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Gears of War: Judgment Review Thread

Why did I pay full price for this? My excitement level is 0, I have bunch of awesome games to play and yet I bought this... Why?

Again, if he felt like there should have been more it seems easy enough to make your case in the review. But, to go out of his way to claim some 'slimy' conspiracy over twitter sounds like Jeff has crossed over into smear mode and IMO comes off as disingenuous.[/B]
Jason overfelt (@thejbone29) tweeted at 2:59 AM on Mon, Mar 18, 2013:
@jeffgerstmann I'm sure this judgement review is another plot by you to create controversy and get web hits. How about some integrity?

Is that you?


Jason overfelt (@thejbone29) tweeted at 2:59 AM on Mon, Mar 18, 2013:
@jeffgerstmann I'm sure this judgement review is another plot by you to create controversy and get web hits. How about some integrity?

Is that you?

Wait what? So it's me because someone claimed he was doing it for hits? Silly. So it's somehow not possible for someone else to see how strange those tweets come off.

I laid out exactly why I thought it was disingenuous. Giant Bomb does a preview that detailed the amount of maps. But after his review he literarally goes out of his way to IMO smear the game with misleading info and pretend MS was trying to pull a fast one on the consumer.
It's the fact that people act like its some sort of moral issue that they have the high ground on, or that they know how to run a business better than people that make a lot of money, probably have MBAs from competitive schools, and are probably much smarter than any of us are (and I would argue the entitlement culture of out generation but I don't really feel like getting into that) that gets to me. You have every right to complain about whatever you want and I have very right to complain about your complaining. Plus I like to argue.

There's that word again. How did this generation become like this? Where consumers actually go out of their way to argue against their own interests?
I finished this game over the weekend, and generally the single player is as fun as good fast food; you'll get your fill in terms of action and generally more Gears of War. But long term I think this is going to be a forgettable game. They resolve nothing in relation to what they 'revealed' on Gears 3 (well, they revealed a lot supposedly if you read (buy--just like DLC, haha!) all the books, read every little piece of speculation on the forums, etc etc). I think based on how they set this game up, they're going to be making Gears every other year. This is basically Microsoft's "Contra" game.

I do wish they put a bit more effort into the mythos of Gears and not put all their story bits in various pieces of entertainment like the books or relying on their fans to piece everything together. That approach to the lore is just so 'not Gears'. I always thought this series explained everything literally and that's what I initially liked about it. I play this game not to think too hard, but they end up forcing you to, and it gives me a headache in terms of making sense of why things happen to this game's world and its characters.

But I have nothing bad to say about the gameplay of GOW:Judgment. As a TPS it's practically perfect. I protest the change to the grenade controls but i guess it can't be avoided....


What's with this bold new energy and refreshing and disruptive ideas which completely reinvigorate the franchise and make this the most important Gears since '06? coz all the IGN review said that it has a broader color palette,Declassified sections and random enemy spawns.


Like Gears 3, the game is also packed full of purchasable skins, and these are marked in such a way that makes it look like you'll never be able to unlock a buyable skin via the game's prize boxes. Also on the microtransaction front is the ability to straight-up buy double XP bonuses that last for a set number of matches. What, no soda or chip company wanted to kick down and print codes on their packages? Players that purchase the Season Pass DLC pre-order get access to a "VIP" matchmaking option that includes all of that DLC and generates more XP than the standard matchmaking option.

This is from Giant Bomb's review. As if the thing he tweeted wasn't sleazy enough...
Good for them if they see high sales. Do you know how selfish it sounds to expect them to bring in less revenue just because you want more maps for the same price. Do the shareholders not deserve the highest returns that they can get? Do developers not deserve more pay?
Why use the word 'more' here? Is it because you couldn't hit that tone you're after if you try to belittle people for asking for the same maps for the same money?
Wait what? So it's me because someone claimed he was doing it for hits? Silly. So it's somehow not possible for someone else to see how strange those tweets come off.

I laid out exactly why I thought it was disingenuous. Giant Bomb does a preview that detailed the amount of maps. But after his review he literarally goes out of his way to IMO smear the game with misleadi info and pretend MS was trying to pull a fast one on the consumer.
What preview? There's no preview. You're quoting the wiki article that can be edited by any user.


Lo and behold, he didn't edit the map information in. Do you even Giant Bomb?

Smear the game my ass. Him being surprised by the way maps are being dealt with is totally valid.

Ban Puncher

Free season passes from Microsoft's store and titty magazine bonus maps are all well and good for people in the US but everyone else gets jack squat.

And yet there are people coming out of the woodwork who will defend these shitty practices, just like the Persona 4 Arena region-locking clusterfuck (8+ months on and still not out in PAL land), because while it may impact other people it does not affect them directly so respond with "what are you whining about?" or buzzwords like 'entitlement' get bandied around ad nauseam.

I'm still picking up my copy tomorrow but four TDM maps is shit and Season Passes can go take a flying fuck at a rolling donut.


What preview? There's no preview. You're quoting the wiki article that can be edited by any user.


Lo and behold, he didn't edit the map information in. Do you even Giant Bomb?

Smear the game my ass. Him being surprised by the way maps are being dealt with is totally valid.

Wait so it Jeff tweets there are only 4 multiplayer maps when there are 10 multiplayer maps shipping, that's isn't being disingenuous.

Then he is alluding to somehow MS or Epic is somehow being sleazy by advertising the game's season pass on Xbox Live? Which is standard fare for games coming to the 360.

Just you going off the tweets alone it comes off as smear Mode

But clearly I was wrong about the GiantBomb link that I assumed was their preview. I stand corrected in that regard.

No matter how it is spun,even if you didn't get the two free maps from Maxim and you never get one map from the two DLC packs. There are still 8 multiplayer maps shipping with the game on Tuesday.

No matter how Jeff alludes to the Season Pass being some sort of a 'sleazy' conspiracy, the Season Pass promo from wherever you buy it from details what you are ultimately getting for your purchase.

If you don want it then don't buy it, game, pass, or otherwise, but I still say its a shame and unfair to People Can Fly and Epic that a guy like Jeff in his position is misleading people (intentionallly or not) to believe that there are only 4 maps coming with the game.


Wait so it Jeff tweets there are only 4 multiplayer maps when there are 10 multiplayer maps shipping, that's isn't being disingenuous.

Then he is alluding to somehow MS or Epic is somehow being sleazy by advertising the game's season pass on Xbox Live? Which is standard fare for games coming to the 360.

Just you going off the tweets alone it comes off as smear Mode

But clearly I was wrong about the GiantBomb link that I assumed was their preview. I stand corrected in that regard.

There is FOUR tdm maps day one. FOUR.


As a fan of the series and seasoned Gears 3 player (level 180 here), i really liked it.
It surely wasn't an easy task, yet People Can Fly proved their talent by creating a highly energetic, madly entertaining and brutally fun new entry in the Gears of War series. A surprisingly bold episode that's full of little big revolutions, one that despite a few flaws is surely a must-buy for all the action fans. Fenix & Co. might have recently lost their father and creator, yet the future of Sera seems brighter than ever in the hands of the Polish dev.

8.5/10 for me, my review (in Italian) is here if you feel like adding it to the OP.



This and God of War: Ascension are kinda in the same ballpark as far as unnecessary prequels go.

Never thought they'd both release in the same month though. It's hilarious that they're both non-numbered console exclusive prequels with the acronym GoW and were deemed superfluous. I could probably have fun with both these games tbh but man... we didn't need these games.
Sooooooooooo People Can Fly probably should have stayed away from the big boys

I'm sure they would have survived without needing to make games like this
Wait so it Jeff tweets there are only 4 multiplayer maps when there are 10 multiplayer maps shipping, that's isn't being disingenuous.

Then he is alluding to somehow MS or Epic is somehow being sleazy by advertising the game's season pass on Xbox Live? Which is standard fare for games coming to the 360.

Just you going off the tweets alone it comes off as smear Mode

But clearly I was wrong about the GiantBomb link that I assumed was their preview. I stand corrected in that regard.
For it to be disingenuous he would have to know that information. And you would have to be sure he isn't referring specifically to the standard multiplayer modes. Which there are only four maps. And where do you get 10 from? The game ships with eight. The other two are DLC.

If he think it's sleazy to ship a game with that many maps while also putting out an expensive season pass, he's pretty free too and I doubt many people will disagree with him. And just because it's normal for the dashboard to be pushy doesn't suddenly make this instance okay.

But hey, if you want to think he's trying to besmirch the good name of Microsoft, Epic and Gears of War, you go right ahead. I'm sure that makes sense in some way.
Sooooooooooo People Can Fly probably should have stayed away from the big boys

I'm sure they would have survived without needing to make games like this

Its not like they had a choice, arent they owned by Epic?

The MP maps bit is absolutely disgusting. More sites need to point that bullshit out.


For it to be disingenuous he would have to know that information. And you would have to be sure he isn't referring specifically to the standard multiplayer modes. Which there are only four maps. And where do you get 10 from? The game ships with eight. The other two are DLC.

If he think it's sleazy to ship a game with that many maps while also putting out an expensive season pass, he's pretty free too and I doubt many people will disagree with him. And just because it's normal for the dashboard to be pushy doesn't suddenly make this instance okay.

But hey, if you want to think he's trying to besmirch the good name of Microsoft, Epic and Gears of War, you go right ahead. I'm sure that makes sense in some way.

Yep not to mention the whole gb gang seem to be very pro xbox, there is no agenda here just geff saying what most have been saying.


I was getting this game day one but wasn't expecting much of the MP or campaign but I was presently surprised by the overrun demo. Especially with a team who would work together and use the class that was necessary for the situation. It was actually really fun.
I almost entirely disagree with Sessler's review of the campaign. The only area where I agree with him is about the story. The combat scenarios are extremely well designed, a bunch of them are indeed memorable and, while I can't speak to their default design the declassified missions are largely very creative. Completely off the mark.


I don't care about Gears of War, but I wonder if taking price/value into account when writing reviews makes sense. The game will be $20 three weeks from now and all these discussions about low value will be meaningless.


I don't care about Gears of War, but I wonder if taking price/value into account when writing reviews makes sense. The game will be $20 three weeks from now and all these discussions about low value will be meaningless.

Three weeks? No way. $40 is realistic.


I'm really interested in playing Overrun but full retail price for just that is too much. I'll wait till it drops in price a bit.
Gears of War: Judgment is not a bad game, but one that very much stands in the shadow of its more illustrious predecessors. It is a bit like going back to a favorite restaurant, only to find that the management has changed and it's just not quite the same anymore...Sure, you'll still have a pretty decent meal, but you'll also leave yearning for days gone by.

A little OT but replace GoW with... Er GoW and that's the exact same feeling I got with that game too. So that's a real shame.


I don't care about Gears of War, but I wonder if taking price/value into account when writing reviews makes sense. The game will be $20 three weeks from now and all these discussions about low value will be meaningless.

You cant review a game on what it may cost down the line just what it costs day one.


For it to be disingenuous he would have to know that information. And you would have to be sure he isn't referring specifically to the standard multiplayer modes. Which there are only four maps. And where do you get 10 from? The game ships with eight. The other two are DLC.
If he think it's sleazy to ship a game with that many maps while also putting out an expensive season pass, he's pretty free too and I doubt many people will disagree with him. And just because it's normal for the dashboard to be pushy doesn't suddenly make this instance okay.

But hey, if you want to think he's trying to besmirch the good name of Microsoft, Epic and Gears of War, you go right ahead. I'm sure that makes sense in some way.

Here are the facts, the game ships with 8 multiplayer maps total and two free for a total of 10.

Gears of War 3 shipped with a whopping 10 multiplayer maps.

Jeff tweeted there were 4 maps and people assume that the game only has 4 maps shipping with the game.

They have two DLC packs planned that add a total of 6 more maps.

Instead of buying the maps seperately Gears: J has a Season Pass with incentives similiar to the multitude of games with Season Passes. All of the details of the Season Pass are clearly detailed.

On Xbox Live there is a placeholder that promotes the game, just like it does for any major release.

There is nothing more or less 'agressive' or even 'pushier' about this placeholder ad than any other ad that is on the dashboard.

The week of Tomb Raider the dash promoted Tomb Raider, the week of Gears the dash is promoting Gears, and it's not going to be a shock that the week of Bioshock: I the dashboard is going to promote Bioshock.

Again, in my personal opinion, Jeff delved into smear mode territory with what I appears to me a disingenuous and misleading tweets.

Either way, I'm picking up my copies on Tuesday and I guarantee I will be playing all 10 maps over Live with my fellow Gears fans.


Free season passes from Microsoft's store and titty magazine bonus maps are all well and good for people in the US but everyone else gets jack squat.

And yet there are people coming out of the woodwork who will defend these shitty practices, just like the Persona 4 Arena region-locking clusterfuck (8+ months on and still not out in PAL land), because while it may impact other people it does not affect them directly so respond with "what are you whining about?" or buzzwords like 'entitlement' get bandied around ad nauseam.

I'm still picking up my copy tomorrow
but four TDM maps is shit and Season Passes can go take a flying fuck at a rolling donut.

Wow. If you're trolling, whatever. But I really hope you can see what is wrong with what you just posted...


Never thought they'd both release in the same month though. It's hilarious that they're both non-numbered console exclusive prequels with the acronym GoW and were deemed superfluous. I could probably have fun with both these games tbh but man... we didn't need these games.

Yeah the similarities are striking. Both games will be quickly consumed and forgotten.


I'm not sure how to articulate and get my point across clearly but is it just me or does every game with the very odd exception seem to always get the same scores. It seems like every time I look into a review thread it gets scores from 7 - 9 and everyone pimping how awesome it is but then 6 - 12 months later it seems that sometimes that game wasn't that good after all.

I'm not sure how much worth I put into scores any more and I think I would like to wait on feedback from those who bought it and play it. Am I alone in this line in the thinking?

I didnt like Gears 1 and 2 but enjoyed 3 (the co-op especially), so maybe I am the odd one here :)
Here are the facts, the game ships with 8 multiplayer maps total and two free for a total of 10.

Gears of War 3 shipped with a whopping 10 multiplayer maps.

Jeff tweeted there were 4 maps and people assume that the game only has 4 maps shipping with the game.
Only four of those maps are playable in the standard multiplayer modes.

How many of those ten Gears3 maps were playable in the standard multiplayer modes?
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