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What's wrong with Digital Foundry?

Xaero Gravity

Ok, confession time: which of you guys is Tominator on Twitter?




Probably demigod demigod

Great Hair

I'm hearing a lot of comments from gamers on this forum about DF that is in a negative context. I am curious why so many people speak negatively about them.

Let's hear it.

I simply don´t get why, someone with no apparent reasons, affiliations with Digital Foundry has a sudden urge to question forum members about said topic.

Richard, are you conducting a survey? Why does it matter to you? All ya gotta do is lead better. :messenger_beaming:
Ok, confession time: which of you guys is Tominator on Twitter?





Ok Linneman is an idiot who NEVER takes criticism well and has often whined about how people are mean and that he's ugly etc but telling him to kill himself is a dumb fuck move.

As far as what DF does, they fuel console wars more than anything, if they didn't do those comparisons they'd probably be out of business. I have a Pro and a One X, the Pro is the console I favor but I do play a lot of 3rd party games on the X. One came out a year later and it cost $100 more, had more memory and more improvements were done to it's GPU so of course I expect that one to do a better job upgrading games, I don't need DF to validate my purchase. Of course I'm kind frustrated with the state of things in general lately, I wish twitter, facebook, IG and all of those stupid, meaningless waste of time platforms that have gotten more people to fight and hate each other over the stupidest shit the last few years and caused more chaos than any super villain could have dreamed possible would go away forever.


They got an exclusive look at new Xbox along with another YouTuber so obviously they would jump at that opportunity to promote their channel by showing Xbox. The fact that you think this type of exclusive is fanboyism is just laughable. You think they wouldn't do the same for Sony if Cerny gave them the hardware? Oh wait, here they are "promoting" PS5:

Such Xbox fanboys these guys are...

They went to Redmond... To make a promotional video about the new Xbox... That's it. If you can't see the difference of that with the other videos... Well, that's your choice.

However, again: There is nothing wrong with that. It's just what it is.


They went to Redmond... To make a promotional video about the new Xbox... That's it. If you can't see the difference of that with the other videos... Well, that's your choice.

However, again: There is nothing wrong with that. It's just what it is.
They were invited along with Austin lol. Wait, you didn't know select YouTubers/outlets get invited and get exclusive showing? Well, it's kinda a thing on internet, you know. If anything, it was a smart marketing move by Microsoft and DF would have been stupid to pass up the opportunity. Maybe we should blame Sony for not doing something similar, but let's rather blame DF.
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Truly, an exemplary demonstration of fact-based analysis and rebuttal, befitting the debate halls of Oxford.
Explain to me this crysis shrine please?
You can tell from the video title alone if its an alex video or not.

I hated him from the beginning he is just a klugscheisser and nothing else. Maybe hang out with german pc elitist and you see what i mean.
Trust me i knew way too many of them. I am from the originaly.
I see him from a different point of you than most here


I find it annoying how they always softball Nintendo releases. I'll never forget how they said the Switch version of Bayonetta had "virtually the same" texture quality as PC


If that's virtually the same then you need to visit an eye doctor ASAP
Lol, they do downplay poor visuals on Switch, probably because of the potable hardware. So we finally figured it out, they're in fact Nintendo fanboys and not Microsoft shills, lol. This kinda does destroy the narrative that they only overlook technical flaws on Xbox games, although I doubt we'll hear the end of it.
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Imo it is fair to say Richard is MS 'bias', most probably because MS used to take over the Sega vibe during Xbox OG and 360 times. With current Phil time, MS seems to be more open and communicative with DF. So for a freelance site like DF, every support is desired.

It's a two way respect thing. You cant put up videos and articles without information feed 🤷‍♀️
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Anyway, I don't get it, why is everybody talking about DF and Sony? I've watched DF for months, and their real bias is obvious - they absolutely hate Nintendo! In every Wii U and Switch video I have ever watched, they always shit on Nintendo, pointing out how downgraded the Switch ports are when compared to the Xbox/PS4 versions, patronisingly referring to many as "miracle ports", such is their distain for Nintendo hardware. There is no other reason for this, other than unfair bias. The are obviously paid shills for Sega, who everyone knows are still bitter about not being in the console business anymore, so they give money to DF to make them dump on their old rival.

Jooxed Jooxed and the rest of the Nintendo GAF crew, GET ITTT!


They were invited along with Austin lol. Wait, you didn't know select YouTubers/outlets get invited and get exclusive showing? Well, it's kinda a thing on internet, you know. If anything, it was a smart marketing move by Microsoft.

Yeah they get paid (one way or another) to do so...... This is kinda old.... Your point is?

I think that you are misunderstanding me or being disingenuous, I just said that they appear, to me, to be biased in favor of Xbox and they are free to do whatever they want, including promotional videos.

They are just a group of enthusiasts that makes videos about video games.
I don't really watch them all that much but when I have they've seemed much more fair than people act like they are on here - I mean from what I recall with the Sony conference they were zooming in on raytracing effects and analyzing how raytracing was being used in general. Which I didn't see being used much in the Microsoft one. Either way brand loyalists are annoying. Grow up. Sony and MS are both multi-billion dollar corporations being a "fan" of solely one strikes me as weird as fuck.
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This kind of slander should be a banable offence.
And how so?
Elaborate. Also after this i put you on ignore as you always call me out or comment in a derogatory way.
If anything should be banable its you stalking me and singling me out with your bullshit comments.


I just said that they appear, to me, to be biased in favor of Xbox
Why? Because Microsoft chose to be open with their console reveal and invited them for exclusive look? Anyone would jump at that opportuniy so blaming DF for it is kinda ridiculous. If DF were biased in favour of Microsoft then they wouldn't have gone so hard on them in their reaction video to the Xbox conference. I think this bias people are speaking of is in their heads and in reality it's themselves who are biased.
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I'll let you know after I read their next article "Haptic feedback does it really feed you?" or "We have tried adapters & we have tried triggers does adding these two items together really make a difference?"
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A certain subset of “gamers” are just getting in early to discredit and hand wave DF’s tech analysis now because they are not going to favour their favourite piece of plastic and metal this generation.

NX gamer, who this forum loved this generation as well as DF, will be next.

It’s painfully obvious what’s going on.


Why? Because Microsoft chose to be open with their console reveal and invited them for exclusive look? Anyone would jump at that opportuniy so blaming DF for it is kinda ridiculous. If DF were biased in favour of Microsoft then they wouldn't have gone so hard in their reaction video to the recent Xbox conference. I think this bias people are speaking of is in their heads and in reality it's themselves who are biased.
You should read again my posts in this thread.

Have fun!


You should read again my posts in this thread.

Have fun!
I have and you failed to point out the bias. Sorry, but I cannot take your claim about them getting invited by Microsoft seriously. If you think that proves bias then every site and every YouTube outlet is biased too.
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A certain subset of “gamers” are just getting in early to discredit and hand wave DF’s tech analysis now because they are not going to favour their favourite piece of plastic and metal this generation.

NX gamer, who this forum loved this generation as well as DF, will be next.

It’s painfully obvious what’s going on.

I'm waiting for the results & can't wait to see the shock & awe


I find it annoying how they always softball Nintendo releases. I'll never forget how they said the Switch version of Bayonetta had "virtually the same" texture quality as PC


If that's virtually the same then you need to visit an eye doctor ASAP

To be fair the shadow in the Switch image look more true to life lol


Rodent Whores
Explain to me this crysis shrine please?
The what?

I hated him from the beginning he is just a klugscheisser and nothing else. Maybe hang out with german pc elitist and you see what i mean.
Trust me i knew way too many of them. I am from the originaly.
I see him from a different point of you than most here
Hating a person over vidya games of all things should be an indication that your emotions are out of whack. Since when is a difference of opinion grounds for personal attacks?
They seem so afraid of Sony fanboys now that they didn’t even dare to say that DLSS is superior to checkerboard rendering in their recent video and prompted us to decide for ourselves instead. 😂 Well hey, Sony bois pay a lot of their bills I guess so what are you gonna do.


John needs a break from the internet.

Game coverage is his job. People tend to stress about their jobs.
I get its his job but lets be real its not a real job.
He doesnt have to answer to anyone. He can tune the haters out if he wants too.

I wish i would have a job like him.
Have you ever got emails on a sunday night at 11pm from clients bitching about shit , me trying to calm them down but also stay firm in a way that they dont get too pissed so i dont get paid at the end? Now thats stress

Xaero Gravity


And how so?
Elaborate. Also after this i put you on ignore as you always call me out or comment in a derogatory way.
If anything should be banable its you stalking me and singling me out with your bullshit comments.
Lmao you're so sensitive. You and I both know you're not an Xbot, hence why it's said in a joking fashion. But if you're so mentally unstable that you're actually taking offence to an obvious joke, then please put me on ignore.

As for the "banable offence", that's clearly me being facetious because I'm not from Newfoundland and it's a joke about the Newfie stereotype. The fact that any of this needed to be explained to you says a lot. Get some help, please.


I mean...lighting is something that people can say 'easily correctable' .... not so easy when character geometry, shaders, textures, particles and animations all look very bad....

It's not a quick fix.
Lighting affects literally everything you mentioned there apart from animations.

Lighting of those textures and shaders is one of the biggest things in graphics.


And...clearly you do?
Even if i disagree or call bullshit on their halo suck up video, at the end of the day i am still invested in gaming so yes hate or love i watch all of their videos.

Can anyone link in here a pic about the crysis shrine with candles lit? Thanks

Golgo 13

The Man With The Golden Dong
I think the ONLY reason why some of the pathetic console fanboys of this forum dislike Digital Foundry is all based around identifying with their Shiny Plastic Box of choice, and how Digital Foundry may occasionally challenge their fragile beliefs on said Shiny Box's "superiority" (which is fucking stupid, they just report technical findings).

I own and enjoy all consoles and I've never once objectively found Digital Foundry to be biased or misrepresent their findings for any reason. More importantly, I've never been mislead by their findings - everytime they've said a game has solid performance, it did. And everytime they said a game was a visual-showcase, it was.

I did think they were "nicer" than I would've been in their position on Halo: Infinite, however I think that comes from not wanting to pass final judgement on a work-in-progress build, and being professionals all around.


Because the xbox one x is more powerful than the ps4pro so Sony fanatics have had to listen to digital foundry telling us that 3rd party games are better on xbox one x.

And it will continue in my opinion with the next generation as xbox series x is more powerful than the ps5.

Sonly fanatics are ruining forums and comments etc all over the place.

I really enjoy my playstation consoles but the Sony fanatics are the absolute worst.
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