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Aliens and UFOs

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So they left the planet a long time ago and their original homeland is lost? I mean, that raises questions of how they developed interstellar travel, why did they leave the earth and also why return.

On another note, saw this was uploaded yesterday. Don't think it's anything new, but it's worth a watch.

I think its possible. Look at the US from the 1860s to the 1960s. Most people were living pretty much similar to ancient humans and using horses for travel. Then we're landing on the moon and the SR71 only 100 years later. It would just take a small blip in time, a technological explosion and a set of advances that might not have mirrored ours exactly.
And who's to say they ever truly left earth?
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Very interesting account from the British Navy, even more so the way he describes things we've seen footage of. Larger objects releasing orbs.

Theres some sort of relationship between the more solid looking objects that are metallic and usually cigar shaped and those almost translucent orbs
A breakaway, advanced humans civilization doesn't make any sense to me.

It goes against basic human instincts. We're a tribal society. Always have been. Look at history and see what happens when a civilization has a technical advantage over another. It leads to the advanced society dominating the less advanced civilization by conquest, or it's used as a deterrent to warn off rivals.

Look at modern history even. When a nation has a clear technical advantage, it shows it off to its rivals as a way of saying "look at our power. Don't fuck with us".

What do you think these sightings are, or the craft disabling nuclear missile sites is? An advanced civilization of any kind isn't going to repeatedly forget to hit the "Cloaking" button or race fighter jets if they are flying around and WANT to be unnoticed. The logical conclusion is that they want to be seen, either as direct military intimidation or as a general statement of "We will do whatever we want and you can't stop us".

I find it hard to imagine a secret civilization has been hiding among us with such a clear leap in technology and a understanding of science, but for some reason have just been checking us out rather than using this to their advantage to dominate and control the rest of the world.

Who says they don't have passive control? Not to get too conspiratorial, but our exploration and colonization as a species has stagnated since we went to the moon. The moon is basically off limits now, as is Antarctica and the deep seas, which are bound up in UN treaties and regulations to "protect resources". Seems a little strange, doesn't it?

That leads me to another issue? Where have they been hiding and how? For them to stay hidden Wakanda style, they would have to have a totally locked in nation. Nobody comes in and nobody comes out. If just one citizen wanted to break free, then that would mean the game is up.

Underwater, underground, in Antarctica, etc. The Earth is a massive, still mostly unexplored world. Underwater in particular is the best place for them to hide because water will block EMF, the only means we have to detect things remotely. The ocean alone is basically unexplored - lots of places to hide. And the craft, which have transmedium capabilities, always seem to be around bodies of water that connect to the ocean.

But if they are still biological humans, who is to say they aren't among us in secret? Spies have existed for centuries and most go undetected, so "Secrets can't be kept, someone would find out" is really not an argument. And even the ones who come forward willingly or are found and interrogated don't spill all the beans.

Beyond that, if you were in a technologically advanced society which seems to be capable of wonders, would you risk access to that to leave and "go native" with people still dependent on rotten dinosaur juice for transportation? How often did settlers just abandon everything and go live with Native Americans on their own, barring some life-or-death catastrophe?

Also how would the economy work? How would they fees their civilisation?

They could be post-scarcity, which honestly seems most likely given the tech they show. Maybe they uploaded themselves into computers as well. All they would have to do is tap into deep-sea geothermal vents and they can power themselves with ease.

It leads to more questions than if these things were aliens. In fact, aliens make far more sense than a hidden civilization.

Aliens require a few extraordinarily unlikely things:
  • They have to have found us - our EMF signature is barely 100 lightyears at this point, versus the 100,000 lightyear-diameter Milky Way and the substantially larger universe. Unless someone has been monitoring Earth since its formation, detection is unlikely, and randomly stumbling upon us is even more unlikely.
  • They have to want to communicate with us - as I said before, Zorblat from Zeta Reticuli forgetting to turn on cloaking thousands of times is a ludicrous notion, so they clearly WANT us to see them. Why? If they somehow found us, their tech is even more insane than a breakaway civilization's tech would be. So why do they care about us, or would they want to intimidate us? A breakaway civilization is still tied to Earth - if we go crazy and nuke the planet, they have something to lose. Extraterrestrials have no such interdependence. The only solution to this problem is that we are some sort of science experiment, and that is too anthropocentric for me to accept.
An advanced breakaway civilization requires some group of people to have decided to keep to themselves after some sort of breakthrough. Obviously, this is much more likely than aliens - secrets are kept all the time, and we have some indication through the airship sightings of the 1800s that relatively advanced tech may existed in parallel for at least a few centuries.
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Let's hope it's not an advanced race of humans living underground, I can't imagine the landlords would be terribly impressed with what we've done to their property in their absence.
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What do you think these sightings are, or the craft disabling nuclear missile sites is? An advanced civilization of any kind isn't going to repeatedly forget to hit the "Cloaking" button or race fighter jets if they are flying around and WANT to be unnoticed. The logical conclusion is that they want to be seen, either as direct military intimidation or as a general statement of "We will do whatever we want and you can't stop us".
It's been a while since I checked this thread... One thing I can just keep repeating is to caution against making inferences about the psychology of supposed alien intelligences. "We will do whatever we want and you can't stop us" is a very human thing to say. There's no reason alien beings from another world or even dimension with radically different physiology will have the same motivations as us. They could very well not care if they are seen, it might be completely inconsequential to them whether we know they're here or not. They could not even have a concept of 'intimidation'.
It's been a while since I checked this thread... One thing I can just keep repeating is to caution against making inferences about the psychology of supposed alien intelligences. "We will do whatever we want and you can't stop us" is a very human thing to say. There's no reason alien beings from another world or even dimension with radically different physiology will have the same motivations as us. They could very well not care if they are seen, it might be completely inconsequential to them whether we know they're here or not. They could not even have a concept of 'intimidation'.

That's definitely true, but my conclusion that they intend to intimidate based on their interactions with the military. They don't care if they are seen, they "attacked" our nuclear bases decisively and utterly, and they regularly toy with our fighters in what is a clear show of superiority. They want to send a message that we can't match them. I'd think they would be intelligent enough to figure out what our military is after almost a century of interaction.


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
That's definitely true, but my conclusion that they intend to intimidate based on their interactions with the military. They don't care if they are seen, they "attacked" our nuclear bases decisively and utterly, and they regularly toy with our fighters in what is a clear show of superiority. They want to send a message that we can't match them. I'd think they would be intelligent enough to figure out what our military is after almost a century of interaction.

We'll assume they are aliens, just for the sake of conversation, but rather than intimidating us they could just be warning us not to destroy ourselves and the planet with nukes.

If they wanted to harm us, I'm pretty sure they would have done so already. Why the build up? Assuming they've been coming here for thousands of years, they could have conquered us ages ago. Why wait until we have advanced weapons? Did they want us to have a sporting chance?

If they are Aliens and the Reddit post from seven years ago is to be believed, we'll find out in few weeks.


Gold Member
We'll assume they are aliens, just for the sake of conversation, but rather than intimidating us they could just be warning us not to destroy ourselves and the planet with nukes.

If they wanted to harm us, I'm pretty sure they would have done so already. Why the build up? Assuming they've been coming here for thousands of years, they could have conquered us ages ago. Why wait until we have advanced weapons? Did they want us to have a sporting chance?

If they are Aliens and the Reddit post from seven years ago is to be believed, we'll find out in few weeks.

Or it could be the ET flash flag scenario thats been rumoured for years

Or its all mis-identified objects and has been for decades if not centuries


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
Or it could be the ET flash flag scenario thats been rumoured for years

Or its all mis-identified objects and has been for decades if not centuries

I don't buy the false flag theory. Why would the US government do that? If it's to increase the military budget, then it would make more sense to orchestrate a fake cold war with a foreign power. It would certainly be more believable and a lot easier than trying to fake an alien invasion.

On objects being misidentified, yeah I could see that. Especially with the footage we've seen. However, we're told the footage we've seen is the least credible and I'm sure AATIP looked at every possible explanation as to what these things could be. They probably had a whole host of experts looking at the footage, but they still can't explain it.
We'll assume they are aliens, just for the sake of conversation, but rather than intimidating us they could just be warning us not to destroy ourselves and the planet with nukes.

If they wanted to harm us, I'm pretty sure they would have done so already. Why the build up? Assuming they've been coming here for thousands of years, they could have conquered us ages ago. Why wait until we have advanced weapons? Did they want us to have a sporting chance?

If they are Aliens and the Reddit post from seven years ago is to be believed, we'll find out in few weeks.

Then why continually interact with military and purposefully show off their superiority? They haven't just disabled nukes - they regularly interact with fighter jets and our navy in ways that demonstrate superiority. It's like us doing exercises where China can clearly see it.

Which reddit post are you talking about?


Gold Member
I don't buy the false flag theory. Why would the US government do that? If it's to increase the military budget, then it would make more sense to orchestrate a fake cold war with a foreign power. It would certainly be more believable and a lot easier than trying to fake an alien invasion.

On objects being misidentified, yeah I could see that. Especially with the footage we've seen. However, we're told the footage we've seen is the least credible and I'm sure AATIP looked at every possible explanation as to what these things could be. They probably had a whole host of experts looking at the footage, but they still can't explain it.

Yet underground lost civilization makes more sense? US and all militaries are renowned for false flags, through history, this is no different

Not saying i believe that at all, but thats just as likely atm, until we get more information


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
Then why continually interact with military and purposefully show off their superiority? They haven't just disabled nukes - they regularly interact with fighter jets and our navy in ways that demonstrate superiority. It's like us doing exercises where China can clearly see it.

Which reddit post are you talking about?

No idea. Just observing us? It's hard to say. Again, for the sake of conversation we'll assume they are aliens, but you're putting a human spin on them.

Humans would do that because we're tribal and warlike, which comes from evolving from primates. An alien however might have a totally different psychology. We might not even be able to comprehend why they're watching us, but for them it would be totally natural.

I posted the Reddit post a few days ago and it's been posted before, but I've linked it again below. Basically a random person made a burner account seven years ago to tell people of his experiences of being taken by aliens etc. The reason it's now caught attention is because they said in their post that the aliens are going to reveal themselves to the world on July 8th or 18th (they said their language made it hard to tell if it was the 8th of 18th) 2021. Interesting considering the year we've had and the upcoming Pentagon report. I'm not saying I believe a word of it, but the timing is interesting. If it's all bullshit then what a wild guess right.

Yet underground lost civilization makes more sense? US and all militaries are renowned for false flags, through history, this is no different

Not saying i believe that at all, but thats just as likely atm, until we get more information

No. I didn't say underground civilizations make more sense. That actually makes less sense to me!
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What do you think these sightings are, or the craft disabling nuclear missile sites is? An advanced civilization of any kind isn't going to repeatedly forget to hit the "Cloaking" button or race fighter jets if they are flying around and WANT to be unnoticed. The logical conclusion is that they want to be seen, either as direct military intimidation or as a general statement of "We will do whatever we want and you can't stop us".

Who says they don't have passive control? Not to get too conspiratorial, but our exploration and colonization as a species has stagnated since we went to the moon. The moon is basically off limits now, as is Antarctica and the deep seas, which are bound up in UN treaties and regulations to "protect resources". Seems a little strange, doesn't it?

Underwater, underground, in Antarctica, etc. The Earth is a massive, still mostly unexplored world. Underwater in particular is the best place for them to hide because water will block EMF, the only means we have to detect things remotely. The ocean alone is basically unexplored - lots of places to hide. And the craft, which have transmedium capabilities, always seem to be around bodies of water that connect to the ocean.

But if they are still biological humans, who is to say they aren't among us in secret? Spies have existed for centuries and most go undetected, so "Secrets can't be kept, someone would find out" is really not an argument. And even the ones who come forward willingly or are found and interrogated don't spill all the beans.

Beyond that, if you were in a technologically advanced society which seems to be capable of wonders, would you risk access to that to leave and "go native" with people still dependent on rotten dinosaur juice for transportation? How often did settlers just abandon everything and go live with Native Americans on their own, barring some life-or-death catastrophe?

They could be post-scarcity, which honestly seems most likely given the tech they show. Maybe they uploaded themselves into computers as well. All they would have to do is tap into deep-sea geothermal vents and they can power themselves with ease.

Aliens require a few extraordinarily unlikely things:
  • They have to have found us - our EMF signature is barely 100 lightyears at this point, versus the 100,000 lightyear-diameter Milky Way and the substantially larger universe. Unless someone has been monitoring Earth since its formation, detection is unlikely, and randomly stumbling upon us is even more unlikely.
  • They have to want to communicate with us - as I said before, Zorblat from Zeta Reticuli forgetting to turn on cloaking thousands of times is a ludicrous notion, so they clearly WANT us to see them. Why? If they somehow found us, their tech is even more insane than a breakaway civilization's tech would be. So why do they care about us, or would they want to intimidate us? A breakaway civilization is still tied to Earth - if we go crazy and nuke the planet, they have something to lose. Extraterrestrials have no such interdependence. The only solution to this problem is that we are some sort of science experiment, and that is too anthropocentric for me to accept.
An advanced breakaway civilization requires some group of people to have decided to keep to themselves after some sort of breakthrough. Obviously, this is much more likely than aliens - secrets are kept all the time, and we have some indication through the airship sightings of the 1800s that relatively advanced tech may existed in parallel for at least a few centuries.

Oooooh, somebody was flexing the big brains yesterday! I like it. This is really similar to what I've been saying.
No idea. Just observing us? It's hard to say. Again, for the sake of conversation we'll assume they are aliens, but you're putting a human spin on them.

Humans would do that because we're tribal and warlike, which comes from evolving from primates. An alien however might have a totally different psychology. We might not even be able to comprehend why they're watching us, but for them it would be totally natural.

Just from the Nimitz (I believe, I'm terrible with names) encounter:
  • They paced our fighter jets before racing off at absurd speed
  • They went to the fighter jets' precise rendezvous point before disappearing
The latter in particular implies that they were intercepting communication and had details of the exercise. That's goes a little beyond "unknowable alien motivations" and just observing us. That clearly demonstrates superiority - we can outfly you, we can intercept all your communication, and (when you factor in what they have done at nuclear bases and elsewhere) we can shut off your greatest offensive capability. These behaviors are pretty distinct to me.

I posted the Reddit post a few days ago and it's been posted before, but I've linked it again below. Basically a random person made a burner account seven years ago to tell people of his experiences of being taken by aliens etc. The reason it's now caught attention is because they said in their post that the aliens are going to reveal themselves to the world on July 8th or 18th (they said their language made it hard to tell if it was the 8th of 18th) 2021. Interesting considering the year we've had and the upcoming Pentagon report. I'm not saying I believe a word of it, but the timing is interesting. If it's all bullshit then what a wild guess right.

I've always taken abduction stories with a huge grain of salt since "hypnotic regression" techniques muddied the waters - the abductees who talked to Hopkins or Jacobs always seemed to pick up part of Hopkins (loving space brothers) or Jacobs (impending alien invasion) outlook. This sounds a little Jacobs-like before he went insane and went in on the "hybridization and replacement" path for abductions. Although abductions are traditionally involuntary. The bit about the date being the "8th or 18th" is random enough to give it some credibility. I like small details like that. I have the same problem when I hear those ordinals.
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Just from the Nimitz (I believe, I'm terrible with names) encounter:
  • They paced our fighter jets before racing off at absurd speed
  • They went to the fighter jets' precise rendezvous point before disappearing
The latter in particular implies that they were intercepting communication and had details of the exercise. That's goes a little beyond "unknowable alien motivations" and just observing us. That clearly demonstrates superiority - we can outfly you, we can intercept all your communication, and (when you factor in what they have done at nuclear bases and elsewhere) we can shut off your greatest offensive capability. These behaviors are pretty distinct to me.

Or maybe the aliens were like curious fireflies that momentarily kept pace with fighters before losing interest and heading off somewhere else. The rendez-vous point could be coincidence, or it could be that they did intercept and understand the coordinates, but did not understand anything else about the message. I maintain that the competitive impulse you seem to discern is projection most likely.

Shutting off/decomissioning nukes is something most people would hopefully do, all other things being equal.

I've always taken abduction stories with a huge grain of salt since "hypnotic regression" techniques muddied the waters - the abductees who talked to Hopkins or Jacobs always seemed to pick up part of Hopkins (loving space brothers) or Jacobs (impending alien invasion) outlook. This sounds a little Jacobs-like before he went insane and went in on the "hybridization and replacement" path for abductions. Although abductions are traditionally involuntary. The bit about the date being the "8th or 18th" is random enough to give it some credibility. I like small details like that. I have the same problem when I hear those ordinals.
Agree that hypnosis/regression is certainly not a process that yields reliable and trustworthy data, it could well be that suggestion plays a large part in that. However the idea of alien abductions and subsequent anal probing is so popularized in media that if it turns out that the aliens don't actually engage in it, people would offer the aliens money to start doing it anyway. Aliens: "what's money?"


No idea. Just observing us? It's hard to say. Again, for the sake of conversation we'll assume they are aliens, but you're putting a human spin on them.

Humans would do that because we're tribal and warlike, which comes from evolving from primates. An alien however might have a totally different psychology. We might not even be able to comprehend why they're watching us, but for them it would be totally natural.

Or maybe the aliens were like curious fireflies that momentarily kept pace with fighters before losing interest and heading off somewhere else. The rendez-vous point could be coincidence, or it could be that they did intercept and understand the coordinates, but did not understand anything else about the message. I maintain that the competitive impulse you seem to discern is projection most likely.

I find this particular road block (that is so frequently thrown up any time someone attempts to comprehend UAP behavior) to be no different than basically throwing hands in the air when presented with a problem. In the absence of facts you go with what best informs you. Projection at least works from an understanding that we likely have something, anything, in common with the operators of these craft. Evolution has likely occurred in somewhat of a similar manner from wherever they come from, and that should at least allow us to look at ourselves and infer some understanding of what their actions mean.

Take a wasp for example. We have nothing in common with the wasp as far as communication is concerned, and yet we know that fast sharp movements infer a hostility or threat that puts us on alert.


I find this particular road block (that is so frequently thrown up any time someone attempts to comprehend UAP behavior) to be no different than basically throwing hands in the air when presented with a problem. In the absence of facts you go with what best informs you. Projection at least works from an understanding that we likely have something, anything, in common with the operators of these craft.
Evolution has likely occurred in somewhat of a similar manner from wherever they come from, and that should at least allow us to look at ourselves and infer some understanding of what their actions mean.

It's not know whether we have anything in common. It could well be the 'craft' are the actual aliens. As the pulp fiction quote goes, when you make an assumption, you make an ass out of u and mption. A race of highly advanced aliens may not even have an instinct for self-preservation or a fear of death.

Take a wasp for example. We have nothing in common with the wasp as far as communication is concerned, and yet we know that fast sharp movements infer a hostility or threat that puts us on alert.
Could be that they're just happy to see you! Well maybe not a wasp, but why are you comparing the aliens to wasps? They're butterflies! I mean the projection of hosility is right there in the comparison you make. Please just stop inferring hostility, you're liable to lead us all into an interstellar war with a race of space butterflies!


It's not know whether we have anything in common. It could well be the 'craft' are the actual aliens. As the pulp fiction quote goes, when you make an assumption, you make an ass out of u and mption. A race of highly advanced aliens may not even have an instinct for self-preservation or a fear of death.

Could be that they're just happy to see you! Well maybe not a wasp, but why are you comparing the aliens to wasps? They're butterflies! I mean the projection of hosility is right there in the comparison you make. Please just stop inferring hostility, you're liable to lead us all into an interstellar war with a race of space butterflies!

It's hard to find anything more common across creation than the intent to attack (hostility). I feel like every creature has its attack pose.

I don't interpret the UAP behavior as hostile, but I infinitys_7th is making a very similar case to one I made weeks ago regarding what appears, to us, is being put on display. The argument is there that they're not hiding. Now, I like the ideas you are offering as well, because it may be that the thing we are dealing with is both highly advanced and nothing like life as we know it. I don't dismiss any idea and I've pondered on this one a lot as well.
Or maybe the aliens were like curious fireflies that momentarily kept pace with fighters before losing interest and heading off somewhere else. The rendez-vous point could be coincidence, or it could be that they did intercept and understand the coordinates, but did not understand anything else about the message. I maintain that the competitive impulse you seem to discern is projection most likely.

Shutting off/decomissioning nukes is something most people would hopefully do, all other things being equal.

I don't think it's competitive - I think it is just them demonstrating that we cannot do anything. There is a difference there.

Agree that hypnosis/regression is certainly not a process that yields reliable and trustworthy data, it could well be that suggestion plays a large part in that. However the idea of alien abductions and subsequent anal probing is so popularized in media that if it turns out that the aliens don't actually engage in it, people would offer the aliens money to start doing it anyway. Aliens: "what's money?"

I'll be the one doing the probing, thank you.

It's remarkable how much influence Whitley Streiber has had on how people view the subject. Most of this came from him. If only the contactees had been right and the aliens were all smoking hot blondes from Venus. Although according to that reddit post the Greys actually look like small women, so. . .maybe they look good in a wig?
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It's hard to find anything more common across creation than the intent to attack (hostility). I feel like every creature has its attack pose.

I don't interpret the UAP behavior as hostile, but I infinitys_7th is making a very similar case to one I made weeks ago regarding what appears, to us, is being put on display. The argument is there that they're not hiding. Now, I like the ideas you are offering as well, because it may be that the thing we are dealing with is both highly advanced and nothing like life as we know it. I don't dismiss any idea and I've pondered on this one a lot as well.
I'm fine with any kind of speculating but the only thing that worries me is the tendency here to view hostility as the default. Mostly just because downstream of that assumption lie a whole lot of bad outcomes for us IMHO.

I don't think it's competitive - I think it is just them demonstrating that we cannot do anything. There is a difference there.
I'm not dissing you, I'm just telling you you can't do nothing!

I'll be the one doing the probing, thank you.
Haha, somehow that anal probing stuff is so freudian it seems obvious that that part of the 'lore' was human invention
It's remarkable how much influence Whitley Streiber has had on how people view the subject. Most of this came from him. If only the contactees had been right and the aliens were all smoking hot blondes from Venus. Although according to that reddit post the Greys actually look like small women, so. . .maybe they look good in a wig?
IIRC in that link someone posted to a reddit post that was talking about July 18th there was a part where it said the aliens to not want to engage in a breeding program. Colour me dissapointed.


that reddit larp the person said they look the same iirc, he just got a female vibe from one and just assumed, he didn't know either way.
obviously aliens know a lot more about us then we know about them. if they have these saucers that move inter-dimensionally, then they have figured out how to fold the space-time-gravity fabric of existence. when they fold it, does it open a 'worm hole' ? How do these ships maintain structural integrity? its a lot more simpler than we think, thats why they are able to come and go as they please..

time put trillions of dollars into our own..



Yet, no reflection in the first video.

also, knowing a lot about security cameras, the trails are from the camera's exposure levels.

Yeah the first video is probably more of a softball pitch for an analyst.

I've posted about 6-7 of those like the first from webcams. One of them comes from the clouds. Nice touch if its cgi and they added the trail of light.
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Gold Member
Giant pyramids are nothing new, Russia has had them for decades, but always been dubbed fake for obvious reasons

But they're quite a common sighitng
Yeah the first video is probably more of a softball pitch for an analyst.

I've posted about 6-7 of those like the first from webcams. One of them comes from the clouds. Nice touch if its cgi and they added the trail of light.
This isn't the movies though. Trails of light are not a thing and is an exposure issue with cameras. These things aren't flying fast enough to streak through the sky like space trash, comets, or meteors unless you're expecting some sort of quickly imploding energized contrail. But that's the thing, once exhaust is blown out of something, it should expand. This is mostly bullshit and unless definitive proof is given, these events should be treated with extreme skepticism. If they aren't, everything turns into a UFO and everything is acceptable enough to be one as opposed to being definitive proof of their existence.

I'm not saying they don't exist, but I haven't seen much, if anything, that proves UFO's, aliens or our future selves are visiting us.


This isn't the movies though. Trails of light are not a thing and is an exposure issue with cameras. These things aren't flying fast enough to streak through the sky like space trash, comets, or meteors unless you're expecting some sort of quickly imploding energized contrail. But that's the thing, once exhaust is blown out of something, it should expand. This is mostly bullshit and unless definitive proof is given, these events should be treated with extreme skepticism. If they aren't, everything turns into a UFO and everything is acceptable enough to be one as opposed to being definitive proof of their existence.

I'm not saying they don't exist, but I haven't seen much, if anything, that proves UFO's, aliens or our future selves are visiting us.

Let's get some terms straight, though. No one needs to prove UFOs are real. UFOs and UAPs are just unidentified or unidentifiable things. They don't need proving.

Proving that a UFO or UAP is alien is the tall order.

I would love to see the Nimitz incident or anything like that. That would be extraordinary evidence to support the extraordinary claim.


This isn't the movies though. Trails of light are not a thing and is an exposure issue with cameras. These things aren't flying fast enough to streak through the sky like space trash, comets, or meteors unless you're expecting some sort of quickly imploding energized contrail. But that's the thing, once exhaust is blown out of something, it should expand. This is mostly bullshit and unless definitive proof is given, these events should be treated with extreme skepticism. If they aren't, everything turns into a UFO and everything is acceptable enough to be one as opposed to being definitive proof of their existence.

I'm not saying they don't exist, but I haven't seen much, if anything, that proves UFO's, aliens or our future selves are visiting us.

That's what I'm saying, you said the first video didn't have a reflection. Just find it odd the cgi artist had enough insight to make a realistic effect for the camera "trail" but left out something easy like a reflection. Seems to me the reflection just wouldnt be visible at that angle is more likely.

And making a statement like you haven't seen anything convincing is fine. Well what do you expect? Mars attacks? Independence day? Kidding. But I would argue it would be very subtle. And what have you seen? Anything difficult? Try the Norwegian scientific observatory case with 30 years of data, the nuclear silo incidents in Russia/US or the tic tac case.
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Let's get some terms straight, though. No one needs to prove UFOs are real. UFOs and UAPs are just unidentified or unidentifiable things. They don't need proving.

Proving that a UFO or UAP is alien is the tall order.

I would love to see the Nimitz incident or anything like that. That would be extraordinary evidence to support the extraordinary claim.
I agree with you, but a lot of the talk in here is about other worldly things before they're even picked apart for what they actually could be.

That's what I'm saying, you said the first video didn't have a reflection. Just find it odd the cgi artist had enough insight to make a realistic effect for the camera "trail" but left out something easy like a reflection. Seems to me the reflection just wouldnt be visible at that angle is more likely.

And making a statement like you haven't seen anything convincing is fine. Well what do you expect? Mars attacks? Independence day? Kidding. But I would argue it would be very subtle. And what have you seen? Anything difficult? Try the Norwegian scientific observatory case with 30 years of data, the nuclear silo incidents in Russia/US or the tic tac case.
The sun reflects off the water throughout every time of day, it's hard to believe not a single glint can be seen coming off of the water. Secondly, there should be reports given that there is a timestamp at the top left of the screen and plenty of people around.
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I agree with you, but a lot of the talk in here is about other worldly things before they're even picked apart for what they actually could be.

The sun reflects off the water throughout every time of day, it's hard to believe not a single glint can be seen coming off of the water.

Then what is it? Cgi artist fakes the camera trail effect convincingly but forgot the reflection? Drone with no reflection?

I'd also like to hear your opinion on the Norwegian observatory etc.
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Then what is it? Cgi artist fakes the camera trail effect convincingly but forgot the reflection? Drone with no reflection?

I'd also like to hear your opinion on the Norwegian observatory etc.
considering the time of day and there are people walking around and none of them are pointing at the very obvious dot floating around in the sky as well as the lack of reflection. I'd have to say it's either a lens reflection of a lantern nearby and out of view or cgi. The questions become, can this be replicated? Did this only happen once?

Hayle Beach Live Webcam in Cornwall UK (camsecure.co.uk)

Here's the cam if anyone wants to follow up.
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considering the time of day and there are people walking around and none of them are pointing at the very obvious dot floating around in the sky as well as the lack of reflection. I'd have to say it's either a lens reflection of a lantern nearby and out of view or cgi. The questions become, can this be replicated? Did this only happen once?

Hayle Beach Live Webcam in Cornwall UK (camsecure.co.uk)

Here's the cam if anyone wants to follow up.

Why does the lens reflection have a trail following the exact direction the object is moving though?

This is one of the better ones of a similar object, but below freezing temps

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Then why continually interact with military and purposefully show off their superiority? They haven't just disabled nukes - they regularly interact with fighter jets and our navy in ways that demonstrate superiority. It's like us doing exercises where China can clearly see it.

Which reddit post are you talking about?
Hi dude, how are you?

I think you don't have to impose limits or human thinking behind your theory.

If those UFO's are alien or alien atomated A.I drone like crafts, is easy for me to imagine what they would do. I mean, look what humans do when send satelites and rovers to other planets, recognition, data analysis. Their UFO's obiously had tech beyond our wildest dreams.

How they find us?, its unlikely. Well, we don't know their tech, maybe they can scan entire galaxys looking for life in an easy way. Because, why not?

Then why continually interact with military and purposefully show off their superiority? IMO, this could be like mars ingeniuty flying close to a machine in another planet trying to figure out what it is. Nothing to do with showing off.

They haven't just disabled nukes - If they are advanced automated A.I. controlled Drones maybe they have like some kind of "survival" protocols or directives and they disabled potential dangers.
Hi dude, how are you?

I think you don't have to impose limits or human thinking behind your theory.

If those UFO's are alien or alien atomated A.I drone like crafts, is easy for me to imagine what they would do. I mean, look what humans do when send satelites and rovers to other planets, recognition, data analysis. Their UFO's obiously had tech beyond our wildest dreams.

How they find us?, its unlikely. Well, we don't know their tech, maybe they can scan entire galaxys looking for life in an easy way. Because, why not?

As far as we know, information transfer is limited by the speed of light. We have only been broadcast EMF higher than background for around 100 years at best, so that limits the distance in which we can even be detected to around 100 LY around Earth (technically around Earth's path through the universe, but close enough). That is absolutely tiny compared to even our galaxy.

Then why continually interact with military and purposefully show off their superiority? IMO, this could be like mars ingeniuty flying close to a machine in another planet trying to figure out what it is. Nothing to do with showing off.

But they keep doing it, and like I said they almost certainly intercepted our communication and made a point to go to a rendezvous point before zipping up and away.

They haven't just disabled nukes - If they are advanced automated A.I. controlled Drones maybe they have like some kind of "survival" protocols or directives and they disabled potential dangers.

Suppose they have tech advanced enough to scan the galaxy and find us in 100 years - would nukes really be a threat to their survival, or to their equipment? That sounds very unlikely to me.


Pretty interesting mass sighting short doc I'd never heard of. They're in the process of having it deemed a historical event. 250 witnesses.

There are so many it seems, just when I thought id seen all the mass sighting cases.



As far as we know, information transfer is limited by the speed of light. We have only been broadcast EMF higher than background for around 100 years at best, so that limits the distance in which we can even be detected to around 100 LY around Earth (technically around Earth's path through the universe, but close enough). That is absolutely tiny compared to even our galaxy.

But they keep doing it, and like I said they almost certainly intercepted our communication and made a point to go to a rendezvous point before zipping up and away.

Suppose they have tech advanced enough to scan the galaxy and find us in 100 years - would nukes really be a threat to their survival, or to their equipment? That sounds very unlikely to me.
If UFO's can crash and burn i think a nuke is ideed a threat for them.

I understand your points. I just think that, we don't have to place any human limitation to their technology or their intentions, for that matter. I mean, they could be from another dimension or universe, they could be time travelers. I like to contemplate all posibilitys.
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Gold Member
Pretty interesting mass sighting short doc I'd never heard of. They're in the process of having it deemed a historical event. 250 witnesses.

There are so many it seems, just when I thought id seen all the mass sighting cases.

Just witnesses? No video, radar, pictures or anything?
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