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‘Go back to CA’: Couple’s car, house vandalized (Portland, OR)


‘Go back to CA’: Couple’s car, house vandalized


PORTLAND, Ore. (KOIN) — A couple from California, who relocated to Portland 4 months ago, woke up Sunday to find their car and house vandalized.

Messages including “Get California out of Portland” and “Move back” were spray painted across the house and car of Jessica Faraday and Preston Page.

Their car was also keyed.

The couple filed a police report, however, they said they an idea of who may have tagged their property.

Jessica Faraday and Preston Page were backing out of their driveway Saturday and had a road rage incident with another driver in the Northeast Portland neighborhood. The driver began to yell at them, saying “go back to California.”

The couple said they assume the vandalism was in retaliation from Saturday’s incident.

Page told KOIN they have redone everything since moving in and had just repainted the outside of their home 2 weeks ago.

The neighborhood is relatively quiet and some neighbors have lived in the area for 20, 30 years, according to Page, so he was shocked to find their property vandalized.

Page said, “I’m definitely surprised someone would go this far.”

Despite the incident, the couple still loves Portland and is happy they’ve moved to the city.

“Portland is fantastic,” Page said. “You can’t argue with this place.”


Video and more photos at the link.
I am currently moving to Eugene from CA because of a new job. This doesn't make me feel any better about the transition.

Is this a thing? Do people in Portland not like people from CA, or is this a single crazy person?

I've heard anecdotally that Oregonians like to hire their own so anyone from outside the state is perceived differently. That's just something I've heard though.

Lil Marco

This is more of a (tasteless) protest against gentrification than anything else. Californians move to the PNW because it's trendy and artisanal.


I am currently moving to Eugene from CA because of a new job. This doesn't make me feel any better about the transition.

I've heard anecdotally that Oregonians like to hire their own so anyone from outside the state is perceived differently. That's just something I've heard though.

Eugene's a college town, it's chock full of out of staters all the time.


Is this a thing? Do people in Portland not like people from CA, or is this a single crazy person?

A lot of people being priced out in California have moved to nearby Nevada or Oregon. Some people in Orgeon have been upset with this as houses are being bought by non-locals and jobs are being taken by non-locals, etc. When I went to visit a few years ago I saw a lot of these signs :




One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I had no idea Oregonians had some kind of beef against Californians.
What is the background for this hate?

There is a lot of discontent with "rich" Californians coming up to Oregon, buying property and raising rents and housing prices everywhere. The amount of money it costs for a modest living in California can get you some really fancy stuff in Oregon. Also, the amount of traffic is increasing so Portland is experiencing more congestion. Rents are increasing dramatically in downtown, and people are being evicted due to it, which has made Portland's homeless population get pretty out of control.

Anyway, as a Californian who moved up to Oregon, I've seen and heard plenty of this stuff. I've seen bumper stickers that say: "Hate the traffic? GO BACK TO CALIFORNIA!" and so on.

It's pretty common up here.
why the hell do they hate California in Portland, Oregon?

It's some oldschool ingrained super-precious bullshit from the days when Portland didn't really have any identity as a city outside of "We're not Seattle and fuck California." Part of it is due to the housing crisis (which is largely Portland/Oregon's fault for lax legislation and shitty practices) and Californians (and Washingtonians) moving in and pricing out locals. But part of that disdain is due to the insecurities the city's residents used to have from the days when everyone here secretly hated that we were considered to be woodland rubes in flannel, and so anyone from California was seen to be a slick piece of shit yuppie or whatever.

It's dumb as shit. Especially in 2017, when even the people who get to claim they're "from here" have only actually been here for the past 10-15 years.


It is definitely a thing over there

I've seen more of this sentiment in Denver lately as well. The housing market exploded. There's been a lot of people coming in and ripping out the old, unique houses out and putting in new ones that don't fit the neighborhood at all. Neighborhoods that would've been sketchy to walk around in 5-10 years ago are now running $500k+ for an 1100 square foot, 2 bedroom house. In some cases people are buying 2-3 adjacent lots so they can build bigger.

A lot of people are not happy about this type of thing. This is along with rents blowing up (last I checked you're looking at $1250+ for a studio), and many (many) have been priced out of the housing or even condo market. That or they're having to buy houses 25-45 minutes outside the city to find anything reasonable, but this has effected the suburbs as well.


To not want Californians in Portland is indeed a thing, really its more of a joke saying but has some truth to it.

This is extreme though. Vandal is probably drunkard or on meth.


I am so confused.

Why do they not want Californians?

I'm from Pennsylvania, if I moved there I might get killed lol.

Everyone I've met from Cali seems really nice.
I am so confused.

Why do they not want Californians?

I'm from Pennsylvania, if I moved there I might get killed lol.

Everyone I've met from Cali seems really nice.

They won't care if you're from PA.

It's just hate for Californians moving up and bringing traffic and raising rents and housing costs and costing Portland it's "weird" identity etc etc etc
Another reason why Oregon is my least favorite state, honestly. Full of exclusionary, pretentious assholes. Fuck these vandals; fucking jack asses.

Oh yeah, fuck the Trail Blazers, must be great to have your team always crushed by the Lakers every year.
I am so confused.

Why do they not want Californians?

I'm from Pennsylvania, if I moved there I might get killed lol.

You'll be fine. Almost everyone here isn't even really from here anymore.

Basically, it's not much more complicated than this: California is code for "rich outsider."

That's it. Whether Californians moving here are actually rich or not, the stereotype of carpetbagging interloper is what's being applied. It's a safe way to scapegoat, as this city's got a long history of scapegoating others. The city doesn't really acknowledge its societal problems very well, and doesn't like being confronted with their bullshit means of addressing those problems. A lot of cities have that same problem, sure, but Portland's basically never ever seriously addressed it.

It's funny because for the longest time, our city's identity was defined by what it wasn't as opposed to what it was, and now that it has a discernable identity, the joke is that we just fuckin' stole it from Austin Texas.

So we're still, at our core, a bunch of insecure angry white people who think we should be better off than we really are and we just keep cycling through different groups of people to blame for our inability to progress past what we currently are.

Instead of wearing boots and suspenders and blaming minorities, now we're wearing Austin's hand me downs and blaming out-of-towners.

I guess technically that's "progress" but it's still the same root shittiness. It's just taken a different form.


Perhaps it's like Washington or Colorado where Californians with money are moving in droves and causing the housing prices to skyrocket?

That's exactly what it is. I'm not going to defend vandalism, but I can understand the frustration of people being forced out of where they grew up. My town is being overrun by rich Californians who want their vacation home here so they can spend the summer watching plays, drinking wine, and driving 10 mph under the speed limit. Rent and housing prices are insane, and most young locals are being priced out of town entirely, myself included if I can't get a home loan through the USDA for a house I'm looking at.

But rather than get mad at people moving here, vandalizing their cars, etc, we need to vote in such a way that creates more equal housing opportunities and controls rent prices. It's our own fault that housing laws suck, not the fault of someone taking advantage of their right to move here.

Lil Marco

Yeah, I'm calling bullshit. You don't vandalize someone's stuff because you're angry that gentrification is a thing

Lol, you must not be familiar with gentrification protests. People in other cities/countries/regions will break windows and vandalize shit all the time in neighborhoods with rapidly changing demographics that jeopardize a pre-existing low-income population. A lot of times it's also intersectional with race tensions too- for example in East LA a lot of white-owned art galleries are popping up because Boyle Heights (example) is trendy, and the local communities will literally bash the windows in and spray things like "fuck white art" etc.

In the PNW, Californian transplants are viewed as ditzy rich people moving there because they watched Portlandia and are going to drive up rents and living costs with their affluent, consumeristic lifestyles. It's a culture war, and they don't want these people moving there. It's also pretty evident that Oregon as a whole has always been really territorial/nativist to say the least.

Inversely, lots of people in CA are being priced out to gentrification here so they move up North, and similar tensions arise. The couple in the OP are one of these- either they are actively gentrifying the area in Portland they moved into and got vandalized as a result, or they are a product of CA gentrification and move there and got backlash since Oregon hates outsiders.
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