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Your milkshake duck

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You're wrong on ALL of those points. If you're going to label me a "racist" while I'm on a ban (inappropriately). At least get my stances on those things right.



legacyzero said:
I don't even go in Anita or GG threads because there isn't a lick of welcome dissent in those threads with lout getting dogpiled at the least. I think both sides are terrible IMO.
I don't even go in Anita or GG threads because there isn't a lick of welcome dissent in those threads with lout getting dogpiled at the least. I think both sides are terrible IMO.

Maybe because one side LITERALLY harassed, doxxed, and tried to force those women out of the industry while the other may have said a not nice thing about a video game you like.



Maybe because one side LITERALLY harassed, doxxed, and tried to force those women out of the industry while the other may have said a not nice thing about a video game you like.


Yeah. It's odd how people tend to not process that despite claiming "both sides." This is really 2 separate conflicts. Criticism vs. Fanboyism & Ok with someone being harassed, doxxed, & threatened (If not being complicit) vs. Being a decent human being who positively contributes to society by simply not engaging in those actions & identifying they are unjustified/horrifying.

It's almost like they took that 3rd option but realize how horrible it sounds, despite continuing to take that point...

ah shit here comes another milkshake duck, what's wrong with autism speaks?

They erroneously believe ASD can be cured, for starters... it spirals into hell from there.

If the show got their info from a group that only works to stigmatize the very disorder the show focuses on... let's just say I'm not adding that to my backlog.

L Thammy

PDP- I defended him on he grounds that I don't really buy that he did something terrible with he intent to be terrible. He did something stupid and looked really stupid for it. To me, intent is everything. But, so is impact. Those two things don't always come out the way you want. But what I ALSO, defend, is the consequences he faced for his stupidity. That's how free speech works. And thats why I support it. Now- JonTron is an entirely different story. His intent is that he is LITERALLY a Nationalist. The shit he said was ridiculous. Is he entitled to that speech? Sure. But again- consequences. Much deserved. Do I like or condone PDP's joke? No. Not at all. Tasteless. But I'm not sure I'm convinced he's anti-anything. He even apologized IIRC. I also spoke out to Colin Moriarty for Both Sidesing Charlottesville. Literally fuck that shit

Here's where my criticism of you has been. You've mentioned Charlotteville, but you're still excusing the forces that allowed that to happen. All of your "real racist" and "real Nazi" bullshit ignores that you've got people who aren't out there waving the Confederate battle flag or with swastika tattoos, but condoning and normalizing these behaviours, and those are the people you've been caping for.

You don't need to look any further than what's on the news right as you're reading this screen. Look at how Trump's refusal to demonize these groups has received as an acceptance by the groups themselves. Look at how infuriated so many racists - not KKK members, not Neo-Nazi skinheads, but everyday people who don't see themselves as the "real racists" - are getting upset when people on the news do.

If you feel like you're getting dogpiled when you're criticized for defending these people because they aren't explicitly hateful enough, even when they use symbols or expressions of hate that Trump himself might be too shy to display, then you're sticking your head in the sand. You know why you're getting dogpiled. And I really don't think you've learned a damn thing. As far as I'm concerned, you're just yet another person who is more concerned about people being called "racist" than you are about people actually engaging in racism.

Scott Adams.

Dilbert was easily my favorite comic strip (and is still pretty good) and his books are very fun reads, but it's hard to enjoy any of it after reading what he peddles on his blog.

Man, Scott Adams is so weird. I have a copy of The Dilbert Future. I remember reading it and loving his analysis. Then I read his whole thing about how gravity may not exist, and I feel like it's a different person.
That new Netflix show, Atypical.
I haven't seen it yet, what's the issue?
I think it's about the fact that no people on the spectrum were involved, but instead Autism Speaks, a widely criticized organization.

They erroneously believe ASD can be cured, for starters... it spirals into hell from there.

If the show got their info from a group that only works to stigmatize the very disorder the show focuses on... let's just say I'm not adding that to my backlog.
Oh, boy...


I'm still trying to wrap my head around milkshake duck.................does Bill Cosby qualify as a Milkshake Duck?

Absolutely. He was a beloved sitcom dad & respected comedian, but his history of sexual assault was only spoken of in whispers later on, & wasn't brought to mainstream attention until decades after becoming a household name.
And I really don't think you've learned a damn thing. As far as I'm concerned, you're just yet another person who is more concerned about people being called "racist" than you are about people actually engaging in racism.

This is a great approximation of how I felt about those posts by him.
Could Bill Cosby qualify as the quintessential embodiment of Milkshake Duck? Are there any others in modern times that could take that crown?

Really depends on who you are.
Jimmy Savile was a huge letdown for many I'm sure.

I was afraid of that. Can you elaborate?


I think it's about the fact that no people on the spectrum were involved, but instead Autism Speaks, a widely criticized organization.

They erroneously believe ASD can be cured, for starters... it spirals into hell from there.

If the show got their info from a group that only works to stigmatize the very disorder the show focuses on... let's just say I'm not adding that to my backlog.
As an outsider to the initial incident, I'd recommend giving this a read. A lot of this reads as "But I'm on your side!" and "No no no, you guys are persecuting me!" and that isn't a good or supportive attitude to have.


People should read this. Really gives context to how we people interacting/arguing online and how a self absorbed approach, unintentional or not, really stifles discussion and incredibly unhelpful. It's an easy trap to fall into I'm gonna try and check myself on this in the future.
Man, Scott Adams is so weird. I have a copy of The Dilbert Future. I remember reading it and loving his analysis. Then I read his whole thing about how gravity may not exist, and I feel like it's a different person.

To be fair, I don't think he was proposing that has a serious theory so much as it being a bit of a "thought experiment." It admittedly doesn't hold up that well when you think about it (how would the alternative explanation explain orbits?), but I thought it illustrated his point reasonably well.

Although now that I think about it, that section does carry a somewhat more sinister overtone in light of his recent outing as a climate change denier.




As an outsider to the initial incident, I'd recommend giving this a read. A lot of this reads as "But I'm on your side!" and "No no no, you guys are persecuting me!" and that isn't a good or supportive attitude to have.


Agreed, this is fucking superb.

I will say again that I strongly believe a lot of "two sides"/anti-SJW sentiment comes not from racism/sexism, but solely from cynicism. Crying foul and boycotting a person's content because they out themselves as a two-sideser is entirely reasonable, as is pointing out the racist and sexist implications of any ambiguous or devil-advocating statements. However, I don't think it's helpful to prejudicially label these people racist or sexist, and (correct me if I'm wrong) that seems to be all legacyzero is saying.

I understand the desire to force people to choose a side in what is a very black and white issue; and I understand the thorough condemnation of those who deliberately straddle the fence and distract from the real issues. I also understand the desire to point out that labeling fence-sitters and two-sidesers as racists/sexists is sometimes purely speculative, and a potentially dangerous mindset to adopt; as awful and distracting and disruptive as those people may be.

But the transcendent point made in the Film Crit Hulk article is that anything that distracts from the really crucial topic at hand - especially distractions that come from an egotistical need to be seen to be a Good Person - is largely unhelpful, and best ignored so that it doesn't get in the way of the greater issues.

This is a great thread to idly wonder if Paige, and by extension Pat and the SBF crew, hold problematic beliefs that might turn people away from watching their channels or funding them on Twitch, etc. But in almost any other thread, especially threads dealing with aggressive, out-and-proud racists, any mention of a single questionable YouTube personality is distracting from the real shit; whether it's an attempt to condemn someone without solid evidence, or - crucially - react positively or negatively to that condemnation.

Posts like the one I'm making now don't belong in any thread discussing broader issues of racism. Learning to STFU and simply be aware of an issue without participating in its discussion is as lesson I also needed to learn in recent years. I'm still learning. Because yes, you're passionate and want to get involved, but the part of you that needs to be seen to be passionate and involved is more often than not profoundly unhelpful, even if it comes from a place that feels ostensibly altruistic and germane to the discussion.


Oh Tim Allen is another good one.

I honestly didn't know he was republican (or a trump supporter) until his show was canned recently. I obviously love toy story, I love galaxy quest, and some other movies with him.

Although christmas with the cranks is ass, so it makes me feel less bothered.

It's not exactly a milkshake duck tweet, but I was reminded today that Tim Allen is an idiot.

After reading that thread about Roman Polanski, Tilda Swinton, Wes Anderson, Terry Gilliam, David Lynch, and Martin Scorcese are on my milkshake duck list. Fuck anyone that supports Roman Polanski. Oh well, now I don't have to watch the new Twin Peaks season.


Wait what? :c What happened?

There were some anonymous (I think) sources a few years back that alleged that Louis CK had sexually harassed some women in a hotel or something. I forget the exact details but IIRC the claim was that he invited them up to his hotel room and then blocked them from leaving the room by standing in front of the door with his dick out. Because it was so unsubstantiated and unsourced, though, everyone forgot about it pretty quickly. Also, it was mostly celebrity gossip websites that were talking about it, rather than more conventional news sources.

Would be a real shame if it ever came out that it was true.


Could Bill Cosby qualify as the quintessential embodiment of Milkshake Duck? Are there any others in modern times that could take that crown?

Depends on where you are, remember the US is not the world.

In the UK Cosby isn't a very big figure at all but Jimmy Saville was a huuuge TV star and DJ in the 60's, 70's and 80's. He was a BBC Radio 1 DJ and everyone watched Top of the Pops, a weekly music show that showcased the UK Top 40 and Jim'll Fix It, a show where kids would write in their wishes and Jim would grant them.

Then it turns out he had raped and sexually abused hundreds of people, mostly young kids ranging from 5 years old to 75 years old and overnight became one of Britain's most prolific sex offenders. There were even allegations he was into necrophilia and claims that he engaged in it often. For people in the UK this was massive news and while everyone liked to make a joke for decades that Saville looked like a total creep and there had been allegations made towards him in the past they were suppressed or were never taken seriously.


What's the context of this if I may ask?

It's the anniversary of Gamergate and Kotaku decided to interview TB about how he online harassment. Needless to say people (including the FemFreq twitter account) took issue with this. That was his response.

L Thammy

If anyone was still on the fence about TotalBiscuit....

Peep this

Wait, I'm confused. Is he posting this from an alternate universe where he and Anita changed places? Like:

"So come at me. You stand shoulder to shoulder with 4chan trolls and bigots in attacking the loud, sane voice in the room. You cannot win."​

This is coming from Totalbiscuit, right? Not going to him?
Depends on where you are, remember the US is not the world.

In the UK Cosby isn't a very big figure at all but Jimmy Saville was a huuuge TV star and DJ in the 60's, 70's and 80's. He was a BBC Radio 1 DJ and everyone watched Top of the Pops, a weekly music show that showcased the UK Top 40 and Jim'll Fix It, a show where kids would write in their wishes and Jim would grant them.

Then it turns out he had raped and sexually abused hundreds of people, mostly young kids ranging from 5 years old to 75 years old and overnight became one of Britain's most prolific sex offenders. There were even allegations he was into necrophilia and claims that he engaged in it often. For people in the UK this was massive news and while everyone liked to make a joke for decades that Saville looked like a total creep and there had been allegations made towards him in the past they were suppressed or were never taken seriously.

Was Gary Glitter on the same level of shock? I don't know, I figured he was out of the limelight when he was arrested, but celebrities so seem have more staying power in the UK for some reason.

Wood Man

Michael Richards a little. I know he apologized and resents what he said, but I still have a sour imagine of him and it just wont go away.


yeah, US wise, i don't think you can get a better example of a milkshake duck than cosby

What the fuck is this douchenozzle's problem? Ugh JFC

fuck what some folks on gaming side will tell you, totalbiscuit is total garbage & has been for a while now. his fence-sitting during gg was - and as that interview/tweet today show, is - so transparent

Identity Politics- my only issue here is that it can't be he ONLY issue you speak to, especially as a political candidate. LITERALLY, all I'm saying.

it's important to point out that dudes that look like you & i are literally tourists to racial injustice. a take i read the night of ferguson that really stuck with me is: we get to be outraged, american POC's get to be terrified.

which is to say: no matter how much i fuck with BLM, i don't live it. partitioning off black liberation from the white supremacy literally built into our country's DNA & calling it identity politics & saying you have to speak on other things simultaneously minimizes that without recognizing that important distinction.

i get to ride for healthcare & lots of other things and not spend my day horrified that this administration is making daily efforts to endanger trans folks. if i was trans, you think i'd have that energy to ride for other issues, much less inclination?

Feminism- I know I fully support it when it's completely and only about equality of the sexes. Does it really have to be more than that? Right now, the US is just not an equal place for men and women. Period. I support fixing that.

yeah, it kinda does - caring about a vague finish line & defining what should or shouldn't matter for women trying to get there isn't helpful. and we both know you've RT'd meninist/"feminist bullshit" stuff in the recent past, so does it really strike you as so odd or unfair to point out this weak stance?

To me, intent is everything.

i don't know many people well enough to actually visit their intentions. if they say reckless shit a few times & wanna call it comedy, i don't need to give the benefit of the doubt; tons of 4hchan kids wanna spew hateful venom & call it trolling. hell, we saw a few of them on video the other day trying to say they were marching just for laughs.

or to lift from here:

Good intentions do not matter. Actions do. Monsters are on the move, and we must not give them quarter any more. If you think I might be talking to you, I probably am. As Ta-Nehisi Coates writes in Between the World and Me:

The point of this language of ”intention" and ”personal responsibility" is broad exoneration. Mistakes were made. Bodies were broken. People were enslaved. We meant well. We tried our best. ”Good intention" is a hall pass through history, a sleeping pill that ensures the Dream.

The important question here is not, I repeat, not whether you are still a good person. In fact, asking that question right now is the surest way to arrive at the answer you don't want to hear.

But I don't knew-jerk call something they really aren't when something happens. PDP is a "comedian" that did a really goddamn dumb thing. Was called an actual Nazi. Richard Spencer is an ACTUAL LITERAL FUCKING NAZI. I just don't put the two into the same camp. I don't see it as reasonable in the larger scope. But again. Consequences. Richard Spencer keeps getting fucking punched and I absolutely adore it. I originally didn't support this so much, because it felt like a slippery slope. But after Charlottesville? 40 miles from my home town? Nah fuck that. Get straddled, and get fucking pounded, I say. It's no longer "speech".

PDP doulbed down with the free speech stuff & starting warming up to sargon and folks like that, i wanna say. the very thread you're getting your balls busted over was him cosignging more henious shit.

i'm not sure what it takes for you to toss someone into the bushes for either saying or standing by awful shit, but expecting better from dudes like colin moriarty tells me you might be waiting for them to actually strap up & hit a like-minded rally, so in case you missed this reply:

Here's where my criticism of you has been. You've mentioned Charlotteville, but you're still excusing the forces that allowed that to happen. All of your "real racist" and "real Nazi" bullshit ignores that you've got people who aren't out there waving the Confederate battle flag or with swastika tattoos, but condoning and normalizing these behaviours, and those are the people you've been caping for.

You don't need to look any further than what's on the news right as you're reading this screen. Look at how Trump's refusal to demonize these groups has received as an acceptance by the groups themselves. Look at how infuriated so many racists - not KKK members, not Neo-Nazi skinheads, but everyday people who don't see themselves as the "real racists" - are getting upset when people on the news do.

If you feel like you're getting dogpiled when you're criticized for defending these people because they aren't explicitly hateful enough, even when they use symbols or expressions of hate that Trump himself might be too shy to display, then you're sticking your head in the sand. You know why you're getting dogpiled. And I really don't think you've learned a damn thing. As far as I'm concerned, you're just yet another person who is more concerned about people being called "racist" than you are about people actually engaging in racism.


So. Yeah, I reject being called a "racist" as this thread implies. You don't have to "be on the same side." But I support what you support, and want what we all want. I just may not necessarily agree on how to get there.

you're not wrong, i do want a lot of the things you do - but as long as you're kinda dismissive of racial justice/feminism/intersectionality and the like get there, you should know, your support is gonna ring hollow.
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