let's see if they can do Carol Danvers right... All the others have had some successful comic book runs except her. If Captain Marvel turns out well, then Feige & co. are really the gods of Hollywood producers.

Doing Carol Danvers right and makeing a good Carol Danvers movie are two different things
No because the FF are lamers.

The only good things that came out them are flameguy x Spiderman's friendship, doom and evil Reed Richards.

And even doom is kinda lame.



What makes you come to this conclusion that Doom wouldn't be what he actually is aka Tony's foil?
Doom is not a businessman though, he is a Puttin-like Dictator, a scientific genius (and student of the magical arts) whose megalomania is only equalled by the love of his country and the desire to see it recognized.

I could totally see a Von Doom as an already established eastern European dictator in a country bordering Sakovia, known as Latveria, who would have recently put his hands on Alien tech (thanks to Hydra) and sick to death of the treatment he is receiving by Nato after the Avenger mess.


Doom is not a businessman though, he is a Puttin-like Dictator, a scientific genius (and student of the magical arts) whose megalomania is only equalled by the love of his country and the desire to see it recognized.

I could totally see a Von Doom as an already established eastern European dictator in a country bordering Sakovia, known as Latveria, who would have recently put his hands on Alien tech (thanks to Hydra) and sick to death of the treatment he is receiving by Nato after the Avenger mess.

Doom's people are well taken care of


Fantastic Four (2005) was the only time I ever tried to walk out of a theater in the middle of a movie. My friends didn't want me to bail on them so I stayed. I warned them it would be trash, I WARNED THEM DAMN IT.

Deleted member 10571

Unconfirmed Member
They could get away with the Maker

Maker won't work without the related Hickman FF runs, like, not at all. He'd just be a random hyperintelligent villain
dying at the end of the movie
Would they even be able to make a film out of them? I mean, the last movie bombing did some serious damage to the brand (and yet, Fox STILL doesn't seem to want to give the rights back) see, Marvel getting the rights back has created a Catch-22, usually it's because those movie studios don't want to make films out of the property anymore, that's why despite the rights for Blade, Ghost Rider and Daredevil reverting, they haven't been able to make films out of them and why Ghost Rider, Daredevil and Punisher have been relegated to Netflix and TV shows rather than films.

So... even if Marvel gets the rights back, would they be able to make a Fantastic Four movie? Probably not for a good long while.

Relegation is a silly way of looking at it. Television is a better format for telling long form stories. The adaptations of Daredevil and Punisher have been fantastic and haven't lacked for budget.

If marvel ever did get them back, a reboot would never have to worry about Trank's schlocky mess, they'd just throw Stark and Parker in the trailer to tell people "look it's marvel".
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