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David Jaffe: Sad, frustrating, potentially super disrespectful news dropping tomorrow about Playstation


So. Another nothingburger here? I actually thought Sony will reverse its decision not to charge for small horizontal kick stand on the new PS5 :D
Listened to his pity party, he's such a tool.

Yeah, it's our fault that he relies on clickbait because his community isn't growing.

Dude is ultra cringy and his behavior and antics are why his channel doesn't grow. The people he has on his show (callers) are absolute jokes, but hey they're paying him, so why not?

You look at people like Mytic or Spawn Wave, Mystic Ryan has nearly a million subscribers and he isn't even an "insider" Spawn wave also has 700K plus.

Jaffe has 50K subscribers...

What's the difference? Work ethic largely, but also his cringy nature.

And don't get me wrong, I don't like either Spawn wave or Mystic Ryan, but there's a clear difference between them and Jaffe


Gold Member
Listened to his pity party, he's such a tool.

Yeah, it's our fault that he relies on clickbait because his community isn't growing.

Dude is ultra cringy and his behavior and antics are why his channel doesn't grow. The people he has on his show (callers) are absolute jokes, but hey they're paying him, so why not?

You look at people like Mytic or Spawn Wave, Mystic Ryan has nearly a million subscribers and he isn't even an "insider" Spawn wave also has 700K plus.

Jaffe has 50K subscribers...

What's the difference? Work ethic largely, but also his cringy nature.

And don't get me wrong, I don't like either Spawn wave or Mystic Ryan, but there's a clear difference between them and Jaffe
Who knows what he does in his spare time. He has all the time in the world. I checked his YT to skim his video qty and length.

He averages about two video per week and most of them are under 10 minutes long. Some of his uploads are 5 mins.
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This all so exciting!
Regina Hall Popcorn GIF
I'll be keeping my eyes peeled for what Connie Booth is up to next via this thread.

My best guess is that Connie Booth will launch the GameBooth(tm), the first true paradigm shift in gaming in literally decades.

This guy is an absolute drama queen. Ever since he released GOW1, he's been such a moody baby about literally everything.

So PlayStation is doing a restructuring? Ok... so what? I swear some of the lead devs who work in gaming are utter tools. In most companies I know, you'll be lucky to spend 2+ years in the same company.

Tbh, if I were Sony I'd be looking at legal routes regarding David Jaffe... it's like.. are you intentionally trying to drive stock down with your statements or something?

Comment on the news, when the news drops — but to tell the whole world "OMG PLAYSTATION IS EVIL, BAD NEWS TOMORROW, BUT I WON'T TELL YOU WHAT UNLESS YOU PAY ME"..

Christ. Cry me a river lol. 🤣


Gold Member
Honestly, I find sad that so many of you like to point so hard at someone else's mistakes.
It's not enough to say that it looks like a dumb take, you have to be also disrespectful and make fun of him, like if you were so much better.

Oh man, I wish people judge you this hard too whenever you screw up.
I agree, people shouldn't be raked over the coals over mistakes. This however wasn't a mistake, but intentional clickbait.
This guy is an absolute drama queen. Ever since he released GOW1, he's been such a moody baby about literally everything.

So PlayStation is doing a restructuring? Ok... so what? I swear some of the lead devs who work in gaming are utter tools. In most companies I know, you'll be lucky to spend 2+ years in the same company.

Tbh, if I were Sony I'd be looking at legal routes regarding David Jaffe... it's like.. are you intentionally trying to drive stock down with your statements or something?

Comment on the news, when the news drops — but to tell the whole world "OMG PLAYSTATION IS EVIL, BAD NEWS TOMORROW, BUT I WON'T TELL YOU WHAT UNLESS YOU PAY ME"..

Christ. Cry me a river lol. 🤣

I think the whole Sony pursuing legal action is a bit over the top, but I do think that he is salty about Sony's success, particularly their success without him. The success of God of War WITHOUT him, the success of Naughty Dog and Neil Druckman and HBO.

That all of his work is seeing a wider audience without him. And why? Because he isn't a team player. God of War 2018 sold 4x as much as his best-selling God of War. Probably even more than that now that it is on PC. PC games live forever and can sell forever. A TV show for God of War comes out and the 2018 release will get a new lease on life.

Look at the Last of Us right now, got a sale and is back in the top paid games on Steam. It's above Starfield, Diablo 4, and Hogwarts Legacy, and is still selling for nearly 50 dollars.

Had this dude just played ball, he'd be swimming in money for the rest of his life and instead, he's doing an unsuccessful podcast. It's actually pretty sad if you think about it.

He might not realize it himself, but he absolutely hates Sony and he blames Sony for his current situation. He's bitter.

You know what's funny is he has absolutely shit on sony games the last couple years, but now that Connie is out, he says they lost their secret sauce. Well were the game great or weren't they?


This guy is an absolute drama queen. Ever since he released GOW1, he's been such a moody baby about literally everything.

So PlayStation is doing a restructuring? Ok... so what? I swear some of the lead devs who work in gaming are utter tools. In most companies I know, you'll be lucky to spend 2+ years in the same company.

Tbh, if I were Sony I'd be looking at legal routes regarding David Jaffe... it's like.. are you intentionally trying to drive stock down with your statements or something?

Comment on the news, when the news drops — but to tell the whole world "OMG PLAYSTATION IS EVIL, BAD NEWS TOMORROW, BUT I WON'T TELL YOU WHAT UNLESS YOU PAY ME"..

Christ. Cry me a river lol. 🤣
He is actively working to make ps look bad. Constantly criticising won’t and praising gamepass. Almost makes me actively dislike original gow games seeing him weed up on yt streams and acting with his “fuck you” streams talking about other people.
I think the whole Sony pursuing legal action is a bit over the top
Not really. He is still the GoW creator, so somewhat forever associated with the whole brand (until GoW becomes irrelevant and forgotten) and if his remarks go further than legit criticism and any bitterness and envy is the driving force, it's basically a smear campaign and that might see legal penalties if going too far. Lower level devs at best are EA/Bungie/whatever veterans forming a new studio or something hollow, but a game director is a core position for a game and kinda should mantain some higher level of respect to his former employer. He is not just someone, but an exSony director says "quote" guy.
I doubt some BS with "frustrating disrespectful" clickbait is that, but he better tone it down a bit.

I guess people would love talks with active devs conducted by someone a bit out of that loop. Bring those dev conference presentations in a more digestible and friendly form. Certainly would allow more actual inside knowledge than some journalists that have never worked in the craft and often don't exactly understand what they talk about, and even more than some "influencers" more or less filming themselves playing and talking trash and goof around the whole time. Those devs react to speedrun xyz things were sometimes quite interesting in what surprised them and how easy it often appeared for them to understand what the problem they allowed in the used glitch was.
He could easily build upon some quality inside stuff, his past should still open doors, but seems to rather join the cynical dudes in the media and I doubt current devs could easily talk openly in such an environment if the attitude is not really positive or at least neutral.
Pretty obvious David Jaffe is an attention seeker, solely for the purpose of bumping engagements and clicks for his social media and Youtube. It's the only way he's going to make money, by saying controversial things and having "hot takes" every other day.

Gaf gives this guy way too much attention, he's mostly been irrelevant to me since he came on the scene.


Loves his juicy stink trail scent
Does Jaffe just get residual $ from anything God of War related or did he sell the IP for big bucks and now is set for life ?

Ain’t no way his YT is paying the bills.


I like Jaffe but I noticed he does this when he has some tidbit of info before it's public so he can either jump out early and say 'I have information that nobody else knows!' or when it's released say he already knew about it. I never heard of Connie, I'm sure she played a major part of all of the projects she was involved in but this is not super impactful as far as the general public is concerned. Who knows, she might have been the glue holding the gaming division together but unless something significant happens business will continue to run as per usual

I Dont Care Whatever GIF


What is this troll crying about? People got laid-off after their contracts were finished? Heaven forbid!

The 'freedom fighters' of the West. Cry about all and do fuck all about any of it.


Gold Member

Shawn Layden escorted out of the building? 🍿

I think Jim Ryan is right, as much as I hate GAAShit, they can't rely on third party deals when their competition is just some giant goliath that is buying up everything. They need to build something internally and make it last long-term.

That said, maybe somewhat contradictory, but Hulst has done a pretty terrible job, the whole thing with TLOU/Sony Bend, remaking stuff that doesn't need to be remade, this bizarre focus on making Horizon into a thing like fetch, shutting down JS, he's a disaster.


I think Jim Ryan is right, as much as I hate GAAShit, they can't rely on third party deals when their competition is just some giant goliath that is buying up everything. They need to build something internally and make it last long-term.

That said, maybe somewhat contradictory, but Hulst has done a pretty terrible job, the whole thing with TLOU/Sony Bend, remaking stuff that doesn't need to be remade, this bizarre focus on making Horizon into a thing like fetch, shutting down JS, he's a disaster.

Japan Studios was worthless and had not made anything useful for years before they were shut down.

And if successful remakes and continue a meteoric rise in sales for first party games makes you unsuccessful, make that man CEO after Jim.


Gold Member
Japan Studios was worthless and had not made anything useful for years before they were shut down.

And if successful remakes and continue a meteoric rise in sales for first party games makes you unsuccessful, make that man CEO after Jim.
Being a successful CEO requires vision and direction, not favoring your old studio and churning out quick cash runs for short term "wins."
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Being a successful CEO requires vision and direction, not favoring your old studio and churning out quick cash runs for short term "wins."

Thankfully they aren’t doing that. And are building towards a long term vision with strategic acquisitions and studio growth.

All the studios under his belt are making the best games they ever have, and I don’t see any signs of it stopping.


I think Jim Ryan is right, as much as I hate GAAShit, they can't rely on third party deals when their competition is just some giant goliath that is buying up everything. They need to build something internally and make it last long-term.

That said, maybe somewhat contradictory, but Hulst has done a pretty terrible job, the whole thing with TLOU/Sony Bend, remaking stuff that doesn't need to be remade, this bizarre focus on making Horizon into a thing like fetch, shutting down JS, he's a disaster.
Horizon Zero Dawn has sold more than the whole Killzone franchise combined. It's a thing.


Gold Member
Thankfully they aren’t doing that. And are building towards a long term vision with strategic acquisitions and studio growth.

Yes, like I said, I agree with the decisions Jim Ryan made as CEO, even if they aren't immediately popular.

All the studios under his belt are making the best games they ever have, and I don’t see any signs of it stopping.

Insomniac doesnt need Hermann Hulst to make a great game lmao.

Horizon Zero Dawn has sold more than the whole Killzone franchise combined. It's a thing.
it's easy to pump up the numbers when you bundle it with everything for years and years.
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Yes, like I said, I agree with the decisions Jim Ryan made as CEO, even if they aren't immediately popular.

Insomniac doesnt need Hermann Hulst to make a great game lmao.

it's easy to pump up the numbers when you bundle it with everything for years and years.

It’s actually not easy to pump the numbers, otherwise they would have done that with all their other games PS3 games with great success.

Insomniac has gotten better under Herman, that’s the point. He’s not a detriment at all to the quality of work. He’s doing a great job.


David Jaffe is the furthest thing from a source. Imagine that your retirement after 34 years being spun into "Sad Frustrating Potentially Super Disrespectful News" For clicks?

Dude should be a banned source at this point.
Jaffe saying Factions is cancelled?? That better not be true I'd rather Naughty Dog release their vision for the game than trying to chase the vision Bungie have.

I don't like Jason Schrier but I'm sure if Factions was cancelled he'd be the first to report it. So the fact he hasn't that leads me to believe Jaffe is talking out of his ass at the minute.
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This PostUp idiot's tweet is saying it's "confirmed" by Jaffe, yet it's only rumoured. There's no confirmation until we hear it from an actual source. Since when has it been a good idea to use Jaffe as a source for anything? He didn't even reach out to the people directly, even though it's so important and "disrespectful" to him. Even if he's right, cool, wonderful -- still not a confirmation, and still not important.

These people are desperate for engagement, it's like clockwork, weird console warrior evangelist behaviour. The replies are so bizarre, again.

Literally, who cares?

If Sony wants to make bad decisions, they will do so, I don't know why we care about these things anymore and give attention to these has-beens and twitter beggars. Just make good games, that's it. Xbox fans are acting like they have some huge win when they didn't know who she was until this week lol.
This PostUp idiot's tweet is saying it's "confirmed" by Jaffe, yet it's only rumoured. There's no confirmation until we hear it from an actual source. Since when has it been a good idea to use Jaffe as a source for anything? He didn't even reach out to the people directly, even though it's so important and "disrespectful" to him. Even if he's right, cool, wonderful -- still not a confirmation, and still not important.

These people are desperate for engagement, it's like clockwork, weird console warrior evangelist behaviour. The replies are so bizarre, again.

Literally, who cares?

If Sony wants to make bad decisions, they will do so, I don't know why we care about these things anymore and give attention to these has-beens and twitter beggars. Just make good games, that's it. Xbox fans are acting like they have some huge win when they didn't know who she was until this week lol.
well...you care that they care. that is even worse.
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