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The Last of Us Part II - Review Thread - *NO. SPOILERS. PERIOD.*

What will TLOU 2 average score be?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


I'm gonna wait patiently for feedback from the gamer community, because this is exactly the type of game that puts me on the fence when media people review it.

There's too much baggage going on for me to take the word of media seriously, sorry.
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Oh please. You come back into the thread bringing this completely irrelevant shit up:
btw - is Sony/nd already forbidden for copyright strikes and all the craziness last month? It's not even the same studio as few years ago apparently because so much staff was laid off.
At this point your trolling is utterly transparent. You're just here to stir shit.
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from the more critical reviews i am seeing mostly the same conclusion: it's unrepentant murder porn.

tbh that is what turned me off from the first game. it looked nice enough but the combat wasn't that gripping and the violence too realistic for my tastes. i can blast demons all day long in DOOM because they are cartoonish fantasy creatures. seeing a realistic human's face mutilated is not something i want to do a single time, let alone for 25 hours.

sucks seeing the "reviewers scared of violence LOL" lines, as if any and all depictions of violence should be unquestioned because games have always been violent. if a game company is going to exploit realistic violence then it deserves to be part of the discussion. the execution of a theme matters far more than it just having the theme in the first place. and having a theme doesn't make it so you can't criticize it.

on a moral level alone i don't want to support these game makers. for some reason i don't mind giving to Kojima tens of millions of dollars to make abstract pretentious science fiction with Hollywood actors about life and death and the future and stuff. something rubs me the wrong way about giving that kind of money to a guy who is just "hey let's just have killing people, but make it look REALLY REAL"
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Oh please. You come back into the thread bringing this completely irrelevant shit up:

At this point your trolling is utterly transparent. You're just here to stir shit.
You can't leave it do You? I've never trolled anyone in my life.
This is a thread about a video game. What are we supposed to do if not discuss it?
Kneel and blindly praise it? Some criticism is fine even with 10/10 games.
You are way too defensive over this. Nobody is taking anything away from you
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The nicest person on this forum
tbh that is what turned me off from the first game. it looked nice enough but the combat wasn't that gripping and the violence too realistic for my tastes. i can blast demons all day long in DOOM because they are cartoonish fantasy creatures. seeing a realistic human's face mutilated is not something i want to do a single time, let alone for 25 hours.
I mean thats kind of the point, in Last of Us is not suppose to be pleasant killing people but you have to in order to survive. This not like Doom that makes each "killing" rewarding.


Dreams in Digital
I just gave myself a shiver. What if you entered a building and was threatened by a woman. She stands there with a knife stopping you progressing through the section you need to go through. She won't back down no matter how many times you say you do not want to kill her. Eventually you kill her because you can hear the infected have entered the building. You creep forward towards the exit and hear a child crying. There, in the corner of the room is a cot ... What would you do?

Fucking hell!
from the more critical reviews i am seeing mostly the same conclusion: it's unrepentant murder porn.

tbh that is what turned me off from the first game. it looked nice enough but the combat wasn't that gripping and the violence too realistic for my tastes. i can blast demons all day long in DOOM because they are cartoonish fantasy creatures. seeing a realistic human's face mutilated is not something i want to do a single time, let alone for 25 hours.

sucks seeing the "reviewers scared of violence LOL" lines, as if any and all depictions of violence should be unquestioned because games have always been violent. if a game company is going to exploit realistic violence then it deserves to be part of the discussion. the execution of a theme matters far more than it just having the theme in the first place. and having a theme doesn't make it so you can't criticize it.

on a moral level alone i don't want to support these game makers. for some reason i don't mind giving to Kojima tens of millions of dollars to make abstract pretentious science fiction with Hollywood actors about life and death and the future and stuff. something rubs me the wrong way about giving that kind of money to a guy who is just "hey let's just have killing people, but make it look REALLY REAL"

Violence is great, the more extreme the better.
While i agree that the negative reviews shouldnt be swept under the rug, im confused about this "brave and honest" narrative that theyre pushing to them. Negative reviews arent the ones actually getting brigaded, or at least not as much as the most positive ones.
I would not quantify how the negative reviews and positive ones are brigaded (unless we have an actual measure), but I would say that instead of trying to quantify the quantity of the reaction we should try to assess the actual arguments (when there are arguments) and to see which ones may closely represent your view, until you can actually play the game.

I think most modern reviewers review a game or movie's theme rather than it's story/gameplay/etc. using the intersectional oppression table with the RACISM = PREJUDICE + POWER definition of racism... So obviously given the rest of the ideology they have to do something to address their own internalized racism (if they are white, especially for white guys). Not only that, but if you don't wholefully subscribe to the agenda you are fragile or toxic, if it makes you sad or hurt you in some way you use white tears to silence members of oppressed groups, so on and so forth. These are all rhetorical techniques to silence criticism, and valid criticism there is, people who warned us over the last 20+ years (even 150 years) of the dangers of such movement, how it eventually takes away all the rights that a modern occidental democracy offers is coming to fruition with the current riots in the US--hopefully something good will come out of the current situation because it could spread and definitely take over your country, as many people who lived under some kind of dictatorship can attest, this is coming too close for comfort.
Remove BioShock Infinite or Mass Effect 3 from the context of what came before and it's hard not to praise them, especially as a critic. The controversy surrounding them is also understandable but it's weird how it's beyond people they'd score well.
What's the problem with Bioshock Infinite? I never heard of the controversy around its critics scores (however the game bores me, so I never went very far in it).
I would not quantify how the negative reviews and positive ones are brigaded (unless we have an actual measure), but I would say that instead of trying to quantify the quantity of the reaction we should try to assess the actual arguments (when there are arguments) and to see which ones may closely represent your view, until you can actually play the game.

I think most modern reviewers review a game or movie's theme rather than it's story/gameplay/etc. using the intersectional oppression table with the RACISM = PREJUDICE + POWER definition of racism... So obviously given the rest of the ideology they have to do something to address their own internalized racism (if they are white, especially for white guys). Not only that, but if you don't wholefully subscribe to the agenda you are fragile or toxic, if it makes you sad or hurt you in some way you use white tears to silence members of oppressed groups, so on and so forth. These are all rhetorical techniques to silence criticism, and valid criticism there is, people who warned us over the last 20+ years (even 150 years) of the dangers of such movement, how it eventually takes away all the rights that a modern occidental democracy offers is coming to fruition with the current riots in the US--hopefully something good will come out of the current situation because it could spread and definitely take over your country, as many people who lived under some kind of dictatorship can attest, this is coming too close for comfort.

What's the problem with Bioshock Infinite? I never heard of the controversy around its critics scores (however the game bores me, so I never went very far in it).

There's a bit less to the combat encounters/plasmids/etc. the first BioShock had a lot more tools for you to throw at a situation. The other problem is the story's ending which is incredibly divisive.
I've been gaming all my life and I've killed some many human NPC's that I'm a certified mass murderer at this point lol. But damned if I didn't flinched and looked away went Ellie stabbed that Asian lady in the trailer. The game looks so realistic and so violent that I don't know if it's for me. Maybe I'm getting old lol. Great reviews though! Congrats to Naughty Dog.
The first game had the advantage of being one of the first dad games these 30-something game reviewers had to latch onto, and had high enough production values+standard style of writing to give them something to hold up to make them feel more mature in their career.

We'll have to see if the lesbian experience in this game hits home for them as well.

I'm predicting a 93. It won't deserve it like a God of War, but ND games always score overly high.

Seriously. Aside from Silent Hill 1 and Nier on the ps3, are there any other console games in which you play as a parent fighting for their kid?


The nicest person on this forum
Seriously. Aside from Silent Hill 1 and Nier on the ps3, are there any other console games in which you play as a parent fighting for their kid?
For me what standout about original TLOU is how brutal it was, before original game came out on PS3 I don't remember any other Zombie apocalypse games as brutal as bleak as TLOU. It kind of what attracted me to the game in the first place.


DId Kotaku and Polygon give lesser scores because of the game itself or because of a sociopolitical agenda?

Haven't read the Polygon one, but Kotaku's reviewer praised the "representation" and just didn't enjoy the game as much due to how brutal/violent and depressing it was.

That's a fine opinion in my view. I like brutal, depressing games, movies etc. from time to time. Others don't, and maybe especially now with all the stress and worry in the world with Covid, the protests etc. Good for those folks to have some reviews that tell them that maybe this isn't the game for them or the game for them right now. That Kotaku review still told me that I'll love it given I don't mind the brutality and agreed with all the positives of the game they mentioned.
Who the fuck designated you as a thought police on this board? You reported me when i was critisizing PS4 and its games and called me a console warrior even though i never praised any other console because i only own PS4, now this other user. Is there an unwritten rule somewhere that you can't say anything negative about Sony? No? Then shut the fuck up please. Everybody is free to express their opinion whether its positive or negative.
I wouldn't sweat that turd. He thinks he's the thought police and that anyone that says anything negative about Sony is a MSOFT Warrior. He's pathetic, he tried going through my post history yesterday to get me on a "Gotcha" moment of being anti-Sony even though I own ALL the consoles.

DId Kotaku and Polygon give lesser scores because of the game itself or because of a sociopolitical agenda?
Those outlets? Sociopolitical Agenda for sure.
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I read the Washington Post review and it gave me hope that the leaks don't actually reflect the game.

Hype levels rising? Still gonna wait for GAF impressions. I trust you guys.


These publications I just don't trust much.. I have a long list of youtube channels that I know are going to give me varied and honest opinions..
so far the vast majority either are a good bit disappointed by this game, or flat out hate it.

Almost every one refers to it as Game of Thrones Season 8
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Neo Member
There's a bit less to the combat encounters/plasmids/etc. the first BioShock had a lot more tools for you to throw at a situation. The other problem is the story's ending which is incredibly divisive.

Agreed, Infinite felt quite dumbed down compared to 1 and 2. For me it was such a massive dissapointment compared to the first to games and the gameplay videos that were shown before the game launched weren`t exactly the game we got. Doubt that`s the case with TLOU2.
I've never really been hype for this game and some commentary from the skill up guys confirmed for me that it's more of the same. I was pretty bored of the gameplay loop in the original halfway in and was only in it for the story. I might just wait on this one for later


There are currently 84 reviews

81 positive
3 mixed (still good scores)
0 bad

I'm looking through this thread and wondering what the fuck people are talking about.

Who knows... The game received rave reviews and universal-unanimous critical acclaim, and perhaps (like the judges of figure-skating) people are just nitpicking about a ridiculously tiny minority (of reviewers) that expressed their mixed feelings about the game. I mean this game is a brutally strong contender for GOTY, and what crazy year it is, mind you ...
PS4 has gotten 3 GOTY contenders that come in the size of a Behemoth : The Last of Us Part II, FF7 Remake and Ghost of Tsushima.
And there's one more multi-platform game called Cyberpunk 2077 in the horizon, readying itself to become another contender for GOTY.

I mean dude, what kind of of fierce competition for GOTY this is we've got ourselves here. Like clash of the Titans.
FYI, I don't count RE3Remake as a GOTY contender, because the game just came and went like that (it was criticized for various shortcomings such as length, cut content, uncalled-for changes and whatnot). It wasn't bad per se, but it didn't live up to RE2Remake.
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Watched the review -- felt it was really well-done and reasonable. Didn't say it was good or bad, really, just that he didn't enjoy it and didn't like it nearly as much as the first one, and went into detail as to why. No review score that I could tell. I can get on board with that style of review.

Now watch this one



Watched the review -- felt it was really well-done and reasonable. Didn't say it was good or bad, really, just that he didn't enjoy it and didn't like it nearly as much as the first one, and went into detail as to why. No review score that I could tell. I can get on board with that style of review.
It's a fine review, it's his opinion.

In general, though it seems like to me he isn't the biggest fan of Naughty Dog's style considering he didn't like the first one at launch either. But it is what it is.

I wonder though, if all the people championing his review just because it's negative about the game, agreed with him on his thoughts on the very awful Days Gone, Far Cry 5, tons of videos on Destiny, and maybe even Death Stranding as well.

I somewhat agreed with him on Death Stranding, game was good, but those other games.. Eh, doesn't surprise me he doesn't like Part 2. Also the issues that FF7R had.. yeah


Listen, I've heard many a shout over the years from drunk jealous sailors and FUD artists. ND always delivers and always conquers them......At this point in time ND's seal of approval is the ultimate standard of game creation. No other dev has been so skilled and so consistent in history. Not just gameplay+story, but visuals, animation, sound, physics, great characters. It's easy to see why so many mongers wanted to tear down ND with fake dribbling...

In Druckmann I trust. He never gave me any doubt as to his ability. A legendary game creator this guy is....and he has etched his name in the galaxy's mindstone with this one.....


It's a fine review, it's his opinion.

In general, though it seems like to me he isn't the biggest fan of Naughty Dog's style considering he didn't like the first one at launch either. But it is what it is.

I wonder though, if all the people championing his review just because it's negative about the game, agreed with him on his thoughts on the very awful Days Gone, Far Cry 5, tons of videos on Destiny, and maybe even Death Stranding as well.

I somewhat agreed with him on Death Stranding, game was good, but those other games.. Eh, doesn't surprise me he doesn't like Part 2. Also the issues that FF7R had.. yeah

How was Days Gone “very awful”? Lol


I felt like the Skill Up review was in line with how I approach the game and confirming that it probably was a good choice for me to skip it. How he went deeply into aspects of the franchise and the game, where it does well and where it fails, really gives a good picture of what one might . The way he's not allowed to speak much about various portions of the game, the part about 10 hours of padding, it really feels in line with my expectations from the leaks.

Well, just watched this and he bashes pretty hard in the game.

He makes some pretty valid points, some of which I can totally relate too.


How was Days Gone “very awful”? Lol
Terribly writing, outdated and repeated mission design filled with hours worth of filler fetch quests, barebone mechanics, bugs, frame rate and other technical issues, barebone world. If you told me the game was a Ubisoft game, I would have believed you. The story was somewhat okay and interesting, some funny characters but not enough to make the game memorable or a recommendation without a very very steep sale.


Washington Post's Gene Park: I saw the leaks and thought I knew. I was still not prepared for ‘The Last of Us Part II’

I was ready and willing to hate the sequel to “The Last of Us.”

Naughty Dog’s “The Last of Us” was a high watermark for narratives in gaming, and didn’t need a sequel. Its ending’s ambiguity was perfect, as evidenced by seven years of passionate, intelligent back-and-forth debate over whether the protagonist, Joel Miller, made the right decision.

I tried to sabotage the hype for myself by diving straight into all the leaks and rumors that surfaced in April. Part of it can be blamed on journalist’s curiosity. After all, these leaks were huge, and my level of excitement was already pretty low. Seeing these leaks would’ve affirmed my biases. And sure enough, what I saw and read left me severely disappointed and angry. The leaks made the story sound trite, uninspired and misguided. “I knew it,” I thought. “They never should’ve made a sequel.” This was my mind-set as I booted up “The Last of Us 2.”

By the end of it, I had changed my mind. Despite my early and strict skepticism of the premise, I now believe the sequel to “The Last of Us” feels justified. It dives deeper into character motivation than ever before, and it’s at least as good as the first game, which many believed to be almost perfect. It does not worsen or remove that ending’s significance or impact. It grapples with its traumatic consequences directly, without any of the coy teasing and walking on eggshells that dominate much of pop art, including film.

While I will not confirm details within any of the leaks, I can deny some of them. Game director Neil Druckmann (who co-wrote the story with screenwriter Halley Gross) made an early claim that there were “a lot of other false rumors out there.” This is not a lie, and is a reference to many false narratives and plot summaries spread across sites like 4chan and Reddit. Some made up entire details and scenes, while making false assumptions about the story and its characters.

I was always agaisnt the hate for this game when the leaks hit, since in my mind only an artless autistic dork would actually judge a game based solely on some plot points some other autistic artless dork wrote or some rough unfinished cutscene you saw. Like what the fuck? By that logic just read every plot summary from wikipedia for every movie and game and call it good you dumbasses. Why take the time to experience anything at all if your stupid small brained tasteless opinion can be swayed by just a few plot points? If you had actually played it and hate it, that’s totally fair, i’ll hear you out, but not based on these leaks, you neckbearded, transition-lens touting, fedora-wearing, mountain dew shirt with trench coat on your back smelly fuck.

Anyway, the point is I hope anyone who is in that camp reads the above quote. Love a person who can admit when they’re wrong.


So Naughty Dog since 2010 in Metacritic:

Uncharted 2 (2010) 96

Uncharted 3 (2012) 92

The Last of Us (2013) 95

Uncharted 4 (2016) 94

The Last of Us 2 (2020) 96

Yep, the secret to sell 10 million copies every time and have those scores is having swj writters.

Its so easy that im surprised on why Microsoft, EA, Activision, Ubisoft, etc keep wasting millions of dollars trying to make good games and researching for good gameplay loops, just get left wing writters and you are ready to success.
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Guys, I would like to praise the Gnomon alumni and their work at/for Naughty Dog

Philip Weisfeld – Environment Texture Artist

Sarah Swenson – Environment Artist

Tiffany Chu – Environment Texture Artist

Alex Harrington – Environment Texture Artist

Katherine McGinley – Environment Texture Artist

Jeff Parker – Associate Environment Artist
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I can see where SkillUp is coming from and his impressions seem to confirm where I expected this game was going. Although I actually really liked the stealth and gameplay in the first one, I don't think more of that can carry what seems to be a one dimensional story, notwithstanding improvements.


I was always agaisnt the hate for this game when the leaks hit, since in my mind only an artless autistic dork would actually judge a game based solely on some plot points some other autistic artless dork wrote or some rough unfinished cutscene you saw. Like what the fuck? By that logic just read every plot summary from wikipedia for every movie and game and call it good you dumbasses. Why take the time to experience anything at all if your stupid small brained tasteless opinion can be swayed by just a few plot points? If you had actually played it and hate it, that’s totally fair, i’ll hear you out, but not based on these leaks, you neckbearded, transition-lens touting, fedora-wearing, mountain dew shirt with trench coat on your back smelly fuck.

Anyway, the point is I hope anyone who is in that camp reads the above quote. Love a person who can admit when they’re wrong.
The Walking Dead milked the revenge plot to oblivion.

Naughty Dog: "One more time."



Uncharted 2 (2010) 96

Uncharted 3 (2012) 92

The Last of Us (2013) 95

Uncharted 4 (2016) 94

The Last of Us 2 (2020) 96

Uncharted 4 bored me to tears! I really am done with Naughty Dog's gameplay formula. That and hearing that there's very little enemy variety in TLOU2, and that it takes 25-30 hours! to complete means it's a pass for me.


These publications I just don't trust much.. I have a long list of youtube channels that I know are going to give me varied and honest opinions..
so far the vast majority either are a good bit disappointed by this game, or flat out hate it.

Almost every one refers to it as Game of Thrones Season 8

What they got an early copy of the game but their scores don't count on metacritic?

REE Machine

Is the religious cult annoying?
In post apocalyptic movies and tv shows I always find these crazy cults very annoying and hard to believe that anyone would join them.
Maybe I've been watching too much walking dead but these cults are very annoying.
Is it like this here?
btw - is Sony/nd already forbidden for copyright strikes and all the craziness last month? It's not even the same studio as few years ago apparently because so much staff was laid off.
Again - I don't want to be too negative)This thread is like stepping on eggshells). I am still interested in the game but you know... We all tend to forgive and forget pretty quickly.
You're right it's a new studio with new staff and they seem to be fucking killing it on their first big game being there highest rated they've had yet!
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You're right it's a new studio with new staff and they seem to be fucking killing it on their first big game being there highest rated they've had yet!
haha let's hope so! I would love Sully prequel or Sam+Sully Uncharted game is Drake is out of the question in the future


Uncharted 4 bored me to tears! I really am done with Naughty Dog's gameplay formula. That and hearing that there's very little enemy variety in TLOU2, and that it takes 25-30 hours! to complete means it's a pass for me.

I’m not a fan of uncharted anymore but I love TLoU so I think I will like this one. We’ll see.


So Naughty Dog since 2010 in Metacritic:

Uncharted 2 (2010) 96

Uncharted 3 (2012) 92

The Last of Us (2013) 95

Uncharted 4 (2016) 94

The Last of Us 2 (2020) 96

Yep, the secret to sell 10 million copies every time and have those scores is having swj writters.

Its so easy that im surprised on why Microsoft, EA, Activision, Ubisoft, etc keep wasting millions of dollars trying to make good games and researching for good gameplay loops, just get left wing writters and you are ready to success.
Get some fresh air. Or pussy for a change. Your priorities in life seem flawed
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