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dude cusses his mum out over Halo

This is what would've happened if I pulled this shit on my mom...

From my own brothers if I ever did anything like that to my parents.
So is the kid still alive?

My mom would have heard about half of one of his sentences...and in the time it would have taken him to finish the full sentence, she would have done her best The Flash impression...the .38 special revolver would have been freed from her bedroom safe, loaded with exactly 3 rounds, cocked, and pointed in his room. Preparing to correct the apparent unsalvageable parental failure before it's too late.

I just...I don't understand how some children are compelled (never mind able) to talk to a parent like this. As if they were equals. As if they were their parents superior.

I feel like the last time I saw shit like this was on Maury Povich? Maybe Jerry Springer.

Real life scares me sometimes.
Coming off the other thread, this kid is a prime example of someone that needs his ass beat

He doesn't have any mental issues, he's just a cunt. A cunt that needs a good ass beating or two
No offense to anyone else but only a white kid can get away with talking to his mother like that.

This is what a lifetime of "Time-out" results in.

My mother would have asked me to repeat what i said and in the middle of repeating it back hand to the mouth and beat my ass right after.


Evidence for not teaching kids to solve problems with violence:

Every study conducted in the last 3 decades

Evidence FOR teaching us to beat the shit out of children:

"I was physically abused as a child, and I turned out OK. Please don't tell me I was raised wrong."

This is such annoying post because there were no controlled studies on implementation of physical punishment. As such the best they can do is find that physical punishment is a risk factor for physical abuse - which is obvious in the same way that sex is a risk factor for stds

Until there is an actual study that tests the hypothesis - "physical punishment can be an effective form of discipline without triggering development issues" - in which researchers actually evaluate conditions and methods, then this argument will continue to be based on one-sided research.

Of course no such academic research will ever take place, so all we'll ever have is anecdotes from countless people who have received physical punishment (likely supplementary to other forms of discipline/ positive reinforcement) without sustaining any developmental issues as a result.


This is such annoying post because there were no controlled studies on implementation of physical punishment. As such the best they can do is find that physical punishment is a risk factor for physical abuse - which is obvious in the same way that sex is a risk factor for stds

Until there is an actual study that tests the hypothesis - "physical punishment can be an effective form of discipline without triggering development issues" - in which researchers actually evaluate conditions and methods, then this argument will continue to be based on one-sided research.

Of course no such academic research will ever take place, so all we'll ever have is anecdotes from countless people who have received physical punishment (likely supplementary to other forms of discipline/ positive reinforcement) without sustaining any developmental issues as a result.
Perfect. Simply perfect.


Yeah lmao, Caribbean parents here. Long time ago I spoke back to my mom not even nowhere near as this kid. All I gotta say is...I barely made it, and grateful to still be here lmao.

I'll chime in! Parent's are from the West Indies if I talked to my folks like that the chap from my lip would be gone. Matter of fact I recall me responding to my folks as "You guys" once when they were calling me. My Dad said "You guys" who? "You guys" don't pay the bills. Yes sir and yes-ma'am was the rule in my house growing up.

Only a punks talks to their mom like that no respect. He is a certified


If I EVER spoke to my mom like that, I would've been knocked into another dimension. I can't believe the back and forth banter..I would've yanked that shit out of the wall so fast.


If I EVER spoke to my mom like that, I would've been knocked into another dimension. I can't believe the back and forth banter..I would've yanked that shit out of the wall so fast.

Pops took a hammer to my Green Gameboy Pocket when I started messing up in grade school so I stopped messing up in grade school.
First of all this isn't a kid, its a grown ass man acting like a child. Now when it comes to punishing kids there's different ways to go about it. When I was a kid and you acted up you got whipped with a belt or spanked. I remember when I was in a grocery store and I tried to steal one of those Caramel egg things. My dad saw me put it in my pocket and just before we checked out he pulled me in front of all the registers and spanked my ass in front of everybody.

It stung for a bit but I'll tell you what, it was the last time I ever did it. Now I'm 29 years old I work full-time job and I go to school full-time, did spanking turn me into some weirdo. No, but when I acted up or I did something that was wrong. Even the threat of getting spanked was enough to get me to stop. Not because it hurt, not because I was scared of it but because I knew it was wrong. Now I've seen kids get put in timeout they turned out okay too. Nowadays it seems like if you take something away from them like TV time or an iPad or cell phone that seems to work.

This dude needs his f****** Xbox taken away from him until he learns how to treat people with respect. Cuz I'll tell you what if he acted like that out in public and spoke to the wrong person he'd be getting his ass kicked.

He's 18, I doubt taking his XBOX away from him would fare well for his mother and their relationship, he'd probably just flip out, and argue with her for an extended duration. I don't think his mother is likely to resolve anything by bruteforcing the situation. I don't think kicking him out of the house would benefit much either.

Personally I would do something like go on a break away from him for a little while, a week or two, and cancel the internet before I left. It would give him a heck of a lot of time to think about everything.


He's 18, I doubt taking his XBOX away from him would fare well for his mother and their relationship, he'd probably just flip out, and argue with her for an extended duration. I don't think his mother is likely to resolve anything by bruteforcing the situation. I don't think kicking him out of the house would benefit much either.

Personally I would do something like go on a break away from him for a little while, a week or two, and cancel the internet before I left. It would give him a heck of a lot of time to think about everything.

Electricity and water too. He can move himself out.


Loved my mother to death, but she would have knocked me into next Tuesday if I spoke to her like that. Not that I ever wanted to since I had the utmost respect for her.

Nyoro SF

If I EVER spoke to my mom like that, I would've been knocked into another dimension. I can't believe the back and forth banter..I would've yanked that shit out of the wall so fast.

My mom would've whooped my ass with a wooden spoon and then my dad would've given away all my games to charity...
Should be added to OP:


Apparently he assaulted his sister too and threw her up against a wall:


Class act, this kid

If this were my kid, he'd be out on the street. If he's too young, let the little shit sign the emancipation papers. See how far his Twitch donors get him in life when he's streaming out of a van siphoning off the local Starbucks WiFi. Also, what reasonable person would be giving this scumbag money? I'd bet money that they're all kids. Too many parents let the credit card float around the household a bit too freely.


Man, I would have smack that kid if he was my brother or son, or friend.

No kid should talk to her mom like that.


I got spanked once as a kid......once.......never did I disobey my parents after that one time lol, shit left a red hand print on my ass when I was a kid. I felt embarrassed and didn't want to talk to anyone at pre school.
Mom must do something about him.

Beat him up, kick him out, send him to a doctor, call the exorcist... I don't know, but something must be done before it gets uglier.
Stuff like this makes me know how to raise my kids. Sometimes you need to correct them, when you don't they turn out like this. Be that physically or verbally, take your pick as long as it works.

Dudes trash.

But yeah, when people say beat your kids, I guarantee a vast majority of them are not referring to multiple closed fists to the mouth which a lot seem to be assuming. Swatting a kid on the butt so they stop -insert thing they did- is enough usually. A lot of gaffers grew up on both sides of the spectrum on this. People who got a hit for bad behavior will probably raise their kids the same way and have an understanding of when its enough. People who din't will claim they turned out fine and well adjusted too for getting a talking too/ time out.

Drain You

Mom must do something about him.

Beat him up, kick him out, send him to a doctor, call the exorcist... I don't know, but something must be done before it gets uglier.

I watched the first 20 seconds of the first video and had to stop. I completely agree with you.

I'm 27, a grown ass adult and I can't even begin to say how horrible I'd feel if I EVER gave either of my parents that tone of voice. This dude is in for a rude awakening.


When I was 18 my dad took away my computer and told me to get a job if I want it back. So I did and moved out. Was not happy about it at the time but it helped me out in the end. No hard feelings afterward. I wouldn't ever say those things to my parents but I was lazy and unmotivated for sure. Not sure his mom could pull that same thing off either.


This is such annoying post because there were no controlled studies on implementation of physical punishment. As such the best they can do is find that physical punishment is a risk factor for physical abuse - which is obvious in the same way that sex is a risk factor for stds

Until there is an actual study that tests the hypothesis - "physical punishment can be an effective form of discipline without triggering development issues" - in which researchers actually evaluate conditions and methods, then this argument will continue to be based on one-sided research.

Of course no such academic research will ever take place, so all we'll ever have is anecdotes from countless people who have received physical punishment (likely supplementary to other forms of discipline/ positive reinforcement) without sustaining any developmental issues as a result.


Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
18 years old talking to his mum like that over a video game...

What a shithead arsehole. If I am his dad or something I would have thrown him out to the streets.

What a fuckface.


So is this what white parenting looks like?

Maybe its because I am a minority who went to minority-dominant schools (University was culture shock, never saw so many white people in the same place), but this sort parent-child is so cringe-worthy to watch. Its not even that I feel bad for the mother, its that I feel so sorry for everyone involved and can only imagine the regret over what got them to this place. Its so utterly tragic, a failing of the middle-class American failing. Its like The Simpsons or Family Guy...except its real. I feel like maybe I am having trouble articulating it, but this short clip almost reflects as a failing of society, especially (white?) middle-class America as a whole.

Not cool dude

Dirk Benedict

Gold Member
Turning this into a racial thing genuinely disgusts me and I see this as politically motivated for certain individuals. I'm out of this conversation.


Not cool dude

Sorry I felt like I came off as racially motivated, I meant no such thing. I was basically trying to compare my own experiences with what I see around me.

What I mean though, as is shown in psychological study is that minority parents (or rather, immigrants in general) tends towards more authoritarian style parenting for better or worse, like "This is the law and there are no buts", whereas the native population do not tend towards authoritarian parenting in the same numbers. This is, of course an overall image and not applicable to every family. The first line of a post was a joke and in hindsight it may come off as offensive. I will remove it. I am not so much interested in the race aspect as the socioeconomic one, the sort of slow meandering deterioration due to the media and a change in social values.
Glad to see there's a little sanity in this thread.

Hope none of you people in here actually beat your children. Absolutely fucked up if you do.

Edit: Also, everybody's still assuming this is real and not a gimmick to earn him views.

Gen X

Trust no one. Eat steaks.
I went through a disrespectful stage in my teens but nothing like this. If I had said anything remotely close to that I would have gotten a hiding from my dad. I do remember when I was 15 I said something cheeky and my dad said "I've got a good kind to teach you a lesson" to which I replied "Go on then, right there" and pointed to my chin. I didn't remember the next 10 secs or so but I remember the look of shock on my mums face.

I have a very strong relationship with my parents now and have since I reached my 20s (I'm mid 40s now). We all break out in some way but that video in the OP is just shocking. If I was his mum I would've unplugged the router and then thrown his Xbox out the window fooled by his clothes and told him to get out and come back when he learns some respect.
In all honesty, the mom is probably scared to lift a finger to him. He was/is almost definitely in BD classes in high school. Every so often a person is not salvageable. No amount of theories or books or experts and their opinions can make it work.

The mom should have had recordings of him and documented it with counselors. At least then maybe she could have him committed for extreme anger issues. Or, take away everything he owns when he's at school one day and leave a brochure for the army in his room where the Xbox used to be.


Could somebody pleaae tell me that all those "I miss the days when you could beat your kids" are terrible attempts to be sarcastic, or are people really thinking that?
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