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24 || [Day 6] || 7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. (Hour 14)

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I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
woodchuck said:
there has to be a reason why the house was so close to ctu

To hack into CTU. Still leaves the possibility that there wasn't a leak, just incompatence.
Bloodwake said:
I bet Milo's the mole, and Jack's going to "interrogate" him, and Doyle will be in the observation room jerking off to it.

Ever seen Ichi the Killer? Of course not... but anyway it'll be something like that.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Pellham said:
That VP can't be that crazy. He's got to be in on it with the bluetooth gang and the russians...

Yeah, he has been looking for any excuse to launch the nukes. Not to mention I still think he was in on having Palmer Jr taken out...


Great episode..

I(and a few others) here have been suggesting that the next season of 24 needs to focus just on something involving jack, not the US or a major city being at risk, and it seems they are planting the seeds for that with this thing with Audrey. Jack Bauer going Jason Bourne should be awesome, though, I wouldn't rule out Audrey's death actually being fabricated, and shes actually being held somewhere.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
jenov4 said:
Knowing 24, we'll all end up loving the VP at the end. Remember how everyone hated Tom Lennox? :D

Another example is the VP in Season 5. Everybody (myself included) hated him and thought he was responsible for everything that had been happening. Then the twists comes and you end up thinking he is a nice guy.

EDIT: And I'm glad to see I'm not the only one that thinks the Audrey setup is for either Season 7 or the movie. Jack searching for Audrey's killer in China would be a better setup for the movie moreso than the next season.

Jack vs China: Round 2


Nameless said:
Great episode..

I(and a few others) here have been suggesting that the next season of 24 needs to focus just on something involving jack, not the US or a major city being at risk, and it seems they are planting the seeds for that with this thing with Audrey. Jack Bauer going Jason Bourne should be awesome, though, I wouldn't rule out Audrey's death actually being fabricated, and shes actually being held somewhere.

I think it would be perfect for a 24 movie.


effzee said:
my money is on milo.

At first I thought it was Milo too but nowI'm having second thoughts... there is always this crazy scenerio in the end(that you don't see coming). Why not fool everyone once again by having it be the easy answer... the one person everyone thinks is too obvious. I going to stick with Nadia for now. Although she is still HOT! :D
I think at best Milo KNOWS about Nadia so yeah, I'm going to side with Diet Bauer in that he just wants to **** her

I don't think he's directly involved.


sutdawg said:
At first I thought it was Milo too but nowI'm having second thoughts... there is always this crazy scenerio in the end(that you don't see coming). Why not fool everyone once again by having it be the easy answer... the one person everyone thinks is too obvious. I going to stick with Nadia for now. Although she is still HOT! :D

she could rip her clothes off and belly dance to show her arab alliance


Audrey :(


but if as others are speculating this leads to the plotline for next season (or the 24 movie) of Jack's quest to avenge Audrey, I think it bodes well for the next season/movie.


Honorary Canadian.
Ugh. I downright laughed out loud when Doyle was like "SHEZ A MUZZLIM!"

Other than that the show was arguably one of the best this season since it tried to harness and restrain the ridiculousness. although, in the writers hastiness to create something so shocking and unpredictable, they've ended up taking what should be a badass character (Powers Boothe as the VP) and turning him into a totally laughable charicature of every 24 American bad-guy ever. Just such a waste of talent.

Nadia is hot, though. So that's a plus. And I like that they actually bothered to include Jack into the script this week, too, although this Audrey thing is totally laughable since I've been spoilered to it all. Read at your own risk:

I mentioned it last week but I'll do it again here. Supposedly she was just kidnapped by the Chinese and they plan on using her to blackmail Jack into giving them one of the nuclear computer chips :lol. Originally they were gonna use her to get Jack to talk about what he knows (because obviously it wouldnt' be enough just to, you know, interrogate the daughter and chief assistant to the former Secretary of Defense) but since the trade went down they decided to just use her for nuke moneys.

Oh well. Hopefully the next few episodes don't suck ass. Jack should meet Fayed pretty soon here, I think.
This thread is sorely lack Marisol Nichols pics. I got a hard-on when she was being interrogated. :lol This woman is so damn hot!





whytemyke said:
they've ended up taking what should be a badass character (Powers Boothe as the VP) and turning him into a totally laughable charicature of every 24 American bad-guy ever. Just such a waste of talent.

Eh, he still manages to sell it imo. Of course, I think half of what he's selling is the implication that should he get any angrier he has the ability to grow fifty feet tall and rain thunder down with his fists.


Ahhhh. Holy crap. I REFUSE to believe Nadia is the mole. There is no mole. That would just be too blatantly horrible. Even using the counter logic sucks. Raar.

And the Idea of Audrey not actually being dead is actually pretty interesting. Definitely would set up for a freakin' trippy future season (movie?)

Hah... 24... so crazy...


Yeah I don't want to believe Nadia is the mole. It would really go against the efforts 24 has been putting in this season to make a statement on racial/ethnic tensions...

But Milo or Doyle being the mole is pretty unbelievable in itself. I guess 24 isn't known to make sense though.. (Logan being what he was last season was pretty ridiculous, for instance).


Honorary Canadian.
omg... more spoilers beyond just next week. read at your own risk:

audrey is also retarded now on top of all that other shit :lol

worst season confirmed.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
whytemyke said:
omg... more spoilers beyond just next week. read at your own risk:

audrey is also retarded now on top of all that other shit :lol

worst season confirmed.

wtf lol
That better not happen Whytemyke or I will hold you personally responsible. Seriously, do these writers/producers just think of the most ridiculous scenarios possible?


whytemyke said:
omg... more spoilers beyond just next week. read at your own risk:

audrey is also retarded now on top of all that other shit :lol

worst season confirmed.

If true, that would only solidify this as the best season yet, better than 5.

In fact, that would make it the best season of any TV show in history.

Retard Audrey FTW.


The episode wasn't bad, but I really wish the actor playing Doyle was good. If he played it right the scene with him torturing Nadia could have been really really awesome but it just fell flat.

They also reintroduced Wayne Palmer's sister which is probably the worst decision ever.
And I don't care if Wayne dies or not. He was an awful actor on Buffy, awful actor on this show.

Of course Audrey isn't dead, I don't need spoilers to figure that out.


probune said:
The episode wasn't bad, but I really wish the actor playing Doyle was good. If he played it right the scene with him torturing Nadia could have been really really awesome but it just fell flat.

Well, what else would you expect from Ricky Schroeder. Eh, I just can't get past that yet...


Solo said:
Audrey isn't dead
. Bet on that. It's freaking 24.

QFT. That was the first thing I thought when Jack was talking to Chloe about it.

The giveaway was that Chloe gave DNA records to the Chinese, and the *Chinese* confirmed it; the Chinese actually used the DNA records to get a positive ID on their prisoner, and you can bank that Audrey will be back faster than you can say "ABC cancelled 'The Nine', can I have my job back?"



keep your strippers out of my American football
Ristamar said:
Well, what else would you expect from Ricky Schroeder. Eh, I just can't get past that yet...

IMO, he should be playing it like a guy who is really passionate about his job and just a lil too aggressive. But instead he is playing it like a total dickhead who gets off on being mean. But if people were ready to go to Bill about the possibility of Myles drinking, why is no one ready to go to Bill about Ricky's behavior?


Also, WTF at the woman macking on Jack like 6 hours after the death of her husband, Jack's brother :lol


Honorary Canadian.
Solo said:
Also, WTF at the woman macking on Jack like 6 hours after the death of her husband, Jack's brother :lol
she'd probably been thinking of jack during sex with grahamhamham for quite some time


Solo said:
Also, WTF at the woman macking on Jack like 6 hours after the death of her husband, Jack's brother :lol

As soon as Gream died she talked about not loving him, trying to leave him, and not really caring. She was only emotional for her son. She has obviously always had feelings for Jack, and those feelings were only compounded by Jack saving her life, and even more so the life of her son by willing to trade his own life for his.


Nameless said:
As soon as Gream died she talked about not loving him, trying to leave him, and not really caring. She was only emotional for her son. She has obviously always had feelings for Jack, and those feelings were only compounded by Jack saving her life, and even more so the life of her son by willing to trade his own life for his.

I know this. Im just saying that regardless of how much you hated yopur husband/want Jack, its in pretty poor taste.
Just watched on Msyapce.....commercial free....and pay free!!!

So: What happened to russian consule?

Anybody else notice the really small airtime Jack has had the past 3 episodes?

Mole story: bad
New CTU field team guy not questioning Jack: Good


Just finished watching...

Bad episode... But man... I want to **** Nadia so badly. :lol She is smokin' hot.

The best part of the episode was when Jack told Bill that he was going to hunt down Audrey's murderers. That gave me the chills. If they could take the focus off nuclear bombs, chemical attacks, or biological attacks next season, then the season may have a chance to not suck. They should tone it down to season one levels, and keep the hunt for nukes and other shit in the past.


Killing off Audrey? Another mole?


There should have been no CTU mole this year. There's too much of that.

Kuroyume said:
Just finished watching...

Bad episode... But man... I want to **** Nadia so badly. :lol She is smokin' hot.

The best part of the episode was when Jack told Bill that he was going to hunt down Audrey's murderers. That gave me the chills. If they could take the focus off nuclear bombs, chemical attacks, or biological attacks next season, then the season may have a chance to not suck. They should tone it down to season one levels, and keep the hunt for nukes and other shit in the past.
Even though it's lame that they killed off yet another great character, that scene was pretty good. When Jack said he'd hunt down those who killed yet another person he loved, Bill's reaction was kinda like "man, you're going to go through the same kind of thing again."
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