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2K Games announces XCOM (X360 and PC)

Xater said:
Seriously, all those 13 year olds today probably don't even know what the fuck X-Com is/was.

Hell, I have friends who are 25 who had no idea what X-Com was when I brought it up a while ago.
Amazed at people upset by this.

It's a franchise with one good game and then a string of sequels that failed to match it.

You'd think any expectations you'd have had would be pretty low about now.


SRPG or bust. I want to build bases, customize my squads, etc. I mean if they incorporate all the tactical rpg stuff in it and combine that with a bit of FPS action then I'll be all over it. However at the moment making another FPS and slapping the XCOM name on it seems just lame. It's like taking the Shadowrun ip and turning it into another counter-strike clone. And I like counter-strike. :(

Funky Papa

RubberJohnny said:
Amazed at people upset by this.

It's a franchise with one good game and then a string of sequels that failed to match it.

You'd think any expectations you'd have had would be pretty low about now.
Terror from the Deep was awesome. Unforgivable and rage inducing, but that was part of its charm. The thing is, 60% of the time was spent building your base, researching shit and looking for new funds. You can't take the strategy component of the game and call it X-Com, it doesn't work that way no matter how good the FPS part is.


raphier said:
As in you're controlling individual who kills dozens of enemies of different breed. You don't see your face, rather only in cinematics. You rather are. Not that they aren't. -.-

This is not what Xcom is. Whatever complexity the FPS is going to bear, Xcom was always meant to be about them fighting for you against the enemy. It's not about you alone struggling with the help of teammates. This is an individual vs humanity/group difference we're talking here.

Hot dog! We have a wiener!

Identity is the big problem of why X-Com is very different than other games, and why people that see FPS start to nerd rage. Trying to make Fallout or Metroid comparisons is just invalid. In Fallout, *you* were the vault dweller (or chosen one). In Metroid, *you* were Samus. Yes, there were other characters that might have been involved, or even fought along with you, but the player's identity was well established. Changing perspectives was a big risk in both of those franchises, but they were always first person "story," regardless of how the actual gameplay was presented.

In X-Com, the player had no real on-screen identity. In theory, you were in command of the X-Com program, and you certainly issued orders for your troops in battle, but you were never identified as an actual person in game. *You* never stormed into that random South American farmhouse, your employees did. Nameless and silent, you guided an entire multi-national enterprise. Hell, if you wanted, you could imagine yourself as some kind of ambiguous "SEELE-esque" council of benefactors, guiding humanity from the shadows.

The very nature of first person will remove that ambiguity, forcing the player to adopt a specific identity. Even if they make you a silent everyman ala Gordon Freeman, the player's identity is set, and major change in tone will have been made.

It's not that I want the game to fail. In fact, X-Com is a universe rich in details that would make for an excellent squad based shooter (8 man co-op! with heavy plasma! and remote controlled tanks!), it could be a blast.

But being told I'm demoted to Mulder wannabe? :(

Funky Papa

raphier said:
As in you're controlling individual who kills dozens of enemies of different breed. You don't see your face, rather only in cinematics. You rather are. Not that they aren't. -.-

This is not what Xcom is. Whatever complexity the FPS is going to bear, Xcom was always meant to be about them fighting for you against the enemy. It's not about you alone struggling with the help of teammates. This is an individual vs humanity/group difference we're talking here.

Ridli said:
Identity is the big problem of why X-Com is very different than other games, and why people that see FPS start to nerd rage. Trying to make Fallout or Metroid comparisons is just invalid. In Fallout, *you* were the vault dweller (or chosen one). In Metroid, *you* were Samus. Yes, there were other characters that might have been involved, or even fought along with you, but the player's identity was well established. Changing perspectives was a big risk in both of those franchises, but they were always first person "story," regardless of how the actual gameplay was presented.

In X-Com, the player had no real on-screen identity. In theory, you were in command of the X-Com program, and you certainly issued orders for your troops in battle, but you were never identified as an actual person in game. *You* never stormed into that random South American farmhouse, your employees did. Nameless and silent, you guided an entire multi-national enterprise. Hell, if you wanted, you could imagine yourself as some kind of ambiguous "SEELE-esque" council of benefactors, guiding humanity from the shadows.

The very nature of first person will remove that ambiguity, forcing the player to adopt a specific identity.
Even if they make you a silent everyman ala Gordon Freeman, the player's identity is set, and major change in tone will have been made.

These guys get it. This is like making a Gendo Ikari FPS. Sure, the Evangelion Universe has a lot of potential for action games, but that. is. not. the. point.


Gold Member
Whats with this shitty industry and its fetishes for FPS's. The lack of variety these days is beginning to really piss me off. Its even got to a point where they are turning things that shouldn't be FPS's into FPS's. First Fallout 3 and now this.

If it's tactical and squad based like the old X-Com Alliance screenshots, then I'm interested.

If it's an X-Com Enforcer sequel, then whyyyyyyyyyyyy


Never played X-com - I somehow missed it during one of my gaming hiatuses - but I did play the shit out of Laser Squad on the ZX; it was awesome and incredibly hard for my formative brain.


I just wanna see the meeting in 2K Games where they decided this was a good idea.

I don't understand who they are making the game for. The people who remember X-Com, remember it for the awesome gameplay, and they'll just be insulted if this ends up being a generic shooter. And everybody else will just go "X-Com wut?" and treat it like a new franchise.


Psy-Phi said:
*mghmghmghmghmghmghmghmghmghmghmghmghmghmghmgh* (that's a grumble).

Have the not looked at the X-Com series success and failures in the past? Success: Squad Based, Turn-Based, Large Scale Tacitcal Games from an Isometric perspective in missions, with base micromanagement.

Failures: everything else. Interceptor, that stupid 3rd person action game.

The third x-com (apocalypse) was decent but falls somewhere between the two due to it's change to a smaller scale, and attempt at real-time (which could be switched to turn based -- that was actually kind of nice, easy missions you could change it and just pwn the aliens, hard ones, turn-based was better). But the drastic change to just a single city to protect, and everything but missions being simplified in the same manner...
It may have had a smaller scale at a first impression, but it certainly wasn't less complex. It was one single city, but with multiple organizations (which can be compared to the nations in first 2 games, only here they were much more involved), and the entire city was well simulated and every building could be dynamic destroyed.

I actually enjoyed the realtime gameplay in Apocalypse. I hated it at first, but when I sat down with it a few hours I loved it.

The only bad thing about Apocalypse is when you start reading about the development behind it. They had planned a tactical-only mode with various scenarios and support for multiplayer. The alien dimension was supposed to be much larger. And a bunch of other stuff I can't remember now. So much awesome wasted potential.

Argh, I want a new X-Com game >.<

A new Jagged Alliance game would be neat too. Too bad that franchise is going through troubles of its own. I think Jagged Alliance 3 has been announced and cancelled 3 times now.
As someone who played the original when it was new, I'm glad this one is going to be a FPS. If I want to play a strategy game, I'll get Starcraft 2 (but I don't, so I won't). Strategy games bore me. 2K Marin did a fantastic job with Bioshock 2, so I have high hopes.


Mango Positive said:
As someone who played the original when it was new, I'm glad this one is going to be a FPS. If I want to play a strategy game, I'll get Starcraft 2 (but I don't, so I won't). Strategy games bore me. 2K Marin did a fantastic job with Bioshock 2, so I have high hopes.

If I want to play a fucking FPS I could play any of the tons this industry vomits every month, and you want even more?

Ah, and comparing Starcraft 2 with X-Com it´s one of of the most stupid things I have read in this forum in years. Congratulations!


Mango Positive said:
As someone who played the original when it was new, I'm glad this one is going to be a FPS. If I want to play a strategy game, I'll get Starcraft 2 (but I don't, so I won't). Strategy games bore me. 2K Marin did a fantastic job with Bioshock 2, so I have high hopes.
Really? I liked Bioshock 2, but the game did nothing to move the gameplay futher and even simplefied it compared to Bioshock 1.


Gold Member
Mango Positive said:
As someone who played the original when it was new, I'm glad this one is going to be a FPS. If I want to play a strategy game, I'll get Starcraft 2 (but I don't, so I won't). Strategy games bore me. 2K Marin did a fantastic job with Bioshock 2, so I have high hopes.

And here ladies and gentlemen, I present you with exhibit A.

"Everything that is wrong with attitudes in the gaming industry today"


GHG said:
And here ladies and gentlemen, I present you with exhibit A.

"Everything that is wrong with attitudes in the gaming industry today"

Yours is much more of a dick post than his, I'm afraid.

Funky Papa

Mango Positive said:
As someone who played the original when it was new, I'm glad this one is going to be a FPS. If I want to play a strategy game, I'll get Starcraft 2 (but I don't, so I won't). Strategy games bore me. 2K Marin did a fantastic job with Bioshock 2, so I have high hopes.
Those 2k Marin dudes proved that they know how to make a great game with Bioshock 2. It's a shame they seem to be getting Treyarch style hate which kind of bums me out.

I have faith that they'll at the very least make a good FPS and while I really enjoyed x-com back in the day, I dunno if I'd have the time to play it nowadays.

Funky Papa

snoopeasystreet said:
Those 2k Marin dudes proved that they know how to make a great game with Bioshock 2. It's a shame they seem to be getting Treyarch style hate which kind of bums me out.

I have faith that they'll at the very least make a good FPS and while I really enjoyed x-com back in the day, I dunno if I'd have the time to play it nowadays.
Nobody is hating on 2k Marin, it is just the idea of an X-Com FPS what we find revolting. This is a franchise that deserved proper care after so much shit.
Funky Papa said:
Nobody is hating on 2k Marin, it is just the idea of an X-Com FPS what we find revolting. This is a franchise that deserved proper care after so much shit.

I wasn't saying in this thread, but a lot of people write off Bioshock 2 based on the fact that it's not developed by Irrational.
Why even bother to slap the x-com name on it to begin with?

It's not like they're making something fans of the original will be interested in, and people who don't know or care what x-com is won't get anything from it.


TheOddOne said:
Really? I liked Bioshock 2, but the game did nothing to move the gameplay futher and even simplefied it compared to Bioshock 1.

I'd go so far as to say they completely missed the point of Bioshock. Don't get me wrong but they don't have a spark of imagination between them. It must be darker in their offices than Harold Shipman's soul.


Can't say I really blame them. I'm assuming the potential revenue of a FPS is just significantly higher than a turn-based game like the original.

Maybe we can still hope for an HD version of the original released via PSN / XBL as part of the marketing for the FPS...?


I don't really need a tag, but I figured I'd get one to make people jealous. Is it working?
Let's see.

Fallout to Fallout 3.
System Shock 2 to Bioshock.
Baldur's Gate II to Dragon Age.
Thief 2: The Metal Age to Thief: Deadly Shadows.
Deus Ex to Deus Ex: Invisible War.
Perfect Dark to Perfect Dark Zero.
Elder Scrolls to Morrowind or Oblivion.

Shadowrun to Shadowrun. Whether that's the SNES/Gen originals or the Pen and Paper game to the last incarnation, I dunno.

Not sure if I've really nailed a theme down here. But if I were to continue it, and guess what would be next for the FPS sequel bandwagon:

Planescape: Torment is Planescape: Tormentor. A linear mission based FPS RPG. You can't die, but that doesn't mean you can stop killing. You can't remember who you are, but you can remember. To Kill.

Vampire: The Masquerade: Bloodlines is Vampire: The Masquerade: Bloodlines--End of the Line: Blood on the Sand . You are FBI agent Ezekiel Smith, occult division. Mow down wave after wave of undead blood suckers on your quest to blow the masquerade wide open. Where's the last place you'd expect to find a vampire? The desert that's where.

Dungeon Keeper is Dungeon Keeper: Who Let The Demons Out? Kick ass and take names as you fight to keep your dungeon in order. 22 weapons, three gameplay modes (Deathmatch, Capture the Succubus, King of the Hoard) , and four player co-op.


Servizio said:
Not sure if I've really nailed a theme down here. But if I were to continue it, and guess what would be next for the FPS sequel bandwagon:

Planescape: Torment is Planescape: Tormentor. A linear mission based FPS RPG. You can't die, but that doesn't mean you can stop killing. You can't remember who you are, but you can remember. To Kill.

Vampire: The Masquerade: Bloodlines is Vampire: The Masquerade: Bloodlines--End of the Line: Blood on the Sand . You are FBI agent Ezekiel Smith, occult division. Mow down wave after wave of undead blood suckers on your quest to blow the masquerade wide open. Where's the last place you'd expect to find a vampire? The desert that's where.

Dungeon Keeper is Dungeon Keeper: Who Let The Demons Out? Kick ass and take names as you fight to keep your dungeon in order. 22 weapons, three gameplay modes (Deathmatch, Capture the Succubus, King of the Hoard) , and four player co-op.

Mechwarrior 5: Timberwolf Kart Racing


Servizio said:
Let's see.

Fallout to Fallout 3.
System Shock 2 to Bioshock.
Baldur's Gate II to Dragon Age.
Thief 2: The Metal Age to Thief: Deadly Shadows.
Deus Ex to Deus Ex: Invisible War.
Perfect Dark to Perfect Dark Zero.
Elder Scrolls to Morrowind or Oblivion.

Shadowrun to Shadowrun. Whether that's the SNES/Gen originals or the Pen and Paper game to the last incarnation, I dunno.

Not sure if I've really nailed a theme down here. But if I were to continue it, and guess what would be next for the FPS sequel bandwagon:

Planescape: Torment is Planescape: Tormentor. A linear mission based FPS RPG. You can't die, but that doesn't mean you can stop killing. You can't remember who you are, but you can remember. To Kill.

Vampire: The Masquerade: Bloodlines is Vampire: The Masquerade: Bloodlines--End of the Line: Blood on the Sand . You are FBI agent Ezekiel Smith, occult division. Mow down wave after wave of undead blood suckers on your quest to blow the masquerade wide open. Where's the last place you'd expect to find a vampire? The desert that's where.

Dungeon Keeper is Dungeon Keeper: Who Let The Demons Out? Kick ass and take names as you fight to keep your dungeon in order. 22 weapons, three gameplay modes (Deathmatch, Capture the Succubus, King of the Hoard) , and four player co-op.

Thanks, I won't sleep in months thanks to you :p
Well, just a thought then..

If it actually plays like, say, Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth (and XCOM borrows HEAVILY from the Lovecraft Mythos) then it could be really good, especially as a prequel where an FBI agent discovers the alien threat and goes on to perpetuating the creation of XCOM etc.

I don't know.

I want to believe.


Poor 2K Marin, after everyone bitching about Bioshock not needing a sequel now it's "XCOM is not an FPS". :lol

I loved Bioshock 2 and I'm looking forward to this one. Shame it's not coming to PS3, guess I'll have to play on PC.


I'm surprised at all the FPS comments, wasn't this fairly well known for more than a year? I'd heard it was what Irrational were working on though, which makes me even more curious about what they are doing.


Spookie said:
Holy shit!
Day one

Seriously. You play a guy who pilots a mech, and the mech drives a Kart. I mean - what could possibly go wrong with that?
and it's played with the Steel Battalion controller


Servizio said:
Planescape: Torment is Planescape: Tormentor. A linear mission based FPS RPG. You can't die, but that doesn't mean you can stop killing. You can't remember who you are, but you can remember. To Kill.

Vampire: The Masquerade: Bloodlines is Vampire: The Masquerade: Bloodlines--End of the Line: Blood on the Sand . You are FBI agent Ezekiel Smith, occult division. Mow down wave after wave of undead blood suckers on your quest to blow the masquerade wide open. Where's the last place you'd expect to find a vampire? The desert that's where.

Dungeon Keeper is Dungeon Keeper: Who Let The Demons Out? Kick ass and take names as you fight to keep your dungeon in order. 22 weapons, three gameplay modes (Deathmatch, Capture the Succubus, King of the Hoard) , and four player co-op.


I thought we were over this console exclusive BS. Sucks to be a MAC/PS3 owner :D

It's an FPS, as if we didn't have enough of those, but i'll reserve judgement for when i see it.
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