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5 of Street Fighter V Season 2 characters are going to be newcomers

While I can definitely sympathize with people still missing their main, and it's easy for me to say because my main is already in, but I'm on board with this idea.

My biggest fear with the future of this game was that Capcom would buckle under the pressure of the botched launch and only put out safe choices for the remaining seasons, undermining the boldness of character choices and design changes they had at the start of the game's life. If they did, the game would feel increasingly similar to SFA3 and the SF4 series as it went on, and more stale and predictable as a result.

Season 1 was all vets, and most of the core SF playstyles are pretty well represented now, so I'm glad Capcom is willing to balance the familiar with the new. It'll only strengthen SFV's identity among the other games in the series, in the long run.


I'm not sure if Ono is reading my mind, but Akuma followed by new characters is exactly what I wanted. I'm really excited about this. Breathing new life into the game!



I'd be worried about sales if I was Capcom. Some new blood to the franchise and new characters they have no restrictions with regards to how they design them could be cool though. We could easily get a new "classic/staple" character out of this <3


Honestly, this is for the best. They've got the core characters, characters we haven't seen in ages like Nash, R.Mika and Birdie, and some Third Strike folks. They've got the previous eras covered well, it's time for a lot of new blood.


Ballsy move, I like it! All the sf5 newcomers are badass already though, so they have a high bar to meet.
I would say they better not all just be reskinned older character move sets, but I kinda have faith in capcom on that front atleast. They've kept 5's cast good and varied so far.
When I look at these characters...


Badass doesn't really come to mind.
Only this
I mean, I want new characters as much as the next guy, but I guess some people don't like having to learn all new characters cause their favorite didn't make it. You can never please everyone but it seems Capcom isn't even trying . I mean, we're gonna have to wait until around 2018 for fucking Sagat, think about that.

Hey, my favorite from SF4 is one I'm pretty damn sure will never be in SFV or any future titles. So, I.. guess I feel their pain. But I'm not so married to one character I'll sit on the sidelines for years. Those are more casual players, clearly, and that's fine.

Capcom's not dumb. Well, maybe they are about some things, but , like, they know Akuma is really popular. So why didn't they launch with Akuma? Why wasn't Akuma in Season 1? Because they don't want to blow all of their chips at the outset. Akuma in S2 is a guaranteed cash infusion and will bridge more people to the game and the other S2 characters and what not. Same thing will go for Sagat in S3, S4, or whenever. They need to hold characters with some juice like Akuma, Sagat, C Viper for later seasons to be the backbone for those seasons.

There are an indeterminate number of people that are only interested in the game if (character) is in, that is true. But what about the other side: how many people happen to pop into a Capcom Cup stream, see Ryu vs. Chun Li, and think 'meh, been there, done that'. Just something to consider


I almost bought the second Character pass, I thought they were going to add Sakura and SF2 characters. Good thing I waited lol, but maybe there's a small chance that they will make a cool female character like Sakura, maybe... the only newcomer that I liked gameplay wise and visually was Necalli :(


Very happy about this! Capcoms older character designs aren't as interesting or creative compared to those from other franchises. The worst is when they bring back an old character with little evolution. Im hoping fresh and exciting designs.


I'd say Necalli is very badass, and I hate using that term generally.

By far the best newcomer design in SFV IMO.

Maybe his awakened form, but I can't stand his regular one. Just looks like a generic warrior/barbarian(which oddly made me think of Planescape Torment the moment I saw him)

The Orz

I'm not quite sure why people are /sighing and threatening to wait for SF6. I mean, yeah, I want some of my favorite characters from past games to join SFV, but aren't we do for at least three more seasons after 2017? I'd say the odds are pretty good that at least someone's favorite character will return.

Don't be afraid to try new things (characters).


Aww, I rushed to buy marvel 3 this morning using my 20% off. Then the SFV season pass comes up some hours later. This is what happens when one is impatient. :/


2016 - 6 veterans
2017 - 1 veteran, 5 newcomers (offsetting 2016's lack of newcomers)
2018 - 5 veterans, 1 newcomer
2019 - 5 veterans, 1 newcomer
2020 - 3 veterans, 3 newcomers

That would be ideal to me: 20 veterans and 10 newcomers as DLC.


I am impressed!

Would not have expected this. Brave.

Every character anyone loves was once a new character.
'5 newcomers would tag along with Akuma next season'

What kind of English is that? You mean '5 new characters could be released with Akuma' ?

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
EXCELLENT news. New games should have more new characters. Best possible route they could have taken.


Awful news. Capcom makes more poor characters than good ones. I rather have a solid character like Sagat or Sakura added to the game than another Laura or Rufus.
I love how unpredictable Capcom's FG division is.

Everyone expects them to be on their knees, releasing only fan faves because of a rocky release...and they're still just doing what they want creatively. Taking chances and being bold.

Love it.

Bring on the new blood.

A.E Suggs

I'm not sure if Ono is reading my mind, but Akuma followed by new characters is exactly what I wanted. I'm really excited about this. Breathing new life into the game!
Im cool with this too. New characters are better than predictable old ones. Its going to 2019 maybe so some will be in anyway.
As a "filthy casual scrub", I don't mind getting a load of newcomers. I quite like the ones new to V so far. But I would have preferred a mix.

Seeing C-Viper and Sakura have prominent cameos in the story, and not be playable, is rubbing me the wrong way. Hopefully they'll get added in Season 3.
I'm all for this. Rashid ended up as my main, and I'd be happy to see another newcomer replace him. If there's anything that Street Fighter doesn't need, it's to cater to the "hardcore". By that I mean those that have only played as a single character in 25 years and only bother to play the game if they can do that all over again.

We have a game for those people. It's called Ultra Street Fighter IV.

Nobosy posted this yet?
Seems to match up silhouttes.

I'd be happy to get Satsuki, but I can't see that happening. Satsuki = Cammy + Ibuki conceptually. Goutetsu should stay dead, goddammit. McCoy... eh, maybe he could bring something new. Rook... meh. The only one of those that is likely is Kolin, although she would also need a redesign.
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