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2007 Wii lineup

Crackerman16 said:
The things some of you Wiitards (not even Nintendo fanboys) will say to comfort yourselves is absolutely hilarious. Stop comparing the 2007 Wii lineup to the PS3/X360 blockbuster games. It's just sad, so very, very sad.

I like Wii and might get one later this year or 2008. But it's quite obvious the Wii has the worst lineup this year. Not to mention last-gen graphics on most of the games announced...

The reason the Wii 2007 lineup is comparable to the PS3/X360 "blockbuster" games is because the Wii lineup is better. MY opinion of course. The PS3 lineup looks awesome and the X360 has a few gems, but graphics do not equal AWESOME. Get with the program, silly-billy.

And besides... can't find Smash Bros. Brawl anywhere else, and that game will spin forever in my Wii.

Your trolling post basically boils down to "Wahh wahh I cream my pants for grafix wahhh"


Derps said:
I don't even know why I thought anything good would come out of this thread

I wish the mods were a bit more vigilant against the GameFAQs'ish members on this board. But I guess they can't be in every thread 24/7.
Crackerman16 said:
Right. My opinion reflects that of a lot of your fellow Nintendo fanboys prior to my 1st post here. But yet it's my opinion that's "idiotic and intellectually bankrupt," and I'm an a-hole because I said the word "Wiitard?" Good one, hypocrite.

A Wiitard is a Wiitard and there are quite a few here. A Nintendo fanboy is at least honest with themselves when looking at this lineup. I'm not saying that all 2007 Wii games are crap, but only that it's the worst lineup amongst the 3 consoles. I'm also not blaming anything on Nintendo or Sony, because they JUST launched their consoles.

A) Don't call me a fanboy. Don't call me a hypocrite.
B) Don't use terms like Wiitard, Sonytard, Xbot, whatever. It's fanboy drivel and its insulting.
C) Your post was inflammatory and didn't contain a shred of credible insight, but that's par for the course. What got to me was the condescending tone. I came down hard, I guess, with the a**hole comment, so for that, I apologize.
Nightstick11 said:
The reason the Wii 2007 lineup is comparable to the PS3/X360 "blockbuster" games is because the Wii lineup is better. MY opinion of course. The PS3 lineup looks awesome and the X360 has a few gems, but graphics do not equal AWESOME. Get with the program, silly-billy.

And besides... can't find Smash Bros. Brawl anywhere else, and that game will spin forever in my Wii.

Your trolling post basically boils down to "Wahh wahh I cream my pants for grafix wahhh"

I see. So you're basing my entire post on the last comment I made about last-gen graphics. Wow, grasping at straws now, eh?

Zelda TP = blockbuster game.
Smash Bros. =/= blockbuster game. Neither are any of the 2007 games announced for Wii.


the piano man
people bitching about Wii 2007 lineup are trolls, definitely.

I am on board with the 360, I love it but in quantity and quality so far ( 1st year) the selection of games is NOT in a single way better than what wii has in the horizon for its 1st year.

it took 360 a FREAKING YEAR to get a killer app like gears of war, Nintendo brought Zelda on launch day, that is an improvement.

Nintendo is delivering quickly in regards to what they proposed: a multiplayer party system that brings the family together. In less than 6 months you have

wii sports
rayman RR
monkey ball: BB
Wario ware: SS
Wii play
mario party 8

Microsoft promised epic storylines, termendous grapichs, excellent gameplay functions and someone tell me: Did 360 deliver that in any way, shape or form in its 1st 6 months?? Not in my eyes at least.

and not only that!! every time I go to the store I see the same games and I think, what else is there besides the handful of hits?? 360's list of games gets bigger in the slowest of paces and people here act like Wii games are way slower than that.

trolls, everybody


Crackerman16 said:
I see. So you're basing my entire post on the last comment I made about last-gen graphics. Wow, grasping at straws now, eh?

Zelda TP = blockbuster game.
Smash Bros. =/= blockbuster game. Neither are any of the 2007 games announced for Wii.

How do you define blockbuster, out of curiousity?


Crackerman16 said:
I see. So you're basing my entire post on the last comment I made about last-gen graphics. Wow, grasping at straws now, eh?

Zelda TP = blockbuster game.
Smash Bros. =/= blockbuster game. Neither are any of the 2007 games announced for Wii.
Smash Bros and Mario Galaxy are blockbusters. If you don't realize that you need to look at some sales charts and get your facts straight before trolling like an idiot.


Crackerman16 said:
Smash Bros. =/= blockbuster game. Neither are any of the 2007 games announced for Wii.

wow, isn't Melee one of the best selling games from last gen? And it still sells better than most GC games like 4 years later. If anything, this one of the few blockbuster games coming out for any next gen system, and is certainly more blockbuster than Zelda TP


Pimpbaa said:
A good game on a system of his preference.
I lol'd.

This thread hit some bumps in the road (as has to be expected), but really went downhill when crackerman came in and started with the ad hominem attacks. :(
Meta-Knight said:
Innovative original games?? I'm sure they are coming but not many are announced yet.

That´s the problem of Sony-tards and Co. New innogative games = new franchises. Tihs doesnt apply to my kind of thinking about something being innovative. I can just repeat what i wrote once already: On PS2 you have Jak, Ratchet and Clank and Sly the Racoon. 3 franchises, that play so much alike. But you would call those "new" games, right?

"New, innovative" games arent about the franchise being the same or not.
Look at Mario. From 2D-jumpnrun to 3D-jumpnrun, to jetpak-flight-jumping, onto space-jumping. THIS is innovation. And it´s the a quater century old Mario-franchise.

@Crackerman: I was about to answer to one of your prior postings, but....WTH, Brawl not being a blockbuster? oh snap...


Pretty much every game from Nintendo is a blockbuster. Only EA has compareble sales to Nintendo worldwide and they release there games on every platform there is.
Why can't we have a release list thread without shitting up with half-baked opinions? It's not just this thread. The PS3, 360, DS, PSP threads are full of the same crap.


According to that list and my preferences, I'll have at least a game per month to buy, which is beyond my expectations for the first year. Excellent.

Fady K

My definite buys:

Fire Emblem
Dragon Quest Swords

Not so sure at all:
FF Crystal Chronicles (meh...)
Super Mario Galaxy

Dascu said:
Give Suda a chance.

Yeah, i agree. Suda's games are really hit and miss. But when I hit Killer 7, i was glad I did. Didnt feel too good about Contact or Blood+. But Samurai Champloo was also cool.

No More Heroes looks awesome to me. Killer 7 look appeals to me.

MasterMFauli said:
Is there ANY non-generic looking game coming for PS3 in 2007?
MGS4, okay, but that´s it.

Really :0 ?


ksamedi said:
Pretty much every game from Nintendo is a blockbuster. Only EA has compareble sales to Nintendo worldwide and they release there games on every platform there is.

In west, market leadership is like obtaining 25% of the software sales. In Japan, it's getting more like 80% (basically, Nintendomination).
There are more Wii games that interest me this year than I thought, but not a single one has me excited. They're mostly just games I think will be just good enough to pick up, not games that will blow me away. Well, Metroid Prime 3 has me a bit excited, but for some reason I have a feeling it's going to suck.


it is curious how no-one (bar EA) is announcing anything, with all the dev comments like "we're working on something for Wii" that have been spouted since E3 I'd have thought we'd have seen more.

I am really starting to get impatient with this situation. I am tired of hear of "Konami action adventure game" or "Capcom's project". The current Wii lineup, while not catastrophic or crap as some trolls likes it to potray, it is still not too much colorful. Nintendo must start lifting the information embargo asap. Agh, if only we would still have an E3 to wait for... the current situation, where every company is holding their cards into their chests waiting for the first one to blink in order to say something about the upcoming new IPs is really killing my hype for the next gen systems.
The Wii lineup is interesting, but it seems like outside of Zelda, you'll have to go with the 360/PS3 for anything "epic", while the Wii could actually get most of the play time with all it's short burst time wasters.



Sonic and the Secret Rings
Super Paper Mario
Fire Emblem: Goddess of Dawn
Super Mario Galaxy
Super Smash Bros. Brawl

But hey, at least they're gonna rock.

Wait for impressions/previews:

Dragon Quest Swords
No More Heroes

Maybe, if the reviews and impressions are very positive across the board (meaning, if the haters love it):

Metroid Prim3

I don't think FFCC and RE are making it this year. I doubt Disaster and the other games that were shown off at E306 not listed will turn out to be anything worthwhile.

Eteric Rice

For me...

1. Super Mario Galaxy
2. Metroid Prime: Corruption
3. Dragon Quest Swords
4. Fire Emblem Goddess of Dawn
5. Super Paper Mario
6. No More Heroes

And I've still yet to pick up Elebits, Trauma Center, and Wario Ware.


My purchases will likely include:

Wario Ware Smooth Moves (for crazy multiplayer)
Wii Play (mainly for Wii Remote)
Bust-A-Move Bash! (budget price and multiplayer fun)
Mario Party 8 (multiplayer)
Super Mario Galaxy (for obvious reasons)
Super Smash Bros. Brawl (multiplayer fun preferably with items, thanks)
Super Paper Mario (if it comes out)
No More Heroes (Suda51 will make this his best game yet)
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers (multiplayer with friends; liked the original)

I'll probably have to trim that list down a little bit.
AniHawk said:

Sonic and the Secret Rings
Super Paper Mario
Fire Emblem: Goddess of Dawn
Super Mario Galaxy

But hey, at least they're gonna rock.

Wait for impressions/previews:

Dragon Quest Swords
No More Heroes

Maybe, if the reviews and impressions are very positive across the board (meaning, if the haters love it):

Metroid Prim3

I don't think FFCC and RE are making it this year. I doubt Disaster and the other games that were shown off at E306 not listed will turn out to be anything worthwhile.
Huh? People actually have faith in that considering what happened with the 360 one?


AniHawk said:
I don't think FFCC and RE are making it this year. I doubt Disaster and the other games that were shown off at E306 not listed will turn out to be anything worthwhile.

I'm not going to be so bold as to say they won't (I think FFCC will, but RE has a greater chance of not making it)... but I will say that if Square Enix can't get FFCC out there this year, someone somewhere is ****ing up big time.

ninj4junpei said:
Huh? People actually have faith in that considering what happened with the 360 one?

Secret Rings has been playable, and most of the people who played it were happy with it. Press has played demos of subsequent areas and by all accounts they're even better than what was at E3 in terms of fun and level/gameplay depth.

There's been very, very, very little criticism of the game all around... as contrasted with the 360 Sonic, which was almost universally panned after E3, laughed at because of the story, and didn't really turn too many people around once it came out.


ninj4junpei said:
Huh? People actually have faith in that considering what happened with the 360 one?

I guess you haven't been paying attention to the previews and the impressions of the game since E3.


Dragona Akehi said:
Fire Emblem and DQ Swords. The only reason I bought the Wii in the first place (besides of course the lurvly Trauma Centre). <3

Liar. You know you're getting Crystal Chronicles, too.


Good ****ing god. I keep forgetting about Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I knew there was SOMETHING ELSE, but I couldn't imagine what.


nice. I can feel the love rising on the 2nd page of this thread.

Do we have a firm release date on Fire Emblem Wii?
MasterMFauli said:
That´s the problem of Sony-tards and Co. New innogative games = new franchises. Tihs doesnt apply to my kind of thinking about something being innovative. I can just repeat what i wrote once already: On PS2 you have Jak, Ratchet and Clank and Sly the Racoon. 3 franchises, that play so much alike. But you would call those "new" games, right?

"New, innovative" games arent about the franchise being the same or not.
Look at Mario. From 2D-jumpnrun to 3D-jumpnrun, to jetpak-flight-jumping, onto space-jumping. THIS is innovation. And it´s the a quater century old Mario-franchise.

@Crackerman: I was about to answer to one of your prior postings, but....WTH, Brawl not being a blockbuster? oh snap...

First off I don't own any Sony consoles and I never did. Second off, I'm not saying all sequels are completely devoid of innovation, but it's fun to play new game concepts from time to time. You know, games like the first Pikmin, Animal Crossing, which were completely new at the time.

I bought my Wii in part for the classic Nintendo franchises like Mario, Zelda, Metroid, but also for the promise of new ways of playing videogames. Wii Sports achieves that goal and I want more games that in the vein of Wii Sports are completely designed for use with the Wii Controller and bring new never-before-seen game designs on the table.
Bottom line is this ... if the Wii continues to put be successful in Japan, the Wii's library will be more like the NES/SNES/GB/DS rather than the N64 or GCN. Long term there are huge repurcussions.

Though ... Mario Galaxy + Super Paper Mario + Fire Emblem + Metroid Prime 3 + Smash Bros. Brawl suddenly is a soft lineup? I can't remember the last time Nintendo had such a strong lineup for any platform for a single year.

Userbase talks in Japan, especailly to Japanese third-parties. Ask Square-Enix. Wii takes Japan, then no one on GAF will be complaining about the library soon enough. If you were happy with the NES/SNES/GB/DS, IMO it's a good bet you'll be happy with the Wii.


soundwave05 said:
Bottom line is this ... if the Wii continues to put be successful in Japan, the Wii's library will be more like the NES/SNES/GB/DS rather than the N64 or GCN. Long term there are huge repurcussions.

Though ... Mario Galaxy + Super Paper Mario + Fire Emblem + Metroid Prime 3 + Smash Bros. Brawl suddenly is a soft lineup? I can't remember the last time Nintendo had such a strong lineup for any platform for a single year.

Userbase talks in Japan, especailly to Japanese third-parties. Ask Square-Enix. Wii takes Japan, then no one on GAF will be complaining about the library soon enough. If you were happy with the NES/SNES/GB/DS, IMO it's a good bet you'll be happy with the Wii.

in 2002/2003 (from Launch to 12 months later), we played in Europe, Smash Bros, Pikmin, Metroid Prime, Sunshine, wind Waker, eternal Darkness, Starfox Adventures, Blue Storm, Luigi Mansion

pretty comparable, at first sight, no ?
wazoo said:
in 2002/2003 (from Launch to 12 months later), we played in Europe, Smash Bros, Pikmin, Metroid Prime, Sunshine, wind Waker, eternal Darkness, Starfox Adventures, Blue Storm, Luigi Mansion

pretty comparable, at first sight, no ?

For North America, remove Smash Bros., Pikmin, and Wind Waker from that list. Not quite as impressive, when you look at it from that P.O.V.

In Europe anyways, I get the feeling something like Wii Karaoke will come along and sell like a bazillion copies and be bigger than any Nintendo character franchise.
wazoo said:
in 2002/2003 (from Launch to 12 months later), we played in Europe, Smash Bros, Pikmin, Metroid Prime, Sunshine, wind Waker, eternal Darkness, Starfox Adventures, Blue Storm, Luigi Mansion

pretty comparable, at first sight, no ?

Not in my Europe, where MP1 was released in March next year.


I was about to post and say what a crappy line up. But then I started adding up the games and there's actually more than I thought that I'm interested in.

Definate buys:

Sims - wife get
Mario Party
Wario Ware
Excite Truck
Metal Slug
Animal Crossing
Bust a Move - wife get

On the maybe list:

RE Wii
Smash Bros
Just for reference these have been Nintendo's notable "big" years in North America over the past little while

Super Mario RPG
Killer Instinct
Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island
Donkey Kong Country 2

Tetris Attack (SNES)
Super Mario 64
Wave Race 64
Killer Instinct Gold
Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire
Donkey Kong Country 3 (SNES)

Mario Kart 64
Star Fox 64
Blast Corps
Diddy Kong Racing

NBA Courtside
1080 Snowboarding
F-Zero X
Legend of Zelda: OoT
Star Wars: Rogue Squadron

Luigi's Mansion
Wave Race: BS
Super Smash Bros. Melee

Eternal Darkness
Star Fox Adventures
Super Mario Sunshine
Animal Crossing
Metroid Prime

Super Mario Galaxy
Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Fire Emblem
Super Paper Mario
Metroid Prime 3
Project: Hammer
Wii Motor Sports

Depends on your interests too, but I would guess Battalion Wars Wii, Wii Music, Mario Strikers 2, Forever Blue, etc. might also be worth checking out. Nintendo not only as a lot of "big franchise" titles this year, but unlike some of those N64 years, they also have some smaller types of games that should be worth a look at least.

I bolded year 2 for each the N64, GC, and Wii.


Battalion Wars II you say? That's easily one of my most anticipated games for Wii. Moreso than Project HAMMER, Super Paper Mario and right on par with Fire Emblem.
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