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Phil Spencer - "Xbox One's all-in-one proposition will convince gamers of its value"

All MS' statements have revolved around "once you understand it, you'll be impressed".

So why don't you stop talking about understanding it and start actually explaining it

Sony haven't done a great job on this either but they did at least release the UI demo video and the did their bit on stage to show people how all this new stuff is going to help make gaming better, and it gets you excited about actually owning the box. There's been none of that from MS outside of the initial reveal which didn't address anything about how the people that pre-order games consoles (ie gamers) will use the system.

None of the talking heads at MS actually plays or develops games. It's a serious problem with their PR efforts this summer. The fact that they waited until Gamescom to drop "oh btw, Project Spark can do voice and motion capture and is the most ambitious game creation tool we've ever done and it's free" with very little fanfare while they can't shut up about video chat and profile switching and "Xbox On" is pretty telling.


Junior Member
None of the talking heads at MS actually plays or develops games. It's a serious problem with their PR efforts this summer. The fact that they waited until Gamescom to drop "oh btw, Project Spark can do voice and motion capture and is the most ambitious game creation tool we've ever done and it's free" with very little fanfare while they can't shut up about video chat and profile switching and "Xbox On" is pretty telling.

They do play games lol.
None of the talking heads at MS actually plays or develops games. It's a serious problem with their PR efforts this summer. The fact that they waited until Gamescom to drop "oh btw, Project Spark can do voice and motion capture and is the most ambitious game creation tool we've ever done and it's free" with very little fanfare while they can't shut up about video chat and profile switching and "Xbox On" is pretty telling.

Yep. That and how overboard they've gone with worshipping their new controller I can help but feel this huge disconnect. It's frighteningly similar to PS3 Sony.
Spencer isn't doing anything to fight the perception that the xbox people have no clue what the fuck is going on.

Their PR team needs to take over and get them on point with messaging and quickly.


Funny, the all-in-one proposition offers less value from the gaming perspective when weighed against being $100 more expensive than the more powerful PS4.
"Wherever you go" = How long that extension cord is so you can lug around an XBox and Kinect.


Maybe he is saying that kinect will follow you around? You could just start talking then which is way more convenient than using your mobile like a normal person.

Seriously though, I can see what he is getting at... but I would still think most people will go for the best gaming box (TBD) and a mobile phone/ipad for all the rest of that stuff. Which to me suggests the best option would be to make the best gaming box.
None of the talking heads at MS actually plays or develops games. It's a serious problem with their PR efforts this summer. The fact that they waited until Gamescom to drop "oh btw, Project Spark can do voice and motion capture and is the most ambitious game creation tool we've ever done and it's free" with very little fanfare while they can't shut up about video chat and profile switching and "Xbox On" is pretty telling.

Wait it does motion capture? Thats awesome
I cut the cord almost 7 years ago and MS is doing a very poor job of convincing me why I would want to shell out $500 for a One. The Chromecast is a much more useful device as far as non-gaming content goes. And it's $35. And I don't have to pay an additional fee to watch anything.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
None of the talking heads at MS actually plays or develops games. It's a serious problem with their PR efforts this summer. The fact that they waited until Gamescom to drop "oh btw, Project Spark can do voice and motion capture and is the most ambitious game creation tool we've ever done and it's free" with very little fanfare while they can't shut up about video chat and profile switching and "Xbox On" is pretty telling.

I also don't get it. "Xbox on" is the most trivial feature of Kinect integration. And still it's the one feature they keep speaking of while things like Project Spark which indeed look cool are hopelessly underrepresented.
This just annoys me reading all of that nonsense. I get HE & the rest of MS are happy about what the product has to offer but c'mon... All of those features are nice but it's The Games they (gamers) truly care about. And then the price tag. And then the hardware. Etc.

Not what Software comes in it which its possible to download from the market anyways...


Chili Con Carnage!

Exactly, this is my problem, it's all just "Look at this tech, look at that tech", "imagine what you could do", that's great and necessary in the case of Kinect but in isolation it's not enough because it's not my job to imagine the possibilities, it's their job to imagine them and show me.

The pocket lint article is closer because they are apparently showing things, but why are they only showing it to websites? You can't sell me on the benefits of a platform with words, show the use cases to the user.
The difference is the PS4 gives you the option to buy the camera for people who care about that crap instead of forcing it on everyone. And it still costs less with the camera.


"What we're seeing in the pre-order numbers is the overall value of what they get in Xbox One," he told Eurogamer. "I feel really good about how things are trending."

Oh Phil.



"Twitch, I know it's on both platforms, but there's a camera requirement to it, so I don't know what you do with a console that doesn't have a camera," he said, "when you think about what we're doing in terms of letting you capture."

There is no camera requirement on PC,so on a console it is the same thing. If people want to see your face sure you can put it on but you won't have to why even bother for a camera when people want to see gameplay? Another great PR talk with someone who doesn't know what he is talking about. That last sentence is also very confusing.


Sure, just like the PS3 all-in-one solution convinced everyone. It's funny to see how roles have switched in this gen.

So wait... now the PS3 wasn't a better value than 360? When did that happen? I think you're confusing value with steep entry price point. Sure it will affect sales, but unless you have a stake in MS, why would you care? Aren't we supposed to just care about value?
How many times have you been watching an episode of South Park and thought, I'd like to be able to watch this on my television, while hooked into my mobile device, which is being controlled by my tablet device, which is hooked into my oven, all while sitting in the refrigerator?


How many times have you been watching an episode of South Park and thought, I'd like to be able to watch this on my television, while hooked into my mobile device, which is being controlled by my tablet device, which is hooked into my oven, all while sitting in the refrigerator?

Man,that was so awesome from Trey slashing Microsoft in less then 20 seconds on stage.
Why do people make a thread every time an executive says "my company's product is really good and the competition's product is less good"? That is not news, that is not noteworthy, and that is not worthy of discussion.
I've seen it mentioned a few times in this thread, but PS3 actually was a good value at launch if you were ready to jump into the HD movie market. At the least you were getting a top-tier Blu-ray player for $499 (assuming you bought the 20gig unit) when stand-alone players were still in the $650-$900 range.
At most you were getting a top-tier Blu-ray player, video game machine that could play PS1, PS2, and PS3 games, and had free online.

Of course the big kicker at the time was "what happens if HD-DVD beats Blu-ray in the HD format wars?"... and a lot of consumers weren't ready to have another potential Betamax on their hands.
Fortunately for many of us Blu-ray won. :p


What percentage of the population is trying to take up their living room TV with a Skype call when we have phones and tablets and computers that already do it? Seems like a small segment of people who are also interested in a game machine. I just don't see Living Room Skype calling to be this major feature that needs to be discussed.

I mean the fact that Skype is powering the XBO's party chat now isn't what I'm talking about. I'm talking about this marketing insistence that regular ass people are clamoring for a way to make Skype calls on their big screen TV.


Why do people make a thread every time an executive says "my company's product is really good and the competition's product is less good"? That is not news, that is not noteworthy, and that is not worthy of discussion.

It's noteworthy if it contains lies and misinformation.
Why do people make a thread every time an executive says "my company's product is really good and the competition's product is less good"? That is not news, that is not noteworthy, and that is not worthy of discussion.
Don't want to discuss the topic of the thread, don't click 'Post.' It's that simple.
"People will make the right decision for their families," Spencer concluded.

Spencer followed by saying, "Yeah, we'd hate to see anything bad happen to them."

In all seriousness though, I haven't been convinced in the least that the Xbox One is meant to appeal to me. It's a console designed to appeal to the widest possible demographic, and has thus become watered down. I don't want TV, I don't want fantasy football, I don't want Twitter while I'm watching a movie, and I don't want to flail my arms and talk at my entertainment center. And for the things I do want to do, I've already got devices that allow me to do those things in a much cleaner, quicker manner. I wanted an Xbox that was games focussed. I was ready to buy one before their console announcement. Instead I was given an underpowered, media focused box advertising gimmicks over games. Time will tell whether the games can win out.

A day may come when I pick up an Xbox One, but it will be after it amasses a hefty enough library to prove its worth as a gaming platform. Until that happens, I won't be sold by any sort of "all-in-one" argument.


Why do people make a thread every time an executive says "my company's product is really good and the competition's product is less good"? That is not news, that is not noteworthy, and that is not worthy of discussion.

We had threads of discussion when Sony PR was blowing the same smoke up our asses 7 years ago. Where was the outrage over those threads? This is a Eurogamer interview with one of the top Xbox people. New interviews get posted. Deal with it.
It's noteworthy if it contains lies and misinformation.
No, it isn't. That is literally every exec at every company. It is their job to say these things when given a public forum. And even in cases where there the competition has an advantage that cannot be disputed, an exec will downplay the importance of that distinction. Every time! Every. Single. Time.

None of this is news. Snap out of whatever trance these PR people have you in.
I've seen it mentioned a few times in this thread, but PS3 actually was a good value at launch if you were ready to jump into the HD movie market. At the least you were getting a top-tier Blu-ray player for $499 (assuming you bought the 20gig unit) when stand-alone players were still in the $650-$900 range.
At most you were getting a top-tier Blu-ray player, video game machine that could play PS1, PS2, and PS3 games, and had free online.

Of course the big kicker at the time was "what happens if HD-DVD beats Blu-ray in the HD format wars?"... and a lot of consumers weren't ready to have another potential Betamax on their hands.
Fortunately for many of us Blu-ray won. :p
You're not wrong, but $500/600 was still really steep for a video game system. Fortunately they got the price down relatively quickly.

No, it isn't. That is literally every exec at every company. It is their job to say these things when given a public forum. And even in cases where there the competition has an advantage that cannot be disputed, an exec will downplay the importance of that distinction. Every time! Every. Single. Time.

None of this is news. Snap out of whatever trance these PR people have you in.
Why don't you PM a mod and ask them to lock it for you, if you're that concerned about it? Just stop thread whining please.


Sure, just like the PS3 all-in-one solution convinced everyone. It's funny to see how roles have switched in this gen.

Yes but its a bit different now, the PS3 was a bit of a jack of all trade but master of none.

The X1 is proposing premium entertainment , experiences and functionality that is ahead of the competition or the competition does not have.

I'am talking about

TV / AV input functionality
A faster more seamless OS + online
competitive game quality
premium gaming
exclusives - Have you seen titanfall - this will decrown call of duty. When the causal Cod player seen an advert of titanfall and finds out the PS4 does not have it, he will be sold on the X1.
We had threads of discussion when Sony PR was blowing the same smoke up our asses 7 years ago. Where was the outrage over those threads? This is a Eurogamer interview with one of the top Xbox people. New interviews get posted. Deal with it.
God, you're all a bunch of stupid children, genuinely convinced that any of this is real, taking sides in your petty little playground wars. It's so incredibly sad.

I can't wait for my ban. These console launches have made this place unbearable.


What extra things does Xbox One provide that PS4 does not. Both have Netflix, with XBox One you still need cable to use TV features, the only value I see is if you care to play Kinect games like Kinect Sports.


Yes but its a bit different now, the PS3 was a bit of a jack of all trade but master of none.

The X1 is proposing premium entertainment , experiences and functionality that is ahead of the competition or the competition does not have.

I'am talking about

TV / AV input functionality
A faster more seamless OS + online
competitive game quality
premium gaming
exclusives - Have you seen titanfall - this will decrown call of duty. When the causal Cod player seen an advert of titanfall and finds out the PS4 does not have it, he will be sold on the X1.

I can agree with most of your points except the Titanfall one.

The reason CoD is so popular is because it has been available to EVERYBODY. PC, Wii, PS3 included.

Being exclusive to the xbox the best it can achieve is become the next Halo.


Yes but its a bit different now, the PS3 was a bit of a jack of all trade but master of none.

The X1 is proposing premium entertainment , experiences and functionality that is ahead of the competition or the competition does not have.

I'am talking about

TV / AV input functionality
A faster more seamless OS + online
competitive game quality
premium gaming
exclusives - Have you seen titanfall - this will decrown call of duty. When the causal Cod player seen an advert of titanfall and finds out the PS4 does not have it, he will be sold on the X1.

Skype is coming to PS4. Microsoft even says they want it on there.
A faster more seemless OS? Based on what specific comparison between both OS's?
Premium gaming? What does this mean and how is this something the competition doesn't have?
Exclusives - yes, a timed exclusive for Titanfall will sell systems. Sony also has exclusives that will sell systems. Have you seen Second Son? When the casual Batman, SRIV, Crackdown, and inFamous player see an advert of Second Son and finds out the XBO does not have it, he will be sold on the PS4.

Both systems have their strengths and weaknesses but this idea that "only XBO provides a premium entertainment box" is ridiculous.
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