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‘Go back to CA’: Couple’s car, house vandalized (Portland, OR)

A lot of people being priced out in California have moved to nearby Nevada or Oregon. Some people in Orgeon have been upset with this as houses are being bought by non-locals and jobs are being taken by non-locals, etc. When I went to visit a few years ago I saw a lot of these signs :



Yep, this is a thing that happens. My best friend went to Portland last year to scope it out as a potential destination (from CA) and got scoffed at by locals. He was more befuddled than anything else. He didn't end up moving there.


Another reason why Oregon is my least favorite state, honestly. Full of exclusionary, pretentious assholes. Fuck these vandals; fucking jack asses.

Oh yeah, fuck the Trail Blazers, must be great to have your team always crushed by the Lakers every year.

Must be great to have your team not even make the Playoffs every year. :)


You'll be fine. Almost everyone here isn't even really from here anymore.

Basically, it's not much more complicated than this: California is code for "rich outsider."

That's it. Whether Californians moving here are actually rich or not, the stereotype of carpetbagging interloper is what's being applied. It's a safe way to scapegoat, as this city's got a long history of scapegoating others. The city doesn't really acknowledge its societal problems very well, and doesn't like being confronted with their bullshit means of addressing those problems. A lot of cities have that same problem, sure, but Portland's basically never ever seriously addressed it.

It's funny because for the longest time, our city's identity was defined by what it wasn't as opposed to what it was, and now that it has a discernable identity, the joke is that we just fuckin' stole it from Austin Texas.

So we're still, at our core, a bunch of insecure angry white people who think we should be better off than we really are and we just keep cycling through different groups of people to blame for our inability to progress past what we currently are.

Instead of wearing boots and suspenders and blaming minorities, now we're wearing Austin's hand me downs and blaming out-of-towners.

I guess technically that's "progress" but it's still the same root shittiness. It's just taken a different form.
Interesting. Cali is huge though. It's silly to assume everyone who moves from there is rich... but given the problems you outlined, I understand why people think that way. Still fascinating and strange though.
To add some perspective, I took a French class at Portland Community College last term, and of the twelve of us, none of us were from Oregon originally.
Interesting. Cali is huge though. It's silly to assume everyone who moves from there is rich... but given the problems you outlined, I understand why people think that way. Still fascinating and strange though.

It's definitely weird as shit. And beyond tired, too. One of the more tired aspects of these stories comes via people adopting this bullshit pose after having moved here from out-of-state themselves. I've lost count of how many impassioned fucking whiners I've read who are only in the position to complain about all the newcomers to the city because they themselves moved in 10-15 years ago.

But it's worth noting that this story is only a story because it went this far, and it only really went this far because some dipshit (who I'm sure we'll discover moved here in the early 2000s) almost got hit, went into a rage, and used the "California" status as an easy excuse to indulge their worst impulses.

This isn't really about "california," California is just an excuse for some shitty pindick to throw a fucking tantrum becaues they're dissatisfied with their life somehow.


That's exactly what it is. I'm not going to defend vandalism, but I can understand the frustration of people being forced out of where they grew up. My town is being overrun by rich Californians who want their vacation home here so they can spend the summer watching plays, drinking wine, and driving 10 mph under the speed limit. Rent and housing prices are insane, and most young locals are being priced out of town entirely, myself included if I can't get a home loan through the USDA for a house I'm looking at.

But rather than get mad at people moving here, vandalizing their cars, etc, we need to vote in such a way that creates more equal housing opportunities and controls rent prices. It's our own fault that housing laws suck, not the fault of someone taking advantage of their right to move here.

Yeah, what the criminal here did is obviously idiotic and indefensible, but the amount of callousness in this thread is kind of alarming. Rent and housing prices in places like Seattle and Portland are going through the roof. People get upset and irrational when they feel like they don't have any options, and that's how people feel right now with being forced out of the place they grew up. Homeless populations are skyrocketing. Seattle in particular's non-white populations have been completely decimated.

The response I always get on GAF to these complaints is basically "bootstraps", which is pretty weird considering how liberal the forum leans.


The person who did this probably moved from LA to Portland 5 years ago. I know people in both Portland and the Denver area (specifically Boulder) that feel this way. From visiting both towns often for work I understand the feeling. The last time I flew to Denver I sat next to a woman that had moved her daughter to Boulder from Santa Monica. She was looking to move their herself and ran a condom and gluten free grain company.


Interesting. Cali is huge though. It's silly to assume everyone who moves from there is rich... but given the problems you outlined, I understand why people think that way. Still fascinating and strange though.

The reason is it's because that's all anyone sees. At least as a Coloradan, it's a frequent occurrence to be outbid for houses by some family from CA who is able to drop 10K+ over the asking price all in cash. Locals are just getting destroyed in buying power and the migration pattern is pretty clear.

Moose Biscuits

It would be extreamly painful...
I've learned to be skeptical about such things.

But why? State hate?

Of course. It's in the nature of humanity to be tribal. If places aren't, it's just because they have things to distract them or they're really well off.

I'm not from the US, I'm from the UK. But over here, we have county hate: in some cases we have city hate. This shouldn't come as a surprise. Right here > over there.
Hundreds of thousands of CA residents are bailing out of the state due to cost of living, housing market etc.. so I wonder if neighboring states residents are peeved by this, or them taking local jobs?


Unconfirmed Member
That's exactly what it is. I'm not going to defend vandalism, but I can understand the frustration of people being forced out of where they grew up. My town is being overrun by rich Californians who want their vacation home here so they can spend the summer watching plays, drinking wine, and driving 10 mph under the speed limit. Rent and housing prices are insane, and most young locals are being priced out of town entirely, myself included if I can't get a home loan through the USDA for a house I'm looking at.

But rather than get mad at people moving here, vandalizing their cars, etc, we need to vote in such a way that creates more equal housing opportunities and controls rent prices. It's our own fault that housing laws suck, not the fault of someone taking advantage of their right to move here.

The fact that summer houses are allowed at all outside of obvious places like beachside resorts in the Northeast is ridiculous.

Probably better to have half the lots be vacant than have a community half empty all the time and the other half dependent on a fickle tourist economy.
The person who did this probably moved from LA to Portland 5 years ago. I know people in both Portland and the Denver area (specifically Boulder) that feel this way. From visiting both towns often for work I understand the feeling. The last time I flew to Denver I sat next to a woman that had moved her daughter to Boulder from Santa Monica. She was looking to move their herself and ran a condom and gluten free grain company.

I'm currently on vacation in the Portland area(Washington side) from cali, visiting my sister and she's been trying to get me to move here but now I'm not so sure.


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
Oh Portland has intolerant and prejudicial people inhabiting it?

color me surprised

People get upset and irrational when they feel like they don't have any options, and that's how people feel right now with being forced out of the place they grew up.

My family has lived in Portland since the 40s.

Most of the people complaining about being "forced out" of Portland aren't from here. The people who are from here got "forced" into the outer Southeast decades ago.

Of course, if you guys wanna really be fascinated by the weird provincial attitudes this city fucking cherishes, you should dig into the city's almost complete shunning of about 40% of its population for the crime of living east of 82nd Avenue.

Old Portland lives out there now. New Portland is busy complaining about the possiblity of having to join us out that way, because almost every aspect of this city, from its local government on down, believes having to live past that arbitrary demarcation point means admitting you are somehow lesser.

That shit is real.
As someone who used to live in a Portland and now lives in Los Angels...

Hate against Californians is for sure a thing. Interestingly though it's not really about where they are from rather the assumption California families having more money and are either priced out of LA/SF or are buying second homes which is driving up prices in Portland. What annoyed the shit out of me living in Portland is the entire city is made up of transplant hipsters from all over the place (honestly it's hard to find people who are truly from Portland) who are complaining because most of these young people don't have money to afford the dramatically rising housing costs.

It's a classic example of Portlanders hating the system and not putting in effort to understand the greater problem. This isn't a California issue, this is an ongoing housing crisis across not only the West coast but a large portion of the United States urban areas.


The reason is it's because that's all anyone sees. At least as a Coloradan, it's a frequent occurrence to be outbid for houses by some family from CA who is able to drop 10K+ over the asking price all in cash. Locals are just getting destroyed in buying power and the migration pattern is pretty clear.

Yeah, it's a real issue. GAF by and large just tells you to move somewhere else, like that's actually an option.
It's definitely weird as shit. And beyond tired, too. One of the more tired aspects of these stories comes via people adopting this bullshit pose after having moved here from out-of-state themselves. I've lost count of how many impassioned fucking whiners I've read who are only in the position to complain about all the newcomers to the city because they themselves moved in 10-15 years ago.

But it's worth noting that this story is only a story because it went this far, and it only really went this far because some dipshit (who I'm sure we'll discover moved here in the early 2000s) almost got hit, went into a rage, and used the "California" status as an easy excuse to indulge their worst impulses.

This isn't really about "california," California is just an excuse for some shitty pindick to throw a fucking tantrum becaues they're dissatisfied with their life somehow.


But I never understand why people move other places and keep their plates (which is how I assume the other person knew this). One guy here I've seen driving around for five years with PA plates. You aren't no student, get your damn plates changed.


Californians (and other out-of-staters) moving here and dropping $10k+ over the offer price on any house is a very real thing. Houses simply don't stay on the market here because they get offers above asking immediately.

There's no excuse for this behavior, but the roots of the struggle are definitely real.


The reason is it's because that's all anyone sees. At least as a Coloradoan, it's a frequent occurrence to be outbid for houses by some family from CA who is able to drop 10K+ over the asking price all in cash. Locals are just getting destroyed in buying power and the migration pattern is pretty clear.

That's exactly what I have heard happen here in CA but it was Chinese investors who were buying up property. Thus, causing some Californians to look for cheaper properties in other states.


It's some oldschool ingrained super-precious bullshit from the days when Portland didn't really have any identity as a city outside of "We're not Seattle and fuck California." Part of it is due to the housing crisis (which is largely Portland/Oregon's fault for lax legislation and shitty practices) and Californians (and Washingtonians) moving in and pricing out locals. But part of that disdain is due to the insecurities the city's residents used to have from the days when everyone here secretly hated that we were considered to be woodland rubes in flannel, and so anyone from California was seen to be a slick piece of shit yuppie or whatever.

It's dumb as shit. Especially in 2017, when even the people who get to claim they're "from here" have only actually been here for the past 10-15 years.

thanks for your thoughtful reply, Bobby. At least the picture (for a foreigner like) me is a bit clearer now.


I know the influx of Californians are messing up the housing market in Portland, which annoys people, but that's about it.

I don't believe such incidents are common. There are assholes in every state/city.


We pick California for our team in the Civil Re-Arrangement. Portland needs rearranged. All of Oregon does.


As a former Oregonian I can state this is a thing 100%. However I knew it as something meant as a joke (kind of). For what it's worth I live in Los Angeles now.

To add: a LARGE contingent of Californians go to the UofO and other schools. Subsequently they tend flock to Portland because there's more opportunity up there than say Eugene (my hometown).


Yeah, what the criminal here did is obviously idiotic and indefensible, but the amount of callousness in this thread is kind of alarming. Rent and housing prices in places like Seattle and Portland are going through the roof. People get upset and irrational when they feel like they don't have any options, and that's how people feel right now with being forced out of the place they grew up. Homeless populations are skyrocketing. Seattle in particular's non-white populations have been completely decimated.

The response I always get on GAF to these complaints is basically "bootstraps", which is pretty weird considering how liberal the forum leans.

They should be angry at their local government's housing policies, not people just trying to live their lives.


What is the background for this hate?

I think its kind of like San Franciscans hating on tech people because their wealth causes cost of living to go up. Similarly Californians moving to Oregon over the years is increasing cost of living in Portland rapidly as well.


There's a ton of movement between CA, Austin and Portland/Seattle. I feel like it's a combination of similar culture, similar job prospects, and lower cost of living.


This is more of a (tasteless) protest against gentrification than anything else. Californians move to the PNW because it's trendy and artisanal.
Isn't it trendy and artisanal because it got gentrified in the first place? Seems kinda like that's the culture of Portland
There's a ton of movement between CA, Austin and Portland/Seattle. I feel like it's a combination of similar culture, similar job prospects, and lower cost of living.

yep I've known a few people leave California for Texas due to cost of living

also Atlanta seems to be a hot spot


Hilarious. My parents moved from California to Arizona and now like to bitch about people coming to Arizona from California because they'll bring "liberal" this and that.
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