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Wii U Speculation Thread The Third: Casting Dreams in The Castle of Miyamoto


Seeing the god awful Wii release list of last year makes me want the Wii U even more. Guess that's one of the reasons why I want some news. Allthough 2012 won't be entirely bad for Wii.


Kind of off topic but I didn't want to start a new thread for it...

My receiver's component ports don't work properly so with my new set up, I can't play my Wii.

I've been looking at this:


Anyway, my receiver (in its infinite shittiness) doesn't accept audio over HDMI either. So can I just do a headphone to RCA cable into the receiver and it would work okay?


Don't a lot of people see it this way? Sony is loosing a lot of money in the video game department (not sure about cameras, tvs etc;).

Sony did lose a lot of money in the video game department over the generation but i think in the final years, that was actually one of the departments that pulled some money in. The real problem is the rest of Sony AFAIK. (SCE is more than video games right?)
Again, it isn't really about the sales, Sony eventually sold many consoles (and Software), but the initial price was so expensive that if last generation repeated, many see them pulling out. Personally I could imagine a situation where Sony has the same amount of sales, but not the initial expenses and comes out in a Gamecube way.

actually gaming seems to be one of the few (only?) bright spots as of now. Past was bad but it's the only thing on the upswing.

Anyway they won't pull out of anything. They'll just set it up for profits from the get-go unlike last time, and take it from there. Their demise was always greatly exaggerated, come on.

I'm too slow!
Agree on the first two points.

But as far as the bold is concerned, didn't they practically throw away everything they had earned in the PS1/2 era, that's quite a lot (that one graphic made it seem so). People see Sony with momentum as the sales picked up, but looking at the $$$ I still feel Sony is coming from far behind, with Microsoft having the momentum last generation and being the secret winner, possibly more so than Nintendo on the console front.


I posted on this some time ago..

Well said. I think it would be awesome if there is a huge shift this cycle, where fledgling and mid tier devs start supporting Wii U with exclusives and ignore Xbox 720/PS4. Is it better to make a game for a smaller user base with a budget to remain profitable or make a game for the new HD twins, that sells 2x, but leaves you in the red?
So I got Xenoblade yesterday and my Wii officially can't read dual layered discs even after trying the Wii Cleaning Kit which has helped me before. Nothing works. So Xenoblade will offcially be a Sii U launch title for me. (And before you start, Im not repairing it/buying a new one/using dolphin/etc. I justdon't do those things. I'm fine with waiting.)

Anywayz: I was looking at xenoblade dolphin pictures and was wondering, (Though I doubt anyone would know until Nintendo officially announces it/if they announce it.) does anyone think that the Wii U will be able to upscale(is that the right word? I mean make the games look better.) games so they look more HD like the Dolphin app?

I'm usually ok with the Wii's graphics, but playing Xenoblade on launch day alongside a HD Pikmin or something seems like it would be painful. I know Vita upscales PSP games. (Tho I don't have a Vita so I've never seen it.)

Man...what happens if it downscales Wii games like the 3DS does to DS? Ouch...well whatever, looking forward to Xenoblade Wii U and a couple other unamed launch games.

I just hope Nintendo makes the Wii U strong enough to aleays have a clean disc cleaner...

just some random thoughts of mine.

Anywayz: Been lurking in this thread and never post except for my dream post, I just wanted to say a few things/posting my wishlist.

-As long as its as poerful as the PS3 I'll be happy.
-Multitasking for friends list and friend messaging better be in. (But I don't use online that much so whatever.)
NOA better publish NPC Pikmin 2 in NA in Q3 2012 that way I can play and beat it before Pikmin 3 comes out as a launch title. (Or they just decide to say. "We're making Pikmin" AGAIN! Seriously its like $60 for a USED Pikmin 2...wtf...I wanna play it before 3 but I guess I won't.
-Hope they show off a new Zelda Wii U game developed by Retro. If its developed by Retro it may come out next year. (lol)
-Smash Bros. Trailer. (Its Sakurai. Anythings possible.)
-The ability to Transfer downloads from Wii to Wii U.
-The Ability to transfer LOCKED saves from Wii to Wii U. Damn them for making me lose my SSBB save because its a dual layered disc. They better not pull this lock save thing with Wii U. (And like I said I really don't wanna hack my Wii since I think theres a hack for this...so yea...whatever. Will probably never play Brawl again.)
-Be able to have like, up to 500GB of external storage. (lol...I hope its alot. The 3DS only has upto 32GBs. I'm gonna run out've that in a few years.)

Yea. Just my random wishlist for things at E3. I am really hyped for the system. Not as hyped as I was with the Wii tho...


Well said. I think it would be awesome if there is a huge shift this cycle, where fledgling and mid tier devs start supporting Wii U with exclusives and ignore Xbox 720/PS4. Is it better to make a game for a smaller user base with a budget to remain profitable or make a game for the new HD twins, that sells 2x, but leaves you in the red?

I think our best case scenario would be where most western third party developers go with the New Unsustainable Twins (or, as I call them: "NUTs") - with a few notable exceptions among smaller and middle-tier developers, who would join a majority of Japanese developers in developing for the Wii U.

But then again, I'm wondering if they've learned anything from this generation. Iwata forewarned about rising development costs back in 2005, and it seems like very few heeded that warning. Now, he'll be sure to mention it once again; he's already stressed this year that just because you can make an AAA game doesn't mean that you must. But for some reason I'm not confident in developers exercising sound financial judgement.. it's almost as though many developers and publishers have the decision-making skills of thirteen-year-old boys.


Anywayz: I was looking at xenoblade dolphin pictures and was wondering, (Though I doubt anyone would know until Nintendo officially announces it/if they announce it.) does anyone think that the Wii U will be able to upscale(is that the right word? I mean make the games look better.) games so they look more HD like the Dolphin app?

Pretty sure it was confirmed to NOT do this...of course.


As of E3 2011, the Wii games will look like..Wii games at 480p/i depending on your set. No upscale, no higher resolution, etc.

3DS "problem" is that the screen is a higher resolution of the DS, but not on par with the resolution of the DS so instead of making it exactly x2 or something, they used a different resolution. Which is why games look blurry when scaled to fit (pixels are stretched), but sharp and clean (and therefor smaller) on the actual resolution.

Vita's "advantage" is not only that the screen is x2 resolution of the PSP; but also that PSP games are emulated. In that aspects, for similar "resolution bump" on Wii games it will need to be emulated. But that comes with the cost that not all games are compatible.

But at the moment, it seems it will be like Wii/GameCube compatibility: The unit turns into the other console when playing said games.

Guess we'll know for sure in a few months.
Power is not all important. Software is. I wish people would remember how poorly PS360 did at the start of this generation. I wish people would remember that it was kinect and not high end graphics that pulled 360 into the mainstream. I wish people would remember that it was Wii Sports, Wii Fit, and Mario Kart and not HD resolutions that rocketed the Wii into stardom. I wish people would realize that most consumers aren't going to set the 360 and Wii U next to each other and compare them directly, they're going to be attracted to software that's unique to each system. I wish the people who clamor on and on about how a lack of a large graphical leap hinders sales potential would think about why Wii has sold 95+ million units world wide. I wish people would understand that while lack of third party support is tangentially related to a lack of power in the Wii, it's impossible for the cause of Wii's decline to be contingent on support that was never present during its rise, and that the drop off in 2011 correlates directly with the drop in software support by nintendo themselves. These are arguable points insofar as the spherical shape of the earth is an arguable point.

Best post I've seen in a while. ;oD


I think our best case scenario would be where most western third party developers go with the New Unsustainable Twins (or, as I call them: "NUTs") - with a few notable exceptions among smaller and middle-tier developers, who would join a majority of Japanese developers in developing for the Wii U.

But then again, I'm wondering if they've learned anything from this generation. Iwata forewarned about rising development costs back in 2005, and it seems like very few heeded that warning. Now, he'll be sure to mention it once again; he's already stressed this year that just because you can make an AAA game doesn't mean that you must. But for some reason I'm not confident in developers exercising sound financial judgement.. it's almost as though many developers and publishers have the decision-making skills of thirteen-year-old boys.

Yep, and on the flip side of the coin, I do understand EA and Activision and the big western publishers pushing for the insane costs. They can weather the storm, watch others die off trying to stay relevant, and then suck the remaining value out of the industry. Makes a ton of business sense for them. It's the HP model.


I'm usually ok with the Wii's graphics, but playing Xenoblade on launch day alongside a HD Pikmin or something seems like it would be painful.

Man...what happens if it downscales Wii games like the 3DS does to DS? Ouch...well whatever, looking forward to Xenoblade Wii U and a couple other unamed launch games.

As awesome as Xenoblade is, it doesn't have the most impressive visuals yeah (they somehow tricked and cutscenes look nice without much aliasing, but the normal game is pretty hmmm). Probably wouldn't hold up too well.

The downscaling, yeah not happening. And as noted above, the upscaling probably won't either *sadface*.

There are many solutions on the net to try to fix Wii lasers with a bit of temperament, did you try some of those?
I think homebrew can help too. Maybe you gave up a bit too fast? I understand not wanting to jump through hoops but as long as you can do it at home it's not too much of a hassle?


I posted on this some time ago..

To further shed light on your point one has to only look at the P&L/Income statements of the top publishers in the video game industry.

Looking at Take 2's P&L you can see that they are not doing all that well.

According to ShockingAlberto EA is trying to get MS to do a normal generational hardware jump. Now looking at their P&L over the last couple of years you can see that even though they have been loosing money they are still improving. But for them to push for more hardware now when they have started improving is a very dangerous thing to do.

Look at THQ's P&L. No wonder they are struggling.

Bottom line is this, an industry crash in the console sector is coming yet no one is willing to do anything to prepare. Iwata talked about rising development costs yet no one listened. Now it might be too late to do anything.


NOA better publish NPC Pikmin 2 in NA in Q3 2012 that way I can play and beat it before Pikmin 3 comes out as a launch title. (Or they just decide to say. "We're making Pikmin" AGAIN! Seriously its like $60 for a USED Pikmin 2...wtf...I wanna play it before 3 but I guess I won't.

I would love if Nintendo decided to do a Pikmin HD Edition with 1 & 2 on the same disc, controllable either by Wii Remote or by uPad or by Classic Controller. That would be absolutely fantastic.

But, alas, I'm dreaming. Might as well ask for a billion bucks and a pet pony while I'm at it.


I would love if Nintendo decided to do a Pikmin HD Edition with 1 & 2 on the same disc, controllable either by Wii Remote or by uPad or by Classic Controller. That would be absolutely fantastic.

But, alas, I'm dreaming. Might as well ask for a billion bucks and a pet pony while I'm at it.

For some reason, Pikmin HD collection doesn't sound that insane of an idea. I could really see Nintendo doing it.

But they might do it a few years after Pikmin 3 is out. Kind of like how they released Metroid Prime Trilogy a few years after Metroid Prime 3 was released for Wii.


I think our best case scenario would be where most western third party developers go with the New Unsustainable Twins (or, as I call them: "NUTs") - with a few notable exceptions among smaller and middle-tier developers, who would join a majority of Japanese developers in developing for the Wii U.

The Media Create thread kinda touched on the notion by accident, with Nirolak and charlequin proposing that the japanese devs that basically put out "ps2+" graphics even on HD consoles might either move to 3DS or continue to produce the same kind of games on the next PS instead of jumping on board the Wii-U. (paraphrasing, that's how i read it)

Not sure how I feel about that, surely the 3DS will continue to draw some of those games, as the DS&PSP did, but putting those visually low-key games up against even prettier looking AAAA~ games on the next PS doesn't sound too enticing and some games will have to be on consoles still.

I would love if Nintendo decided to do a Pikmin HD Edition with 1 & 2 on the same disc, controllable either by Wii Remote or by uPad or by Classic Controller. That would be absolutely fantastic.

But, alas, I'm dreaming. Might as well ask for a billion bucks and a pet pony while I'm at it.

New New Control? Nu Control? A Metroid Prime Collection like Pikmin might come someday, but I'd put it somewhere late on the timetable.

Odduck! damn man!

Eh, I don't see them bothering with it at that point. Those two games would be on the Virtual Console by then. And they most definitely wouldn't do it now, because the audience for it already played the games on the Gamecube.

Retail means more money though, but depending how the eShop shapes up you might be completely right.


For some reason, Pikmin HD collection doesn't sound that insane of an idea. I could really see Nintendo doing it.

But they might do it a few years after Pikmin 3 is out. Kind of like how they released Metroid Prime Trilogy a few years after Metroid Prime 3 was released for Wii.

Eh, I don't see them bothering with it at that point. Those two games would be on the Virtual Console by then. And they most definitely wouldn't do it now, because the audience for it already played the games on the Gamecube.

Azure J

Oh yeah, because I forgot to mention it before, I want in on the "Murder SEGA if a JSR sequel got canned again" train. I need more Naganuma music, godlike urban cel shadedness and skate platforming in my life.


Wonder how we could go about Kickstarting a JSR sequel.

Somebody needs to twitter to japanese devs about kickstarting things.

Oh. I see.
Rösti;36734015 said:
I actually suggest less of these images for the next iteration of this thread. While they actually serve as a good hype inducer, it clutters the opening post. For example, the portrait recreation of the Lupin III poster takes up too much space before actual relevant text.

To prevent trolls and other people wishing Nintendo spite from posting unsavory comments on Wii U, facts and fiction (rumors etc.) should be clearly divided by for example clear graphical separators. Ace has done a nice job on providing good information, but there is room for improvement.

An example of what I would appreciate, and from this a unified theme of a thread can be derived:


Very clean, but fits what the thread is about.

That looks very nice, but can I make one suggestion?

change the Wii U system in the pic to this one instead

if you could also alter the uMote to match the color that would be even better.


never left the stone age
Seriously. Grey metallic Wii U looks sleek as hell. Do it, Nintendo. Screw white. Gimme something early 2000s.


Maye a smaller version of that image could be used in each header of the subsections of the next OP, with a different color for each subsection? Silver, purple, black, green, red, blue, pink, etc.. And each header image could also be animated, with a Reggie and/or Iwata and/or Miyamoto-head peeking out from behind the console, perhaps with even celebrity heads like Mark Rein's?

(There goes my overactive imagination again..)


Maye a smaller version of that image could be used in each header of the subsections of the next OP, with a different color for each subsection? Silver, purple, black, green, red, blue, pink, etc.. And each header image could also be animated, with a Reggie and/or Iwata and/or Miyamoto-head peeking out from behind the console, perhaps with even celebrity heads like Mark Rein's?

(There goes my overactive imagination again..)


Like the superior purple 3DS nobody shall ever own :[
As awesome as Xenoblade is, it doesn't have the most impressive visuals yeah (they somehow tricked and cutscenes look nice without much aliasing, but the normal game is pretty hmmm). Probably wouldn't hold up too well.

The downscaling, yeah not happening. And as noted above, the upscaling probably won't either *sadface*.

There are many solutions on the net to try to fix Wii lasers with a bit of temperament, did you try some of those?
I think homebrew can help too. Maybe you gave up a bit too fast? I understand not wanting to jump through hoops but as long as you can do it at home it's not too much of a hassle?

I might try a couple things, but for the most part I won't probably try to fix the Wii. I know what my options are but I don't wanna risk messing up even if its simple to hack/etc. plus if I hack it I'm not sure if that would mess up anything on the whole (hopefully) Wii to Wii U transfers. I have around 130 downloaded games and I sadly barely played most of them. Starting to play through a few but mostly waiting to I get a Wii U to play them and instead focusing on games from other systems. I hope my Wii can just hang in there until the Wii U comes out.

Good to see that its not gonna downscale Wii games. I'm not much of a tech person so I don't know how these things work. Interesting reading that post tho.


Holy crap! Today's real megaton is that more than two people can have the same first name.
Power is not all important. Software is. I wish people would remember how poorly PS360 did at the start of this generation. I wish people would remember that it was kinect and not high end graphics that pulled 360 into the mainstream. I wish people would remember that it was Wii Sports, Wii Fit, and Mario Kart and not HD resolutions that rocketed the Wii into stardom. I wish people would realize that most consumers aren't going to set the 360 and Wii U next to each other and compare them directly, they're going to be attracted to software that's unique to each system. I wish the people who clamor on and on about how a lack of a large graphical leap hinders sales potential would think about why Wii has sold 95+ million units world wide. I wish people would understand that while lack of third party support is tangentially related to a lack of power in the Wii, it's impossible for the cause of Wii's decline to be contingent on support that was never present during its rise, and that the drop off in 2011 correlates directly with the drop in software support by nintendo themselves. These are arguable points insofar as the spherical shape of the earth is an arguable point.

Wow! Excellent post. So good, I might reuse it when I get into arguments about how the Wii U is doomed.... (I'll credit you, of course.)
It says everything I want to say, but in far better words.


i wonder if because the system will be weaker than the 360 that they're aiming for a $149.99 price tag. only way i'd get one (if it came with a real game)


Holy crap! Today's real megaton is that more than two people can have the same first name.
i wonder if because the system will be weaker than the 360 that they're aiming for a $149.99 price tag. only way i'd get one (if it came with a real game)

There's no way they're going to sell a main console for less than the cost of a 3DS.
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