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Gearbox confirms Borderlands 3 launches on September 13, 2019; Epic Games Store exclusive


Time to show some receipts. Where's your evidence that Valve bought MCC exclusivity rather than being approached by Microsoft?

Not to mention its a surprise (and a thankful indication of a new direction) that Microsoft went to Steam in the first place. They could have just put it on the Microsoft store. Considering its their flagship franchise that wouldn't have been surprising at all.
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We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
So Valve is awesome for buying Halo MCC exclusivity but Epic Games the devil for buying Borderlands 3 exclusivity?

What are you on about? MCC will also be on the Microsoft store, weirdly enough. It is in no way Steam exclusive.


Gold Member
So Valve is awesome for buying Halo MCC exclusivity but Epic Games the devil for buying Borderlands 3 exclusivity?

Microsoft said they did it because they wanted to release it where players are.

Even if they did pay for exclusivity, players would naturally be less pissed about having Halo released on a client that isn't total garbage.
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Why don't we level the playing field and whine when a PC game is exclusive to Steam?
Because Steam isn't buying exclusivity. They could've easily done this both when they were developing Steam OS and when Oculus was doing the same thing as Epic.

Speaking to IGN, Valve’s Greg Comer said, “you won’t see an exclusive killer app for SteamOS from us. We’re not going to be doing that kind of thing.”

This will also apply to third-party titles, Valve’s Anna Sweet told us. “Whenever we talk to third-party partners, we encourage them to put their games in as many places as possible, including not on our platforms," she said. "Because we think that customers are everywhere, and they want to put their games wherever customers are. That would go against our whole philosophy, to launch something that’s exclusive to SteamOS or Steam machines.”
“We don't think exclusives are a good idea for consumers or developers," Newell responded. "There's a separate issue which is risk. On any given project, you need to think about how much risk to take on. There are a lot of different forms of risk—financial risk, design risk, schedule risk, organizational risk, IP risk, etc... A lot of the interesting VR work is being done by new developers. That is a triple-risk whammy—a new developer creating new game mechanics on a new platform. We're in a much better position to absorb financial risk than a new VR developer, so we are happy to offset that giving developers development funds (essentially pre-paid Steam revenue). However there are no strings attached to those funds—they can develop for the Rift or PlayStation VR or whatever the developer thinks are the right target VR systems. Our hope is that by providing that funding that developers will be less likely to take on deals that require them to be exclusive."

And as a side-note. I always see plenty of people complain when they can't buy their games on GOG. And I think that's fair, more games should be DRM-free.


If only my penis was as big as my GamerScore!
Surprise Suprise, Epic has their Astroturfers out in full force in this thread, no need to call out the names, it is as plain as day, pathetic really.


always chasing the next thrill
The funniest part is that i can remember how much fucking hate STEAM got when it originally launched. Heck i was on dial up when i bought half life 2 and i never heard of steam before. Boy did i hate steam back then.. Now i own about 400 games on it.
Same will happen to Epic if they continue like this. Nobody cares besides enthusiast forums etc etc.
Epic is not the devil. It is making steam even better in a way.
I think Gearbox has made a huge mistake and this is going to bite them in the ass in the PC market. I don't think sales will be down by a lot, because we're going to see it up in other areas. Just in this thread alone I have seen people say "Well, I guess I will get it on console then!" so the intent to buy the game is still there, but just not on their platform of choice. I'm not buying Borderlands 3 at all. I think making it an exclusive to Epic Game Store was stupid when they could have easily released it on Steam as well. But - that won't drive people to use the China-backed digital distribution platform.


I'm just going to have to deal with not buying games for a while, I just cannot support this shit Epic is pulling.


We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
The funniest part is that i can remember how much fucking hate STEAM got when it originally launched.

Yeah, because Steam fucking sucked back then. In that last 13 16 years they've refined it to the point where it's synonymous with PC gaming. Epic have decided to launch a competing launcher with barely any of the stuff that's been standard in Steam for years, hence people think it sucks. What's the point you're trying to make? As long as Epic give up the exclusivity payouts and fix their shit, I don't imagine many of us are gonna care in the long run.
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As far as Gearbox (really 2K) making a huge mistake, I'd take that bet.

Borderlands is one of the biggest franchises in video games. The PC community is massive, not waiting six months and not going to GAF about all the Epic-Steam hand-wringing.
Ill have no problem with the Epic store once it's caught up to Steam in terms of features. They need community reviews, dedicated server support, community hubs, broadcasting support, better game launching support, bigger store, etc.

Once the platforms are roughly equal, they can have my money. Until then, I want no part of it. Put the games on both and let the consumer decide which platform they want to support, whether that's the more feature complete platform or the one that gives devs more money.

Until feature parity, let the user decide. This exclusive crap with an inferior store is frustrating.


They/Them A-10 Warthog
How about you do your fucking research and see that EGS scrapes your PC for files that it has no right to access. "Muh friend list" is not an argument when Steam has perfectly working API that you can use. But of course that API needs user to login through Steam and Tim can't have that, that would give the power to the consumer while he is all about developers.

How about workshop support or Steamworks, which means games do not relly on other servers outside of Steam and even if the publisher himself goes down, the game is still playable thanks to Steamworks.

The files EDS "scrapes" for are of no consequence and hardly could be described as a breach of security (the big bad china going after gamers is hilarious too). This whole thing was blown out of proportion by crybabies who are too lazy to have two launchers on their desktop.

If you are worried about China, and live in America, then boy do I have some bad news for you. Lets just say Epics Launcher is the very least of your conspiratorial worries.

Also, workshop you say? You will be happy to know that the unreal launcher supports modding for UE4 games that allow it. It has for a while. Also, Borderlands 3 runs on UE4 which means that when you install the game from steam in the future the big bad China will be installing its evil game engine on your machine that could do WAY more harm than a launcher...

Did you play pubg, Fortnite, or any other UE4 game on your PC? If so, then sorry, but china is already coming for you. Better go live off the grid and only play steam in offline mode.


Man Epic is making my investment in Uploaded and Rapidgator accounts all the more sweeter with each passing day!.
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What are you on about? MCC will also be on the Microsoft store, weirdly enough. It is in no way Steam exclusive.

Well to be fair Outer Realms is also releasing in the Microsoft Store simultaneously with the ES. If the game is the bomb I'll get it in the Microsoft Store day one, if it's just OK I'll wait until Steam gets it


Well to be fair Outer Realms is also releasing in the Microsoft Store simultaneously with the ES. If the game is the bomb I'll get it in the Microsoft Store day one, if it's just OK I'll wait until Steam gets it

That one is probably going to be an exception though as its a special ocassion (with Obsidian being bought during development of Outer Worlds) had to do with Microsoft putting their giant foot down on that when they were told.

Ubisoft has some similiar deal, but they have their own launcher, so that was clear.

Now every announced upcoming Take2 game is exclusive to Epic. (Outer Worlds, Ancestors, Borderlands 3)
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Man Epic is making my investment in Uploaded and Rapidgator accounts all the more sweeter with each passing day!.
Epic: You get a moneyhat! And you get a moneyhat! Everyone gets a moneyhat!

(Some) Consumers:


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always chasing the next thrill
Yeah, because Steam fucking sucked back then. In that last 13 16 years they've refined it to the point where it's synonymous with PC gaming. Epic have decided to launch a competing launcher with barely any of the stuff that's been standard in Steam for years, hence people think it sucks. What's the point you're trying to make? As long as Epic give up the exclusivity payouts and fix their shit, I don't imagine many of us are gonna care in the long run.
Last time i checked epic made a roadmap to better their service.

You can still play the damn game and in the meanwhile epic continues to make your experience better just like steam did back in the day.

1 open epic
2 start .exe
3 enjoy game

seems so hard and anti consumer.


Fuck Epic and anyone defending this practice. I am all for giving publishers a bigger cut, but Epic is just moneyhatting exclusives. At least it's just 6 months but shit like this should not be encouraged.


We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
Last time i checked epic made a roadmap to better their service.

You can still play the damn game and in the meanwhile epic continues to make your experience better just like steam did back in the day.

And? People are pissed because these games are tied to a service that's "totally going to be better eventually" for a fixed price instead of the service they already use that's already good for a variable price. It's not hard to understand. If Epic actually made a good launcher before they started buying game rights people wouldn't have the same problem. I definitely wouldn't. "You can still play the game" is completely missing the point, no one is saying the launcher doesn't launch the games, we know we can play them.


Man Epic is making my investment in Uploaded and Rapidgator accounts all the more sweeter with each passing day!.
So you pirated porn before pirating games?^^^

And no there is NO other reason to otherwise have these kind of premium accounts :p
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For those wanting to pre-order physical copies for consoles, I just checked the pre-order page and it looks like those are exclusive to the 2K store. That may change in the future but just wanted to give a heads up.


Why do people have to pretend epics store is in any way anything good for gamers? They split the market, fix prices, buy out games and technically even screw over gamers who just want to play the game on their preferred platform and use shady businesses practices and even invade your privacy on top. I'm sorry, I'm really for a competitive market but epic is not doing anything for it and actually against. Anyone who says what epic is did benefits the consumer in any way is actually a fanboy and delusional. We're not calling out epic because we're butt hurt that it's not on Steam, we're calling them out for their practices. If you can't see that then I am sorry as arguing with you will be pointless anyway.


Steam is not your friend. They where close to achieving a monopoly. This will only make steam better in the long run.
Look how fucked GPU prices are.. and how abysmall the jump was in the new RTX line. Nvidia basically has a monopoly in the high end.

I prefer steam above epic. But i like steam to change. And work harder to get those “exclusives”

the irony in your example is, steam is radeon and epic tries to be nvidia...
and i still dont understand why someone wants exclusives. Epic is trying to dictate the market and monopolize these games.

all you are saying is, you dont care and thats cool. but stop playing the problems down others have.

and how this competition will help, when epic is dictating everything and steam is the open platform, will still not go into my head. what exactly will competition do?

better prices?
we had those with steam. now we pay more.

better service?
steam is the better service. epic launcher is embaressing right now.

this is a shitshow and i would hope more people see it.

Can someone explain to me, in whta way steam has to do better?
and just for clarification. im using steam since 2003 and hated it. it needed to earn my trust and goodwill. And yes, i give steam props because i think they are one of the reasons, the pcmarket was saved. many people seem to forget the dark times and shit like GFWL.


I'm shocked that people are more than fine with this buying exclusivity practice and just use this "just another launcher argument." If that's the argument then I sure hope that these same people should have NO problem when Steam starts buying up for third party exclusives as well. Guaranteed that they will be saying guess I'm not buying it then lol

I also find it funny that people would put down a person's decision to not buy the game. I mean who cares if they decide not to buy why does it bother you?


always chasing the next thrill
the irony in your example is, steam is radeon and epic tries to be nvidia...
and i still dont understand why someone wants exclusives. Epic is trying to dictate the market and monopolize these games.

all you are saying is, you dont care and thats cool. but stop playing the problems down others have.

and how this competition will help, when epic is dictating everything and steam is the open platform, will still not go into my head. what exactly will competition do?

better prices?
we had those with steam. now we pay more.

better service?
steam is the better service. epic launcher is embaressing right now.

this is a shitshow and i would hope more people see it.

Can someone explain to me, in whta way steam has to do better?
and just for clarification. im using steam since 2003 and hated it. it needed to earn my trust and goodwill. And yes, i give steam props because i think they are one of the reasons, the pcmarket was saved. many people seem to forget the dark times and shit like GFWL.
Steam sales are nothing like they used to be. They where so aggressive and hungry cause they needed new users. Guess what epic will force them to do?

So in short.

Fuck over devs less.
Less bloat
More offers.

You know the stuff you get when they are no longer the biggest fish. Look at how much xbox gamers got thanks due sony beating them this gen.
Just think ahead and skip all the salt.

I like steam and i think there is potential in epic.


Neo Member
Not convinced of Epic Store security yet. Until I feel confident that my purchases are safe for life I can't start investing in a game collection there.
Time will tell, but not yet for me.


Ill pirate the game till it launches on steam then buy through a key reseller as to not give gearbox any direct money

fuck them and take 2 and epic as well

greedy cunts


Epic=GOAT ...I love how they in zero @#$% given mode, you don't like what we do..move tha @#$% on 🤣🤣

Me/or console gamers all have to do is press A button on xbl and it starts pre-loading, or cop that at BB. Problem solved 😎

Yeah console gamers have it soooo good

I’d buy it on any store, anywhere, anyhow.

Can’t wait.

I understand the non-steam exclusives will continue to bother people and I honestly don’t blame them, but I just think this is something that’s happening and will keep happening. I didn’t like it at first but I like Borderlands games more than I dislike non-steam launchers
Glad its a game im not the slightest interested in, if epic is going after ROFLCoop and Dudebro gamers then they can enjoy their exclusivity in less features on the store front just fine, however i do find it sad, that people seems unwilling to grow a sturdy backbone. It's All the same to me '' enjoy life while you have it right? '' because its not around for long with that kind of mentality being the ruling ground planted in the majorities mind. *shrug*
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Steam sales are nothing like they used to be. They where so aggressive and hungry cause they needed new users. Guess what epic will force them to do?

So in short.

Fuck over devs less.
Less bloat
More offers.

You know the stuff you get when they are no longer the biggest fish. Look at how much xbox gamers got thanks due sony beating them this gen.
Just think ahead and skip all the salt.

I like steam and i think there is potential in epic.

your the one not thinking ahead...

fuck over devs less
but fuck over the customers and enduser. steam is balanced in who they fuck over.

less bloat
steam had less bloat. people were angry at them for even having standards. so they threw them out of the window. now they get flack for doing what the people wanted. its fucking irony and shows how short the memory of people really is.

more offers
how? are you kidding me? epic wont do offers because they have monopolized titles. steam always has offers. if not steam, than third party sites. its an open platform. and if you bought every one of your 400 games directly trough steam, that is your own fault.

you still didnt explain shit...
but its nice that you hold epic to high standards and think they will do sales and shit, when they arent doing it now, when it would be important.

they try to build a walled garden on pc and people fucking dont care. guess you also tought GFWL was a great idea? because competition and all?


So...GOTY edition on Steam in 2020 seems like a good purchase? :D

Anyway, Borderlands 3 is big enough that this will likelly work out well for them and for Epic (unlike Ubisoft games, where it feels like Ubi is scamming Epic). I just hope this doesn't translate to all Gearbox games going this route. Because Borderlands 3 will survive it, but doing that to for example Homeworld 3 would be sending the game to die.


Time to show some receipts. Where's your evidence that Valve bought MCC exclusivity rather than being approached by Microsoft?
I can ask you the same. Where is the evidence that Epic Games bought Borderlands 3 exclusivity rather than being approached by Gearbox? Maybe they did so because Epic Games doesn't take their revenue away?


Steam is not your friend. They where close to achieving a monopoly. This will only make steam better in the long run.
Look how fucked GPU prices are.. and how abysmall the jump was in the new RTX line. Nvidia basically has a monopoly in the high end.

I prefer steam above epic. But i like steam to change. And work harder to get those “exclusives”

Where the fuck did i say that Steam is my friend motherfucker? You go back and show me where i said this, no you can't? Don't put words in my mouth that i did not speak.


Now you're only thinking from the perspective of gamers. Ever thought about how game developers oppose Steam because of their revenue policies? EGS may have less features than Steam, but why should they care? Game developers make games to make money and apparently EGS is the better platform for that.

You are trying to hard, it is obvious you are a shill but i am going to humor you anyways. Why should i or anyone else as a gamer worry about developers? I worry about me. You shills keep trying to act like a 30 percent cut is not the standard when it is. Just so you know, developers are in the business of making money and where do they get their money from? GAMERS. If they don't make money they go out of business so let them enjoy the Chinese dirty money for now but if they continue to fuck over gamers they will pay for it.


wow you sound like a big boi

You are intentionally trying to obfuscate the reason people are upset with Epic and China, i am annoyed that you think you are being slick when you are all to obvious and then you go put words in my mouth i did not ever say, of course i am upset now, so don't act like you didn't see that response coming, back off.
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I can ask you the same. Where is the evidence that Epic Games bought Borderlands 3 exclusivity rather than being approached by Gearbox? Maybe they did so because Epic Games doesn't take their revenue away?

Are you drugs mate?
Go look at the other games on the store that were paid exclusive by Epic. Pretty much every exclusive has been paid for. Especially the indie games, what nut job owner of an indie company would release exclusively on Epic without some sort of a payout? If they weren't paid exclusive, if the publisher/developer decided on their own term to release for 6-12 months exclusive on Epic, what damn incentive do they have to do that!!!??? There is absolutely no reason to cut off 90 million potential customers just because.
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