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2009 - PlayStation 3's Third Year

Doctor_No said:
Sorry to break the news, but the game sucks (I've been playing it since JP launch). PS2 graphics, doesn't capture the magic of the original WotS, and broken quest system with repetitive tasks. I wish I could say nicer things being a fan, but don't get your hopes up.


Crystal Bearer
djtiesto said:
Blah to 95% of this list... I'm not terribly interested in shooters. Fat Princess and (hopefully) White Knight look like must buys... maybe RGG if I run out of stuff to play. I'm still not sure if I'm gonna get FF13 for 360 or PS3 yet.

If you have both, why wouldn't you get it for the platform it's being built for?


Either way, some of you are saying 'No FFXIII in US until 2010.' I agree, but it'll certainly be released in Japan by the end of 2009, and if you look at other things I've listed, I have included Japanese release dates as well. It's not a US-centric list. It's meant to give everyone in all territories a preview of what's coming out.
deepbrown said:
Huh? No. We will see Uncharted 2 before the end of 2008...that means we will SEE it, not that it will be released. I'm not changing my wager at all.

You seem pretty certain so I'm assuming you've got some insider info. Can I officially start getting excited about the unveiling?


freethought said:
You seem pretty certain so I'm assuming you've got some insider info. Can I officially start getting excited about the unveiling?
No that's just my wager. I'm guessing. Guessing is fun.


Maybe it's the optimist in me but I doubt Square will just let FFxiii casually slip into 2010. I hope they'll surprise and have a very close release between territories. Plus as far as i'm aware it's the only game announced for the ps3 at e3 06 left un-released.


Cool to see the 2009 (maybe a few of the games might get released in 2010 though) PS3 games listed up like this :) Thanks for making this thread, Kagari! :)

I am buying Killzone 2 and Gran Turismo 5 (if it comes out in 2009 that is) at day 1 for sure. I think God of War 3 will be a 2010 title, but if God of War 3 comes out in 2009 i will without any doubt buy that game at day 1 :)

I am not 100% sure about the other games, but i am pretty sure that i will get atleast Fat Princess and Infamous as well, but maybe not at day 1. Or maybe, we'll see what happends :)


LiquidMetal14 said:
Now you went all out to explain yourself :O
Allright lets run down the list:

Final Fantasy XIII(fat chance that this is released in 2009 in NA/Europe(lol))
Final Fantasy Versus XIII(with the team helping out on XIII there's no way that Versus will release in 2009)
God of War 3(we've seen CG, but that's about it, early 2010 for sure, but 2009...)
Uncharted 2(confirmation that it is in development, but nothing else)
Ghostbusters(Atari is the new publisher right? who goes down first this game or Atari?)
Dark Void(it seems that Capcom is all about spring release dates now, Fall 2009 is just wishfull thinking)
Chronicles of Riddick(I honestly didn't know this one was in development)
King of Fighters XII(shoot me if I'm wrong, but I don't think they announced a console version of this game)
[Nintex] said:
Allright lets run down the list:

Final Fantasy XIII(fat chance that this is released in 2009 in NA/Europe(lol))
Final Fantasy Versus XIII(with the team helping out on XIII there's no way that Versus will release in 2009)
God of War 3(we've seen CG, but that's about it, early 2010 for sure, but 2009...)
Uncharted 2(confirmation that it is in development, but nothing else)
Ghostbusters(Atari is the new publisher right? who goes down first this game or Atari?)
Dark Void(it seems that Capcom is all about spring release dates now, Fall 2009 is just wishfull thinking)
Chronicles of Riddick(I honestly didn't know this one was in development)
King of Fighters XII(shoot me if I'm wrong, but I don't think they announced a console version of this game)

I can't argue with much except Riddick, which has been in development for a long while and could easily see an '09 release and Uncharted which I'm only arguing because I really, really, really want it to come out next year. Everything else I either agree with or know next to nothing about.

Still, even without those on the list, I'm still psyched about next years line-up. Oh, and we haven't seen it obviously but GoWIII exists in playable form and by all accounts looks incredible.


Great lineup! My purchases: Killzone 2,
Uncharted 2 (if it comes out)

I however WON'T be buying GT5. After playing Forza 2, the gameplay of GT is so stale. I had Prologue which fealt terrible to me. I don't care too much about content (5000! carz 80 trackz!) i just care about the gameplay and handling model. To me GT5 seems outdated, it just isn't as fun as Forza. I can appreciate the damage moddeling wasn't in so that could have an affect, however i realised that it wasn't just the lack of damage, it was the gameplay itself. To me Forza feels perfect.

Can't wait for MAG, I hope it keeps Socom gameplay with the added bonus of vehicles and MASSIVE ACTION.


Nice thread
Heavey Rain and maybe Uncharted 2 are my most anticipated games in 09. And White Knight Chronicles if it's translated this year.

Linkzg said:

If they decide to bring it over

they wont

Why, both of the other ones were.
Nolan. said:
Maybe it's the optimist in me but I doubt Square will just let FFxiii casually slip into 2010. I hope they'll surprise and have a very close release between territories. Plus as far as i'm aware it's the only game announced for the ps3 at e3 06 left un-released.

Hashimoto and Kitase have said one of their big goals for this game is to cut back on the localization time. They said they want to release the game to the world "in a fresh state".

And it's not the only unreleased game of e3 06....there's still Versus XIII :lol
-ARNiE- said:
Great lineup! My purchases: Killzone 2,
Uncharted 2 (if it comes out)

I however WON'T be buying GT5. After playing Forza 2, the gameplay of GT is so stale. I had Prologue which fealt terrible to me. I don't care too much about content (5000! carz 80 trackz!) i just care about the gameplay and handling model. To me GT5 seems outdated, it just isn't as fun as Forza. I can appreciate the damage moddeling wasn't in so that could have an affect, however i realised that it wasn't just the lack of damage, it was the gameplay itself. To me Forza feels perfect.

Can't wait for MAG, I hope it keeps Socom gameplay with the added bonus of vehicles and MASSIVE ACTION.

I haven't played Forza 2 or GT5P but based on old iterations of both series, GT, in terms of driving physics and the way the car handles, feels way more realistic to me.
No way in hell TRICO (*name TBA) comes any earlier than summer-fall 2010.

Even if it's already 80% complete, I just can't imagine Sony giving (what's bound to be) an artsy game capable of decent sales *see SotC* anything less than 11-12 months of pure hype/game show rounds.

I would love to be wrong.
Hell, I just want to see what the damn game is like.


deepbrown said:
Huh? No. We will see it before the end of 2008. I'm not changing my wager at all.

I hope we'd see something about Uncharted 2 by the end of the year, and something solid, not just a xmas post card from Nate and Sully :p. Easily one of my most looked forward to titles next year.

Wonder how inFamous is coming along. Been a while since we've seen some new footage of that one. Maybe that game can make my like sandbox games again.

With a 2nd to none line up of games known at this point for next year, Sony just needs to get the price of the machine down to vastly more affordable levels for the masses, and it'll easily breathe much more life into the machine. So many people I know still complain how expensive the machine is and they're waiting for a price drop yet. "Added Value" isn't going to do it Sony, a subtraction of one numeric value off the first number in the price will.


Crystal Bearer
Added in release date for Yakuza 3, Japan date for RE5... damn Q1 is looking amazing for that territory. Very solid line up leading to the FFXIII demo in March.


SolidSnakex said:
Kagari said:
Added in release date for Yakuza 3, Japan date for RE5... damn Q1 is looking amazing for that territory. Very solid line up leading to the FFXIII demo in March.

The february/march time frame seems to be a very opportune time for a PS3 price cut.

Killzone 2 blockbuster releasing in western markets.

FFXIII demo releasing in Japan.

Both will perk up console sales. Combine that with a price cut and it really makes sense from a global perspective.


Won't 2009 be Playstation3's fourth year?
We're already in the third.

Resistance and Ridge Racer 7 were two of the best games I played in 2006.
consoul said:
Won't 2009 be Playstation3's fourth year?
We're already in the third.

Resistance and Ridge Racer 7 were two of the best games I played in 2006.

November 2006-November 2007 = Year 1
November 2007-November 2008 = Year 2
November 2008-November 2009 = Year 3


butthurt Heat fan
I passed on Resistance 2, hopefully Killzone 2 is awesome.

If a game is multiplat, I'll probably buy it on X360, although playing a Tekken game on the X360 will be incredibly weird at first...


Andrex said:

The fuck is up with Joker's face? I'm all for staying true to the comics, but it just looks so weird (and out of place with completely normal human-Harley next to him). Arkham Asylum has the comic look right I think...

They're changing the way his face looks, Jim Lee (art director for the game) said it didn't fit with the look of the rest of the game, which is weird since the entire game is based on his art style.


consoul said:
Resistance and Ridge Racer 7 were two of the best games I played in 2006.

I met some cool dudes from Japan in the early days of PS3 and Ridge Racer 7. It was a great time, Winter 2006.
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