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Guild Wars 2 News And Information Thread [Large Beta Weekends In March/April]


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
There will be min maxing, no doubt about it at all. Hopefully, differences between one team comp over another aren't so severe that you're pigeonholed into playing a single class/weapon combo. The situation I'm hoping for is that there will be 3-4 super comps, which is basically what all the hardcore PvE guilds will run, and a myriad of other viable team comps that, while not as effective as the super comps, are close enough that people won't care about it too much.

In WoW, and other similar games, it is nearly impossible to clear end-game content without a dedicated tank. It's just the way the game is designed. GW2, hopefully, won't fall into this trap, so even if it turns out this one Guardian build is better than every other build for soaking damage, it won't be the be all and end all of "tanking" in PvE.


Saint Titanfall
There will be min maxing, no doubt about it at all. Hopefully, differences between one team comp over another aren't so severe that you're pigeonholed into playing a single class/weapon combo.

True but that's only really for dungeons which are optional except for the last one. The games designed ith most probably the majority of it's content being in the open world in comparison to most mmo's where the open world is used for a bit of leveling but that's about it. The majority of the content being in various instances.


True but that's only really for dungeons which are optional except for the last one. The games designed ith most probably the majority of it's content being in the open world in comparison to most mmo's where the open world is used for a bit of leveling but that's about it. The majority of the content being in various instances.
Until you get left out of the dynamic farming party cause you are running a pet ranger. ;)


I just posted this on reddit and felt the need to post it here as well.

Seeing as this has caused such an uproar in the community, I'd like to post this:


"Hey, all. We saw this come up on the investor call, and wanted to respond.

I just want to reiterate that the development team is fully focused on making GW2 the best PC MMO ever released. We have a very small team exploring the possibility of console, but there are no definite plans for a console version at this time. The core of Guild Wars 2 development is fully focused on delivering a fantastic PC MMORPG experience."

February 10, 2010

As you can see we've known about this for over 2 years now, the only reason that it has seen a huge uproar is because people simply don't do research or delve as deep into news/interviews as much as others. This isn't necessarily their fault and that's why we haven't seen much info on it because it's irrelevant to the PC version. Have you seen the game make some drastic change that seems fitting for consoles in these past 2 years? No, you haven't. If there were any plans to dumb down the game, it would have happened before we even saw it in 2010 and would be very evident. It just so happens that GW2 can be adapted for a controller very easily due to the lack of 50 hotkeys. Obviously ability targeting is an issue, but mapping every skill to a controller IS possible and that's the biggest hurdle that must be overcome really. So everyone needs to calm down rather than getting worked up over 2 year old news.


This cannot be true.

There is no targeting reticle. You maybe have to face them, like other MMOs, but no, because then it would be impossible to ever, ever hit a moving target.

There may be LINE attacks that shoot out straight from you. There may be CONE attacks that shoot out in a cone. There may be AREA attacks that you manually place the spell.

But the targeted abilities must be just click and go, because aiming a skillshot with no aiming reticle is completely backwards. The first ability, aka "shoot", is going to be that kind of ability. Click it, it shoots. Either it misses or not (not sure if there is a dodge/miss stat in this game) based on a dice roll or other factors, but not because the target moved (maybe moving provides a +10% dodge or something, but not in the way you're talking about). It just makes no sense.

But its true. If you look at ranger skills you can dodge their single target skills. Any projectile supposedly.


The way skills "home" in on people in GW2 is like "soft homing". Where it will go towards your target and follow them ever so slightly, but if they move out of the way or dodge it simply explodes into whatever it hit (ground, wall, rock, etc). It works just like GW1's skills in that regard, you can dodge skills in that game too, but it's not nearly as intuitive as GW2's system due to the much more rigid and hard locked movement and combat system.


can i dodge arrows used to be my metric of if an mmo had fun combat or not. will be interesting how the leading and slight homing gets tuned. AC had more free movement than the first guild wars and no homing to the projectiles at all its combat was all about dodging because of that.


I think I've not seen it posted here on NeoGaf.

Console version of Guild Wars 2 has been confirmed by a source in NCSoft, to be released "later", after the PC release.

Let's see how this develops...

It's been posted and is actually 2 year old news. The reason why it has suddenly come to light now is people were looking for a possible release quarter with the NCSoft meeting. Most people don't pay attention to them and if they had they would know that NCSoft said the exact same thing 2 years ago in a meeting. It's obvious that at this point nothing has come of their console team because you've heard absolutely nothing about it other than a small team is looking into the possibility of porting it.
I read on Guru that its possible to enable auto-attack if you wish, however personally I don't see the point! I don't remember if you can assign any skill to auto-attack or if it's only 1.

Targeting, the way i understand it;

* Melee skills have no targeting. you merely swing your sword into the air, and it seems like that whatever mob your facing(highlighted) thus how you pick your target, is the one you attack.

* Ranged skills have targeting, like AOE. you put a friendly HoT on the ground, or a DoT on a place with enemies.

the idea in both cases is that you have to move and be mobile. dodge into/out of combat. lag is not an issue because you will still hit enemies when you swing at them, even if there is a distance between you. you still get the actiony feel though, without the GCD!

I think I've not seen it posted here on NeoGaf.

Console version of Guild Wars 2 has been confirmed by a source in NCSoft, to be released "later", after the PC release.

Let's see how this develops...

I think this is a very bad idea on their part. Best case scenario is that they will ruin the good will of the brand. Worst case is that it will be a stick in the wheel. I actually find it difficult to believe, that despite this announcement, that a GW2 console version will ever see the light of day.

Xbox does not fit the bill, as their system is closed in. I don't see how that would work with their streaming technology.
PS3/PS4 makes more due to the NCsoft - Sony deal from a while back(look it up!) but one only needs to look at FFXI to see how a console can cripple a PC MMO.

Guild Wars 1 had significant engine upgrades, like going from direct x8 to to directx9! Would this really be possible on Consoles? I dont think they can easily implant the technology that makes it possible to bug fix and add features while people are playing.

Another possibility is that GW2 on consoles gets its own world that is not compatible with pc players. That would be the ideal scenario if they absolutely have to make this game for consoles, but honestly I don't think this game will ever see the light of day.

Quite a few MMORPGs have been cancelled for consoles over the last 5-6 years, and I think the reason is the consoles closed platforms.


Has problems recognising girls
I think GW2 on consoles could work due to the way the battle system and skills are used. The only issue is player communication in a non-group situation.

As a decent example, TF2 was released on both PCs and console. The console versions are constantly pointed at as a joke and yet the PC version retains an immense popularity standard even today. I wouldn't be too worried in GW2 hit consoles, especially if it allowed cross-platform play in some capacity. People planning to play GW2 would have already accepted the choice to play it on their PC or laptop.


Quite a few MMORPGs have been cancelled for consoles over the last 5-6 years, and I think the reason is the consoles closed platforms.

Heh... I don't know about this. I think that both Sony and Microsoft are experimenting with more "open" policies in order to get ready for the next-gen.

For instance, it seems that Minecraft on X360 will be "open" for the developer to update it.

I can imagine them undertstanding that a too much close system won't be a very good idea for the next-gen.


That would apply in GW1, but obviously not GW2 considering you have a pet regardless if you want one or not.
Are there pet skills on the main bar? Yes. Therefore, pet builds. If ally effects affect pets, then you have another dynamic on top.

I see you were commenting about how I said pet ranger. That was referring to pet focused builds, not just the fact you have one with you.



New blog post with tons of juicy WvWvW info. Going to read now. Yum

I cannot argue against the fun I imagine having right now. Could one of the cynics help me out?

Can't help you. I'm currently hitting my head to induce myself in a 2 month coma.

Christ this sounds so awesome.

Game sounds better and better every day.

This sounds amazing. Seriously, this will probably be the game of the year.

My expectations for GW2 have just spiraled out of control. I'm either going to need to wear a condom every time I sit down at my PC or I'm going to need a single sharp razor. I can see no middle ground.

fuckin' mechs man. I'm building a million of those shits.

Gentlemen and scholars.


My expectations for GW2 have just spiraled out of control. I'm either going to need to wear a condom every time I sit down at my PC or I'm going to need a single sharp razor. I can see no middle ground.


WvW sounds great. I hope the press info that gets out next week includes WvW footage and more info on it.

TB says he's aiming for 24 hours of footage from the press beta this weekend. The amount of info and impressions we're going to get next week is going to be huge.


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
I've always found this view strange. Just standing there doing canned animations while waiting for a skill to recharge always seemed as stupid to me as just standing there waiting for a skill to recharge. I've been giving most of these videos the benefit of the doubt, but I hope after the closed beta event this weekend we'll see more active movement and weapon swapping/attunement switching/whatever-your-profession-uses to keep up your DPS during combat, now that people will have more than an hour at a time playing a single character. The most satisfying combat videos I've seen to date are the PvP matches from G-star.

My main issue with it is that there doesn't seem to be any impact or reaction from the enemies or your character. The player just mashes away at keys, and his health drops. Hard to tell you're even getting hit sometimes.

As for me sounding bummed about the game not working with traditional auto-attack: Can't say whether it's a good or a bad thing really. Combat just looks awkward to me; standard MMO auto attack usually looks less weird, but thats just my opinion.


I cannot argue against the fun I imagine having right now. Could one of the cynics help me out?
Fuck that. Doesn't work.
My main issue with it is that there doesn't seem to be any impact or reaction from the enemies or your character. The player just mashes away at keys, and his health drops. Hard to tell you're even getting hit sometimes.
Yep. And some of the PvP footage just really looked silly with this effect. They might as well have been playing a game of Magic.


My main issue with it is that there doesn't seem to be any impact or reaction from the enemies or your character. The player just mashes away at keys, and his health drops. Hard to tell you're even getting hit sometimes.
Ah, I don't disagree with that. Later builds added flinching for most PvE enemies, I think, but PvP would be a little weird. But I was thinking from mostly a PvE standpoint.


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
Ah, I don't disagree with that. Later builds added flinching for most PvE enemies, I think, but PvP would be a little weird. But I was thinking from mostly a PvE standpoint.

Good, hopefully they add some sort of feedback for PvP. In the end, I'm still going to get this game, or at the very least, keep my eye on it (Still not 100% sure if my chocolate PC will run it). I've been enjoying GW1 lately.
WvWvW sounds sooo good. Now if they can just ensure me that combat is going to be at least as good as Blade and Soul or Tera, this game will be MMOG of the forever for me.
That PvP article looks interesting, not a mindless go around and kill people, but having actual real-time objectives...

Hopefully the WvWvW will make it into the beta...


so excited about the world pvp. I kinda wish it was in the actual WORLD and not side zones a la wow but it still sounds better than wow so I'll take what I can get.

Either way it's a HUGE step in the right direction. Super excited to play.


So, are we expecting the pre-order=beta access like we had with GW1? I need to guarantee two spots if I can, trying to get a girl into bed :)


So are we still going to get new stuff on the 20th? I thought this blog was supposed to go up on the 20th.

There should be a ton of info released next week. A lot of impressions from the press and more in depth detail about various systems.

See this post for the kind of detail info we should be getting from various sources.


Next week is gonna make the wait even more unbearable. Gonna have to restrain myself so I dont ruin everything before it comes out.


Oh crap, are NDAs coming off soon? Holy Crap!!!!

No, not quite. It's not a full NDA lift, but an embargo lift of the press weekend beta that is happening from the 17th-19th. None the less, this will be hands down the most footage we've ever seen and will all be direct feed.


No, not quite. It's not a full NDA lift, but an embargo lift of the press weekend beta that is happening from the 17th-19th. None the less, this will be hands down the most footage we've ever seen and will all be direct feed.

thats all i want! give give me! arrrghhh!!!! good thing i dont have work on monday so i can soak this in all day
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