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Sony's PS4 Team Makes Disabled Fan's Day


I wonder how difficult it is to lift a wheelchair with a person sitting. Shouldn't be that difficult for just 2 men to do so.

Sometimes I wonder who is working at these conventions, to ask for some flexibility and improvisation seems to be too much.
I wonder how difficult it is to lift a wheelchair with a person sitting. Shouldn't be that difficult for just 2 men to do so.

Sometimes I wonder who is working at these conventions, to ask for some flexibility and improvisation seems to be too much.
Carrying a guy that you could possibly drop and be liable for is too much.


That was the point of my post (next to the point that everything on the internet hasnt to be untrue just because its on the internet).
Your point was to completely misrepresent mine? Why?

I don't think you quite grasp the concept of 'skepticism'. Its neither confirming nor denying anything. Just a notion that there isn't quite enough evidence to decide either way.


Was this confirmed somewhere and I missed it?

This just reads like soooo many other threads I've seen here where people just read the OP, accept it unquestionably, and then we find out later the truth is quite different.


A photo of Microsoft's Xbox One Team at the event has been released:

Sony reps were talking around with vouchers for free PS4 consoles?

Come on...

The gamers then made their way over to the Microsoft/Xbox One area of the convention and were simply told, "Sorry, it's upstairs, you can't try it" and sent off without even a simple apology.

Seems legit...
Was this confirmed somewhere and I missed it?

This just reads like soooo many other threads I've seen here where people just read the OP, accept it unquestionably, and then we find out later the truth is quite different.
Seems to me like you are trying to hard. We get it, there isn't much evidence and probably won't be.


I wonder how difficult it is to lift a wheelchair with a person sitting. Shouldn't be that difficult for just 2 men to do so.

Sometimes I wonder who is working at these conventions, to ask for some flexibility and improvisation seems to be too much.

Wow I really hope you are joking, its getting so hard to tell who is being sarcastic.

Sony reps were talking around with vouchers for free PS4 consoles?

Come on...

Seems legit...

Read what he wrote, it says nothing about vouchers.
Sony reps were talking around with vouchers for free PS4 consoles?

Come on...

Seems legit...

no, read the person's actual fb post:

Had an amazing day at the EBGames Expo yesterday and here's my little story and massive thanks to Sony and EBGames for hosting the event! (For the purpose of the story I will let you know I am in a wheelchair)

We were going around the Expo as you do, looking at all the different booths and games when we ended up at the Sony Australia section. Itching to test out the new next gen consoles we went inside and a worker there asked if we needed any help with anything, I answered "Yes, I'd like to know where to go to test the PlayStation 4" the worker replied "Oh there's an issue with that but please wait, I will get someone to explain to you and I think you'll be very pleased with our solution".

Wondering what was going on we waited, and after a few minutes along came a Representative of Sony Australia and explained "First of all, I'd like to say that Sony deeply apologises as we have made a massive oversight in regards to supporting our disabled player base and we have placed all the PlayStation 4's upstairs and with no way to get you up there. Again we are extremely sorry, it really should never have happened but because it is totally our fault and we always support our disabled player base, we would like to offer something in return along with our sincerest apology. Please could you leave you name and contact details with us and we will give you a PlayStation 4 on release day." I was shocked and said "The whole console, on release day and for free??!?!". He said "Yes, absolutely, it's the least we can do for what we have done here."

So for myself, and my 3 friends also in wheelchairs. We all are getting free PlayStation 4's!!

The XBox area had the exact same setup and all we were told is "Sorry, it's upstairs, you can't try it" and were sent off.

they asked for names and contact info, they weren't walking around with vouchers fo free PS4s...

also, the person's fb profile seems pretty legit...can't really see why this would be faked.


Great job, Sony.

Also, the salts in this thread can provide Booker DeWitt with endless usage of Vigor. Preferably, Murder of Crows.


This is the first time I ever wished I was in a wheelchair. Good for them and such an amazing deed on Sony part.

I know you tried to be funny but what a stupid silly attempt that was! You should never joke about those think. Be careful what you wish for.
Last year I hurt my spine and had to have a surgery on it. On top of that I broke my foot on 3 places. I couldn't move for first 2 weeks, next 3 months were an agony. Plus what came afte that to get 90% of what I was before it was really hard.
I gained so much respect for people in wheelchairs/ disabled people. I realized I was not as strong as those people. People that have no issues with their health are so blessed, we take it for granted.

Really nice from Sony that they did this. They didn't have to but they did it. So cool.
Well...they sort of did.

how were they to know this person would post their story on reddit/facebook?

also, looking at their profile, the person is a part of:
-Australian PC Gamers group
-Victorian Electric Wheelchair Sports Association(VEWSA)
-People for an Australian Muscular Dystrophy Day group
-Power Soccer Shop.com group

don't really really see affiliation with sony or why they would make this up.
You know, as a disabled gamer, this has been precisely my experience with Sony. I, obviously, have the luxury of having the ear of a few devs here and there, and every one has bent over backwards when i've brought up accessibility themes.

For example, during the original beta for Little Big Planet, I expressed concern for one random control function (I forget what it even was) which was mapped exclusively to "shake the DS3", and how that was hard for me. Within three days I had an email from the team saying they so appreciated me raising the issue, and they mapped that function to a button input in addition to the shake.

Awesome stuff from a genuinely consumer-centric company.

E92 M3

What makes this even better is that Sony did expect any type of positive PR from this. Most likely, the rep just wanted to make sure no one leaves with a sour taste from the Sony booth. Very nice of them; makes me happy on this extremely sour Monday afternoon.
The article is poorly written, mentioning "vouchers" (which makes no sense) when the original post said no such thing. Also, the "not even an apology" bit was not in the original post, either. "Sorry", as has been pointed out, is indeed an apology.

Aside from that, good job, Sony! Microsoft didn't do anything wrong here, but very classy by Sony to go the extra mile.


May I have a cookie?
EDIT (I'm having a bad day, in no small part due to health issues I can't afford to treat)

*salty whining*

Dude, you shouldn't have edited it..

The way people like your boss treat you is inexcusable! It's bad enough that you have health issues, but treating you with questioning and disbelief is fucked up and cynical. I've seen similar things with regards to my kid sister, who suffers from mild autism, just mild enough for people to claim she's merely "immature", or "over-emotional". Pisses me off to no end!
It's not about a company or its PR state. What kind of human being would dismiss a disabled person without an apology ?
The free consoles thing may be true and it would be a nice move, but I wouldn't be surprised if there was some exaggerations in that story...

I know it would be a shitty thing for any person to do, but if this was MS representatives they were there on MS's behalf and their actions reflected on their employer. With stories like this it's not about the individual so much as the company they're representing. And I still don't believe this is not untrue, or at least grossly exaggerated.

Detective GAF folks who found out about the expo, does it look like there really isn't a lift up the to first floor? What sort of building hired out for conferences and events does not have a lift up to higher floors?! How would event attendees carry heavy equipment upstairs to set up if there's not a lift? This all seems a bit fishy.


Detective GAF folks who found out about the expo, does it look like there really isn't a lift up the to first floor? What sort of building hired out for conferences and events does not have a lift up to higher floors?! How would event attendees carry heavy equipment upstairs to set up if there's not a lift? This all seems a bit fishy.

It's not a floor. It's an exhibition space held at the what was once an Olympic Park here in Sydney. The exhibition space itself is wheelchair accessible, BUT each company has the option of building a mezzanine level for their display area which both Sony and MS did to show off their new consoles.

The exhibition itself ran from Fri to Sun this weekend. We have a long weekend this week so I can see many people going all the way there and got disappointed when they can't try the new consoles.

Here's the website:

I know it would be a shitty thing for any person to do, but if this was MS representatives they were there on MS's behalf and their actions reflected on their employer. With stories like this it's not about the individual so much as the company they're representing. And I still don't believe this is untrue, or at least grossly exaggerated.

Detective GAF folks who found out about the expo, does it look like there really isn't a lift up the to first floor? What sort of building hired out for conferences and events does not have a lift up to higher floors?! How would event attendees carry heavy equipment upstairs to set up if there's not a lift? This all seems a bit fishy.

I don't think it was the case that the building didn't have elevators, I think it was that in a desire to have extra space exhibitors cooked up a "second floor" solution. It is mentioned somewhere on the expo site that select "second floor" expansion areas do not have wheelchair access.

I've gotta say guys... this thread leaves me feeling like M. Bison. For all of you this sounds shocking and dehumanizing... but for someone who has been in a wheelchair his entire life, this seems like Tuesday. :p You'd be surprised, but this happens to me every day, and has happened in every country I have ever been to.
Dude, you shouldn't have edited it..

The way people like your boss treat you is inexcusable! It's bad enough that you have health issues, but treating you with questioning and disbelief is fucked up and cynical. I've seen similar things with regards to my kid sister, who suffers from mild autism, just mild enough for people to claim she's "immature", or "over-emotional". Pisses me off to no end!

it was very off-topic.
Seems worthy of a new thread in OT, though.
That MS were that blunt and dismissive?

You can believe if you want, but after the last exaggerated controversy from EG Expo, I'm less inclined to take anyone at their word any more.
The situation as a whole is legit. You seemed to be contesting both the idea that they were offered free PS4s and that they didn't get anything from Microsoft, and were simply told that they wouldn't be able to play the system?

What exactly about that seems unrealistic exactly?
I doubt the dev kits are hidden. It's a month away from being released and the controllers are clearly plugged into the system.
Hmm, retail systems should only play signed code though iirc, does that mean that DriveClub is finished/pressed.
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