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Sony and the hypocrisy of their "ethics" ; where were they when other nations went through crisis?


I'm starting to think people who are butthurt about the delay are just hurt that Sony isn't appealing to them. Save for maybe a few.
I think these global corporations need to just STFU and stop with all the signalling for brownie points. Just STFU and sell us stuff. No one should care what these faceless businesses have to say about politics or world events. I'm also tired of all of these gaming/ tech pod casters feeling the need to transform their shows into news correspondents. We listen to you for industry news, not your feelings about world events.... there are more professional outlets for that.


The killing of George Floyd and following protests are peanuts compared to what other nations went through (and continue to go through).
Wars in Syria, Libya, Yemen... Palestinians getting killed in cold blood (a special needs kid got murdred around the same time as George Floyd by the Jews, but I bet you haven't even heard about it)
Hong Kong protests which were much bigger than what's currently happening.

The list goes on, and on, and on.

Yet Sony kept holding events, releasing trailers, etc... In fact, they never even addressed these events.

But now that Americans are rioting and looting, the entire world is supposed to halt in it's tracks and wait for them to sort their shit out?

The truth is they don't give a flying fuck, you'd be an utter fool to think they were doing it for a moral reason , this is all to prevent the US riots from stealing mindshare when they reveal their console, especially as the US is one of their biggest markets, plus free PR points don't hurt either.

Understanding the reason still doesn't make this delay taste any less bitter, when did Americans had to cancel shit in solidarity with the rest of the world? Would not surprise me if the answer was "Never"

TL;DR: I am very clearly butthurt over the delay.

i am butthurt too. We waited so long for this.
But i think we ll manage another 10 days


there's no hypocrisy in being sympathetic with humanity and really doing something about it, and I don't see waiting for 8 days is a big deal

get the fuck off with your political agenda, this is a gaming section, you guys shilling about resetera but please look at yourself

neogaf is turning into the alt-right version of reset era. everything bad is due to companies being woke, sony and activision are cucks and everything is virtue signaling. They delayed a video game conference a few days... maybe they don't want to compete with headlines of the nation melting down. I don't think companies want their brands associated with those events when everyone is already on edge. Companies must also be hypocrites for canceling events like e3 due to covid because there is ebola in africa right?


It's called virtue signalling OP. These companies don't give shit. Neither do they have a soul. This is free marketing for them. At the end of the day they couldn't give 2 shits who died. But if they can use a situation like to potentially make some money then they will.


The truth is they don't give a flying fuck
Truer words have never been spoken, this is another media circus for Sony and not the first time they've done it.
About an hour ago I was reading Apple's take on the ongoing events, Tim Cook wrote and internal memo to their employees, are donating to charity and a lot more.
In comparison and compare we shall (if you're a Sony fan you should know why), Sony on the other hand is making a mockery of yet another issue but doing so because it's good press.

It is quite tasteless IMO.
Hot take: You can see the hypocrisy in these companies caring about certain things but staying silent on Hong Kong.

Ironically in China, this protest is being used to make more people realize that Hong Kong is all Western propaganda... though the confirmation bias of the sheep in the Western system will continue to blind them.
In the end, we are all in the Matrix. The show is only to confuse both sides. lol


Made a crappy phPBB forum once ... once.
Perhaps Jim and Mark turned the PS5 on and it overheated so they thought ‘shit, it’s not ready to show, what can we do?’


People like op are beyond help....
Before talking about others, you should try seeking help first.
To the Sony rescue once again I see, yeah the company really loves you, cares about you or even knows you exists.
They truly appreciate all the heartfelt efforts you put into defending them every opportunity you've get - which is 0 thread or comment goes unchecked.
The christians killed George Floyd.
And we are having this discussion because some antisemitic gamer wont get to see HZD come the 4th.
America doesn't claim to be the beating heart of Christians worldwide though does it? Are you being deliberately dense? Or do you genuinely think America's relationship with Christianity and Christian people is the same as that of Israel and Jewish people?


Cool it with the personal attacks.
Before talking about others, you should try seeking help first.
To the Sony rescue once again I see, yeah the company really loves you, cares about you or even knows you exists.
They truly appreciate all the heartfelt efforts you put into defending them every opportunity you've get - which is 0 thread or comment goes unchecked.

shut the fuck up moron, the world has bigger problems then weep for some moron who can't wait for some fucking console.


Gold Member
I'm not pissed because they posponed the event.
I'm not pissed because their PR propaganda shows false empathy for the tragic events in the US, despite there being much, much more important events to shed a light on elsewhere in the world (that is a fact).

I understand that people of color (is that the corret term at the moment? serious question, I don't know!) have to deal with shit that shouldn't be part of their lives to begin with, and that the US still has homework to do when it comes to dealing with racism (like any other country, really). As far as i can tell, there is no disagreement at all with regards to what should be done with the criminals (= "policemen"). And that is good. Lock them up, make them pay for it. Also, lock up looters and rioters.

I also don't appreciate the anti-US sentiment some are expressing in this forum.

What I am upset about is the precise wording Sony used in their statement (the "more important voices to be heard" bullshit). By using this terminology, they are associating themselves with left wing extremists like Antifa and others. For me this has nothing to do with Floyd or the riots or the postponement. It is all about the words used and their political implications. Left wing extremism has to die. It is about time western governments step in and do something about it, it's getting out of control.


America doesn't claim to be the beating heart of Christians worldwide though does it? Are you being deliberately dense? Or do you genuinely think America's relationship with Christianity and Christian people is the same as that of Israel and Jewish people?

Am I though? Do you think only jews serve in the military? Police? Any vocation? Do you think the government is 100% jews?


There are millions of whiny 5-year olds on Earth, and I AM THEIR KING.
They need to pander to the Twitter demographic which will do free marketing for them.
I think these global corporations need to just STFU and stop with all the signalling for brownie points. Just STFU and sell us stuff. No one should care what these faceless businesses have to say about politics or world events. I'm also tired of all of these gaming/ tech pod casters feeling the need to transform their shows into news correspondents. We listen to you for industry news, not your feelings about world events.... there are more professional outlets for that.

Good things come from the awareness, no doubt.

I do have to somewhat agree that companies/celebs etc are just so political these days. Can't just have a gaming company or a TV show anymore. Gotta have a soapbox of PR/viewpoints being pushed and social media spouting. Once companies move on political events where is the line in the sand? Why didn't Sony push back against mass shootings in USA or Hong Kong? It's a slippery slope of ideals and lines.

It's a shame leaders, politicians, lawmakers and voters of the world don't do a better job, maybe then we wouldn't have all this mess in the first place.
Am I though? Do you think only jews serve in the military? Police? Any vocation? Do you think the government is 100% jews?
You're really not getting the point. The government claims to represent all Jews worldwide. It's completely irrelevant what the actual demographics are. Israel claims to be the homeland for all of the Jewish people, America claims no religious affiliation, Israel does. Although both countries are built on ethnic cleansing by Europeans so I'll give you that one
The killing of George Floyd and following protests are peanuts compared to what other nations went through (and continue to go through).
Wars in Syria, Libya, Yemen... Palestinians getting killed in cold blood (a special needs kid got murdred around the same time as George Floyd by the Jews, but I bet you haven't even heard about it)
Hong Kong protests which were much bigger than what's currently happening.

The list goes on, and on, and on.

Yet Sony kept holding events, releasing trailers, etc... In fact, they never even addressed these events.

But now that Americans are rioting and looting, the entire world is supposed to halt in it's tracks and wait for them to sort their shit out?

The truth is they don't give a flying fuck, you'd be an utter fool to think they were doing it for a moral reason , this is all to prevent the US riots from stealing mindshare when they reveal their console, especially as the US is one of their biggest markets, plus free PR points don't hurt either.

Understanding the reason still doesn't make this delay taste any less bitter, when did Americans had to cancel shit in solidarity with the rest of the world? Would not surprise me if the answer was "Never"

TL;DR: I am very clearly butthurt over the delay.

They were the first to donate around 100 million dollars or more when the entire world was impacted by Covid. Don't drag Sony just because you're upset with a console/game announcement delay!


This is not a attack against sony, just a general observation. Since young, I was glad that I was taught to see through the bs and not take things at face value even if it's not a cool thing to do. All of these celebs and companies talking about this are doing it for themselves, be it attention whoring, trying to fit in, gain nobility or free PR. They will never care if the incident didn't blow up and go viral.


This is not a attack against sony, just a general observation. Since young, I was glad that I was taught to see through the bs and not take things at face value even if it's not a cool thing to do. All of these celebs and companies talking about this are doing it for themselves, be it attention whoring, trying to fit in, gain nobility or free PR. They will never care if the incident didn't blow up and go viral.
100% agree but a grown adult must still be able to deal with 10 days delay
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Well yeah duh its corporate bs as always and yeah they dont give a flying fuck.

But lets not forget whos behind all these riots

Lets not fall for this folks and lets stop with the riots and lootings and further killings.
The left got you where they wanted you to be and that is to fight against each other and cause more hatred and racism as they always did in the past even under obama.

We should all unite now more then ever.

Let me not start showing you videos how the left sponsored by the ccp is literally unloading bricks all over the cities so people fall for it resulting in more riots .

I cant wait to see all these mega starts doing their we are all in this togwther dance like they did during the shut downs in their 20000sf mansions .

In short i find the mega corps virtue signalling discusting .

They dont care they never did. They pulled the show cuz of negative business impact either due to low views or what ever else.

If sony would have balls they would made an even better show with a 20 minute segment at the beginning talking about racism and how games can unite us etc etc and then transition into the main ps5 event.


can't these threads be in off-topic? This is far too brain capacity driven and asking question I am trying to escape when entering the NeoGaf Forums---can we just stay with games here?
Really, every step of the day is full of news, full of morality questions full of ethics, complaints, wars, death...can't we just stay with freaking games here?
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end of the day the world is changing, with the pandemic with a lot of other things around going on. I think Sony we're wise to cancel the event for now as they want the press for it. bigger things going on in the world than game reveals


All of these celebs and companies talking about this are doing it for themselves, be it attention whoring, trying to fit in, gain nobility or free PR.
Reminds me of what Olivia Munn said in this interview (which is really really great and spot-on).
Time stamped:

The problem is this isn’t a sony problem, its a western world problem and things are only done if it enhances their brand or doesn’t damage it. Everything is literally about money in this world unfortunately.


Well they don't want to lose their PR thunder when looting is happening in US. Who is focused on some stupid games when your home is burning ?


Its a PR move, move on. Yea its annoying but this shits probably delayed til next week or something. Big fucking whoop. Overreact some moar plz.


All this #blacklivesmatter for these corporations is just putting up a good face. These corps are trained how to deal with these political stands. They will say what’s benefiting their brand. Important People on social media platforms are also being bullied into posting the #blacklivesmatter tag. This is all postering. Doing the political correct thing. You post the tag #alllivesmatter and you will be deemed a racist and also possibly fired like some already have. Sony is just looking at the bottom line. These corporations that is all they are doing. Everyone is shoving this tag down our throats and using these events that it’s a fact that racism is what’s driving all this.


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
Man, the whole industry (and other industries) was held back because of covid, shit gets cancelled or delayed over "real world" stuff, from Propeller Arena to Disaster Report 4 and others, get over it, lol. It's mostly to have the event when there's no other shit to take eyes anyway, it's just business.
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neogaf is turning into the alt-right version of reset era. everything bad is due to companies being woke, sony and activision are cucks and everything is virtue signaling. They delayed a video game conference a few days... maybe they don't want to compete with headlines of the nation melting down. I don't think companies want their brands associated with those events when everyone is already on edge. Companies must also be hypocrites for canceling events like e3 due to covid because there is ebola in africa right?
If it was a couple tweets I'd think it was to let the news cycle play out, but the Sony twitter is out there arguing with random people about the protests and talking about how they're looking in to giving money to bail funds. On facebook, when asked about the damage caused by the riots they responded with "Cities can be rebuilt, zach." At the very least Sony's PR department is ideologically invested in this whole thing and condones the actions of the people out there.


The reality is that their announcement will be lost among hundreds of videos showing looting and beatings in social media timelines.
They don't care about this particular event, they want to be heard by their #1 market....


100% agree with OP. US cop killing somebody isn't news, it's an everyday occurrence. In my country the vetting and training process for police officers is pretty rigorous, which is why we never hear about things like this. Get your shit together.

TL;DR I'm butt hurt


Companies are companies. Unfortenetely 99.9% of them don't give a flying fuck about what is happening in the US, besides the impact it may have in their own businesses. In the end its all about the money folks.

And for that matter OP, this is not just Sony.

Racism didn't start for the first time after this whole situation, but if companies can capitalize on it, surely they will do it.

It's a sad world we live in.
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Because America is a big market for them and any negative publicity would directly affect their bottom line. I don't think war-torn countries in the Middle East count as a big market. And they've kept silent on Hong Kong because they don't want to piss off their good friends in the CCP who make their chips for them.
Wanted to basically answer this.


The did It because american TV is focusing on this protest, even twiiter.

They need to introduce their Next gen console with all the attention.


We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
Lol nobody with an IQ higher than 60 believes this is actually Sony trying to be ethical. They're literally just waiting for this shit to blow over so they can take the headlines back, same as any other giant corporation would during an event of this scale when they have their new flagship product to unveil. Makes total sense.


When did Americans had to cancel shit in solidarity with the rest of the world? Would not surprise me if the answer was "Never"
Of course Never.

But I have a question, Is Sony based in the US? If so, I see why they'd delay. If they were based outside the US I wouldn't imagine a delay.


Currently Gif and Meme Champion
there's no hypocrisy in being sympathetic with humanity and really doing something about it, and I don't see waiting for 8 days is a big deal

get the fuck off with your political agenda, this is a gaming section, you guys shilling about resetera but please look at yourself
Ohh yeah, because that's what it is, where were their stance on China and Honk-kong? I rest my case.

Of course Never.

But I have a question, Is Sony based in the US? If so, I see why they'd delay. If they were based outside the US I wouldn't imagine a delay.
They have some large HQ in California, I'v heard.
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Of course Never.

But I have a question, Is Sony based in the US? If so, I see why they'd delay. If they were based outside the US I wouldn't imagine a delay.

I believe Sony have been centralizing all of their Playstation operations in California, as such I would not consider Playstation a Japanese gaming company any more (it has a remnant), it is now American so all of the drama, he/she said nonsense of the USA is now the norm for Playstation too.
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