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Sony officially cuts ties with Superbot; All-Stars DLC now handled by Santa Monica

I honestly thought playstation allstars was a solid fighter. Outside competitive play the game was bleh though.

Also lol at supers ruining the game. Yaok.
This generation is done. It doesn't matter how Sly 4 does, there will never be a Sly 5. There is no room for anything other than AAA now at retail. If Sony pushes right now or not isn't going to matter if whatever the game is can't do five million units next generation.

The multiple team thing is all about this. Two Naughty Dog teams. Two Santa Monica teams. Two Guerrilla teams (three counting Cambridge), Media Molecule, Sucker Punch, Polyphony.
Four AAA games per year on more or less two year cycles, enjoy it.

Consider it was you. You've made Ico, one of, if not the best game ever made. Do you want your game associated with a Smash Bros clone from an unproven studio? No, of course you don't. And moreover, allowing it would not sell a single extra copy of the game. Ico isn't Crash, or FFVII, or Tomb Raider. No one would have bought it for that anyway.
You have been consistently posting very reasonable and well though-out responses, just wanted to say I agree 100%...good stuff Rayman has to be one of the best platformers I've ever played, but I'm sure it hasn't sold in the blockbuster category. I really don't see Sly4, regardless of reviews/marketing selling over a million. The fan base is simply not there anymore for that type of experience, which is unfortunately, cuz I'll be buying it and would hate to see it go away.

On the Sony issue, I guess we can forget all the other developers who go out of there way to praise Sony and the amount of freedom they had over the years? Sony needs to streamline and become a profitable company again. WWS is big enough, and they simply need to focus more on what they have, I think the days of them over-reaching to green light things are over for now, can't be mad if they are quick to cut-off ties they don't see profit from.

btw--I bought All Stars and it's pretty good, but I agree that it's fundamentally flawed and a 100mil marketing campaign wouldn't have pushed into the limelight. Should have been a PSN title. Gow:A multiplayer however was pretty ace, I would've liked a Sony mascot title to head in that direction tbh, Smash Brothers is one of those things you don't touch, and despite the difference, Allstars still felt too similar IMO.

All those studios that Sony "killed" have been producing mediocre to crap titles. Should Sony have let the Socom teams keep releasing titles? Gotta make decisions quickly if you want to survive. Apple is in a position to green light everything, and so is MS, but are they going to? Nope, because it's all about making a compelling product. at least Sony gives new studios a chance.


Good. Sony cant afford to fund all these studios' games only for most of them to be sub par and not sell. Trim Dat fat Sony.

Also hope they buy Quantic Dream. They proved to be top tier up there with Naughty Dog, SSM, SP and MM :)

It's their job to market the game in order to sell it. They're trimming the fat and ignoring the eating problem.

Considering most review sites use the 7-10 rating system a 74/100 isn't what I'd consider "well received."

It recieved solid scores(8-9) from the major outlets.


Kotaku updated their post with a statement:

UPDATE: In an e-mail, SuperBot's president David Yang responded to Kotaku's request for comment, saying that the company is "excited about beginning the next chapter of [their] future."

The full statement follows:

SuperBot Entertainment can confirm that the relationship with SCEA has ended on good terms. We are extremely grateful to have had the opportunity to work on with Sony on Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale, and are extremely proud of the work we have done. SuperBot Entertainment will continue working on projects that reflect our passion for games and our commitment to creating award winning titles. We are very excited about beginning the next chapter of our future and invite all of our fans and supporters to follow our journey.

It doesn't sound like they're shutting down.


No,Sony already own Sony Pictures Animation.

It's their job to market the game in order to sell it. They're trimming their the fat and ignoring the eating problem.


@D2 they marketed PSA tho. They had commercials, all those events for people o play live demos, the billboards and stuff :eek:
That's a lot for a new IP tbh IDK tho ;__;


I'm sure Jaffe wanted TM to be a cheaper PSN release (he's being saying it over here), but Sony pushed full retail through.

Another problem. Twisted Metal would have been great if it launched as a PSN title, and if the multiplayer wasn't a wreck at launch there would have been a lot of potential for DLC with that game.

I honestly MUST say the same thing about starhawk.

I loved both of these games, Starhawk didn't deserve to bomb (Twisted Metal didn't really bomb) the way they did. It wasn't warhawk 2.0, it was starhawk.


Idol Minds *NEARLY* closed, they had to lay almost everyone off when Ruin (Warrior's Lair) got pulled. They started doing ios games and were able to rehire some of the folks they let go.

Wait Ruin got cancelled for PSvita? I remember that game looking pretty good.


I bought All-stars two weeks ago and it's quickly become my most played game with my roomates. Super bummed that it wasn't the commercial success that Sony had hoped it was, but I feel like they half-assed it with their acquisition attempts. Crash, Cloud, Snake, etc. all needed to be there, instead it ended up being and ad campaign for upcoming games.

I really like the core gameplay, but it feels like Sony just wanted to make the minimum investment and hope it panned out. With a better roster, I honestly think this could have been a bigger hit. Sony had to go big to get all the characters that people wanted, but they didn't.


Wait Ruin got cancelled for PSvita? I remember that game looking pretty good.

It wasn't cancelled; it turned into Warrior's Lair, and is now being developed solely by San Diego Studios, who were assisting Idol Minds with the game in the first place.


Well received game performs poorly, and they blame the developer, rather than the marketing department. Makes perfect sense.

PSAllStars has not been well received at all, in fact, quite the opposite, especially considering how excited people initially were for a Sony smash bros.

I can't believe we are blaming marketing here on an average game that was supposed to be much more.



@D2 they marketed PSA tho. They had commercials, all those events for people o play live demos, the billboards and stuff :eek:
That's a lot for a new IP tbh IDK tho ;__;

Not when it's your only major release for the holiday. That shit should have been plastered on every bag of Doritos and Mountain Dew possible.


Incredibly Naive
They revealed that the DLC would be coming early February and it's for free.

ok, when it was first announced they said "early january", now they say february, they also said the patch would be early january and that they would nerf Raiden, Drake, and Kratos. They took away Raidens throw, but he's still OP, they only take away Drake's loop, which isn't what makes him OP, and they only took away a few degrees of Kratos chain grab(I don't really mind Kratos anyway)

that also doesn't explain

- character glitches upon release that was supposedly addressed in the beta.
- poor netcode and lag at first
- bizarre glitches not present in the beta.

then a patch releases.

- Nerfs Sackboy to hell (yet they don't address the other characters)
- break the party system
- didn't address the character glitch
- added other new glitches
- belt glitches like crazy
- team titles not showing up
- no punishment for quitting games
- no stock in ranked games despite being told it was coming.

The list really goes on. I have plenty of videos of strange glitches while I'm playing with my friends. In fact we often tweet these very videos out to superbot themselves with no response. There was 0% improvement from the open beta, and 0 effort put into the presentation.


Sony runs each of their studios like independent businesses. They basically (as a rule of thumb) require them to make a profit or they'll cut them off.

That's understandable since most publishers are this way. I know things are kind of tough for Sony now, and I don't fault them for cutting off unprofitable partnerships, but I can't help wondering if the game would have done any better with better marketing.

In the end, I'm never happy to see developers lose out. =(

Thank god someone said it. Super Smash Brothers is the only game like this and no one should be allowed to make anything that looks like it, no matter how differentlyit plays. Amen.

You can't be serious...


Not really surprising, writing was on the wall for this one. Even though they have this positive post up I don't expect their future to be bright unfortunately.

It sold like crap in Europe too and it had TV ads, plus billboards plastered all over the public transport (at least the couple of big cities I visited last year in Germany plus Paris). Can't get any more marketing than that for video games tbh. Not quite Uncharted/GTAIV levels of marketing but still way, way more than usual games, even of the AAA calibre.

Well whatever they expected it surely wasn't this type of bomb. For whatever odd reason they positioned it as their holiday season game alongside Wonderbook.

Odds of this selling 1 m first week in Japan: zero. TBH I would be surprised if it even sold 100k first week on both platforms.

Naw, and I own the PC version.

Publishers should know about vocal minorities by now. The whole project was ill-conceived imo.

What happened to that game?
Without Crash, Lara, and Cloud this game was sent to die IMO.

Nobody gives a fuck about nathan drake, nathan hale, nathan cole, or whatever the fuck gritty slop Sony serves up to copy whatever Xbox is doing to appeal to the mainstream crowd who isn't ever going to play a non COD/Gears of War/Madden game.


In a lot of ways it sucks for Superbot. They really weren't setup for success.

* The game should not have been greenlit until the proper negotiations were finalized to include characters that fully captured Sony's lineage and history. This is further exacerbated by all the leaks that happened, because the 22 we have now are pretty solid and might have been better received had we not known about them.

* This is one of those games were transparency would have benefited them and having a stronger Sony PR presence backing the game would have made huge strides in the natural noise surrounding many of the game's elements. They brought in Seth late in development, but by that time it was too little too late.

* The super system, despite being fun and unique, was being juxtaposed (and in many ways unfairly) against Smash and its kill mechanic. They spent more time trying to convince people it was unique as opposed to having a true opportunity to showcase their game. The skepticism from so called PlayStation fans did them no favors.

*UI, Presentation, and perhaps even single player should have been outsourced by another Studio, maybe even Sony Santa Monica. It is abundantly clear a lot of time was spent on the core mechanic of the game, and I personally think it's fantastic. However, because of the nature of the team (veteran fighting game developers) their natural focus was going to be on the fighting.

Now with all that said I really hope Superbot gets picked up by a publisher, because I would love to see a hardcore fighting game come from that team. I also hope we get an All Stars sequel, because the core game is there. All we need is a boost to the content and a more realized single player component. Any one of Sony's studios is capable of that.

The other thing I think may be at play is that the Sony Santa Monica devs who worked on this game will continue to work on this game, so we will likely continue to see DLC and support at least until the beginning of the next gen cycle (aka this fall).
ok, when it was first announced they said "early january", now they say february, they also said the patch would be early january and that they would nerf Raiden, Drake, and Kratos. They took away Raidens throw, but he's still OP, they only take away Drake's loop, which isn't what makes him OP, and they only took away a few degrees of Kratos chain grab(I don't really mind Kratos anyway)

that also doesn't explain

- character glitches upon release that was supposedly addressed in the beta.
- poor netcode and lag at first
- bizarre glitches not present in the beta.

then a patch releases.

- Nerfs Sackboy to hell (yet they don't address the other characters)
- break the party system
- didn't address the character glitch
- added other new glitches
- belt glitches like crazy
- team titles not showing up
- no punishment for quitting games

- no stock in ranked games despite being told it was coming.

The list really goes on. I have plenty of videos of strange glitches while I'm playing with my friends. In fact we often tweet these very videos out to superbot themselves with no response. There was 0% improvement from the open beta, and 0 effort put into the presentation.
To be fair, they kinda fixed those two. But I agree in saying that the would patch up one aspect, only to have two or three new problems arise.
I wasn't surprised when this game flopped (critically and commercially), I wasn't surprised when Superbot layed off staff, and I'm not surprised now.

All Stars was a mediocre idea, handled poorly by Superbot in development, and absolutely mangled by PlayStation in marketing. The end result was a sub-par game that sold even less than it deserved to. Good riddance to all involved.
I think one of All Stars big problems was that it was comprised of too many characters whose fanbases wouldn't give much of a shit about a Super Smash Bros-style game.
Feel bad for people at Superbot.


Sony just isnt in the 2nd party game anymore.

Such a shame since PSAS was a ok game let down by licencing agreements.
You didn't answer the question, but sure, agree to disagree sounds good.

Well, I didn't directly respond but I'd say yes, if the fans want something from your game in the mascot/crossover game, give them it - even if it's something small and not as big of a deal as a playable character.

You can't be serious...

He's obviously being sarcastic, he linked a website with a thread full of Smash bros. clones. I'm pretty sure there are crossover/mascot brawlers that predated Smash Bros. anyway, it was SSB that really popularized it as a type of fighter. I'm saddened that this IP could easily be gone, when SSB really needs some competition to help move the genre forward. I love the genre, I wish there was more games in it.


The roster could have certainly changed quite a few minds, enough to warrant a sales difference? I am not psychic but I'd like to think so. I do not regret buying at full price, mostly to support the studio but because it's one of the better party games available to me and my friends like that it's easy to learn opposed to most of my other fighting games. I will also be supporting Sly 4 because it's a great game from what I have played from PS Plus demo. Sad to see studios like this go, at least Insomniac is still around, barring the latest Ratchet and Resistance 2 I thought their output was pretty fantastic.

edit: given the pedigree of a lot of that team I would be surprised to not see them get jobs elsewhere assuming someone isn't willing to fund another game from them.


I used Dead Island as an example that saying PSABR\Starhawk failed commercially purely because it wasn't good isn't true. It's not an exact science. There have been enough unfavorable games that managed to make good numbers.

And it's not like i expected those ps3 games to do 3 million each, but surely as first party titles in a pretty slow year for retail exclusives and with better marketing they would have performed better.

What are we talking about here? Less than 500k LTD for Starhawk and PSABR each?

rdrr gnr

Thank god someone said it. Super Smash Brothers is the only game like this and no one should be allowed to make anything that looks like it, no matter how differentlyit plays. Amen.
You're gravely mistaken if you think my distaste for PSABR comes from an affinity for Smash. And, yes, MoH isn't creatively bankrupt either because we had other shooters like it before it. The game is dead and we're better off because of it. All the creativity that team had boiled down to:

"Hey, bro, let's have a Metal Gear attack the Dojo. Durr" (Or whatever it was -- a Killzone enemy? You see the problem?)

The game was a mechanical and aesthetic mess. It deserved to bomb and it did.



Sony shat on Vita to promote Wonderbook during E3 but once the release came close I've hardly seen anything about it. I heard it was kind of hyped up a bit in the UK but honestly I don't know about the state that franchise is in. I think its yet another blank by Sony that probably doesn't make a comeback.


You can't pull off a game like this when most of the memorable games on your systems come from third party developers. Sony doesn't have an appealing enough stable of first party characters for this to work.


I used Dead Island as an example that saying PSABR\Starhawk failed commercially purely because it wasn't good isn't true. It's not an exact science. There have been enough unfavorable games that managed to make good numbers.

And it's not like i expected those ps3 games to do 3 million each, but surely as first party titles in a pretty slow year for retail exclusives and with better marketing they would have performed better.

What are we talking about here? Less than 500k LTD for Starhawk and PSABR each?

Given some of the NPD leaks that we've been getting, there's a good chance that it might be less than 500k LTD for Starhawk and PSASBR combined.



Sony shat on Vita to promote Wonderbook during E3 but once the release came close I've hardly seen anything about it. I heard it was kind of hyped up a bit in the UK but honestly I don't know about the state that franchise is in. I think its yet another blank by Sony that probably doesn't make a comeback.

There were plenty of TV ads in the UK - the most I've seen for a playstation product since the PS3 launch.


I think one of All Stars big problems was that it was comprised of too many characters whose fanbases wouldn't give much of a shit about a Super Smash Bros-style game.
Sadly, there's a laundry list of issues with the game. Everything from IP, gameplay, target market, marketing, launch timing... it just goes on and on and on.
As much as I love All Stars, I wonder if things would have worked out better if they went Power Stone style.

Unfortunately, the games' stars just can't compare to Nintendo.

Nothing wrong with budgeting a game within expectations, but I wonder if expectations were too high, or if there was too much money wasted in development. Is 3 years too long for the end result? I'd think so


Well, nice to know they aren't shutting down I guess. But here's hoping they don't end up like Lightbox.

then a patch releases.

- Nerfs Sackboy to hell (yet they don't address the other characters)

This still makes me mad. People had been complaining about Kratos since the beta, and they didn't do a thing. But they instantly go and destroy Sackboy when all they needed to do is tweak his Level 3.
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