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Game Informer August 2012 - next Gears of War


Todd Howard's Secret GAF Account
What else ?

We dont know for sure xbox 720 is coming anytime soon

And judging by this, could well be holiday 2014

I am sure Gears 4 is there to cover holiday 2013

There are multiple developers working on next gen titles already, and have been for a while.

Next gen will start Fall of 2013.
It's the story of Jaime Vega and how he gets sucked into a dimensional vortex and joins the System Alliance to fight the Reapers.


Hmm. I could see them releasing this game, made by another dev but still with a big name on the 360 even as the 720 launches with something else big from another pub. Giving both systems a reason to own or purchase. Keeping the old system alive with a fresh and popular series and the new system going with a couple big IP's as well.


Todd Howard's Secret GAF Account
Hmm. I could see them releasing this game, made by another dev but still with a big name on the 360 even as the 720 launches with something else big from another pub. Giving both systems a reasons to own or purchase. Keeping the old system alive with a fresh and popular series and the new system going with a couple big IP's as well.

I really hope the 720 has BC in some fashion. Even if it is 50 bucks more for a BC SKU.
For the people saying it's too soon, it's not like the are releasing it tomorrow. It will probably be out sometime in 2013. That's a good two years between. I don't understand the "sequelitis" comments, when this has always gone on. Last gen we had like 3 Splinter Cells in 4 years, 3 GTAs in 4 years, 4 Ratchet and Clanks in 4 years and plenty others like that. People act like this is some brand new thing.
people just like to hate on MS because they churn out a new AAA halo, gears and forza title every other year. If you aren't releasing 70% range titles like starhawk, Twisted Metal and the yearly yakuza game yourexclusives are seen as lacking. :D


do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
I know. Hell, I was a tad disappointing Gears 3 was on 360... Let alone Gears 4.
Bring on Next Gen Dammit!
WTF?!? You were hoping Gears 3 would be a 720 title....you would have been willing to wait what another 2 years to recieve Gears 3.....with the 360 still having a mean market share how would that be logical?

For atleast the next 3 years there will be more 360s than 720s so if they can still make good games for the 360 they should....why waste time sitting and waiting for the 720?

We are assuming this is PCFs Gears game, which means Epics A-Team is probably working on Gears of War 4(or whatever the 720s early flagship title will be called).
Epic seem pretty happy with Microsoft so im assuming they will have some 360 exclusive next gen.

Everyone disappointed or shocked that PCFs gears game is coming to 360 as opposed to 720 hasnt though about this enough.
I really would like it if this game starts of per-emergance day and leads into E-day about 1/4 way into the story.

Also, I do hope it is a FPS. It would be a really cool way to handle it as a spin-off.

Well I have always said that many launch 720 games will likely be just 360 games but with the high res assets used and some fancy new lighting, bokeh DoF, tessellation, etc. thrown in.

Also maybe additional scale, like more enemies and friendly NPC's in encounters, larger maps, etc.

So this.

Cranked to 11.

Yup, makes sense. I hope they go that route with this game, because I do plan on getting a 720 day 1. Well, if my financial situation improves that is and it is not grossly underpowered or overpriced.
people just like to hate on MS because they churn out a new AAA halo, gears and forza title every other year. If you aren't releasing 70% range titles like starhawk, Twisted Metal and the yearly yakuza game yourexclusives are seen as lacking. :D

Please, don't do this console war bullshit

omg he linked metacritic reviews, omg

edit: And I'll join the chorus that I hope this is actually some kind of FPS title, would be a good direction for a spin-off and PCF are damn good at those

Kydd BlaZe

Hell yes! So ready for this. The Gears of War franchise is the best thing to come out of this generation, IMO. I'm definitely down for a prequel/sequel...whatever the fuck this game is, I'm all for it.

I'd imagine that since Epic is busy with Fortnite, that this is the long rumored People Can Fly project. I loved Painkiller and Bulletstorm, so I'd love to see what PCF can do with the franchise.


I'm calling it now.... this will be the showcase for unreal 4. Will launch on both the 360 and nextbox next fall and next years e3 they will so a side by side comparison (half screen ue3/360 and the other half ue4/nextbox) to show you how much better unreal4/nextbox looks compared to 360.

That would be... ingenious.

Personally, I hope it's more focussed on the Pendulum wars. Having human enemies and such would change things up nicely.

Robot Pants

As a huge HUGE Gears 1 fan, the other games in the series left a pretty sour taste in my mouth, so I will probably pass on this one. Not falling for EPICs shit again.


There are multiple developers working on next gen titles already, and have been for a while.

Next gen will start Fall of 2013.

It is a possibility of course

Though holiday 2012 was a possibility too and now has gone to zero chance

If they keep announcing 360 games for 2013 the chances for a 720 get slimer and slimer


I saw this on the Facebook page. Can't say I'm not surprised; like everyone else has said, it's probably the rumored People Can Fly prequel. Unfortunately, as feature rich as Gears 3 was, the novelty wore off fast for me. I was a fan of Bulletstorm so this is probably going to be good. As a huge fan of Horde, I didn't like the new Horde and the dedicated servers/P2P issue was another nuisance that caused me to stop playing it. I haven't touched since around November myself.I hope this new Gears brings a couple of new things to the table; I seem to recall Cliff Blezinski saying that he would be cool with a style change for a new Gears so this must be it. And maybe this is just me, but I would love to see cel shaded comic style Gears game because it suits it (in my dreams).


That would be... ingenious.

As was said in another thread about the 720 release. It would be cool if they led with the 360 with tons of flash and said that's a 720 game. Let people feel just a BIT disappointed for a couple seconds then said "Nah just kidding" and changes to the 720 version.


I'm like everybody else, I like sequels, I really do, but why is Microsoft so scared of trying any new IP's? Sure, I know they sucked at it during the Xbox 1 days, but why does everything either have to be Gears, Halo, or Forza these days? The only thing that does give them some variety is how crazy diverse and good XBLA games are, but besides that, it's either the three mentioned, which to be fair are all great franchises, or Kinect trash.

I mean, Sony does the same thing to an extent, but they're still trying a lot of new stuff with 1st party games and exclusives.

Adam J.

I dig Gears but am saddened at the prospect of one made by my beloved People Can Fly. Gears is too "safe" for the PCP jokers.


people just like to hate on MS because they churn out a new AAA halo, gears and forza title every other year. If you aren't releasing 70% range titles like starhawk, Twisted Metal and the yearly yakuza game yourexclusives are seen as lacking. :D

The best part of E3 is the posts the week before. It's like a time machine back to 2006/2007.

I'm like everybody else, I like sequels, I really do, but why is Microsoft so scared of trying any new IP's? Sure, I know they sucked at it during the Xbox 1 days, but why does everything either have to be Gears, Halo, or Forza these days? The only thing that does give them some variety is how crazy diverse and good XBLA games are, but besides that, it's either the three mentioned, which to be fair are all great franchises, or Kinect trash.

I mean, Sony does the same thing to an extent, but they're still trying a lot of new stuff with 1st party games and exclusives.
Because sequels are much more profitable. You get to re-use lots of assets and you've got an existing fanbase. This is a way to recoup some of those huge development costs from the beginning of the cycle. It's a very sensible strategy for MS.


Oh boy, we get to fight Locust again. *indifference*

Maybe they'll explain the giant gaping plot points left unanswered in Gears 3.
I'm like everybody else, I like sequels, I really do, but why is Microsoft so scared of trying any new IP's?

Because it works.

Why do Nintendo crank out Mario, Zelda and Pokemon so frequently? Because it works.

That's all there is to it.

If there was no demand for more Gears and Halo, you wouldn't be getting it.


I'm like everybody else, I like sequels, I really do, but why is Microsoft so scared of trying any new IP's? Sure, I know they sucked at it during the Xbox 1 days, but why does everything either have to be Gears, Halo, or Forza these days? The only thing that does give them some variety is how crazy diverse and good XBLA games are, but besides that, it's either the three mentioned, which to be fair are all great franchises, or Kinect trash.

I mean, Sony does the same thing to an extent, but they're still trying a lot of new stuff with 1st party games and exclusives.

Yeah I agree... give us something new for god sake. Hell, they even have access to IPs that I'd much more be interested in seeing over GOW such as Perfect Dark, Shadowrun (?), Banjo-Kazooie etc.


As was said in another thread about the 720 release. It would be cool if they led with the 360 with tons of flash and said that's a 720 game. Let people feel just a BIT disappointed for a couple seconds then said "Nah just kidding" and changes to the 720 version.

PLUS Unreal Engine 4 is the poster-boy for nextgen AND Gears is the poster-boy for Unreal Engine in general AND Epic was the one who convinced MS to double the 360's RAM through the same kind of comparative demo with the first Gears. It makes too much sense.

I'm like everybody else, I like sequels, I really do, but why is Microsoft so scared of trying any new IP's? Sure, I know they sucked at it during the Xbox 1 days, but why does everything either have to be Gears, Halo, or Forza these days? The only thing that does give them some variety is how crazy diverse and good XBLA games are, but besides that, it's either the three mentioned, which to be fair are all great franchises, or Kinect trash.

End of the console cycle. Wait til next year before you blow them off. We already know of:

New Lionhead MMO
New Remedy IP
3 new Rare IPs
New MS Vancouver game
Ryse from Crytek

Plus half a dozen new studios, which we have no idea of what they're doing.
Plus that $300 million to fund new IPs through outside studios.
And of course all the other partnerships they like to do, including XBLA.

Gears 3 is the best competitive shooter on consoles even with the issues it has and I can't wait to see what epic has in store for the follow up.
I honestly can't believe we're already getting another Gears. If I had to guess, it will most likely be a spin-off, as I can't imagine this being Gears 4.



Gears of War game
Halo 4
Forza Horizon
Fable The Journey
Twisted Pixel Games project

Didn't Pachter say that Microsoft wouldn't show a lot of games at E3? :p I'd be fine with this list tbh. Apart from the lack of new IPs, it's really not that bad.


If it's a prequel I hope it has Carmine's dad

And Gears 3 sucked compared to 2. Make the game more like Gears of War 2, Epic.

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