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15th Anniversary of Gran Turismo Europe: Invite to GT6, [Make A New Thread]

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Hm the hands-on part probably hints at PS3/Vita, but on the other hand E3 is right around the corner, and PS4 must surely be ready for it... Imo Sony should have made PS4 versions of all PS3 games not released yet. This would be really something to excite people and maximize sales. And, if the PS4 is really so easy to develop for, it shouldn't be too hard.


Jordan from GTPlanet:

Formal presentations begin at 4pm BST (Silverstone time). Not sure if I will be able to live blog this now due to embargo restrictions but I will find out for sure later.

I did confirm we will be getting hands on time with a game, so I will be trying to get footage for you guys.

GT6's platform is still the big secret here.

PS3 pretty much confirmed then.
I know ps3 has a bigger install base but its pretty much in the past now. People will not invest as much on an old console. I'm happy that gt5 lasted for the whole generation. It's great other then loading times. After almost a decade, its time to move on to the next gen. I think it's really stupid if they make it a ps3 exclusive at the worst possible time. If it happens, I just don't see lots if sales. If anything there would be a lot of angry costumers. I would definitely stop supporting the company.

They can always do a prologue now for ps4 and release a supreme full version in a few years to last the ps4 generation. If they do cross gen, then I won't really mind either, as long as its not a ps3 exclusive. They would lose a lot for doing that. You can quote me on it.


Rewind is not the same as driving aids. It literally erases a mistake you already did.

Normal driving aids simply helps you to not make those mistakes. You rely on rewind and you never get good at it, cause there's no consequence.

Then you go online and you ruin everyone else's race.

Arguably driving aids let you continue to race using them as crutches. Rewind may encourage you to use less driving assists and drive on more sister inga, knowing that if you mess up you don't need to restart the whole race. Good opportunity to practice corners etc.
I know ps3 has a bigger install base but its pretty much in the past now. People will not invest as much on an old console. I'm happy that gt5 lasted for the whole generation. It's great other then loading times. After almost a decade, its time to move on to the next gen. I think it's really stupid if they make it a ps3 exclusive at the worst possible time. If it happens, I just don't see lots if sales. If anything there would be a lot of angry costumers. I would definitely stop supporting the company.

They can always do a prologue now for ps4 and release a supreme full version in a few years to last the ps4 generation. If they do cross gen, then I won't really mind either, as long as its not a ps3 exclusive. They would lose a lot for doing that. You can quote me on it.

So do you think that Grand Theft Auto is dead as well? The next game in that series is releasing this year and it's only available on current-gen consoles.


I reckon PS3 and 360 sales will still be strong until well into 2014. The next-gen systems are first and foremost for enthusiasts until they accumulated a decent library and lower price.
Gta 5 is a different genre. For the casual, there are a lot of racing games to choose from. Better to buy next gen racing games which have better graphics and features.

Open world games like gta you can probably count on one hand for this generation. The latest one was sleeping dogs I believe. Marketing will play a role but watchdogs is also coming out which is fresher, unique and on all consoles. I don't care much for gta, I can see it selling well since there are not many choices in the genre but I would still be surprised if it sells as well as gta4. We will see in a few months I suppose.


No stream. And presentations start at 4PM BST

pm eh? Not

Gta 5 is a different genre. For the casual, there are a lot of racing games to choose from. Better to buy next gen racing games which have better graphics and features.

Like what features? Launch games are rarely fully featured because developers are just trying to get up to speed with the hardware. And they're having to rush to make the launch deadline. PD on the other hand have apparently been plugging away at the PS3 over the past three years. So it should have a ton of features and content in general.

As far as casuals go, how many do you think are going to be buying next-gen consoles at launch? Casuals are the ones that are often swayed by price more than fancy tech. The PS3 will likely see a decent price drop at or around the time of GT6's launch.
Arguably driving aids let you continue to race using them as crutches. Rewind may encourage you to use less driving assists and drive on more sister inga, knowing that if you mess up you don't need to restart the whole race. Good opportunity to practice corners etc.

My thoughts on rewind. I know this is a GT6 thread but I am just damn happy to see more racing sim talk on GAF because of it.

gutterboy44 said:
I think there is a lot more to the discussion than, "include anything, just make it optional" now that gaming is more heavily online or even online only.

I don't consider rewind a cheat, I just consider it an artificial system that is detrimental to developing proper or meaningful racing skills. A game that wants to consider itself a driving/racing sim, should not include a system that encourages the complete opposite of all the other commonly accepted introductory racing advice out there. Yes TCS, ABS and ASM are all assists but they are car control assists. Your car behaves differently when you disable and enable them. When you disable rewind, you are counting on the driver to all of a sudden behave differently, nothing in the car changes. When you finally get the courage to turn off TCS, you now risk wheel spin. When you stop using rewind, what are you risking now? Your time? Why not just disable all damage and put invisible bumpers along the edges of the track? That would save you even more time and prevent you from ever messing up. There are game systems unrelated to car control that can be beneficial though.

A good example of how an artificial game system can have a positive effect on driver behavior and technique is iRacing's Safety Rating. Drive reckless, get penalized. Even putting more than two wheels off the track will get you a deduction in official sessions. You instantly care a fuck load more about flying off the track or smashing into others when you get penalized for driving like an ass. In real life the "penalty system" is bodily harm and always there, something no racing sim can ever genuinely replicate. The Safety Rating system makes the quality of offline and online racing that much more enjoyable. It is a great use of an artificial system in a constructive manner. Conversely, imagine if a game had a system like a "Balls to the Wall Rating!" where you were rewarded with points on how often you could bump into other racers. Even if the bumping points were offline only, imagine what that online racing would be like if that is the habits the game was forming? In game systems, optional or not, undeniably shape the that game's online racing community. Online racing is a huge part of the enjoyment of racing games for me, so I personally don't want it in a racing games if possible, certainly not in the state rewind has been implemented in other games. But if it is included in GT6, I won't lose sleep. I am sure I will end up mostly racing offline and venturing online for NGRL races or shuffle races.

If anything, rewind doesn't go nearly far enough! Simply undoing a mistake benefits no one in the long run if you aren't learning from the mistake. A racing assist shouldn't just save you time, it should teach you something about the car control or racing in general. If "rewind" were to be included in a racing sim, I would want to see something akin to bracketing in photography. A rapid succession of slightly different settings that you can control. You could setup your entry speed to a corner like parabolicz, bracket three different setups for your car, and in quick succession drive the same corner with the three different setups to feel the car's handling characteristics with predefined variables. That would be awesome and help encourage constructive racing habits. Just my two cents. I genuinely believe a rewind system's influence can extend beyond a simple on/off button.


Major changes to the core engine (weather, damage etc) would suggest they've been focusing on this for a long time, which may mean a longer wait for PS4. Something more content related (lots more cars, more tracks, menu changes etc) might mean less of a wait (assuming PS3 premium cars can be used for Ps4)


My thoughts on rewind. I know this is a GT6 thread but I am just damn happy to see more racing sim talk on GAF because of it.

How about if you could manually select a track and a section of that track (eg corner or sequence of corners) and then you are able to race that over and over? Like a custom license test? That would be enough for me as I'd want rewind mainly for practicing corners of unfamiliar tracks

I like your 'bracketing' idea too


god, the "rewind" debate.

If you're really interested it's been discussed to death on GTPlanet.

Also, it's a good feature and should be implemented in GT. What does it matter if I'm practicing a track and want to try a certain corner over and over again -- reset and start from the beginning or use rewind and try to enter the corner again.

It doesn't make people worse drivers. This is the most backward logic I've ever read. It's a tool. The game is supposed to be a simulation after all and the rewind feature allows you to simulate a given section of a track much faster then restarting or lapping the entire course.
How about if you could manually select a track and a section of that track (eg corner or sequence of corners) and then you are able to race that over and over? Like a custom license test? That would be enough for me as I'd want rewind mainly for practicing corners of unfamiliar tracks

I like your 'bracketing' idea too

Yeah, that would be far more constructive. If you got to use it as a practice took instead of just simply a do over button I think it would be much more conducive to improving your racing overall opposed to just erasing mistakes without learning from them.

god, the "rewind" debate.

If you're really interested it's been discussed to death on GTPlanet.

Also, it's a good feature and should be implemented in GT. What does it matter if I'm practicing a track and want to try a certain corner over and over again -- reset and start from the beginning or use rewind and try to enter the corner again.

It doesn't make people worse drivers. This is the most backward logic I've ever read. It's a tool. The game is supposed to be a simulation after all and the rewind feature allows you to simulate a given section of a track much faster then restarting or lapping the entire course.

Not a chance that improving lap times and mastering a corner is the primary use of the rewind tool in the racing games that include it. It can without a shadow of a doubt create worse racers and more reckless racers. The "tool" that helps you get better in your scenario is the racing line. The act of rewinding at best is a tool for saving time, not improving your racing skills.


god, the "rewind" debate.

If you're really interested it's been discussed to death on GTPlanet.

Also, it's a good feature and should be implemented in GT. What does it matter if I'm practicing a track and want to try a certain corner over and over again -- reset and start from the beginning or use rewind and try to enter the corner again.

It doesn't make people worse drivers. This is the most backward logic I've ever read. It's a tool. The game is supposed to be a simulation after all and the rewind feature allows you to simulate a given section of a track much faster then restarting or lapping the entire course.

As soon as cars come fitted with time machines then I would be happy to include a rewind as a simulation feature, until then get that crap out of my racing game.


As soon as cars come fitted with time machines then I would be happy to include a rewind as a simulation feature, until then get that crap out of my racing game.

How do you think simulations work in real world scenarios when car manufacturers are modeling/tesing cars? Seriously, do you have any clue? They test in sections, under different conditions and run these simulations for specific situations.

If anything. Rewind brings console simulation closer to the real thing.


Simulators in other fields and even real simulators do things all the time that are "omfg it's not real". That's the beauty, it's a simulation so you can test things out without the real world consequences... such as wrecking a 500,000 dollar car. Or... running repeated simulations of a car through a corner testing lines, weight distribution, tire grip, ect.

Finally, my last and most salient point, the feature wouldn't effect anyone else.

I feel like I really need to emphasize that. Why do those against a rewind feature care if it's in the game? Don't Use It. Period. Turn it off. It would give those of us who would like that tool the ability to use it and it simply wouldn't exist for those who don't want it. Thus, nothing will actually change for you, the player who doesn't want the feature in the game, since for you it effectively won't be there if you turn it off/don't use it.

There is no need to become fetishistic about control over how others play the game.


How do you think simulations work in real world scenarios when car manufacturers are modeling/tesing cars? Seriously, do you have any clue? They test in sections, under different conditions and run these simulations for specific situations.

If anything. Rewind brings console simulation closer to the real thing.

dude. just. no.


Rewind is 1000000x better option to have then "Racing Line".

Rewind can't be used in online multiplayer nor it influences anyone else but player who is using it. With rewind option, the player will eventually learn how to manage some sections of the course, he will learn about proper timing and alternative lines.

In the same time, "Racing Line" is uninamously overlooked as the real plague of the genre which absolutely influence development of the player, seriously undermine process of learning track, configurations, alternate lines or similar. Even worse, recent years have introduced a "dynamic" racing line that reacts not only to track and players car but to others cars on track as well, successfully creating Driving Line Zombies which have no comprehention or true realization of happenings on the track, but they only rely their reflexes on information provided by The Line.

I will always be for Rewind option in driving games, especially if accompanied by reward for not using it (as almost all games that host it do). However, the Driving Line is something that needs to be evaporated from the genre ASAP, because it actually serves NOTHING what can't be learned in 3 laps on some track with brief paying attention to surroundings.

Ideally, I am against both because both are buffers for developlent of skill, but Driving Line is much much greater evil that does not get criticism it deserves.

My 2 cents.

BTW Gran Turismo 2 was one of the first games that had Driving Line.


How do you think simulations work in real world scenarios when car manufacturers are modeling/tesing cars? Seriously, do you have any clue? They test in sections, under different conditions and run these simulations for specific situations.

Ah, so you don't want a racing simulator, you want a simulator simulator.


Can anyone post one of those timers things that we refresh so we can know when it start?

Or we don't know nothing yet? Thanks in advance fellow GAFfers.


via Gtplanet


Rewind in a practice setting does nothing but save the player time. It allows you to practice a single section of the track at a much faster pace then you could before. Instead of having to do laps over and over to get to the part you want to practice or, --restart -- the race (which is just a slower version of rewinding), you can just rewind to where you need to be.

Rewind feature allows a player more efficiency while training. Less time put in but more out of that time.

I can't fathom how a tool that makes players time spent in game more efficient is looked down upon. Some people have claimed that PD is stuck in 1997 (I've read that all over the forums here) well, it seems like most of the members here are too.


Hell, let's remove the ability to pause the game.

Can't pause real life.

Real racing drivers are happy to wet their seats, if you want to get your couch wet for the full experience knock yourself out.

via Gtplanet


Rewind in a practice setting does nothing but save the player time. It allows you to practice a single section of the track at a much faster pace then you could before. Instead of having to do laps over and over to get to the part you want to practice or, --restart -- the race (which is just a slower version of rewinding), you can just rewind to where you need to be.

Rewind feature allows a player more efficiency while training. Less time put in but more out of that time.

I can't fathom how a tool that makes players time spent in game more efficient is looked down upon. Some people have claimed that PD is stuck in 1997 (I've read that all over the forums here) well, it seems like most of the members here are too.

It's also bollocks, rewind is only ever used for one thing, undoing screw-ups, if you want to practice, practice the whole track there's always time to make on every corner.


I say the chances of them putting the rewind feature in are high, few other racing games have it, and it does not hurt them to put it in.

I would never use it personally, ever, no matter what, as i found out in Forza 3 just how badly it changes the game for me. It becomes too tempting to cheat your way to victory and when you start winning all the time, it becomes pointless, you drive recklessly because YOLO bro ill just rewind.

But yeah they can put it in for those who want it, do not see why not.


via Gtplanet


Rewind in a practice setting does nothing but save the player time. It allows you to practice a single section of the track at a much faster pace then you could before. Instead of having to do laps over and over to get to the part you want to practice or, --restart -- the race (which is just a slower version of rewinding), you can just rewind to where you need to be.

Rewind feature allows a player more efficiency while training. Less time put in but more out of that time.

I can't fathom how a tool that makes players time spent in game more efficient is looked down upon. Some people have claimed that PD is stuck in 1997 (I've read that all over the forums here) well, it seems like most of the members here are too.

Good post fellow GAFfer, thanks for sharing.


more golden nuggets:

ll joking aside, the game is meant to simulate driving/racing. A simulator will never be as good as the real thing. Furthermore, simulators, by their very nature allow for us to test things that we otherwise couldn't or things that would be extremely prohibitive to repeatedly test in real life.

For instance, testing airflow and the aerodynamic capabilities of a car. In real life most of this is done purely through computers and mathematical models. It would be insanity to build a car and re-manufacture its shape every time you went to test it. They could easily add this to a GT game. Thus cutting down on us having to race over and over to see if the downforce we applied in a menu is working the way we intended. We could instead just run a simulation of it within the game (a simulation running inside another simulation! talk about going meta).

the rewind feature is exact same concept. It'd be like running a simulation of a particular event on a particular track over and over w/ different variables. Since it can only be used in a single player setting this would be the real world counterpart to prepping for a race. Once race day comes however (in GT this would mean an online race or event where the feature is disabled like time trial for instance) it's all on the driver to show their skills -- the very skills they've honed using all the tools available to them, whatever those may be.

Finally, from just a logical standpoint, I'm failing to see any real conclusive arguments from the side that doesn't want the feature in the game. It's been either blanket statements or simply flat assertions that don't stand up in the realm of debate. Also, there have been many straight anecdotal assertions of how something "feels". Feelings are not arguments. Claiming that a certain feature would change the way the game "feels" is highly subjective at best, since you are only taking your own perspective into account.

If there is a good argument, i.e. both valid and sound, as to why such a feature (and others as mentioned a livery editor, engine swapping,ect) shouldn't be included in future games, I've yet to see it.


How about an instant win option, you don't need to drive, you just press a button and you win, but you get less "points" or whatever!?

I proposed it few times on GTPlanet during the Grind Wars in 2010 and early 2011.

Basically, the option to choose what amount of CR and XP you want and game instantly give you that. Everyones happy.


I think the console should cripple you when you have a bad crash.

Total immersion.


ok, 1 last post from GTP and I'm done:

This point was brought up by one of the mods there and is excellent. When I had originally read this, I tried the same thing with my gf. The results were incredible. She had a much easier and mush faster time learning how to drive in Forza4 then in GT5. Because of rewind.


" case in point: my girlfriend wanted to get the hang of playing racing games with me. I sat her on Road Atlanta in a Miata in FM4 with Rewind on so she could learn the racing line. The track was picked for the (mostly) open-sighted turns, and the fact the Miata wouldn't have too many braking zones (and is a more progressive steer than a mid-engined vehicle). I told her the out-in-out theory and left her to it for a few laps. Thanks to rewind, she eventually figured out what lines worked, and because of rewind, she could get a glimpse into why. "


How about an instant win option, you don't need to drive, you just press a button and you win, but you get less "points" or whatever!?

I kind of did that in Forza putting an AI driver in an endurance race...

Sort of like B spec with good(ish) AI and no input.
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