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3DS Retail Deals

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is there really a confirmed MSRP drop?

I think this makes the platform Nintendo's first sustained loss leader.

I do feel it's definitely the right move though if they want the thing to get above ho-hum sales in the West. Game pricing should probably be their next major consideration.


39.99 is a ridiculous base price for some of the games on the handheld.


* This sounds like I'm suddenly moving the goalposts. I'm not immune to that practice anymore than others. Nonetheless, that was my intent of meaning when I wrote "handheld", though. Obviously, the iPod Touch is a handheld, generally speaking, and by that meaning alone it would shatter my case.
Huh, that's probably relevant to bring up as the iPod Touch DID take the spot I mainly used the PSP for (playing music) while being able to do other things. It may well have been that a not-insignificant chunk of the PSP userbase was in a similar position, and unlike me they may have failed to find more to keep them interested. The Vita could obstinately carry the media player torch, and it actually is probably the most desirable non-smartphone video playing device that could reasonably fit in a pocket (assuming nothing's in it), but most people who want to watch videos will either do it on a bigger screen or a device they'd carry with them anyway. At least it doesn't have the embarrassing misstep of trying to treat the game format as a legitimate movie delivery format.


I wonder how hard it'll be to pick one up at Target. The Vita at $180 was still a bit too high for me, but I have a decent DS library I can carry over to the 3DS which helps its appeal.
I already have an XL, but they should drop the XL to $150ish.

It's a great system, the vanilla 3DS is actually pretty terrible.

I bought the original and XL at launch and I still have both. I've got pretty big hands.

After some time with both I find I prefer the original for several reasons.

1) Far better IQ
2) Easier pocketability
3) Feels Lighter
4) More comfortable (although both are uncomfortable after a while, the XL starts hurting my hands almost immediately. I am a "gripper" and the thin rounded base of the XL digs into my palms)

Yes Boss!

I bought the original and XL at launch and I still have both. I've got pretty big hands.

After some time with both I find I prefer the original for several reasons.

1) Far better IQ
2) Easier pocketability
3) Feels Lighter
4) More comfortable (although both are uncomfortable after a while, the XL starts hurting my hands almost immediately. I am a "gripper" and the thin rounded base of the XL digs into my palms)

They are both pretty awesome. And, I'm one of the few I'd imagine, but I really like the style on the original more.
If they also drop the XL $30 then I might get one within a couple months. (Already have MK7 and don't like the blue color.)

Good that they are dropping the price. Really bad @ those sales numbers. Yeesh.


From CAG

Edit: After having more time to review the info I got with another person, I have decided to remove the part of my post suggesting this is a MSRP. The $139.99 is legit and will happen in 2 weeks from at least one retailer but the info I have is kind of confusing on if it is a MSRP drop or just a retailer discount.
No, this is Nintendo waking up. This has nothing to do with the Vita and is about the iPod and iPad competition.

agreed. though I'm still not sure how much audience overlap there is. or, I'm not sure if someone looking to buy an iOS device is going to be content taking a one-trick-pony gaming device in its place. You don't get an iOS device to game. You get one because gaming is one of the many, many things you can do.

Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
Will this carry through worldwide? What a dick move dropping the price right after Black Friday.

Still, it's not the system's price that's the issue for me, it's the high cost of games. First party Nintendo games barely ever drop in price (you can still find a copy of Mario Kart DS here for ~$55 in stores) and they still insist on charging full RRP on the eShop. And shovelware trash like Steel Diver is still $30+. It's like they are completely oblivious to the portable gaming world around them.

edit: Oh. So not even confirmed as a price drop. haha!


No, this is Nintendo waking up. This has nothing to do with the Vita and has everything to do with the iPod and iPad.
Really, when it comes to the Vita it's more like the attempted hostage situation in Firefly's pilot episode: shoot and move on to the real problem. But in many ways it seems more like Nintendo and Sony have a mutual interest in creating a strong gaming based for dedicated handhelds, even if they'll turn around and fight with one another afterwards.
agreed. though I'm still not sure how much audience overlap there is. or, I'm not sure if someone looking to buy an iOS device is going to be content taking a one-trick-pony gaming device in its place. You don't get an iOS device to game. You get one because gaming is one of the many, many things you can do.

That's true. But as a parent I also consider value and my kids' interest. If they're asking for an iPod and the price difference isn't too great between that and a 3DS/XL I'll probably stretch to consider an iPod. That's just me though - I'm sure other parents could be more frugal.

edit: Also, buying an iPad need not be just for Junior only. It can be a "family" iPad and be spread across many people or individuals if needed.


Maybe for Japan. But they've really dicked around way too long. If you have any children in your life, it's amazing the foothold iOS has with them. Apple is to them the way Nintendo was to previous generations.

iphone isn't even that popular compared to android phones, android is eating their lunch

all you need is a nintendo phone that runs on android and the iphone is fucked. the iphone is still leagues behing the DS when it comes to games


They should drop the XL too while they're at it. Also I should be entitled to more ambassador games since i'm a launch customer!
Two things jump at me:

1. I regret buying one at launch. (NEVER AGAIN NINTENDO!!! *shakes fist in air*) I'm waiting for Wii U to get a price drop! I'm not going to impulse ever again!!! (but it is in stock!) >_<
2. If it wasn't for the XL, this price is amazing. I'd be all over it. But the XL is even more amazing.
3. Still don't have an XL because of the lack of colors. Would have gotten one already if it had colors I like. Once Nintendo brings out more colors, I'm getting one.

Actually that's three things, but bottom line is that I wasted too much on the 3DS at launch and still kind sour about it especially once the XL was revealed much sooner than I expected.

Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
all you need is a nintendo phone that runs on android and the iphone is fucked.
Clearly you haven't experienced the eShop if you think a shitty low-spec Nintendo phone with $40 games would compete with the endless free/99c games of iOS or Android.

Anecdotal time : every. single. family i know with young kids use iOS for their kids' games. Not a single one owns a dedicated handheld. If you think a Nintendo phone would suddenly turn the tide on something that has completely flipped handheld gaming on its head, you're deluded.


The 'H' stands for hentai.
iphone isn't even that popular compared to android phones, android is eating their lunch

all you need is a nintendo phone that runs on android and the iphone is fucked. the iphone is still leagues behing the DS when it comes to games

Hell, you don't even need that.

Just make a successor portable console with an OS based off of Android like what Amazon does. Make it a single screen 5" with a CPU based off of an ARM hardware and a GPU from Power VR, price it at $150 and see the people buy the hardware. Nowadays people want multifunctional machines, if Nintendo can do that while locking down an android-based ecosystem they can succeed for a long time.

It is a bitch watching movies and doing web-surfing on the 3DS. If they did a console that could do it better, they would be more of my time.


agreed. though I'm still not sure how much audience overlap there is. or, I'm not sure if someone looking to buy an iOS device is going to be content taking a one-trick-pony gaming device in its place. You don't get an iOS device to game. You get one because gaming is one of the many, many things you can do.

Kids buy iOS devices just to play games on them.


Really? Is their any evidence to back up that if there were no camera, apps besides games, web browser, or connection to iTunes people would still buy the devices?
It's probable that games are THEY key factor, with everything else ensuring that it's worth it. If you eliminated games though you probably would see numbers comparable, possibly lower, to other handhelds, and likely mainly being of interest to enthusiasts who are fascinated with something new and novel as the iOS platform once was.


The 'H' stands for hentai.
Really? Is their any evidence to back up that if there were no camera, apps besides games, web browser, or connection to iTunes people would still buy the devices?

If my iPad was a gaming machine, I would throw it in the trash. I love it for web browsing, maps, contacts, applications, mail, and its overall multifunctional aspect. If Nintendo had that for a future console it would definitely add more value to it.

Steetpass for the 3DS was a function I never really expected, but I ended liking it A LOT. I also like the function that tracks gaming times, last played, first played, and average experience. Little features like that add a lot to the gaming experience. Having a legitimate web browser that works with most websites and mp4 video functions would only add to the experience.
is there really a confirmed MSRP drop?


39.99 is a ridiculous base price for some of the games on the handheld.

Then there are absolutely great crafted games like Code of Princess, Kid Icarus Uprising, Fire Emblem Awakening and Monster Hunter Tri G brought over from the Wii and upgraded. It's like the games are on a whole class of their own that you just won't find on phones.


As smug as they got about the initial reaction to the 3DS, you can't blame Nintendo for trying to sell it for $250 initially considering the really crappy situation with the Yen that has affected them so much. They most definitely -know- handhelds are the most successful when they're affordable, they are the guys behind DS/GBA/GB after all.

Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
If my iPad was a gaming machine, I would throw it in the trash.
Yeah, some genres work on touch but others are just a disaster.

My mate showed me Mortal Kombat on the iphone the other day. He loves it. I was like 'oh yeah, looks alright, pity about the lack of buttons - how do you do a special move?'

"just hit the 'S' button at the bottom"


Also, I agree about that extra stuff adding value, but Nintendo are just so behind the curve with browsing/internet/messaging etc compared to Google and Apple that I really think they wouldn't be selling points.


Yeah, some genres work on touch but others are just a disaster.

My mate showed me Mortal Kombat on the iphone the other day. He loves it. I was like 'oh yeah, looks alright, pity about the lack of buttons - how do you do a special move?'

"just hit the 'S' button at the bottom"


Also, I agree about that extra stuff adding value, but Nintendo are just so behind the curve with browsing/internet/messaging etc compared to Google and Apple that I really think they wouldn't be selling points.
Don't know about MK, but Street Fighter and KOF on iPhone are pretty cringe-worthy to me. Touch gaming should stick to games that can be done well within the limitations, really.


Of course you can. They gambled and lost.

(And they actually found some idiots like me who were willing to pay that price at launch.)
I didn't pay $250 for mine, I have to admit. I had to pay $346~ and it was a great deal, since it launched at $461~ around here. And I honestly, un-fanboy-ish-ly don't regret my purchase, but that's just me being used to the awful pricing here I guess.

Most 3DS games start at $60+ too.


If Nintendo drops the price again already, it really seems like desperation to kickstart those Western sales.

I don't really mind - got mine at the first price drop along with the ambassador games. I could be persuaded to take more ambassador games though, ahaha.

The main thing with the system for me is the $40 base price for games. $30 for DS games was nice and made them seem really affordable - especially after sales or other discounts. I think I remember getting Phoenix Wright and Hotel Dusk for like $25-ish combined when I first got my DS and it made those games all the sweeter.


I didn't pay $250 for mine, I have to admit. I had to pay $346~ and it was a great deal, since it launched at $461~ around here. And I honestly, un-fanboy-ish-ly don't regret my purchase, but that's just me being used to the awful pricing here I guess.

The 250&#8364; I paid are like ~$325. I complained about the price back then but Pilotwings was so tempting.

I sold it shortly before the price drop was announced, which got me into trouble with the buyer who accused me of knowing of the coming price cut (I didn't) and ripping him off. By now I'm happy with my DSiXL + iPhone combo and won't buy another dedicated handheld soon. Touch controls are surprisingly good, played through Secret of Mana iOS without any problems. And the iPhone is always by my side unlike traditional handhelds.
I want an all-black 3DS XL for $179.99 or less WITHOUT Mario Kart. I haven't enjoyed a Mario Kart since the first one and I don't even want it on my system.


Clearly you haven't experienced the eShop if you think a shitty low-spec Nintendo phone with $40 games would compete with the endless free/99c games of iOS or Android.

Anecdotal time : every. single. family i know with young kids use iOS for their kids' games. Not a single one owns a dedicated handheld. If you think a Nintendo phone would suddenly turn the tide on something that has completely flipped handheld gaming on its head, you're deluded.

of course it would. it's all about content. Regardless of price (and they would have to cut it for some of the more throwaway content in order to compete) the nintendo phone would make a killing.

An android phone with proper gaming controls and decades of nintendo content would bury the iphone, which has been losing marketshare anyway. Nintendo has more cache with kids, nintendo has more recognisable characters, nintendo has a vastly superior library of games

Fox Mulder

If my iPad was a gaming machine, I would throw it in the trash. I love it for web browsing, maps, contacts, applications, mail, and its overall multifunctional aspect.

I didn't buy my ipad for gaming, but it became a decent part of my usage. There's plenty of games that use the device improperly, but there's games that fit perfectly.

Of course stuff like mario and pokemon will sell nintendo handhelds to a lot of people. It's just that a lot of the success of the DS was because casual players got one. Even Nintendo's marketing was tailored to this after awhile. People that just played stuff like brain age or picross can easily find the same stuff on iOS and play it on devices they already have. iOS is balls deep in cheap/free games you can pick up and play for 15 minutes here or there.


If my iPad was a gaming machine, I would throw it in the trash. I love it for web browsing, maps, contacts, applications, mail, and its overall multifunctional aspect. If Nintendo had that for a future console it would definitely add more value to it.

Steetpass for the 3DS was a function I never really expected, but I ended liking it A LOT. I also like the function that tracks gaming times, last played, first played, and average experience. Little features like that add a lot to the gaming experience. Having a legitimate web browser that works with most websites and mp4 video functions would only add to the experience.

Yeah, the lack of generic video playing abilities is annoying, since the browser needs to run while the game is suspended. However, Nintendo could pull a DSi and launch a new 3DS model with more OS RAM to allow more OS features (a video capable browser, miiverse, a multitasking eShop, etc), like Sony did it with the PSP-2000.

Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
of course it would. it's all about content. Regardless of price (and they would have to cut it for some of the more throwaway content in order to compete) the nintendo phone would make a killing.

An android phone with proper gaming controls and decades of nintendo content would bury the iphone, which has been losing marketshare anyway. Nintendo has more cache with kids, nintendo has more recognisable characters, nintendo has a vastly superior library of games
So you're talking about Nintendo going third party? Or you want them to create a phone that runs Android? Neither of which are going to happen, but just curious.


It's definitely the game prices which need the revamp. They don't need to go to crazy iphone app levels or anything but they really need to get lower. They just don't come down in price over time either.

The E-shop needs to get itself together too, Ocarina of Time is still the exact same price on the e-shop as it was when it launched as well as the way. (australian prices that is) There is barely anything up there either outside of Nintendo games. It's hopeless.
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