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PS5 only gamers, assume all Bethesda games go exclusive. What now?


Gimped versions of Elder Scrolls and Doom running on a XBX in 2 years, because of a shitty XSS? Fuck that noise. MS can go fuck themselves. Sticking with PS5 (eventually) & PC. Those established and cherished IP's will be run into the ground anyway.....the short-term memory loss of all the "Sony is doomed" crew is hilarious.


I buy both systems this gen but I wouldn't really care.

I loved Doom 2016, but Eternal not so much. I also didn't like the Wolfenstein games after TNO. I don't like TES at all. The best Bethesda games this gen for me were Dishonored 2 and Prey, both weren't tremendously succesful and ran like shit on consoles anyway.

I think their games are hit and miss.


I was planning to build a gaming PC for my fore Valve Index after I grab a PS5. Those plans dont need to change as I will just grab the Bethesda games off Steam :)
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Anything that doesn't come to PS5 is on PC..so i'll play them there. If they are paywalled behind gamepass...I wont.


I was planning to build a gaming PC for my fire Val e Index after I grab a PS5. Those plans dont need to change as I will just grab the Bethesda games off Steam :)
Yeah, PS5 and PC is a good combo. I'm buying one for doing art and designing things but I will play some strategy games if see any good ones on there.
I have a more than capable PC..but the wife prefers an xbox.

Looks like i'll be heading to gamestop here tomorrow, or going through the MS Store. She literally text me like "The folks who make Skyrim just got bought by them, go put some money down for me" lol
I’ve been gaming exclusively on Playstation for 20 years. If StarField/Fallout/Elder Scrolls goes exclusive ill have to decide between the series x or series s in a few years.
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I have a more than capable PC..but the wife prefers an xbox.

Looks like i'll be heading to gamestop here tomorrow, or going through the MS Store. She literally text me like "The folks who make Skyrim just got bought by them, go put some money down for me" lol
If my wife said she liked Xbox, I'd plan a day sightseeing by the cliffs....


Bethesda games have always been jank to me. I may get an Xbox to supplement my PS5/Switch, if it has the games. Bethesda is an unlikely source to get me interested though.


I have a PC, so I'm unaffected. This acquisition is not a good thing though and very anti competitive and anti consumer.
If everyone buys PS5 overwhelmingly , they will have to bring all the games to PS5.

I think the small games like Dishonored will be exclusive (which is a shame but Dishonored 2 really killed a lot of my interest) but big games like Fallout 5 will go to PS5 - but at the very least it will be a year delay and delays to the expansions...and let’s not forget the full modding ability is available on Xbox but not Playstation...

I love Bethesda Studio style games so this 7 billion may have done its work as far as I’m concerned


Gold Member
I personally haven't bought a Bethesda game since Skyrim so it doesn't affect me. I understand Doom was quite good though

Boss Mog

I will do just fine without Fallout and Elder Scrolls. I doubt Bethesda will ever innovate with those franchises, why bother when they will sell a ton without changing much, just update the graphics a bit and bam. They will still play like shit. I won't miss SJW Wolfenstein either. Really the only loss for me will be Arkane which make pretty good and innovative games generally speaking.
Not an ES fan to be honest I tried Skyrim back on ps3, just didn’t appeal to me. The rest of the catalog of games I have little to no desire to play, especially after what the last fallout was🤦🏽‍♂️
Isn't every Xbox game also on PC though?

I'll get Starfield maybe 3-6 years from now on PC if it turns out to be a game on par with Sony's exclusives.

Bethesda has a lot of prove, they're not the AAA publisher they used to be. I'll be glad to be proven wrong. Space games and exploration are my kind of games, so starfield seems interesting to me.
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TBH I am not sure what to do. NGL, I was seriously considering going with a XSX first but as I have well over a year of PS+, a large PS4 library and had already preordered CP77 for PS4 I jumped on the PS5 last week, the extra games from PS+ seemed a good way to fill time once I finished my first play of CP77 (there’s a few games I haven’t played plus a few I have discs for that I will replay) until true next gen games start arriving. I would have eventually picked up a XSS anyway most likely.

Now though? I’m not sure. I like Bethesda/Zenimax games and with the exception of Bungie they are my most played games this gen. Just the thought of there being any chance of exclusivity makes me lean toward XSX, it’s more powerful, I’m more likely to mess with mods as XB has better support, GP seems a great deal and I’ve liked the concept of the Elite controller for some time. So now I’m considering going XSX first and PS5 toward the end of the generation. I may be able to find my 360 games and use them plus GP to fill out for a while...

Or maybe it’s time to build a PC and keep the PS5. If I didn’t travel so much I would have already done this, traveling with a PS is easy. I wonder how hard it would be to travel with a XSX... could always pick up both XBs and travel with the XSS. On top of that I am really frustrated/angry at work right now, am seriously considering just going back to being an electrician which would keep me at home...

I REALLY don’t want to buy more than one console now. And I don’t want to buy some games again. Last gen was the first time I went with PS first since the X1X was such a disaster at launch- historically I always go Nintendo first.



Microsoft has poorly handled acquisitions in the past. Who says these new studios won't deteriorate?

damn.. that’s so pessimistic and spiteful. I don’t like it.

This acquisition really makes me doubt to be honest! It truly is a gigantic big-dick move :)

I love almost all Bethesda’s games; Elders Scrolls, Doom, Wolfenstein, dishonored.. all are among my favorite games EVER

On the other hand, I build up a very large PS4 library of games ánd I love PSVR. Also, I’m invested in PS exclusives like Horizon, Spider-Man, TLOU and GOW.

I think I’ll still be buying a PS5 first. But I’m sure I will (have to) buy a Xbox SX after a couple of years, when all the Bethesda exclusives start rolling out.

Great Hair

I´ve never tasted green frijoles and never will.
I will replay Fallout 3, when everyone gets to play Fallout 77.

Fallout 76 gonna be officially the most
expensive, non working, shitty mmo out there.
$100 for the F076 sub + $120 for gamepass
Fallout 76 will cost you 2021+ and beyond over $220


Gold Member
I'm tentatively planning on getting either an XSX or XSS (or whatever the mid-gen refresh is) in 3 or 4 years. By then I expect MS will have built up a catalog of games I want to play -- games like Elder Scrolls, Starfield, Fable, and Avowed. But that's off in the distant future. For the next few years, it'll be PS4/5 and Switch.


They/Them A-10 Warthog
If you play bethesda games on console you are a three head. Bethesda games are made for PC and Mods.

Actually scratch that... Bethesda games are only good with mods period, and the Mod selection on PC is light years ahead of consoles.
It's a great get for Xbox but let's be clear here they were/are so far behind Sony in content and still are even after buying zenimax so I don't get all the crying about sony needs to respond when they don't really do they all things considered ... I wish Xbox well it's a competition after all and it was a great move .


The Xbox S Series will be something i will consider IF Elder Scrolls look stunning and its Xbox exclusive. There is still Forza for second game i like from MS. But it wont stop me one second getting a PS5 when i will buy one. Im not going to headbang myself into my table to choose one or the other, its one or both.


great move for Microsoft for game pass, but i still don't see why the Internet makes it seem like Sony should be in panic mode..as of now multiplats will still be multi from this acquisition. even when it does change, i only play Doom and i have a PC anyway. kinda think 7 billie is still a bit much, they could have bought a few studios for that price


i always saw this bethesda games, doom, fallout but never played, until a couple months ago bought doom 2011 on steam i really like it but to be honest i really dont care if they go "exclusive" cuz this is why i have a pc too.
It will take more than studio acquisitions to make me consider Xbox.

At the end of the day, Sony has more compelling content out NOW on PS4 and upcoming PS5. Xbox Series X/S launch is looking very thin at the moment regarding must have titles.

You don't just go on hopes and dreams. Smart consumers will go where the games are NOW and not in 2 or 3 years time. If by then Xbox has a better lineup, then sure it makes sense to go with Xbox but currently this is a promising sign for Xbox and nothing more.

This is a good buy from MS and we are yet to see what comes from it.


Gold Member
I'd buy an XSX in 2-3 years when any of those games actually come out, I guess.

Or maybe a gaming PC. Probably a better combo, but also more expensive.
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Depends on the games really. Starfield seemed an interesting concept but I thought that game wasn't coming out for like 3-4 years. I'll wait and see.


Doesn't change anything for me. I but Bethesda games on the pc for mods or fps. The only games of theirs I've bought in my ps4 is both evil withins, still haven't played them but got them dirt cheap. Think I might try it now that I just remembered them
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